HomeMy WebLinkAbout28349D - Powers ,.......416, CAMA and DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL - i- 28349-� PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC 7/4,/ 0' . Applicant Name �� r -t' IY\1 S tPo we i Phone Number Address 1 i A Ca Act I b r i vC City Cu r it n^ i3 t,,',. 11 State N ( Zip ' `Z y )- g" Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) 6 i i A Cu Au!/ Dr i y e G 6 G(c A. 4. 40 `\)/A k BL. ) , A Cu, r7 / tit ., 6I.'a.. i ! Nf Ai 1-4-4n, VCr CO ,J►+ -1f f ` L _ I Type of Project Activity r �01 S t.;c-+ /.3 'x / 3 / iL,,,. 4- // ?CI'. ` I/ r. -To si c1� ( ()elf,4, e i ,]� ' r -I ce -i i4� k rev/irer+ P•► 7 RI ( ("Add r+��l OF ///• ' 3DJ,,,PLI PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH D (SCALE: !o>{"� ¶Lv le) r ; - o f Pier(dock)Length tt _ � f � ov Groin Length number Bulkhead Length max.distance offshore T O t 1 j4"_ ., _ _ Basin,channel dimensions r . �W m cubic yards l\ i 3 „i. 6 s Boat ramp dimensions Other / ' ' /3' • r F . - — 4 i 1 Xi j 8'41 u1 tki d This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing )- i� "ii'K and attached general and specific conditions.Any violation of these terms applicant's signature may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and �^I may cause the permit to become null and void, (_/{ `"t-.,_. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit of- permit officer's signature ficer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certi- (3 -- Zti - C) fies by signing this permit that 1)this project is consistent with the local issuing date expiration date land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has rill. ` J been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. attachments In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project i / 0 v., /S14 [, i;.z.. , is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. application fee GENERAL PERMIT - COMPUTER FORM FIELD REP: kQ APP FEE: /� 3 '1 � ;void..., 1 PERMIT NO: 21 3 �61 - ' COUNTY: I_ 4µ V(' �'C DESIG•) �w Pei— WATER BODY: M y r /2 !-� UC' c:;, ,, 6 i APPLICANT NAME: ADDITIONAL NAME S M r 1- M t ) = rf �� w-er.l MAILING ADDRESS: .-p D if 1 Cq "--L ( 0 r Ilse "` PHONE: CITY: C tt, r o /i/lc, Beat1-.. STATE: NC ZIP: V 41 ), .. PROJECT LOCATION: INCLU CITY OR LOCALITY:" -_ ---_� (WHEN DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) DEV _ •O b iiPROJECT DESC• /- -j LAT (X) : LONG Y t ) = CODE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH CODE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH--) i CCOSE LENGTH WIDT DEPTH CODE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH ) : tSC LCL) (J CODE SQUARE FET ) t ) / CODE SQUARE FEET CODE SQUARE FEET ACTION _ EXPIRATION DREDGE AND FILL REQUIRED: et - LI - / 6 04 - )„Ll D / CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED: ************************************************* :*************************** - CODER FOR AEC DEBIGh'ATIONS ' - - "OH" - Ocean Hazard - "Cni" - Coastal Wetlands - " '1" - Estuarine Waters - "FC" .