HomeMy WebLinkAboutHolland, James 76635CNERAL PERMIT DMod0aon DCompkte Reissra DPardel Reissue artno.L.d b, tlr. Smc o{ Nonh C.rg nr, OlFttr.ot ol ErMronrncnol Qudlry &d tha Co6td Raaorrr6 Coanmkalon h an tt. al' PErrioqt petmit # Data orwlo{E pGrmit lssued_ corrrrr Fircram to l5A NCAC ProiG€t Loc.dor: Courq,a ov Strcct GAB / Aoc App[cat N.mo a An F Addresr c c ztP Phooe #0r 9A-E-Mail AJthorizsd Atent }(rrnt #G) SubdMsiotr City c c zlP m*r.a 6t 4 wa AEC(r); Doca DHHF olH'' Ll ?ltos: Phon€ # (__ )_Rltlr Adl. Wtr. Body_0 a ORW: pr PNA no x/tt6c +. .-L I Sv Dpc of FrolccU &tMt,r ta (Scelc:) Plc' (dod) li6n Fh.d PU6rr(.)/l I (+ ,,o.0* ^oo.-trlL '(Lt - '-l Fhto. GroLr brdr I nhr? L.trdt r +-1 l1-t c!U. rrds 8d ranp _--i- - l---l--.i 1 i I i r I I Bad E rhtt: Odl.r Stt6dLr. L.n8h _r 1l$ SAV: no. trrr! flo.iorl4'r1: ,tA F 6 ,l att A Urrtdlng p.nY{t nry b. ..qul..d qf ( Nots Loql Pl..l*u Juridktbo)flrc<v,,'l o^t n Scc notc on urck rt6ardkB Rnlr B.dn ruh.. rl"nl-l -lign*r,n*i{o..dSFddcrdlddl. f l\q.vr^ e o rad co.npli..'raa t6c.nanr dl bacl of parrnh sK - -tra-eCh.*,ls3ulflS e4,L 7<) /trDBEDOEIFILL N9 76635 D i Clos6t M4. Wtr. Body trES OT'S OUBA O'VA + I + I I $ t ,'I l-1 Iti--it-+1: I 1.. I .l -t -1. \ t -t-i I I I .t l i i-+- l I Ir i 1 I I-t- Bah, ch-rd _ i I + I I 'l i.l '-l I I / DREDGE A FILL NERAL PERMIT New a Modification -lComplete Reissue _partial Reissue authorized by the State of North Carolina, Depaitment of Environmental Qualit/ and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area ofe Date previous permit issued_ concern pursuant to l5A NCAC // / aoc Proiect Location: County a&wY'"- N9 76635 Previous permh #AB G D o c zt OEA HHF IH UBA N/A PWS ,'r?y"^7/z Street Add Subdivision #(s)_ Authorized Agent }(r-,;t City lre.t"a 6 @ yG arEs Lr PTs L JI;18 ztP ffiRiver AEC(s): ORW: yes Adj. Wtr. Body o man PNA no eA Name r* Please read com pliance satement on back of permit ** ra3 v L X/oc a,/I Type of ProiecV Activity I A,^^fa Pier (dock) lenSth (Scale:) Fixed Platform(s) FloatinS Plattorm FinSer pier(s) Groin lenSth --r o{-tlL \ c,- L. l J +# + !---1----l-----l----t-----F--t- Boathouse/ Boatlift Be:ch BulldozinS Other Shoreline LenSt not sure yes Moratodumr nla Photos: yes yese Jn^.,.Ul _/ \v' A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) See note on back regarding River Basin rules. -lisr',ruerr*Note, Special Conditions Anr.L!I C <)'y rtol,-l (s)Check #lssuing e{, lr 14 Applicant Name 15n F Phone # Phone # (_ )_ E-Mail Closest Mai. Wtr. Body /6xt T--T-TT I -lI Basin, channel _ cubic Frds_ Boat ramp _ffi E / r Agent or Applicant Printed Name K Statement of ComPliance and Consistency This permit is sublect to compliance with this aPPlication, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions' Any violaiion of these ierms may subiect the Permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Permit to become nulland void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible tothe permit officerwhen the proiect is inspected forcompliance' The applicant certifies by signinS this Permit that l) Prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this Permit' the aPplicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to.onfir- that this prolect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certilied mail re rn receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and beliel certifythatthis Proiect is consistentwith the North Carolina CoastalManagement Program' lf indicated on front of Permit, )'our Proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the fuver Basin checked above due to its loiation within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of water Resources. Contact the Division of water Resources at the washington Regional o.lfice (752-946-6481) or the wil;d;; Cfi"natOffice (9 t0-i96-7215) for more information on howto comPlywith these buffer rules' River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Proiect: Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 2s2-808-2808/ I -888-4RCOAST Fax: 752-247 -3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griftin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-26r'.