HomeMy WebLinkAbout28346D - Oak CAMA and DREDGE AND FILL - . G E N E R A L A34s_C PERMIT RC -/5svu✓►cP of /),g ., 31_ b as authorized by the State of North Carolina • Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC r /• / o Applicant Name f J'70W rl 0 0 q & i Sf4 A 0 Phone Number Address L/ ,p I E . O9 S/A. vi Or City Ua s�-Cj State PL Zip 7 L. 6 J Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) /r o r 4 4 tr e n ci ccir 3 b 41.1 P 1 . W a ci j 4<<i i' TD bo.✓ss Cr.& t ✓n Oc, k -A,,a, 6r ..Jri5H,1L- e Ca0n 41 Type of Project Activity COP SIrvc+ 6 ' x /9J 'hie( .G 11±✓a.�cc► over 44 u r 5 1 w/ fh /3 ' k !` ' /act:; n.-1 ).2 C tit ?�Cd 1-'-'"�n/Kr-J -C rt J. � // (s 4 G i i1 o h t_ r / lT .'too AAj!!At ri alp) f'' PROJECT DESCRIPTION SKETCH (SCALE:J\L4— 7; `,,, ) Pier(dock)Length__ F Groin Length a I. number Bulkhead Length . .1 1. ..ram' n"°,,,;al _._q ,� ......_ .... _,.. i.. , -, max.distance offshore ^SIN L .A Basin,channel dimensions 64-P1,:trEt4j!'. 1 cubic yards f � "Ctirf*e I r i /411r1d9 ' . a- ' ' t Boat ramp dimensions t _ • � . . __.�..�_$.L1 i __I a . Other .. , �A -�1 ..__.._...._ __. I ir ..L.Y a-e..O., �,-(% 4MDF ,_ iiv.�, �.,,. -..... ._ This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing 1 ` l t c,��-- and attached general and specific conditions.Any violation of these terms applicant's signature may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and �y may cause the permit to become null and void. ..(,cam V1 • /l This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit of- , Y permit officer's signature ficer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certi- / D — 0,. -_C) I 1 it. �. ~ 0 p4 fies by signing this permit that 1) this project is consistent with the local issuing date expiration date land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has n ,,/ been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they -/ If have no objections to the proposed work. .36 attachments In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project I J OD _ U, C is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. application fee GENERAL PERMIT - COMPUTER FORM FIELD REP.: 4 �� APP FEE. /0 , O� PERMIT NO: COUNTY: 8/--)n j. ECDES_I_G__9 , w I �� & ` PTWATER BODY• II,�A VlA C- nee JC APPLICAN j ,N n 0 t -. 4 � ls.k, if ADDITIONAL NAME(S) : MAILING ADDRESS: ' I b ' I fl 7 I jd AveS I)r PHONE: - • CITY: OGt. k ( /a,-%'(I STATE: k C i ZIP: D.. 4'1 63 PROJECT LOCATION:fl p,4 ji -eh, 1 Z� 3 p-j'I P1 Vv' b 9, 'C �s f INCLU _CITY OR LOCALITY _ (WHEN DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) DEV : _ _• O > PROJECT DESC• P- ' LAT (X) : LONG (Y _ (PR /00 - _) (Fs_ _ _ /0 _ /_4 _ _) CODE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH CODE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH MNT•• (— — _ — — — - — — — — — - ) ) (- - - - _ CODE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH CODE LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH ,I ,, (O(A) O A (bUi I °) .( ) SQUARE FE ET CODE SQUARE FEET CODE SQUARE FEET CTION EXPIRATION DREDGE AND FILL REQUIRED: 0—,& a- ,. c —A a . _ CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED: • ***************************************************************************** - CODES FOR AEC DESIGNATIONS ' - • • • - "OH" — Ocean Hazard • "CW" — Coastal Wetlands "EW" - Estuarine Waters • "PC" .— Fragile Coastal Natural/Cultural "ES" — Estuarine Shoreline "PW" — Public Water Supply "PT" — Public Trust - _ • _ - "OR" Outstanding Resource Water • • - • • • - CODES FOR PROJECT • "P" Private, usually an individual - "F" Federal "C" Commercial . - - " • "L" Local Government "U" Utility - "H" Housing Development. "S" State'..,_ __ _. _ • _ . - "0" Other _ _., - : •-- CODES FOR DESCRIPTION _ = '11" Bulkheads, Riprap _ • -• • - "16" Utility Lines - '12" Piers, Docks, Boathouses - _ "17" Emergency Repairs . '13" Boat Ramps • "18" Beach Bulldozing '14" Wooden Groins = : • - • • . ' "19" Temporary Structures '15" Maintenance of Basins, Channels, Ditches ' • • TARI.):I•Soar.'Fon NI 11'Wont(on MAIN'TrNANCI; !Mullein!nns In Icy(er more fcel uehrc nlhenrisc Mated TAB!I.;3-COOTS Fon I)lS(IUPTION OF f)I.STI'RIIF))AREAS !! JUl nenslnns In miuerc Ircl unicss nlllendee nnkd( • CODE TYPE OF.DEVELOPHENTI DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE j I • • • MAJOR SPECIFIC "AC". Access channel;canal length, width, depth "AC200;20,-4" GROUP IMPACT DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE I • "AR" Artificial reef length; width "AR200,50" ' ,I "AS" • Artificial seaweed length; width "AS500,100" "BA" Beach or eat. access • -- "BA" "WS" >R Wooded swamp "W545C" I . "BB" Boat basin, slip length; width, depth "BB150;50,-6" "CY" Cypress "CY150"DII" Bulkhead length • "D)1150" "GU1So" . "DL" Dent lift length, width "DL25,15" "CE" Cedar "CE150" i • "DN" Beach nourishment length; Width "BN1500,50". ' "SH" Hnple • "SH150" DP" ', Boat ramp • • • length, Width "BP100,10" , "PO" x • Pocosin "P0250" "BR" Bridge length; width "DR75,50" "HP" ■ Maritime forest "Mr175" "BS" Y Boat house leant};, Width "BS40,20^ "Mn" _ • High marsh • ")it4390" ' "DW" Breakwater length "BW150" "JR" • Juncus roemerianus "JR30" • "CC" Cable crossing , . length "CC275" (black needlerush) .• l "CE" Condo expansion • units nei,existing "CE45,4O" "SY" Spartina cynosuroidee • "SY60" "CG" . Campground length, Width "C6175,400° (salt or giant reed grass) • "Co" Condo ► Units, height "C064,45" "SP" Spartina patens "sP35" . "CV" ' Culvert length; width "CV60,15" (salt meadow grass) "DD" Drainage ditch ' , length, width, depth "DD900,12,-0" "Ds" • Distichlis apiceta "DS50" ' • "DO" Dolphin • number "D04" ' (salt or spike grass) "DS" Drystack storage length, width; height "DS200,75,50" "SS" Salicornia sp. "5536" • "EL" Pier "L" head length, Width "EL10;20" (glasswort) "FB" Fill basin, slip • length, Width; depth "F0300,50,-4" "Ls" Limonium sp. "L540" • "FC" Fill canal, channel • length, width, depth "FC300,50,-4" (son lavender) • "F)!" Fish house • • length,.width "FH150,75" "SC" Scirpus sp. "SC20" ' "Fl" Fill,.general ' lengthy width, depth "FI300,50,-3" (bullrush or three square) ! "FR" Fill for road length; Width, depth "FR975,50,-2" "CJ" Cladium damascenes • "CJ27" '"FS" Floating structure • length; width (use this only when (saw grass) no other coda fits) "SA" Spartina alternaflora "SA75" • "GR" 'Groin length; width "GR200,2", • ' (salt marsh cordgrass) "Ito" Hotel, motel complex length, width height "110450,75,50" • "TY" Typha ep. "TY32" • "Ini" Highway, street length; width "IIW1000,50" (cattail) "JE" . Jetty length; Width "JE30,2" • "BF" Borrichia frutescens "BF42" "HA" Marina • of slips "MA50" (t::•a oxeye) "ME" Marina expansion • slips new, existing 6/1E15;20" "IF" • Iva irutescens "IF76" • "HI" )litigation length, width "HI50,25" (ma:th elder) 11R" Mooring piling number "HR5" "PH" Phragm+'_aa sp. "P)160" "NP" Non-pier lrrpth, •irit!*.h tuna this tally -then no other code fits) ";.11" x i.04 Y.t.reL "LII50" "OP" Outfall pipe . diameter in ", length "OPG,2000" ' NOTE, This is not a sewer line extension unless it results "SA" Spartina elternnflora "S1130"• in a discharge to state Waters. For example, a WWTP (salt marsh cord grass) effluent pipe would be "OP" "OT" Other --- "OT" "HG" >R % High Ground "110750• (includes spoil disposal) , "PC" Pipeline crossing diameter in ", length "PCB,450" "PL" Parking lot length; width "PL100,50" "OW" a Open Water (Use with piers, "OW900" "PH" Pent mining acres "PH50" • mooring pilings etc. whose "PR" Pier or dock length, Widt)t • "PR160,5" there is little bottom "RR" Riprap • length, Width "RR150,5" dlsturbsnce.) , , "SC" Cable, pipe crossing **no longer Used** +1� "SD" Subdivision • lots, total acres "SD42,50" "SB" * • Shallow lister Botiom "SB550" "SE" Subdivision expansion •.lets new, existing "SE20,50" (Need for n etc.ada, "ID" Pier T head length, width "TE20,6" excavation etc, where there is a major alter- ation to the bottom.) Bench • "DC" >R "DC150" • "DN" a Duna "D1I2d0" ' "GB" le Submerged grassbeds "G075"'. k "WL" x COE designated wetlands " 404 75" • (Use when-other species • are present, not list- • ad elsewhere). • r u-- 'I..".. ......Ana nn1•. "'e•• • ,_7 ere'nnt "1Cnn. .. ---- ' -- - -... .-•, --- . S t e a r n enhanced document. See back for d e t a i l a.® rTiaam•dCu--. �"'"'" t�:�meNMli3:'c l mcr C3111 4P13 6736 N COLEMAN DOCKWORKS, INC. I, P.O. BOX 222 910-457-1724 i LONG BEACH,NC 28465-7524 66 112/531 DATE f a 2 z- `✓� ( 03003 l'I f PAY ��- /// ;, TO THE /�[ t' ORDER OF� � ' r I $ 4O.. 0 Q t 1 ' �b DOLLARS 8 °""""" 1 a e I } 1 BM' i, 11 BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY it ' I11 0 K ISLAND,NORTH CAROLINA II T I,,,! , FOR I a �� S� J , tin g;�l u'006736ii' �:05310 L 2 L�: 5 2 L6808373u' . au...a��ruWtWaY1SLYenYWu.4�' _••^ 7y_e'i��ye,.*L'��^^'��ii�meair��LstlW¢i11®:1. F.M�YyY4L}.F r�mt4��a.T-.eJpG+Y�._}1__�lP.(IC�}�WgJ'�lYiu3._ rA�umOEt� � 1 h'�..�n..yr.�.---....��rr-w.�r w�.w�T7.��rMr�i..wsWw�r1�M.A� i.��•�..r�+.r�.-�. _ ..