HomeMy WebLinkAboutReed, Leon 76657C,CAMA / - DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT ;:l)lew Modlfication Complete Reissue Partial Reissue N 976657 A e/i e Previous permit # ''-'l Date previous permit issued_ As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Qualig/ and the Coastal Resources Conmission in an a4ea of environmental concern pursuant to l5A NCAC Applicant Name Address ,( lt /Lr Rules attacjecl City Statq Ztp Proiect Location: County ( ,,, lr. Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) Phone # ( ) Authorized Agent Affected 'cwAEC(s): ! oEA ! PWS ORW: yes / no .,PTA IH ES UBA . PTS aiwA E-Mail .. =-- SuMivision -EW HHF C,t/- Phone # (-)-- River,Basin Adj. Wtr. Body Closest Mai. Wtr. Body (nat /man /unkn) PNA yes / no Type of Proiect/ A€tivity 1 l)r Pier (dock) Ien$h_ Fixed Platform(s) Floatiry Plado.rn(s) FinSer pier(s) ^{...-.-.'-T.'*-.,1_..r.t I f-l -t- ffiffi r I Groin lenSth number Bulkhead/ Rjprrp lenSth ayt distance oflshore Eoat rarnp _ _ Boathous./ Boatlift + I tI max distance offshore Barin, channel i cubic Frds TTIT t++ -4 +-r.# B.a.h BrdlCozjm i I - ottr€. "---T-- _* H tltffi 'AJL+1 w FIIF: Shorsline LenSth _ SAV: not sure Morelorium: nla A building permit may be required by: ( Note Lo<al Planning.lurisdiction) I ,ft /G rY,le, Notes/ Special Conditions \- Agent or Applicant Printed Name Signrture H Please read compliance statement on back of permit * Pe.mitOffi cer's Prinred Name SiSnature Applicataon Fee(s)Check#tssuing+te /Expiration Date ztP (Scale:) _T--l-'r_____rr.,_- I_ffit-ffi- rH --1--+--f-F+--] lrrrlrlt I I L l See note on back regarding River Basin rules. ],|.-.-.--.--.:'-r.-- S6tement of ComPliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violaiion of these ierms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Permit to become nullandvoid. This permit must be on the project site and accessible tothe permit oflicer when the Proiect is inspected forcompliance. The applitant certifies by signingthis permitthat l) priorto undertaking any activities authorized bythis permit, the applicantwill confer with appropriate tocat authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written sgrtement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riParian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this Permit under the best available information and beliel certirythatthis Project is consistentwith the North CarolinaCoastal Management ProSram' River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Proiect: Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules --.1 Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your Proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the wl;;";;" R.gi.naloflice (910-796-7215) for more information on how to comPlywith these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Omces washington District 943 Washin4on Square Mall Washin4on, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax:252-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Morehead Ciry Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ l -888-4RCOAST Fax: 752-247 -3330 (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth Ciq District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth Ciq/, NC 27909 252-26/.-390t Fax:252-2&4-3773 (Sewes: Camden, Chowan, Currinrck Dare, Gates. Patquotank and Perquimans Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 9 I 0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home I orh".-.....-- Revised 7/06/17 Cannon, Amanda J From: Sent: To: Subject: Davenport, Ryan Wednesday, May 27, 2020 9:13 AM Cannon, Amanda J FW: [External] Dock Extension Permit Please print From: Leon and Kathy Reed Imailto:lkreedg1@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2020 4:08 pM To: Davenport, Ryan <ryan.davenport@ncdenr.gov> Subiect: IExternal] Dock Extension permit CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you veri!. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<!o_a{Ig.rcpQ4.$q!S@!C,gpy> Please find below the drawing and neighbor statements for me dock extension at 504 Emerald Dr. If I have left somethingoffor you need anyhing else, please call me at+12522066g47. Thanks for your help, Leon Reed 1 I ) I z o ni fr \{lr.sNAS})s\b d-9 m i T s n 2 Gt s. /t a rl o tA + \ \ / / \ I I r I I N {C '6,|o \ {S V ,v(1I llrr,/ I /u/l ) - . rrlt+to-stT-vsc 'rJt'.1 :)l4a-) -t ll .) \ /\ l<-*-,8-'--r ) L/, a At >!af\ ,3?- 107 -T-<Y (r-t1/21)vt -.f o:t )) t -olcaltlr?N a t---- I\ I I 1-l I I 3?o't' 4t1 tv -*-3 )* 7t t'.-" I Z ,T / t I -l l T 6tF I I I F,5rl5gaf \ ! -t +F..' b rS -+ 'rI o \-__ =z@u 1rat/ -L I hereby certity that I owl property adiacar to (N ,ve- ame of propedy located at Lot, Bloc k, Roaa , etcf on ,1" iterbodY) (Cityflfln and/o rCo unV) The applicant has described to me' as shown below' the development proposed at the above I have no oblection to this proposal t have ohleclig.nslo-this'proposal ProPertY Ov{ne ELOPTNEilT altach a site Owner I location. &fl DESCRTPTION AND/OR D lndividual ptoposing development m RAWI B L $7 NG OF PRO POSED DEV riptJon below or (Adia cent P Signanr drawing) fxzril! E*'"17'tf ii::!