HomeMy WebLinkAbout20175D - Presley CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL lA a ? 175" 0GENERAL PERMIT Q a iv; 51sA 01 ; ' p�j4o) ate el 9 as authorized by the State of North Carolina 0 Department of Environment, Health,and Natural Resources and the Coastal sources.�ommission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC (] � 1 /� Applicant Na e `t U I e ( PcIV i /e j Phone Number Address �'�� 0l43 l n nS � 4 n« A. Ve City \AirA \I p e5 or-a State Penn Zip /rj a_ 4. Project Location unty,S�ato oad,Water Body,etc.)_15 O b r<„.4.4. D r l J�' a V(ra T a /�f/�jG Co on 17 q k 1-sl4Ac , r n.agiiic.k A / Type of Project Activity . \AixfAtA pc r (er4. p IAn w etard 0 F S 4.4ke_el a //ddinmei� (afirox 91) /in %�- F/a. �4 /1 C.P el d.1 T// -j •j a r1 /i• /1 o o S'Aa /l c p l./ PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH (SCALE: a/a� . - • f ) Pier(dock) lengthpf <7......111_ i J Groin length I__ I 1 number S4-�K Q._�.. / Bulkhead length '4.40: S�u C I _/ --Xi� /ry IiI1 �/ max.distance offshore Ry(11.-xis. ;,1, a)5. �r� / 6,,717( t., (I Rip rap Basin,channel dimensions cubic yards k. P Boat ramp dimensions eii9r'4t P 5 R �' rip < 60i > Other D fintokr - --I- This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be applicant's signature come null and void. ct4A-- 9 d•At.-- • This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer's signature permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. n C > The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- 1-1 ' ),5` Di - ! - ) ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local issuing date expiration date ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no '2 lei, // 1] objections to the proposed work. o attachments In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that r D 0 O this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application fee I Management Program. 1 CD 1 LR _DR1, FIELD gN Pr A._? PEE, 0D �7 ,,,,y- CDc-7h �=C DS=G: �'PERrIZT v 'WATER EDDY• l lit.)Ll/ Kt-/ re xJD__io2Ct'• KAM::(S) "KAILING ADDP S: Li , �! . i�t n S Li 4-,� VC CTTY. 01. CS 6. _.ONr, ...PROJECT �D��'�'ION: S p r-� s= ^_� ZIP: ! a g U. t, ax E:.vnxr;� x OR xa.�-�� - r V of/4 D ,: : (J �a�Dv�C?' DESC lII ��_I,IND F.DDrZ"SS) / T. T (X) : LONG (Y) : WORK: (R g . co 6, _ CODE 1,ENGTE WIDTH. D EPTH ) CODE i,EN._H WIDT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _) „�,: ;;" DEPTH COD .�`NC-TZ WIDT.B DEP^_'= COD., - - .._� WIDTH IDEr.'"E r.ODE SQIIF?.r ram•* ) (- _ _)CODE S tL p. =^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CODE SQUARE :FEE"' D .-.7DGE z_ND 777-LL " -::,'"2"0"7"-J7•71D.: ' A - ,S- z), 22-___-)„ , ________: • • • '� L:=-!�Z�S1=u=_;ia iic= S � � � n - -- -, c CaS=c� p ='-L_ fr �`LrZ1t•"-tit• - "7E - I 1a $ 13_7.2 nc 1� tP 31 C Y'�� — ��i�D-y+rt �- ? + -,i L =tD�t _ SOL 15TaWin". -- _ • �`�_-_ _ • es _BOLLS'TIt:• D=yn7 D=L=Z� f — • • .r ZT ..inzSr Da=}=Sr+.3 .?..t a'=5=5 - "^sj V-,.7.....r3-i7.7m 1 4`J Z]b5 r. :t- • rt: 7 -0£I7;:V RaD?7_S �a�e:1 •�-D?a ,ET! 3=„`r, EL-I1 da:.iZl_ . 24. ii: ^= _ _ - _'?fit: r , -r =..D • • ---_-__ A .I. {cliAS t,u,utenslons 111 ski.H. 111004 f,Illerwisu staled) Co1.)I1 1: �� � � 'Lae l)LSCIZII'7'I(lN • EXAMPLE ' � E SPECIFIC ]LSol;leu� EXAMPLE I� .A "AC" Access channel canal length, width,depth "AC 200 20 -q "AR" • A,lilicinrreef ' length,width "AR 200,50"t Wooded swamp "CY "AS" At Uncial seaweed length,width '� • ``WS" "Cr 1 WS 450" "DA" Desch or estuarine access "DA,5U0, 100" "GU" Cypress I50" "lJli" Donl basin,sll, „ „ Gum .