HomeMy WebLinkAboutKirkwood, Betsy 76678Cr\} CAMA / OREDGE I FILL E".:i=ml",r=.*m:I'.,, P,,a,Re,\sue D Prevror.rs permrt # Datc prwrour permn ls$ed-- A8 \(PcL ll, rL^<t LI t"4n--4,y L sa2terEna o.l br<k o{ pemlt " 3t47 rl Typc ot Prqect/ A.tiyir,I s^*,71/ llt,,,(A-;)7lltt &Jdr!.d, Prp..p b.8rh lyt diirn<€ or.lqc tru difrle ofitrb.a ttytl /, !\ )Sfio.efr. L6Eth S V .rd src tlcl'rl-, l!/_ a/ (-t Ab(Jrldir8 pe. t m.y be requred by ( flote Lo<e, Piinfint Ju.6dKtlon) 5e. note o{r b.r<k res.rdrnt &v€r B..m .ul"r Not€r SF.lil CoGdition. -rUo l"*, Ey.lti4 Drr L-. ':l*-::l: Cirolrta. Dep,rrrleni of ErM.oitoEntd Quahry ruinr to l5A NCAC aH _&Lr a, ffi-**ffiffi"f,k, r('r(enD' c,q' ^L T^ .--.so,.r' ; z,e /-$5c/7**- r ilg I :l(.1 -L-17i,", - AuthonzcdAsent - t) l\ * Prore<t Lo<atlon: County Stare Ssbdrvrson { art c rc-f Strert Addr6,Wt'l R4ad/. Lo! * k)IJI',(( KD ./4t .;+rfl \4'ra Es PTS OEA '{Hf IH Phone # Ad1 wtr Sody C,osesr Mal wtr Sody City €t **J!^ffi)lt r u^c So t-,,v{_t@)r,un /unr,,)lluge,t \c,vno( Dul ?tL -l l \\ l \ LwLsr* ,7 <i,,>' qtll,,nr, '' /LDREOGE&FILL NER/AL PERMIT LlModification I Complete Reissue [ ]Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern Pursuant to l5A NCAC,i\J,., Proiect Location: County Previous permit #_ Date previous permit issued- 11 / B fC'D -) /) E attached T tvtApplicant Name f)Ll.,l StateA ll ztP 'iv'"7\*,027-llrg,)Sreet Add 77Address , 1' SubdivisionE-Mailt ,( Authorized Agent r:,€w HHF fES ! UBA IIPTS tI N/A PNA yes I 'ni' City a,- ' Phone # ( -)Adi. Wtr. Body Closest Mai. Wtr. Body C,,.zt? Basin-lclvAq9lted ,o-AtC{s):rl PrrYS: onw: 1yl / no ,z*1a trlH nat Type of ProiecV Activity 7X/(/1 11 <- t't (t Pier (dock) lentth_f Fixed Pladorm(s) Floatin! Pl4form(s) Finger pier(s Groin lenSth B3sin. channel B€ach Buluonng Other +-t-t-f-t i i Shoreline LenSth l0ou SAV: not sure Moratorium: nl^ yes Jo 4ln Dl.. A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) -,,/ , _4 See note on back regarding River Basin rules LL-"Notes/ Special Conditions /\ <> rt ),/ v l-,/ -^<Jt, ! Z \A Asent or Applicant Printed Name +* Please read com pliance statement on backofpermit +* ?,l,4v s I onFee(s)Check #lssu L N k- ( ration T t.- Phone # &') I n.-l (Scale:, I - ) BulkM/ Ripr.p lenSth I avt disteice ofthore_ max dili2nce ofrshore_ cutic fardr r Eodr.mp / EodloGd 8odift- Irl \A o'\ Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become nulland void. This Permit must beon the proiect site and accessibletothe permit officerwhen the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that l) prior to undenaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with aPProPriate local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a wriften statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certirythatthis project is consistentwith the North CarolinaCoastal Management Program. River Basin RulesApplicable ToYour Proiect: E Tar - PamlicoRiver Basin Buffer Rules I Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules ] oth"., lf indicated on front of permit, your proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (9 I O-796-7215) for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Ofiices Elizabeth Citv District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fzx:.252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washingon Square Mall Washin4on, NC 27889 752-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmingon District I 27 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-72t5 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://porta.l.