-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquoank and Perquimans Counties) rl othe., Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax:252-948-04.78 (Serves: Beaufort, Benie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washinglon Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 9 l0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ l7 Division of Coastal Management Oftices AddressofPropety: t?<_.f ,1--.,4)/a.../ l,J- Stu/,lo De zsslrz (Lot or SE6€t #, St Bol or Road, Clty & County) CERNHED TAIL ,RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED DrvlSIOiI OF COASTAL MAIIAGEMENT AIUACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWI{ER NONFEANON/WAIVER FORU Name of Propefi Orner:o rta.a\. Appllcant phone #: ?to-Szo -)889 MailingAddro$: teg ,2d-e. ,4/Jl4 -s ,/a O z,-o I hereby csdiry that I own property adjacent to the abov6 referenced prcp€rty. The lndtvldualapplylng for thls has descdbed to me as shown on ths attach€d dlhey are proposing. $ LEZln *no objecrions to this pmposar. - I have objections to this proposal. ll you htvo oblccdont (o wh.l t.belng p,oposd, Wu m,t t rroltty th. DMslon oloo,,''/t llanagalraet l(OC,,) ln wtfing yr tln ,O d.W ol ,Nctlil of f,,itc nodcc,Conrict lnformrdon lor DCll ofrcos Iaval,,bto et or by c. l,ry ,-88&aRCOAST.llol8notlfredbyCefifled frla . I understand that a pler, dock, ,*nrn'lii',ffi10?"1?Ji1}r, boathouse, or rrff must be set back amlnlmum disrance of 1s'from my areidt rtp-artan ac,ce." unies" waivei uy me.liiyo;Lh i"waivo th6 setback, pu muct lnltlal the appropriate blank below.)/r)k ,/I do wlsh to walve the 18, setback rsqulr€mont. - I do not wish to waiv6 the 15' setback requlrement. (Proporty Oynor lniormaflon) re Signanre 5a E )/a-*) Plnt or Type Nane /? Melfing Address City/s/lata/Ztp Telephone Numbet V27- Property Owner tnformafi on ) 4/.J .2.1 A/.C. z*.<* Date ?-z2- 2) C- Dale 0 W --?3)=T'- ,rh/r al Malline Addrass .rhl" 4,1r' 28ta2__ CMStatqZlp =. 9/4i szt - sLgl , elepnono Number * 1 I .t 1 7 Foilv'1otto9 e(q?Y""1I !z s :, l"oq 6u1-1{l xe Jvro I !\ t' 3.{\ "ra46-? F-gl lpro esryctts iN qop b:qu$ r'N E\ I I I I I I DIV]SION OF COASTAL iIANAGEMENT TAN PROPERry OWNER N AIVER FORMADJACENT R]PAR Nsm€ ot Proparty Orrner --]-,a-ras F lh Addrass o, Prop€.ty Agr,i(xlnt loae#::%Lia;&e:/&j-- MattirE ,dior*s: t?3 r -.4-'t /.?4/, -|)p)/e *,trt- z-rstz- I horoby canifu that I own propGrty adiacont !o lhe above ralsroncod propsrty. The lfftividual appi/ing tor this pomrit has describod to mo as ohown on the atbcfied drarying_lhe d€volopmsnt thsy are proposlng. . * Alfi , n*c no objcctions to this proposal. - I havc objcctions to Ihis proposal. ,lpuhav.ory.adon'ol,h.a,6t,tnggroptd,ygttm.J'aooryahaDlv!tonoloo.atal$ro.gamt,1a (OCA) ,n *rlt t g ,tthln 10 dayt d ,tralql ol lht, oonca. Con,.cl t,rfqmalbn ro. DC,, on6a t, ay.It bb .a ual.occqa,.t r.a9.maoln tlconbcl_(km.htn or by catrhry t3r'-.RCOASf, No ,.t!p,n*, t, conrlffi lrra ta,'r lr ro oo-racttoa f ytou hrya bn no{f,d by Catl ra<t Ua . WANER AECTIOX I undersbnd that a pbr, doct, moodng plling6, brs€kwator, boalhouse, or lii must be set bacl a minimum dBtance ol 15'from my ar€a of riparign accass unl€ss walved by me. (lf you wtsh to waivo tho solbsck, you mutt lnhlal the approprlato blank b€low.) _ I do wish lo waivo the 15' sslbsck requirement. _ I do not wbh lo waive tho 15'setback requlremGnt. (Propcrly olrn.r lr{onn lon) {kilur" ll la.rsn-. Avgetitzbr .43t -tlot" -53a4 4 P"r5o Prinl O, Mailing Addrass*tdl, , ttlc eg.fxa toA -(a*t-l n It"lL^Lfu (Rlptrlan Propcfty Ownor lntoflnluon) Eigna,ure Pnnl or fyp Nan?F' Mriling Address Aty/Sletelzip Telapl1onc Nufibc. Dat ietaiiaie Nitn0r,, 8-1-)"a-o Dote CERTIFIED MAIL . RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTEO Bs ru^- .. ^st/^ ,/ +/1 *4 42. (Lot o. Sbcot l. StGct or Road. City E County) The enclosed check is for a permit for a floating dock and sea wall at 193 Thomas Holland Road, Stella NC. Thank you James F. Holland ?J d@0 cA# tla3 RECEIVED AUG 2 0 2020 DCM-MHD CITY NC Division of Coastal Management Cashier's Official Receipt tLg27A B@D 8 /ao ,o ?oDate: Received From:Hol nd5w9 t)- c)o GP Check No.:t? Applicant's Name; Proiect Address: tAt County: Please retain receipt for your records as proof of payment for permit issued. Signature of Agent or Applicant: _ - Signature ot Field Representative: * Date: Date )a Permit No.:a