- "GU 150" "Lull" bulkhead I length, wldlh,depth "DD 150,50,-6" "CI's„ . Ccdnr ."Cy 15(I" "111." limit le length "DII 150" ", „ * „ , "13N" Desch l uourlsluuctll length,width "DL 25, 15" "M;,, +' Ma,Iliu "M25)' "13 ' Dent ramp length, width "ON 1500 50" limn *,� Nigh Marsh e forest "J I " "13R" IJoa e 1 : length,width "DP 100, 10" hliglt roe " "13S" Doradg length, width "DR 75,50" "JIz'' Jtlticus rnenterintltls "jjM 390" "13W" 13renk houseer • length,width "DS 40,20" .. .. (black Ileedlerust° length "13W 10" "SY" SMnrl t o giant iced grass) "SY 60" "CC" Cable crossing length' "CCn "Cl3" Condo expansiong „ 275 ,, (sill or patens reed 1 #units new,existing CC 45,40" S! Spnrlina patens "Si'35" "C(3" Campground length,width CO 175,400" (sail meadow lass „ grass) "CO" Condo #mill ,height CO 64 45 "DS" Pislichlis spicata "DS 50" "('V" Culvert length,width "CV GU, 15" ,, (salt or spike gross) "I)L)" Drainage dutch length,width,depth "DD 900, 12,-8" SS Sn glass ,l sp.) • "SS 38" "1)0" Dolphin numbr "DO 4" (glassworl) "DS" Dryslack storage length,width,height "DS 200,75,50" "LS" Liutoniuut sp. "LS 40" •"EL" Pier"L"Dead leuglh,width "EL 10,20" (sea lavender) F13' Fill basin,slip length,width,depth "FD 300, 50,-4" SC Sc rpus sp. • "SC 20" "PC" Fill canal,channel ength, ivldth depth "FC 300,50,-4" adlui lush or three Square/ "HI" Fish house en Ili'width' '`CJ" �Indiunl atuniceuse "C]27" 1�1 Fill general •� " g emgih'width,depth "fI 3U0 9O5-3" (sow grass) • "Flt" Fill for rood engib,width,depth "FR 975 50,-2" �'SA'' SparIbis p alternators "SA 75" " • Olt" Floating structure ength,width "CS 20, 10" (sail marsh cardgross) (lit" Groin englh,width "1'I"' 1'}'phi s)). ' "Gilt 200,2" "TY 32" "110" l loleUtnolel complex ength Width,height • "I1:0 450,75,50" �calliul) "I IW" I highway,street emgth,width "IIW 1000,50" "DF" l3o ea oxeye) fnUesccns "DI'42" "ill" Jells' englh width "JE 30,2" (sea oxeye) . "MA" M011110 #o ships "MA.5pn "11;,' Iva 1nllesceus "IF 76" 1vll��' Mnrhtn expansion #slips new,existing "ME' 15 20" (marsh chief) MI I\'liligation 1 tigih, tiyidlh "1�1I 5U '25" 1,t i„ Mlnttgtuytes sp. "�'l1 G(I" "hilt" Mooring piling o t "NPP" Non-pier engih,width "NP 50,30" "� " * SLoWpar marsh "Llvl 50" "Ol " Oull ihI pipe diameter In",length "OP b,2000" SA Spa all i nllernaflorn "SA 30" NOR: Utls Is note sewer line extension unless It results In a discharge ilia, (Sall marsh cord glass) to slate waters. Ex:a WW�P effluent pipe would be"OP"' *' hli 11 round "lIQ 750" ,1O1" Other would g port "OW„ ** (includes spoil disposal) 11 , ,,, Open water "OW 900" "P( Pipeline crossing diameter In",length "pc r,50" (Use with 1plcrs,;,leorin, 1, parking lot = ,�iliug,. l0' ; e Iherc s gg Ier,;lh,lyJd9l4 '` 1, 180,50" l "PM" feat minis 9CI " 50" little motto..11(i,s!rc "PR" Pier or doe "PM :,5�3,, , b�tpc�� 11 „ Jeng%i1,wI<l.l ` "PR 160, '�.. Shallow 11'.,r,• SI3 55(1" "Rlt� Riprn p Leo"tut,wh?lap "RR 15 s.. •��, ...t )• i► is "S13 Sand Lags - �, "SD" Sltb(livismt`;1 2 c c s "Si)42,50" r '►l,. �r altPrA�?Un to the 3bottom)"SE" Subdivis'.a asiou :�loin new, .'ulsthtg "SE 20,50" F "13C 150" "'17i" 1'Ier'1'-head length,wide', "T' 20,G1, ** L'- e na 1 +* S-. sg- ; �,(lss • s Clil 75"Cu'., -5ii ...ands 404 75" ii: .:t1 Alier species • ale present,not listed elsewhere) + ' use these codes only w11e11 species ore not given SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. eceived by(Plea a Prin clearly) B. Date of Delive item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Mr�/s GO e. 3 -/7 C ■ Print y-#s name and address on the reverse oze so that we can return the card to you. C. Si nature • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, f�` Agent . or on the front if space permits. y t4 ,�' c �'vd�r�"w'Cgi Addressi D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No