HomeMy WebLinkAboutRogers, Theodore 77321Cdlo lrO&tntrl lturd u C.l, i.$!idp lp.q uo lJrrrtlEr (,1.1 qs JO N5'D'1tl ,t t t4t ,6 )D ,)t/Lt I qurR.utrlrytdr l/'7'J (uoFrtpc.ro( lauuqd Fq aoN )plq uo clou ..s l-n/* 7 :& F"4nb.r ftu, $[.d t4p0nq V r-i-Tf{l:: il T1 r I If :FP@V.r.|lM :aoltH r|, :urlEt Dl,a r,t Er ; Vs -drtqrgr '1tla -A .rco l4F.? rg rp-oI 1 1 r l *PosFEPS - drr2 rog T ! +.p.EI1@ -f l Fr.tPlFIl ..E goa!+ rr+- -tI-i ffi .rqgoarqp t^t t$tet fi.dru D'r.qfrE lr - Sq "Fo+ LH t- i-lLJ i).qd.rltj-E +(r)unoFd p.ql @q(Fod.qdIrtI_t J ( (@'/-6r 14E€ 4rz Ipog n6 lcp uaso1] -lpog'Jrm'lpy ..,( VNd OU ---:sf' tr auo il ssarPFy' aun1,1 rurqlddty s.tnolq Fritotr qe FJI - rusEv pruoqrnv - [rt.l-:t TW4I # euoqd -&)q{9qns 7 AunoC :uollt q r-lold f,v)NVstourrlrlrd ( '- ) # euoqa Tuot atc mrraJp,lra,rs o Pm3l l;ur.trd xtopJd @O i xtlJ.d rloF.{ &pno raueiuuor nul p rrnuorrdoO tuilo-lo teJoN,o e{os nT & enrspXoqdwo3a'loFlculPotltrIlwuad lvlt3N0Y.l o o gY IZT,LL i,N 11rJ r iooruo n / !Y t_l -l I 7 \-t !.ar L Itl-i-i t-,- I f i* J- ,.1. 1 l-a t,__Li J- rroglrso. Fprd! F?oN r l- t L J GpqFs&oou-F -i. L Ir Irfrp:V lPlct P aa4f ffit .ct ld t.f (s)orv PQrtt,Y/Xtr Vfr tr lll o Jl{a tr vtoo ;; -;0 q1r ya ,* AE TW to ul cntsru Fprdn areo td (L d/-ffit 'lb I "."qa *V aleq Surnssl n]euBrS (s)aar LI ** llruad Jo l)eq uo tuau.elels aruelldr,uol pea.r :< 2D DLt 7 /,'tLUo\. 'se,- ,,r., .r"no 8r,J l*P!7'2 suo!tlpuoJ lerradS /saloN (uorurpsr.rn[ 3utur.te16 ;e>o-1 eroN ) lreq uo alou eas tP/*PInq v 4tv fr <E qrBual auuaroq5 0 .laqro -SulzoplFg qrEag ,t r,lFEo€ r.snoqt€o€ - duEJ rEog sprPl rlqn)$ - puueq) 'urst€ -#--i---1----i--1-_r-aroqsxo eruElrlp xPul ^-.^* I ^[ qfuet dc./dE /Pse$llng '\0 qr3ua1 u1o.t9.1 w"'(-,.^c -'- (s)Jatd reSull o 1) l (s)rll.lopeld SqreotJ V/t;c NRTI4S{{ ( IrWrrV A)aio.rd ,o adII ,Qog -rr11 '1e14 rsasol2 sal VNd V/N VAN HI' JHH sJ.d i s! vtl'a" ytz :srAJ -*oF ;:,i?ilry OU sal ,\ UO t10 -Ipog rry'!pY ( ) l auoq6 ;r'21 /q,t) JJ*,.,^*n, u!sE8 tuaBY PazpoqrnYdtz o7Yl Panssr Iru.rad snot,rald aleo g 1u.r.rad snol,ralS 4 llEl^l-:l lo ue ur uolssluJ t ) 4 auoqSVfr.- I (r:; ;i,{J.,U *rPPv Far}s f,llffaz 1il"*t / - AwroC :uqroo'1 t:alor4 /l ssaJ arueP ruerl;ddY r,rro] salJnosau lElsEol aql PUE A!) PPV ot lu€nsJnd uJa)uo) lrlFno leluau.ruoJl^u3 ,o luauJuEdao 'EulloJEf, qlJoN Jo ar"rs aq anssragFluedn anssragatalduo3l uolroglPo4-l IIWU3d .|VU3N r lq pazu c c 8V ]\DN VS I -l'ltl ? 3003uo I eueN perulrd tusrtlddv Jo ruaS\y' :,(q 'f \'t I T-rT-T--1 rfT-IAVS ffiE H aJoqsgo 3ruElslP 3^P ? /(s)ulloFEld Paxll qr8uet OPoP) Jard (Dtuh7 ueur/ lZtft oN Statement of Compliance and Consistency This Permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Anyviolation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminaior civil action; Ind may cause the permit to becomenulland void. This permit must be on the Proiect site and accessible to the permit officerwhen the proiect is inspected forcompliance. TheaPPlicant certifies by signing this permit that I ) prior to undenaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant willconfer with aPPropriate local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all localordinances' and 2) a written statement or certified mail reiurn receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riparianlandowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and.the Division of coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best availableinformation and belief, ceftifythatthis proiect is consistentwith th;Nonh Carolina ioastal M"n"g"."n, rrog.".. lf indicated on front of permit, your proiect is subject to the Environmental Management commission's Buffer Rules for theRiver Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced bythe NC Division ofWater Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional office (252-g46-64g 1) or theWilmington RegionalOffice (910-795-7215) formore information on how to cJmpty wiitr ttrer" urtt". -1"r. Division of Coastal