- Fragile Coastal Natural/Cultural "ES" - Estuarine Shoreline "PW" - Public Water Supply "PT" - Public Trust - "OR"•- Outstanding Resource Water . - - CODES FOR PROJECT • "P" Private, usually an individual "F" Federal "C" Commercial - "L" Local Government • "U" Utility - - - - : "H" Housing Development • "5" State---_-... -• _ -- _ • -• - "0" Other - -., - - . - - CODES FOR DESCRIPTION • . - - '11" Bulkheads, Rimrap - r "16" Utility Lines - '12" Piers, Docks, Boathouses _ "17" Emergency Repairs . '13" Boat Ramps - = - - "18" Beach Bulldozing '14" Wooden Groins • - - • - "19" Temporary Structures '15" Maintenance of Basins, Channels, Ditches • - • • ' TARi.I:2•CODP..1 Foil\1,11'11'Oltl(OR M,IN ENANCli ' . fI)horas1ms in Irct or mom frcI uolcrs nllwrolsc slolcd•i TAIII Il 1.CODES FOR 1)1:SCItH•HON or 1)15TI•RIt1.f ARI•:AS tt ��0Mmmmi"ns In sNnrc frrl u,dSm"ellimda nnhdi ' CODE TYPE OF BEVELOPHENT( DESCRIPTION EXAHPL£ I , • 5 l '. r MAJOR SPECIFIC "AC". Access channol;canal length, Width, depth "AC200.20,-4" GRoUP IMPACT DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE I • "AR"' Artificial reef length, width "AR200,50" "AS" • Artificial seaweed length, width "AS500,100" "BA" Beach or est. access • -- "BA" "WS" * Wooded swamp "WS450" I "BB". Boat basin, slip length; Width, depth "DB15o,50,-6" "CY" Cypress "CY150" "DN" Bulkhead length "D7150" "GU" Gum "Guise" . . ' "EL" Boat lift length, width ' "DL25,15" "C£" Cedar "CE150" I "BM" Beach• nouriehment length, Width "BN1500,50". "SH" Hnple • "SH150" "DP" Boat ramp • ' ' length, Width "BP1011,10" : • "PO" a - Pocosin "P0250" ' . "BR" Bridge . • length, width "BR75,50" , "HP" a Maritime forest "HF175" . BS ' Boat house length. width • "DS40,20" • "HM" * • High marsh ^lIM390" ' "OW" Breakwater length . "BW150" • "JR" Juncus roemerianus • "JR30" • "CC" Cable crossing len t)t ^ " • (black needlerush) "CE" Condo expansion • I units new,existini< "CE45,40" "SY" Spartina cynosuroides "SY60" "cc" . Cnmpground length, width ' "CO175,400" • (salt or.gient reed grass) 1 "CO" Condo 1 Units, height "C064,45" "SP" Spartina patens "SP35" . "CV" ' Culvert length; width "CV60,15" (salt meadow grass) "DO" Drainage ditch ' , length, width, depth "DD900,12,-8" •"DS" • Distichlis spicata • "Os50" ' • "DO" ' Dolphin ' number "Oo4" ' (salt or spike grass) "DS" Drystack storage . length, width, height "D3200,75,50" "SS" Salicornia ep. "SSW"EL" Pier "I." head ' length, Width "EL10,20" (glasswort) • • "FB" Pill basin: slip length; width, depth "FB300,50,-4" "Ls" Limonium sp. "LS110" • • "Fe" Fill canal, channel • length: width; depth "Fc300,50,-4" (sea lavender) • "FII" Fish house • length,'width "PH150,75" "SC" Scii us sp. "SC20" ' "FT" Fill, ge)ieinl ' length; Width, depth "FI300,50,-3" (bullrush or three square) FR Fill for road lertgthi width, depth "FR975,50,-2" "CJ" Cladium Jamnicense "CJ27" "FS" Floating structure length; width (use this only when • (saw grass) no other code fits) " "SA" Spartina alternaflora "SA75" • • "GR" 'Groin length, width "GR200.2", (salt marsh cords/retie) "1(o" Hotel, motel complex length; width height "Ito450,75,50" "TY" Typha up. "TY32" "IIW" Highway, street length; width "11111000.50^ (cattail) "JE" ,. Jetty length, width "JE30,2" "BF" Borrichia frutescens "BF42" "HA" Marina 1 of slips "HA50" (eve oxeye) "HE" Marina expansion I slips nevi, existing "ME15,20" "IF" Iva trutescens "IF76" "HI" Hitigation