HomeMy WebLinkAboutWhitley, Daniel 76658C/ ! DREDGE I FIIJ. NER/AL PERMIT DModtfcuon Dcocpbfrfaro tlPrdcR.rrx A. rnh.rb.l b7 d!. Sa. ol Nordr C.r!eE,o{ E rvLo rtdtal QEIty a'rd tlE Co.ol N9 76658 A o Apdicsn Name Phon # Adrrtrd{m__ A an ztP Prtvlo.l3 pGrrlt # Ls-Ed d Lot (s) 00 (/co.rn FraIlB to l 5A IICAC ProFa l-ocadoo: Count, Subdlvttbn c^ *I qt, nlorr # (-) Adl. wv. qqd Mal. Wtr. Body ztP Rlv€r n tr otA trtffi 4*olt 07?t D lf,a ox/l OilY: pr ItrlA yr ASrlt 6 Afflt-tt hft.d et6 c Gfioou,, ro Pkase rcad 0 /L vrrl Acthitf ((*/\fTt h.r (dodo lfltdr i-f- Fiod Pl6m(r) Bo.dB Pdo.r(r) FlrEa. I + G.*r lnfrh ILrEdt afiJron nE dEnc. ofitsr ldt. d-rid q6k yrdr -t /,\,Eo rrnp Edrafdct| Odr ;,IgEralim L.ntdt L-+.;-l-;+| "lttIAY: ,Ea rrr Ha&ftn: nA Ptra $rJ'-ran i.d F wa I ktS t,l ):.)teJr,h -l A hrilttlrq parmit rq ba r.gulr.d qf Lt Can ns-na*f.f B.tin rub. ( Not l-oc.l Plrdr[Ot Of r "l a, A &ikhc.df + Hd compliincr ffiien,5 of tu., o Dee ha pflr/ioru Str! t B D b../,/C AfrGd.d AEC(r): .alv dht OHf OH -t -r-t t -+- It"G of ) TT I +{ J t r-f t / DREOGE & FILL NERAL PERMIT ew Modification Complete Reissue -Panial Reissue As authorized by the State ment of Environmental Quality and the Coastal ntal concern pu.suant to I5A NCAC Applicant Name Address Proiect Location: Counq/ 17 Street Add N9 76658 #I Previous permit # Date previous permit issued d Lot 00 2ou AB o D c G)_ ci (^t sonM!:zeffid'L=Ov Phone # Authorized Agent _a Affected @, F* ,61ra ORW: yes PNA yes AEC(s): foEA IHHF =tH trUBA J rVA tr FrYlt: Phone # ( ) Adj. Wtr. Body Closest Mai. Wtr. Body C1 Subdivision City_L,tc,*tr ztP L] ES ! PTS River Basin L oy'- ASent or Applicanr Printed Name # Please read 0()o L 0doType of Proj ect/4 na) L.e (*atev\/-f);) Pier (dock) leoSth Fixed Pladorm(s) [t!e FloatinS Platform(s)I - Finger pier(s Groin length -1 length I max distance offshore Basin, channel c cubic fards t Boat ramp ) +- Shoreline Len8th -TEd SAV: not sune Moratorium: ry'a yes w () t--.1 lc8 l;uL"h A building permit may be reqr.rired by:Lt Crt-,t ! See note on back Basin rules. ( Note Local Planning rurisdiction Oc n ,t )-a t Bulkhead/ v.-o4 ( + <lrr') Fee(s) compliance state Check#ng tu Name Date an .4 Activity ( -/ul/E o + Berch Bulldozint Other -t of Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessibleto the permit oflicer when the proiect is inspected forcomPliance. The applicant cenifies by signing this permit that l) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this Permit, the aPPlicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riParian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this Permit under the best a\railable information and belief, certi!thatthis project is consistentwith the North CarolinaCoastal Management Program. River Basin Rules ApplicableTo Your Proiect: Tar - PamlicoRjver Basrn Buffer Rules Oth".,- E Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your projec is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Olfice (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington RegionalOffice (910-796-7215) for more information on how to complywith these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 2s2-808-2808/ | -8884RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabcth CitY District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth Ciq/, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Curituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Bear.rfon, Benie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) lYilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ex. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-7215 Fax: 9 I 0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 Cannon, Amanda J From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Davenport, Ryan Wednesday, May 27, 2020 9:12 AM Cannon, Amanda J FW: lExternal] Whitley, Daniel - CAMA paperwork Whitley, Daniel - CAMA paperwork.pdf Please print From: Bobby Cahoon Construction [mailto:bobbycahoonconstruction@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2020 4:38 PM To: Davenport, Ryan <ryan.davenport@ncdenr.gov> Subiect: IExternal] Whitley, Daniel - cAMA paperwork Mr. Davenport, Attached you will find the CAMA paperwork for a project for Daniel Whitley in Swansboro. Please let me know as soon as possible about the cost so I can get a check mailed to you. Also, please let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. Please confirm that you have received this email and the attachment. Thank you, Deborah Bobby Cahoon Marine Construction 6003 Neuse Road Grantsboro, NC 28529 252-249-L617 office 252-249 -9884 fax www,bobbycahoonconstruction.com Ibobbycahoonconstruction.coml bobbvcahoonconstruction (ovahoo.com I External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to ,.111,)ri.s0,.r il(!r ra.ilov AruAcEr{rR*.',xitP-tgEffffIf,.=ltH?ilFil**^rvERFoRil Namc of Pmporty 6ry6; Danlel t/vhitley Addreos of pEpcrty:108 Elizabeth Cou Swaneboro , NG Onslow(Lot or Strsct #, Steet or Roed, Clty e County) Agent's Neme #: Bobby Cehoon Conrfuston , lnc. Agent's phone 2 252-24*1611 I h€roby cortffy thet I orrn applying for thia permit ha:they ar€ proposing. , .') ,tydtt,tr/w oq*Aoarb (DCtt) tn wrlflnO wlthtnavallableat Daniel Wtr of Nan,9 2-27-20 trodlythcDMslond tufit nanloflrentco,nt,c,Ittlonmdon lor DCl, frrcfa t,orby crillrg 1.aEE4R@IA9T. Nall.haw tu I havo no objcctions rc this ptoposal. - I have objections to hir proposat. Hsm,"'Iir#Jil,,,.*fl{1r}+ffi;fr$*l6S*?m*m*,,*,rr.,, you wish to waive the Betback, you pu.t tnnht 0,"6ilffL bhnk b€tory.)_ I do wish to walve the .lE, eetbac* requirement. (Rlperln Proporf Orunrr Irrfonnrtonl Sigaawe Dde Dde / Emait (Rctas6dAtn..mtq MailimAddru: 6003 Neues Roed Gnarilgboro, NC 2g52g adjacent to the above rc6arencod The indlviduattoondeveloprnant whst It 10 .t W d l I do not wbh to waivo th6 10, s€tbad( rEquirBment. ffi&"d ffiF,Hcgez Aq,AcErrrrR'^.',Xf l?t35ffflfi :Iffi?=,tr$il,wArvERFoRr Neme of Prcpetry orvner: Daniel Wlitley Agent's Nam€ * Bobby cahoon Constuction, lnc. Ag€nts ph one#: 252-24*1817 Grantsboro , NC 28529 I und€Btand that a pier, dock. r wAIvER sEcrtoil Ts€t?eek.,inini,,"'aiffi ;ltrite#llir.i:::ffi#ff SH;?mHU;::,,,lrTio,you wish to waivc thc retback, you murt tnttel tr" "priffili. o,"nk bolow.) _ I do wish to waiv€ the 15, setback requlromort. Yl-t'J 1do not wirh to waive the 15, s€tback rtquiroment. IPb Pint uTypc Name (Riptrten Proprrty Owncr Informedon) Signat oe Pint or Name lo 3 6-2 29 - LtlS / Email 7lt 4 1Dae Dde 7o7o . (R6vtwct Aug 2014) Address of prope*, Mailingtudrcra: 8003 Neuse Road I h€rgby certify that I own adjacent to the abova refiarcnced proporty.The individuat darelopmsnt applying th€y arE for thi3 p.rmit ha8 to mo on tho attachcdpropodng. proposd. _ I have objections to this proposal, nodca.cp.nffi Daniel ffi -IHHI.,trc zasez 252670-355s@ 2-27-20 *#ry-Nc-'z8rsr Name of Property Owner Roquesting permit: Mailing Address:5tz \f Phone Number: Emall Address: I cefiry that I have authorized Z 1 s5'55 ( orv\ Cahoon Construction lnc. Aglnt /Contractor '€ at my property located at o tn 1k"unty. , AJC {:ffi#w#,!