#i ;teY ) c ?,€ R wa!yE8-!Ecrlgurrg pr|ngs breal''wate r, boathouse,lrft, or groin must be sot mt atea of riParian access unless waived bY me. (lf You cu must initial the appropriate blank below ) .f' I36n, i \-'--kr Spnofire :)" t-Er)t( K€e ( Property Ownqr lnformation) B.a"r 4t Pint ot TW Name Mal tng A J Ctty/Statelztp .) )o 7 rn :T Dh l_ + \1, o ,''P 'li rrsr l-,,lrvetie t5 set'a;k requiremenl I do not *rsh lo wal're tne 15' setback requlrement' ',1- r R€ 3 CEN Prop€rty located at >o .4E RAc) E E (umce ProP.rtY o.msr) LI (c itylIo\x n and/or GountY) P o L€a R\! (Address,Lot Bloc tn The aPPlicant 635 6s5c{ib€d to me'as shown below, the development proposed at the above I have no obiection to this proposal' I have objectionslolhis+roposal- on Waterbody) 4" (re LIfr. T ro V,Yttt Y# N.c dnwng) rmation) DRAilNG O Fpnoposeo o EVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND/OR (tndividual ProPosing must fill in des cription below or afrach a site ,.r, Da.[-4t g li 0 v\9 I sta".d-th-at a Pier, dock, moorin rnrntmLrr.n dlstance of 15' from WAIVE S cTlo g piling s, breakwater,boathouse, lift, or gro in must be sst my area of riparian aoess unless wawed bY me (lf you hnk below.) lunder back a wish to ve the setback, You must i nitia I the aPProPriate b I do wish to waive the 15' setbac* requirement I do not wish to waMe the 15' setback requirement er lnformation)ent Prope t> (k €ac (I2 Pri:nt or Tyw PO B;X Ma g Address C gq6 4. Oi{Yner Jp.e Stgnatwe. L€OAI ec Name PnnJ or TWe4?ol 1- Matl Addressq JIL 5a -eo c aty/Statefz.ip 6L Tel one Nurnber6 Telephone Nu berzoa1*.l h cte 2 o20 ^7 ftu I hareby cortify that I ouT t prop€rty adiac6ftt to develogment 64io- 6,'nz'Banr / f {rsflrl6 P;s< (ProPertY I Date L<-a61 R.+io{-.-r.*6 }n,vc- 2;2'206 -69 {'t 'oc rx t-)k Ar L,Fr k--rdP.E BoFT l-' > UJ. reHBo ti 6n{J.A(>R_ c))rf r775 S2-s'o{*z "*., \\, (- 6e Al I I I I I ,----. \ T//1/c/( 1 RECEIVED __+l A RIP P I own property adjacent to L€oA E TSTEM I 'heqeby certify that property lbcated at S in Lt Waterbody)@ityffown and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above I have no objection to this proposal >o LME RAu) (Name Q ruL- Property Owner) (Address,Lot, Block,Road, DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWIN G OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT in desciption below or attach a site drawing)(!ndividual proposing de velopment musl fill i{ttI>D&-L ("4 rfr- (tx'7- onA {u,il1 C L + /(o I Vo,r;P€ B"N- tLll FD f *s"r t!G tje-< I understand that a pier, dock, moorin back a minimum distance of 1 5' from wish to ive the setback, you must i nitial the appropriate blank below ) I do wish to waive the 1 5' setback requirement I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (Property r lnformation)nt Prope \r\9 I WAIVERSECTION S p,l,"SS, br"alo"aGr, bathouse, lrft, or groin must be set "rnv ,t!. of riparian actess unless waived by me' (lf you formation) Sisnature 'l) Zeo,tl K;e)Jp. Pnn/+&:ameleBBtt (iP Pint or T'/De Pa F)x Namet+2-lor TWe Mai Address 7C l/12 Address A7f/2- o EIVED L City/State/Zip -6b+I -6/ hone Nunber C J :-=t -2d 6 Telephone Nu ber D ate J 2{) 7 q6 at9 4 2a2o N.C. . 1e",,seo$.lifffi?I20 DCM-MHD CITY I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to property located at 50 4 t BAL\)R /ve-. (Name of ProPerty Owner 4"Y:;;I (Address, ,in Lot, Block,Road, etc.) 0n N,C. (Waterbody)(City/Town and/or CountY) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no oblection to this proposal DESCRIPTTON AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (lndividual proposing development m fi esc ription below or attach a site drawing) L€oN LE. - ---- ------l-bave-ahlectio-nslolhts-pmposal-- &rcr'r) €*rsTrttG ?re-t<b$€r (0l-P-x ft,ZO :f't L.7 NirAL''-r,o'( -B"F-\ fufl*c/3 L ril + \t) {st5Yttt( i /€R I understand that a pier, dock back a minimum distance of w AIVER SECTION , mcoring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, llft, or groin '15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by must be set me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below ) I do wish to waive the 1 5' setback requirement (Property r lnformation (Ad,acent P pe Owner I ation) Sisnature 1)" L€oN Kee> Pint 4t ,g-!.-,qc,r.4f Signature /Z T Vaili g Address Ott 7 L Pnnt or Type Name Mail lng A ,7 o oZc>EIVED 1d Citv/State/Z tp)-oc CitV/StatetztO, Telephone Number Telep Date '6 Frz{7 Date hone Number ADJACENT I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement' ) rnens'dUNefu8rryO DCM.MHD CITY NC Division of Coastal Management Cashier's Official Receipt 11159 a r@u c/s zo?oDate Received From:L€ON D. C $e .oo Permit No.: 'Al-U5 7<Check No.:frG q County:G rfu.re*Applicant's Name:Sa^rc Project Address:h4 m Dc. Please retain rec€ipt for your records as proof of payment for permit issued. SignaturB of Agont or Applicant: Signature of Field Bepresentative: Date: Oate:6r/< nn )a I -Ul,tA a