HomeMy WebLinkAboutWendle, Jeff 77302CDREDGE & FILLRAL PERMIT L-.1 Modification fJ Complete Reissue n partial Reissue fu authorized by the State of North Carolina, Oepartment of Environmental and the Coastal Resources in an area of concern Date previous permit issued Quality puBuant to l5A NCAC /1 t? uc Project Location: Cou () N9 77302 Pre\rious permit # ABCD Applicant Address Phone # Name ztP t- () Authorized Agent -_- City Affected AEC(s):OEA cw Ew - PTA HHF IH ES UBA PTS N/A Phone # (_) Adi. Wtr. zt River 4 c ORW:vsl PNA yes no Closest Mai. Wtr. Body X ttl A I I II I t I)i )I I l I I I + !\ t\r I I I /l c L l a i III\.\ t ?lt:i\I ) I l!t I IIIJ-1--I 1t I -jI ,L r',f II i I rl I I I I r-l ) I I \I I\" i l \.t tl I ('t)r c,(t. l'l )tL',-.1S I 4,, ",,Pier (dock) lenSth (Scale: ) Fixed Floatint Platform(s) Groin length Bulkherd/ Riprap lenSth ayt distance offshore rnax distance otrshore Basin, channel cubic fards Boat ramp Boathouser' Boadift Beach Eulldozing Other Shoreline Length U SAV: nor sure Moratorium: nla Photos: ( t4 L- Please compliance statementon backof permit ** o 1 Fee(s)Check # Name EN Street Address/ Stare Road/ Lot #(s) @!1ry,!r'-lq!kn) City State Subdivision Type of Proiecv Activity Finter pier(s) I U -t L A building permit may be required by: See note on back regarding River Basan rules. ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/ Special Conditions _ Signature lssuin8 Date Expiration Date Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violaiion of these ierms may sublect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Permit to become nullandvoid. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible to the permit oflicerwhen the proiect is inspected forcompliance. The applicant cenifies by signingrhis p€rmitthat l) priorto undertakingany activities authorized bythis Permit, the aPPlicantwill confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receiPt has been obtained from the adiacent riParian landowner(s) . The State of Nonh Carolina and the Division of Coastal Manatement, in issuing this Permit under the best available information and belief, certiry that this proiect is consistent with the North carolina coastal Manatement Program' lf indicated on front of permit, your Proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washintton Regional Olfice (752-946-6481) or the wil;r;;r C"gi"naloflice (910-796-7215) for more information on howtocomPlywith these buffer rules' River Basin Rules APPlicable To Your Proiect: ] Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules DMsion of Coastal Management O{lices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, Nc 28557 2s2-808-2808/ | -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth CitY District 401 S. Griflin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 2s2-26/.-3901 Fax:252-204-3721 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) E othe., http://portal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ l7 Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6/.8t Fax'.252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort. Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Warhington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-7215 Fax: 9l 0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) Name of property Orvner Requesting permit: Mailing Address; Phone Number: Email Address: I certify that I have authorized at my property located at Zl County. Prcperty 0wner lnformation: orTyW Name o o 0A<-65 B 'I3an tractor v 5 Co\ 6 /t\.{)Nu4iqo* z8€1y ^Jl I rt\ Ago to act on my beharf' for the purpose of applying for and obtaining ail CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed devetopment:\ae,r a^c.J l^fyllemore cedify that t an :ffi:iir::t!;:x,;:r:*'{!flfr !:i{fr #f #!ractsrun'ipermission,opermitapptication. i'ani""ii*1:ti;:;;i;;i;tr[r:{:rl!;{r"trIilT1i",: A,J -k4#7 ?o,.2 This cerlification is valid through / / q- tn DrvtstoN OF COA STAL MANAGEM ENTADJACENT R'PARIAN PROPERTY OWVER NOTIFI CATIONNA'AIYER FORM t1 a.l they are proposi ng. shown Dffi- I ur. oo objections to this proposal. -- I have objections to this proposal ll you have oblec ons to what is being proposcd, you must(DCM) ln wrfilng wtthin 10 daw of ,Eceipt