length; width "MI50,25" (ma: sh elder) "MR" Mooring piling number "MR5" "PH" Phregmt.ea sp. "P1160" "VP" Mon-pier l.rppth; •xict*.h. (ume thls c.ny yhen no other code fits) "LW' x Lori `.crel, "LH50" • "OP" Outfall pipe diameter in ", length "0116:2000" NOTE, This is not a sewer line extension unless it results . "SA" Spartina elternaflore "SA30" • in a discharge to etatuWaters. For example, a WWTP - (salt marsh cord grass) effluent pipe Would be "OP" ' "0T" Other --- "DT"' • ' "IIG" * High Ground "H0750" (includes spoil disposal) "PC" Pipeline crossing diameter in ". length "PCB,450" "PL" Parking lot length, .Width "PL100,50" "OW" • et Open Water (Use-with piers. "OH90o" "PSI" Pent.mining acres "PPI50" mooring pilings etc, where "PR" Pier or dock length, width "PR160,5" there is little bottom "RR" Ripiap length, width "RR150,5" disturbance.) . , "SC" Cable, pipe crossing **no longer used** +" "SD" Subdivision I lots, total acres "SD42,50" "SB" * Shallow Water Botyom "SB550" (Used far "SE" Subdivision expansion 1 loth new, oxiating "5E20,50" n etc,eda, "TE" Pier T )read length, width "TE20,6" excavation etc where there !s a mayor alter- ation to the bottom.) I' 1 "BC" * Beach "DC150" • '' "OH" * Dune "D}1200" • "GB" * Submerged grassbeds "GB75" "WL" * COE designated wetlands• " 11g4 75" • (Use whon•othor species • are present, not list- ed elsewhere). : INi F, / 1 _,, ,,,,,r:.- • . • • I , ,, . , _ CERTIFIED SAIL. 4 gy RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DATE, Dear This letter is to notify you es en adjacent riparian 57 s4..__ landowner of 'Hr./Mrs. plans to construct / 0�j /- z/' / - on their property, , // - r/41/(/4G � 1 in ` ( f1 tc' 2J/ - � f � The enclosed drawing accuratelydepicts the P proposed:construction. r Should you have no objections to this proposvl, please cheek the statement below, sign and date the blanks below the Statement and return this letter to: A ea soon as possible. Should you have objection to thie"'-proposal, please send your written comments to NC Division of Coaetel ]'Eenagement, 129 Cardinal Drive. Ext. , Wilmington. North Carolina, 28405. Written comments must be received' within X0 day of receipt of this notice. Failure to respond in either method within 10 dayr$ will be Interpreted us no objection. Sincerely;,.:: fir/ Pi 44.-- _ . %� pr-+ A I have no objection to the ro • P j e Freeentiy proposed and hereby waive that right of objection ae provided in General Statue 113-229. ti I 'have objections to the project as presently proposed end have enclosed comments. • 171 n o.�c.I.,.■:►D..ie.cse Date - 47 FROM DELtA DOCK 8 BOAT LIFT FAX-•N0. : 910 686 9700 Sep. 19 2001 03:51PM P2 tl:Ul'I UCLLH LUl•K al 17UH T Lir I r- NJ. . `�1VJ mmb 7 reila HLLg. G I G1�1 db u }l I P'7 , - ) 3(//,./5/ • . di 2 j '= C- � • i� . . 7---)'7'7 's _T ;uatumem p&9oTOiio'r e/iuq pae pas, aeaid se ;aa o.sd au; o . suoT}aacgo awuq I uT PaPTwpsd se no 66ZE-ETT anf5;s Ta.zauae 'C �4a �a. .;q5 .t }s4} antow rtgasaq pue nrpodosd £T;uaeead 8ti 4uesrosd a41 o; uOT;oaggo ou e*ei I . . • !k 1)y�n•...:L 1. .... - -,r f r —?,-- r - • t - , a• ,-.r,� 41 r; • ..4f dATasaauTS "swe -'.'r: 'UQT),onego ou us pa;aadsa}ux aq TTTr► p 0T uTtOTw poq aia sa>q;Ta uT puodsas o} a.surfed 'a*T;ou sin3 ;o pilnana ;u Awp 0T vtmmfe penTeasa eq 4Snus summons u® ;Z,A 's.te *lulu-ma-no 43sul1 'u36a oTTK '•}xg aeytQ Teu;psnn GZT awamellettem Te3uuoda ;o uuTBTATQ 'E o} s uessoa usgl.Tast .znod poop aneatd 'Tueodosd elq; o; ,uo;;oacgo aeett nog[ pTnoq$ 'eTgTsend an Uo0e Sa. . 