HomeMy WebLinkAboutLockerman, Gloria 77328CCAMA/ - OREDGE&FILL ERAT PERMITf,Ncw EModification fJComplete Reissue lPartial Reissue As authorir6d by the State of Nonh Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Rerurces Commission in an area of environmental concem puEuant to l5A NCAC Applicant Name _ Prwious permit #_\./_ Date orgrious Dermit issued //, BCD Address I Rules attached. Project Location: Counry Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) Phone#( _ )E-Mail Subdivision CityAuthorized Agent Affected tl clv AEC(s): ' oEA. , t] PWS: ORW: yes / no _ ztP -EW - HHF l+ltA .tH ! PTS ! nvA des ! UBA Phone# ( ) River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body nat an kn PNA yes / no Closest Maj. Wtr. Body )<) Type of Proiecv Activity a)I Pier (dock) lentth Fixed Pladorm(s) FloatinS Platform(s) Fing€r pier(s)-,.>* Fffi_ Erl __r-T;-r_ HaH)4-"{'. YW frfr .i---l----r-----t- t# _l--l-i-! ,f ,+lt-JEk+-*G.oin lenSth _ numb€a Sulkhead/ Riprap length av8 distanae offshore max distance offshore Basin, channel cubic fads Boat ramp Boathouse/ Soadifi H +s *.-;- I Belch Bulldozint_ Other I ;l Shoreline LenSth SAV: not sure yes no Morinorium: Photos: yes no A buildinS permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) , See note on back regarding River Basin rules. Notey Special Conditions _ Permiaoff ic;r'fi inted Nan? ** Please read compliance statement on back of permit **SignatureSitnature Check#lssuing Date Exiriratidn Date N9 77328 Cit),State ZIP (Scale:) E l A$nt or Applicant Printed Name Application Fee(s) Staternent of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and sPecific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Petrnit to become nulland void. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible tothe permit officer when the proiect is insPected forcompliance. The applicant certilies bysignintthis permitthat l) priorto undertaking any activities authorized bythis Permit, the aPPlicantwill confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a wri$en statement or certilied mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riParian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this Permit under the best available information and belief, certifythatthis proiect is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Proiect: Tar - PamlicoRiver Basin Buffer Rules Neuse RiverBasin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of permit, your proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that fuver Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmin6on RegionalOffice (9 l0-795-7215) for more information on howto comPlywith these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Ofiices Morchead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ I -888-4RCOAST Fax:252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth Cit!, District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth Ciq/, NC 27909 252-264-390t Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquoank and Perquimans Counties) E other: Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax:252-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufort. Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrell and Washington Counties) Wilmintton District 127 Cardinal Drive Ex. Wilminston, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax: 910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.orglweb/crn/dcm- home Revised 7/06/ l7 AGENT AUT HORIZAT ION FOR CA MA PERMIT APPL ONICATI 0-Lp <k rrno^-. Name of Property Owner Requesting permit: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email Address: i\) I certify that I have authorized Agen t / Contractor to act on my beharf, for the purpose of apprying for and obtaining ail CAMA permits lo el^*A I * U,1 e,c-, cr. c_q1^- necessary for the following proposed development: at property located at Coun ty Signature l_furthermore certity that t am authoized to grant, and do in fact grant permission toolyriylon or coastat Management starr, the Loiar permit orricer and iniii'"itiiiii iia,on the aforementioned rands in connection with evatuating intor*a,tiir-ft=aiii-ti'inispermit application. Property Ou,ner lnformation : &,L I tn 1i*tro Pint or Type Name ntb -JL1-9-r--u.^.Date This certification is vatid through 2l rc:1&g ) Qt" l--cknu*r.