Management Ofiices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ t -888-4RCOAST Fax: 757-247 -3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-390t Fax:252-264-3773 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Coumies) Other: Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax:252-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufon, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counries) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 9 I 0-395-3954 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) hnp://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 River Basin Rules Applicable fb your project: i Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules d fia : a ._q I 5' 6 i! 6' !o- 9!l,Ede8 6.o ;3 do 6.+ era3* PA .i' 5a! a>{oI;moemfrzz11V Hfr gE ;; =o<fn H1r<m6 1={m@n € ! oIo >z n T f. "1{ z c_11 ixo!oamo a+ o ro! -l-l oa,mo 2 z f, r @d u ,a I\ \ !.\l -t6 ,a e :l o6 $5I I I ) a ) ;o e\=t.: -,1-a * sa s- I53.. ? E=::=>--4 =: aE'a i E aqEn(ig:q n^?aYrgoE=Eq-,'"d_'eEieiSia -3;: =tn 5 g= .l 7018 ?PC0 0001 30'.1? \801 F-. a i i Ifl I, E9. tt t:ir T! ri lrtr i If! {IIt I ii ct1 oc m i,/) 3's'rl g. mgog) =2>5' =o i5mog 1'{ ! -irI B; a t9 { d : a CNs9 IS SfNOf \* E 21 nt, oI r c\3 ,L"? lir<\ 5_4 Fr1q:--=?z\\z a1s- 3'\\ts =ns \ \'6.q;1.\\"-,' "..N, \\\\w fir o:r B9 g pIi B n rE :i 2 e Ec -q I I 4 i , 9 I t trI F ; ! 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I 3 2 E @ ll.3 n1 rB "JvAo3! oAE a .\A!P ; xx I tslq e'3 * If,i ,:\ 5 1:" {I F 1 q ? ."" ilF;--=- -r) It I o6 3 BFe f2 * 4 t E]() ! dReL t"E EE?r!;il"$3;;1;E TEeEIEEHEi'i:ili- lxBIi:ci'' EttiH tlFH EEg E izlll'; ; " tEtl1re rr l\ t"'! i. rl(, > Lz =,. gcl &Bil \b- Vt bp--Nii 9o &^ Eo(o co aoc3o >l o 7 6a :-9 ,n o IE 6 It T ElE (/\t eCt\t ? .d 17\ -t \t 5FS*!;qN5z, ! {ro 9-16 o!n) Zr li 6 ili- ii6 liiB ali H{r"-tct (o(,l t N I ;ffi L -!; ?oF$<r ? -'Fr'o -)\-1d\(}\at .Jg F ru ru .J:c clclr: Lr.lcl .tr n) F Cf ..,,. l:r,,tr*-,t:gs HEEval' Ilr' Cltr7IT r,,itr',1,1!tr9 . ,,' . 1.,,:!!rf,. r,.,: A lIIItI III a t. aI P Dbvenport, Ryan From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Thank you, Renee Rogers On Fri, Jul 31,2020, 10:54 AM Davenport, Ryan Renee, Renee Rogers < renee.summerson@gmail.com > Saturday, August 1, 2020 12:41 PM Davenport, Ryan Re: [External] Dock Repair - 1 15 Sunset Drive Cedar Point 20200801 _1?3728jp9; 20200801_1 23709 jpg Ryan, This is our second attempt to reach the riparian neighbor at 113 Sunset Drive. Attached is the first letter that was retumed to us and the receipt for the second letter that has been mailed to the address on tax records. ven ort cdenr v> $r'rote: I still need proof of notification from the Futrel property, USP5 indicates the notification was not delivered. Ryan From: Renee Rogers Imailto:renee.summerson @qmail.com j Sent: Thursday, July 30,2020 9:51 pM To: Daven port, Rya n <rvan.da venoort@ ncd e n r.g0v> Subiect: Re: [External] Dock Repair - 115 Sunset Drive Cedar point 1 Hi Ryan. I xternal email. Do not click links or open attach,nents uniess yot, verify. 5end al] sr-r,,picious ema:l as an ^ttdcnrre4t ro CAUTION;€iternal ail:em n.otDa linclick otka aopen u n leSsttiih,ndn&ilrsoiidYo r.l verifv email aas nsuspicious dttdchnient to z 3 o t, 'o € U9 ? I 3 9. :- 5:: :*] l r-l a : e lEENii il iii:FiEil ill ,Ei[il tiilEsEI H$eiEElIrlE egi I a ofi -t a zai a!oz-oa^)odB =Jzzm,I=z>9r;o >; o -.rz =e ,I I = g 3 = a i € P a m -l 6z I {. 6 €g. d i. 3) *?;\ ;:n,\d:*I,B E; FN *il\ --sE+ { d -:,,] .: -.ra lE ra n t=. : ' a !:,1 q :-_ ; d,r iii ?ai ! i,6; s:: - €l,. 6C 3iN,E:E 6',= 6+ Ls \ a I o{ Jr:PT t- i. 3i t- a ! a l.\ a 1.. > "E ?a iN 1', I l-\l 1\ \E i\J I D-\d l\l tlt t/\,qi \ oi g r3 a B ii : 3 ts; E t,!, ld.tt te_ I (,\ -r: t omfrI ffio3 IvmiC 2amotr -t Am cm -.1lIIo .-t V &J "oa,- 1) l"l. I !), o{ 5i'; \ ci\ {4 c.$I ;^ t( I t ... \ '.N\ \ l-,^rtf, {F 3 .a P trl a.'t t^ '' l--L I .,/ 1\- 1-(_ ,(p .-.-i- f kf 'tg I e L !r +1.fI o