'so} as;;at aTy} usn}aa pus wasens4S ay; woTaq ss1Uu' q aq; e;ep pus uBTs 'woTaq }uasa;eln eqz %pans asoaTd 'Teaodoad a;43 0. IguaTlaarqu ou aauq nod pZnogg . 'uaTlumnsuofl penodosd aq; slaTdep ATa;.®snoau SuTwaap pasoToua eqj • • UT '. eAwadosd sTaql , • sna'[d .ssit/•sk To aauwapaeT rl ueT.zudTs ;uaae f pu ua' Be not &;F}ou a; aT sa;}aT aTILL ssGQ i,K • / 2 :IJ.YQ umganasm adTd7m mamma • gamaal.=aaa2. • :i v'Gf .s. Jul . / „U/.y// ‘e-73 • • CERTIFIED NAIL • RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DATE Dear This letter is to notify you as en adjacent riparian landowner of Er.Atm. i- 62:6)fener191,LN plans • to construct421 ? ,qtZ-ZA-71- on • their property, _ in . The enclosed • drawing accurately depicts the proposed construction. Should you have no objections to this proposal, please check the. statement below, sign and date the blanks below the statement and return this letter to: as goon as possible. Should you have objection to this!,proposal, please send your written eommants to NC Division eg CoatsLItanagesent, 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilaingtom North Caroline; 24405. Written comments must be received within le dax of receipt of this notice. Failure to respond in either method vithotnle _dave will, be interpreted au no objection. Sin rely, • • • 444 >4‹ I' have no objection to the orOjgamf gig presently proposed and hereby waive that right of objection as provided in General Statue 113-229. • Z have objections to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments. 4FH 14' 1)16)1 a.11 A Signe ur7 . / 61 oemmumnrimetagil • Date SD2 r/9 ( I 4T-1 'Ansi vlrin Fa--iQrr • Linw_i orAi al ( TA • •nr:f Y14.1 TIRGI7 .0 7 -6nH ig1 Ed Wd1S:E0 100 6T 'daS 00L6 989 016 : 'ON XdA lAI1 idOE ADOU U1-121a : WOdA .. 7..m..._- . AI / 45 ci (.=.3 c.1.i 7— " I: 1! -- l' } ) . DELTA DOCK AND BOAT LIT - • . • !DMA oc>cz 1: BOAT LIFT, . WILMINGTON.NC DA Vag;U S 'bQ Phone: (910) 686-9700 WILMIN.GTON, N.C. 284.11 ' Fax: (91Q) 686-?7X . 0;611 . ' . . DoltfitY 80q6/111;t6t- •ft°g° " • . . . , 01571.'1 C)11_-;;. . .C(' T I. _ . . v`;'; \1/ . . \b' ., r_ 4. j1 r� 1 • 44 j • ' , -.4. ,,,;:\ , \ 01 . , . .k•• (,...._,/r.... ,...., .... ..—..—.. .,._..l' . lel r - i _1 a ., S ....--......-- '..) —, .... .\• ' ---- -------;---- . iJ J^� I 1 1\ 3 - .:I t • , ' . -- . 1 si 1 A- '.Aire R) e . .,,., .-- . ', enr):41 DR- - I. , - ... . -Li-o) • . •, 'ITS • PIERS ••• DOCKS • BULKHEADS •' :; . r. 00Z6 989 0i6 : 'Oh Xd. , LdI1 _ WOE '8 >DOG U 12 : WON.' h ■ ; back or dcrailY.C8 IS' Jaen meY,r. See 4928 4 5 cueii enhanced ` DELTA DOCK & BOAT LIFT 66 30133c�1 ,, 9^___::_L9_:"_f____L/I s,0-sas-s700 �� If j402 AQUARIUS DR.WIWIINGTON,NC 28405 DATE it il DELTA HE k BOAT LIFT c x PAY ilk DOLLARS ���" tiI ORDER OF [y n( Yi 1 U r. T CITIZENS J5B 1n1.`7 1' �,�BANK Fred-0itma.•fri 6 Lust CanPsnY iKJANK Wdnan9lan.N.0 2B403 --— ail ' FOR __ ,.� -- rii a 00►+9 2811 1:0531003p01:00353199150 11