of thit, nolce.avaltable at A/o r€sponso /s conslder€d the stme €s no obhcllon tf (Property Owner lnformafl on Owner tnformation) 1$ ' We"d I a Print ot Name Prinl #,$iffi'?:fr ir#i*'&:lJ*t#ffi{}"H:#*r}l"1oo"u,o,"e,or,ifr must vou wish to walve tha setback, iou must rnruit 6;;ffift"[ ffiHiffi *"r"0 by me. (tr -_- I do wish to walve the ls,setback requlrement .3{ , do nor wish to waiv€ rhe t5,sotback requtremenl I her€by ce rtjry that I own prop erty sdjacent to the a bove referenced propertyapplyingfor this parmit has d escaibed to me as on the attached d rawing_th or The individual e development -f bb rr)c.ald Dr-) v 5g4J 111 o 0rrrindsor,h" tc^)ddress Numbei Email .AddrasJ 9t Dore Emait (Revtsed AW. ZOU) Name of property Owner: Address of property: Agents Name * SUeel #, Stre€t orar^s\ . Road,City & County) w ''T NC-\ Agent's phone #f-g[,,4lz ;.?2.f313:.:11_ W Date so I I I (-"{tr Agoat El Add.€.!66 -l D. C. Dato of diftr€nt tofi itran 'l ? delVdy *)-'q3." tr Blsiy rr{ EDrd 2 A lil tr 8qCd..rd l,&I ndr..d tr F.tm'F€oddr- 3. o oo tr o I t I 0l,t 0l,rr 0 0001, Baal l,taB R.*lot d Ddr/!.y Oslgutrroorttrirt n tr Egnd|r G.ft|ndoi8.dLt d D.I!r.ry 11 2015 PSN 7530{2{00-9053 Doanoetic R6tEn goc€iD x E Ag6rt tr C. Dale o, Delivery O. ls I' YES,ett9r 17 ol 2q A" ilr 95 7 PS Form 3. otro Eg o € ruIrtl tr ru ruEI EEI EI trt EI 0- Er! 'lnTI ru U: -t lf:l =tq f r 6€pk the revers0 you' this of tho mallpiBcq,: tho flonl tf spac€ b/ tilillIililfltilil lt til iliilillililut 0 9402 2060 6132 6706 s8 AddrB€€d to: !s b t,tS+-1 ]-5+o 1 7N,C b 8 yourJame and address on thscanthecardtoyou. th Is card Ith back of the mailpiece,the it apacs p6rmits. ftsms l, Z, and g. B.R€o€lv€d by (Printed Nc E lt08 lllttilillilIilffiiltit 94A2 4706.8329 Addre3!6d d io: B^ ) lllillilililt 9666 24 ++e^ 3I 0 1.,t{0 0 0 D l',a0 E I 51 I 5 FFI IA oo D a -RI SENE ER: coMPrEirE IH,s sscr,o^, SE NDr:B: COMPLETE rHrs s€crrofl COMPLETE T1HIS SECNON ON OELIWNY U.li. Postal Service'" CI:RTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Dorrestlc llail On ty ,e vi P:i for n 3AOq Ap.it i4,15 p6r{7s3o32{aoeo.,Soe Fe!€r6e lor tiEtrrctioos U.S. Postal Service," CERTIFIED Domestic Wil Onl MA!L@ RECEIPT ,y FFI IA s atr fladlrtr For delivery ,nfort llon, visit our website at rrrw B$lctid DeSrBy ENo x oo tr tr tro Foeit .i COMPLETE'THIS SECr'ON ON DELNERY yourname can cad to tho k*{k b I (\a. 0 revor99retum to front r €atrrfOuC,Qol \ orlt ri,ebsite at t- otr2ors USPS.conl@ - USPS Tracking@ Results . ALERT DUE TO LIMITED TRANSPORTAT]ON AVAILABTLIW AS A RESULT OF NANONWDE CO... USPS Tracking@ FAos > TrackAnotherpackage * Tracking Number: 701 901 400001 02291 935 Remova X IH):rr:* derivered to an individuar at the address at 5:39 pm on June 11,2ozojn RALETGH, @ Delivered nB11 , 2020 at S:39 pm ivered, Left with lndividual LEIGH, NC 27608 6t Updates \,/ Text & Email Updates Tracking Hlstory Product lnformation Can't find what you,re looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to ;.|o o)o your tracking questions. 1901 400001 02291 935%2C?Rof =tullpag.&rlc=2&tsxt28777=&tlab6ts=70 1t2 See Less .,\ JOB . l?iQ bave. e-rJ}5{-e- Zto+-€a^errr+u> \-Y l.Jl9E V\CET ENGINEERING SERVICES 1240 North Mountain Road Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 171 12(7771 54r.0622 FAX (717) 541-8004 SHEET NO CATCUIATEO BY--- csEcl(m BY-.=-_-_ OATE OATE SCAIE P,"tt-45 . i?^<" , ,/ a<vi,J<' L*\,uec-ktsfl^jq ?os T ,i Y/ .$1T lvl fo44 bt uc,.ts t o'r 5 (1YP) lf \4' v NEr^l Docv- ' "11' {€gir Oxr Z'ts-oxr e(r",TrJLr PL Fr-IrD a -l..tq; \) ;$ I I f.4r,;yt*t1 BxTr"enn (rr 11 ,_1 ,.vlN>4ry<- 4re15 O ')ts t- r,-l /6r .:z- 5(r 'lt,J< 11tu^ao,/d &r?r'(r'' fi PStt'ce ;16p )r:<l( Af 4$\e ut\/E't-- \q C<\5f ir( Ti-cifDi<$^E J P \J/$q"'-.r irt-rr r$ \'J( r.lzu t/*u<wAY @- fu;.it&-t Tturi(', * 5,.t\. r+rO-url{r-<\.lV VxflLl lk O',Jt -\ eiL5 btru"b SLNtE Yq"--( llDo..? c 6 &Li> ' Lrr.{H c ll Ei?^lD 6rs,,^rzr ,/r?i<r.'<n A8fi,{'t/ ?.u'*h X x13Ygi. Ex ?..p^& v- Untitled Map Write a description for your map. Le ? .'} 128 White Oak Bluff Rd course f Section gend l.tL ,ffifir- tr\..tu ,1 I ti\ N bc \\ i-'- tffiI A I ffi L 1 I I t [, l I L . , ,- r , , , J ''i/, r.j AI ! I , I r p I ;*-L l- A ! 1 II ,qt c"s)"5 5IB i arr& ,tx B ffiJ IL 200 ft @,tJ6