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 2s2-808-2808/ r -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - North of New fuver lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) EZ Dock Quote Asr*Lt&ur@ ti,r'!{r i, [ \o{r, 1,. o,,r.,c'r Rr.cvcrlr g Pc,r*, ]k. |}:l *K ;f KO]9-Od. *aaL,:l,. .-[vrn*o.1 S.t r"ref- *.8d d-. _:!..:tg -,.:!..L*-*?.SS'i q ..t}.l-.r. ! f- :-i{) ..i.:r:r{I ' ' l' r' " r-r ",(*r-!*r*L . CERTIFIE DMA IL.RETU RN RECEI REOUE STED Name of Property Ow Address of Property:q (Lot or Street #, Street o Roa d, City & County) ner:--\\\ Agents Name #: Agent's phone #: Mailing Address: _ g q I &rZI -),7 Ztet,r tw ntpi\ i f".t?by -""{ry that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individuarapplying for this permit has descriuLo t6 me "" "nJ*n onit" attacneo oLwingjth" o"r"iijrn.ntthey are proposinn o d*idtoi oroo*,no. *fr iii"it,ir!]*r., o" proro* *r,n,. ,"n"r. I vq ' have no objections to this proposar. - I have objections to this proposar. (Property Owner lnformatlon)iparian Property Ownor lnformafl on) ,s,alure ( J kr. t^J i-\o Print or Type Name Rrrsp cr.hqr a El" f] c+ Maling Addess Mailing Addrass l,\ {"1" {u Aq.ca Vip Telephone Number / E zlsof-\A*'.- CitytStateEip 6o Telephone Number 9 3 no., I ,"o ,,.,Addrcss a/.1 mail Address lls\ /z- DIVIS]ON OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION^^,AIVER FORM whet ls belng prcposed, ttou must 10 days of receipt of tils no{ce. Signature \F\.\\R * q€-\s-\ (\Qy_utosb Pint or TWe Name or by cd lng 1-8884RCOAST. I understand thar a pier, oo.*, ,*nnn'lfiiH:r::iJ'fl rreakwater, boathouse, or rift mustbe set back a minimum distance of td komhy 9r"" oi,i[ari"n access unress waived by me. (rfyou wlsh to waive the setback, you must lnifl;l tne appr6priate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15, setback requirement. I t I 6t I do not wish to waive the 15, setback requirement. 5 4 rt Date Dote (Revised Aug. 2014) COMPLEnE r,is SEC:ION Dato of E t'to caA4Pt ETt no" tr"rp,* o* orr-rrrya a I I to: D, ls tf \ ill{lu l|[#r{UlJr,fl ll {Lll|illl ril D tr tr 1 Arllcle Nurnber 7Bl,t 01b0 0000 e8E1 lqeq 3811 , Juty 201 5 PSN Restht d Ds,iv6ry Becetpt delive'y R..tht!d Ddtvay tr Ddv€ry tr tr ; PS Form SENDER: \tr \F-I S \Lt \ i q Qt u t C L lr )tr a\)\r -I i^\ -q* I i l ttl :'(,s\(- Q\s\S^j $f G P \d on .t-s't rl Y t F\i\\\(.\\{t K d I I CC) -9 7r\ a. I 6',-6" 13',-8" I I ll ,lr DilEitolo{ NaD. Q,2t nt479' P&jcct Namc: Dr.wE by: Dril Anddsn Drr:5,2r20:O DWC Nanc. m_4197659806 EZ Docl, Inc SrE Ealt Higbwry 60 Motrcn, Mil6ood 65108 Phoe: I (800) 654-8168 Fa* l1t7) X3t2n2 NOnC? R!.dlZ Dcllimir.d 'rEty.I!ftny. Alot o&d rhhSrr EZ DocI do.r Do. ?[r dEn s€qhilunt.. d.tc! c.l)ld by ui.ddizct lFdiftrlbr of EZ Docl Hrr &d.id u.anffi ra.hlEr dot EZ D(.* Prodr.t. General Notas: l- ,tl. drn{ dG !.h.n c srlsi4, on6.rrEi.d&.MjoA 6.rLi l,lrdl r{!.nfd!ffiir. r-rd !.h drhr. aeir.( &lEfu mryt &bjLd. 1, Na I N rl.,H wrr,trrd. HrGiU! bErln id6et, ria.n d.r. r.Grl,9* d ldl h(a&c..a B.hiaa r tdl . il Etdic FBililt D/ lisit r.{nim FtLlabt l-rdoa c!.ri{ -a -.rlz h4, F!d6 a l'r rEaqa.o?. ,'d.B U O6tlc-EEDrbrE 'q...6illtFi,r ii.s r & err&, Boladcr.a&.iaior.rct.id- tuorioc.dtdi. d e dEz k I lclor.c! rz Do.l O*D M&t for.adi.ird.hn!, Dock Livc Losd of 62.5 ,bs/sqn Low Profile Docl tjye Load 30 lbtsqlt lffiEN-lI ,,lse I NC Division of Coastal Management Cashier's Official Receipt 72032 a, t @o Oate:7 zoQD/I Received From:SZbck S),^4n a-r,at^^ , Ztt Permit No.:4e'b7 8 c Applicant's Name:y'iek*oo) $frDO.oa Check No.:atqT County: Proisct Address: Signature of Agent or Applicant: Signature of Field Representative: Date: Oate: >C Please retain receipt tor your records as prool of payment tor permit issued. --t}A 0 4, /eou