Qebylje.el- lam/, ) .5—aoo ( 3. Se ' e Type ! " / �� Certified Mail 0 Express Mail / 0 Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandi: a93 614 0 Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number(Copy from service label) 2—17 o om---cv xy PS Form 3811,July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-17f UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE First-Class Mail ;� Postage&Fees Paid PM USPS >- • Permit No. i..10 • Sender: Please pri &er , address,andZIE iaihis box • , -467-EY �-45T PO/3 75-'& ().le lsL.1,(p) Al, r . ^`Y_ ` ��i'=. ._ is i ii i i i iif.li I l i i i i:lii , I l i li: 1 i . .. �'i.. .... 1 f Si !E i! 1 ! 1 ! 11 !1 fll 1 i.!! ! f 1. lllii Mar 15 01 10: 43a oak island t hall 9102781711 p. 1 TOWN OF OAK ISLAND «Ux_ ** TAX BILL ACCOUNT INQUIRY ** ACCOUNT #: 235SA0C1 MCLEOD HOWARD MARTIN 1934 SAINT PAUL AVE 28304-0000 FAYETTEVILLE, NC 00- 7312 R 37738690 MCLEOD HOWARD MARTIN 67 .32 0.00 0.00 67. 32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 REAL VAL: 19800 PERSONAL: TOTAL VALUE: 19800 CENTRAL COLLECT TODAY: 0.00 ADJUSTED CC BALANCE: 0. 00 **** NET TAX 67.32 INTEREST 0. 00 PAID 67.32 DUE 0.00 CCTDAY 0 .00 CDUE 0.00 ENTER ACCOUNT NO, <NL> FOR ALPHA INQUIRY, ' P' FOR PARCEL LOOKUP, OR 'E' TO END TOWN OF OAK ISLAND ** TAX BILL ACCOUNT INQUIRY ** IS-vc, ACCOUNT #: 235GA003 PRESLEY MICHAEL S ET SHIRLEY A 14743 PENNSYLVANIA AVE WAYNESBORO, PA 17268-0000 00- 8907 R 38517100 PRESLEY MICHAEL S ET SHIRLEY A 67 . 32 0.00 0 .00 67 . 32 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 REAL VAL: 19800 PERSONAL: TOTAL VALUE: 19800 CENTRAL COLLECT TODAY: 0.00 ADJUSTED CC BALANCE: 0. 00 **** NET TAX 67. 32 INTEREST 0.00 PAID 67 . 32 DUE 0.00 CCTDAY 0.00 CDUE 0 . 00 ENTER ACCOUNT NO, <NL> FOR ALPHA INQUIRY, ' P' FOR PARCEL LOOKUP, OR ' E' TO END 1SN TOWN OF OAK ISLAND ** TAX BILL ACCOUNT INQUIRY ** ACCOUNT #: 235GA004 WOMBLE JAMES E 5200 MORGANTON RD FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28304-0000 00-11904 R 40092050 WOMBLE JAMES E 488.24 0. 00 0.00 488 .24 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REAL VAL: 143600 PERSONAL: TOTAL VALUE: 143600 CENTRAL COLLECT TODAY: 0.00 ADJUSTED CC BALANCE: 0. 00 **** NET TAX 488.24 INTEREST 0.00 PAID 488 .24 DUE 0. 00 CCTDAY 0. 00 CDUE 0. 00 ENTER ACCOUNT NO, <NL> FOR ALPHA INQUIRY, ' P' FOR PARCEL LOOKUP, OR 'E' TO END • D_v�___ o_ CO;'-' Property: ISO( l v6V hr?-- 1,Q1 Lib NC- (Lot O- Sires=t #, Street or Road, City & County) ref a �+Jarjd I Tope "S . The individual. ,ice.div dT ?1 aPp J adjacent tothe they Z� ma as shown on the t� c�D-Y-ng for a° - dshould .,to me a A description attach.e3 drawing - i was be n- _�3 with or 5 a1 the cang, with m e„r =S -- tlds letter- _ have r yOU hav_ OD i cam; D_17i ci Dr - --S to what is -, days 0= �C-7.�r D- this notice.6405 or cal 1 g7_0 Z .-+v? = .L���-0, as no D�7=CL�DII i Vpu have c_• 11►a =eSDDSe i g CO �; 9D0 Sk'�i`i n 0 notifiedbeen o-s Ca_ �3 _ Ste' _ 1 ram+ lr a _ _ Se ck -....f ,,ne. o L D r ou must 414 l _1- _---• ( 1 �rOL 7- ===c =_may n=`•' • do St'+en to . I do not wish to valve- the 1 r F.-b 4d,/,Qi,,....,",.. t C.CI /0-13--1 1 rate • �_ /b `78 5-0 Code • i a �4 j4:4At :4 444 • H, n h o nc a Q—d a r r m e n I.& EASLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, i P.O,BOX 758 910-278-5041 INC. 2607 OAK ISLAND,NC 28465 PAY DATE �D 66-30/631 TO SHE 454 ORDER OF CO _D0t..I—ARS Fug P;;,` 00 FIRST CITIZENS 454 I RANK Fi'stCir na Bankd Trust Company 1 i L'�'�a� Oak Lland,NC 264a5 .. . . . j FOR 0/ �� I ...,e,____ , .. 1 n■00 260 7n' ;0 53 10D 300�;0 0 4 5 3 1 2 -- . 4 . , � - 1 7 511■ '-----_ .____------ ----_--_----._____ __ - ______.�.._ i