#frff r:fr n:f fr ##,:,mn#f,&3tr:";":,8 permrtapptication.'n@nnectionwithevatuatingna,niton-iiniii-i'tiirc Prcperly 0wner lnformation: L S,bnatr,/e Pdnt orType Nc Title L,A_,a)zo \t,.'("i to acl 0n my beh6r, for tho purpos€ of applyrng br ard obtaining e, .AMA p€rmits necessary for the follol.ring propo€ed dovolopmont: (_ This certification is valid through O( I C,l I 7D2 t DAMEL WHITLEY IO8 ELZABETH WAY COURT SWANSBORO, NC DESCRIPTION We propose to install a new vinyl seawall. Wall will be 190' long with 4.5' exposure. This includes a 20' long wingback on the right side ofthe property and a 30' long wingback on the left side. We propose to install a new concrete pier consisting of a 5, wide x I l0' long walkway connecting to a 13' wide x 30' long platform along with a 5' widei 20, long stepdown behind the platform. We propose to construct and install a l0' long wooden bench with backrest. we propose to install a new 12.5' wide x 16.5' long gazebo roof over a portion of the end platform. This will be a hip roof having a pitch of no greater thin 6/ 12. We propose to install a new boat lift. This includes four (4) new l0', x 30' long marine grade pilings. Drawlng by Bobby Cahoon Construction for: Daniel Whitley IOE Ellzabeth Way Ct. Swangboro Prcpoeed Cpncreto pler Revised 2ltOl2O 6'x 20 Pf,lng! ilew7,0flH Boat Llft wlth 4- 10" x 30'Plllngs 5 x 110'Wallnray +- 70' Across Marsh 5x20' Step Down This. drawing is the sole property of Bobby Cahoon Construction lnc. and is not intended for use by any other entity 16.5 x 12.5 Gazebo Roof with a l0'long wooden bench with backrest IIT I -a 13x3O Plafiorml^t b --1J- >{ 8"x l0' Plllngr 2t27t2020 Parcel iD: 065791 Luc: Waterfront Rlvc/Creek WH]TLEY DANIEL III & KATHARIiIE W Onslow County Property Records Sit€ Map #: 1320D-19 Cla3a: Vacanl Tax Yoar: 2020 BHD: ELIZABETH WAY/WLLIATIISPORT .IOE ELIZABETH WAY CT Parcel Parcel Tax Year Property Addess Unit Desc Unit # NBHD Class Land Use Code Living Units Mapping Acres CAMA Acres Location Fronting Zoning Map # PIN Number Total Cards Record Type 065791 2020 108 ELIZABETH WAY CT R.2OSF.R-2OSF 1320D-19 5354'16934135 0 R .u .u Legal Legal Description Township City Code Jurisdiction Plat Book-Page/Subd # Flre District L5 ELIZABETH WAY 113 - SWANSBORO OO . UNINCORPORATED ONSLOW 13OO - SWANSBORO UNINCORPORATED 48-013 sB-w - wHrTE oAK RTVER (SWANSBORO) Owner Details Owner 1 Owner 2 Customer lD 7o Ownership Nalure of Ownership Address WHITLEY OANIEL III & KATHARINE W 4512 TENELLA RD 451968000 100 1t2 4301 - ELIZABETH WAY/vvILLIAMSPORT Vacant 07 - Waterfront River/Creek 2t27t2020 Owner Mailing Ondow County Proporty Records Sito TRENTWOOOS, NC 28562 Owner 1 Owner 2 Mailing Address Public Comments WHITLEY DANIEL III & KATHARINE W 4512 TENELLA RD TRENTWOODS NC 28562 Lln. # 1 Dept Commont LADJ FOR ACCESS TO WATER CN | -,:- IiHiL:.J Sorry. no sketch available for this record Item Area 2t27 t2020 GoMaps 4.0 http3://mapg-qr8lo./countync. gov/ifl 1t2 ,r- 6\.0g I ti32r, -l:..r -r lr iI (.. l: 'r{ " Lr ,-tE$A 'l ffit.lt a--/ II / I., 1 l:.., , 7 lr-'t.l { F 1-- HrrL_,f-r@or-rts. \l\{I I Ei110o l:-'l L-/7 t Fa - 106'o ,i J I 't04o ll* ,1 lr li.'{ -l-i