---- NC Division of Coastal Management Hurricane Replacement/Repair Request Form nL2 Date of Request: Property Owner Name: Address of Property: Telephone Number: Type of Work: NOTE: /Uf F*{,1,", 'L*.J" a The Emergency GAMA General Permit 2500 is for repairs and replacement of water- dependent structures dem€ed because ofa Hurricane. The replaciment, reconstuction and maintenance excavation activities shall coDform to curreft standards and rules. AII work under the Emergenry GAMA GP 2500 must be made in the same footprint of the previous stucture with no additions, exp.nsiotrs, or enlargements. If any portion of a structure being replaced is within tbe l5' setback of the riparian line or access area, signatures ofthe adjacent riparian property owner(s) muS be obtained acknowledging the notification and waiver ofthe setback on the forms provided by DCM. Any maintenance excavation or dredghg requires signanues of the adjacent riparian properly owne(s) on the notification forms provided by DCM. /nt^^ L*fuSignah.ue G Qhn;* L"c-l+''^o-'- Sil;Q" - / ar H-t-k Lo*,d, fr{- E Er-.--'-!=EE!€#- IYra.r a l.*..,^..2, ;==E=l---s-g-- -_..=-..-.-..- ---------------r. EffiFg IEE]Sl&E FffiB' d<A4,owiw.' si."-*&.-::3Eltl',7jtt-,J * . ooRE SOUND fru Q)ar,.... .1.{ o<^:<.- f, & LoI(CTPRITIAN PROPE X(x ' rrf r 4oo'^? Prt( +-("-l t t- EB?EF! i I [rEsmEE.-= nffig':r-- - . _!!lEE.& l- - ctdIIEr=DE!lrat K-L-"'1 CYu'J N"r'b* -b*'' r14.,.c.. f-(" !t tr.,-- A- A@tuedby ftrned Nafie) COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY r Complgte items '1, 2, and 3. I Prirt your name and addrGs on tl|e rever3e xso tlEt we can rcfum lhs card !o you. r Attach this cald to th€ back of tho or on ths fort if space A. SigrEtue W, D. b &q'JE y addrc6s (frter€rt irn frrm 1? lfYES, erltor d6{v€iy ddrEs below: s 9590 9402 ss89 9274 449015 siqmrutB rt€*iclEd [rdivery l,laI@ Codrne.t M.! B6uicted tldtvsy tr Coll&t on D.Ivry E Agent Cl ruaeee C. he of Oe[vcry "7 -t -aa E) No tr Pdo.ny rl'I Eqt.EO 0 B.gbr. d I4d D nq|ciEd Mrn Rchd.d Irt D.,^vb lL\^L-t-, "n/.. no, wL Cfuv*A vA tzdtl lllrilt ilr lltilil lilfi I ilr Iililil1 lI It 3. SeryireTypc tr Adult Siignature z Artide Numb6 (frdasJbr lrcn syic.l,t,aD 701,8 3058 0800 ELr+D 5 alD PS Form 381 1 , July 20 , 5 psN 7s3&.02-oo0€0so I 9&'.9 9d'/3I sdtcred 0c6,ry 3 Slgdu! ConfinatbnB sgn.ti!! codrndofr DaxldtBc RettEn Rocejpt I \ SENDER: coMPrErE THts sEcTtoN DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AD.'ACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNCR HOTIRCITION/WAMER FORM Name of Properly Owner: Address of Properq[ LAJ (Lot or Sfeet#, Sheet orRoad,County) \genfs Name Mailing Add,or:h Agents phone # I hereby certiry that I own prope(y adjacent to the above referenced property. The individualapplying for this permit has described to me as shown on the atached lhe develothey are proposing. V I have no objectioqs to this ptoposal. _ I lave objectiols tp, &is proposal. ff you haw oblections to what is being Noposed, you must notifyfieDMston of Wt llaragament(DCtl) ln wrtdng wtotln iO days of tecalpt of thts nfice.Cottes,pondence should be nalled to 4O0CammercrAve.,Moreh*d Clty,NC,28557. DCM rep,resendives can also be conbMat(252)B0&2808, No ,s flte same as no Owner I Signature Ptint otTW Name o Mailing Address it have he€,n CaftIfreclua. (Adjacent Property Owner lnformdion) Siganre c Print or Type Name 6r \{ tifallng AN,P-ss l=2n 1,/City/$atelzip Telephone NumberTelephone Mmber Lo.A-. Dde Rovlsed 6/18D012 c Name of Property Otrwt€r: Agenfs Name *E Agenfs phonE {k (Lot or SEeet#, Steet or City & County) Mailing AddEss: L6-ttL Address of Propertlr 1 fnL-Lu"J,8", 8t I C I hereby certiff that I own property adjacent to lhe above referenced propeily. The individu€lfor this it has to me as shown on the atached devel ent -- I have no objectious b fhis proposal. - r trave objections to, &is proposal. tyou havo oblef,onsb whdls belngpr!,o*,d,Wu musi titfryfieDiytsron oiCrnstrd Managellient{DCtt) ln wiltng CommweAve., wrdrrn 10 days of t?{f,,pt of thls nodce.Cortlspondencc shoutd be nalldto$A 2808,Irro ,torelre,d Ctty,NC,28557. DCil rep,,eserr,afiv.-s can alst be conf'c{Ed ate.1iz) BOO-Is considared fie sal're :Ls ,r{,objec,tion lfyouhaw Mn Dotified bY @fttfiedMait. appfyi,.ls {hey are lyfoery o.,at ? pier, dodq r""n"n*ffi,1::ffiJ, b*rhouse, lift, or sroin musr be setback a mlnimum distance of ls from miani "t rrp",i"iilG. unt"o ,"ived by nre. (lf youwish to.wafuethe se{bad<, you must iaiEat t . "pir.p,i"t" ii*,x uur*,.t - I do wish to waive the I s setback r€quirement . - I do not vrish to waive the 15" se&ack requtr€ment {Propeily Ownor tnf ormaton)(Adjacent P hint orTwe Nane 7- Malling 2tr4 WWBtZp . 2sA* 72{-0*2A Telephone Nmber )-sa =zd ) or Type Name I u "JAddrBss CttyEffienp Telephone Numbei 253r{ Dde Revised 6tfi812012 ' - - - AD.,A'EN' R'pA*ml?[FIf'?f;'I#:Hffi?ff$IN,wArvER FoRm ar Y proposing. Sigawe Dd. qERTIFIED MAIL' RETURN REqEIPT BE@E$T.EII DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADdACEI,IT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONIWAIVER' FORM thneotPrcpa{os,* e L:",a, Lcj*px.nn o ^, Addreeeorpropcrtr lL'1 6.1,&- L*Ai,'- (Lot or Slroot#, Slrsd or Roa k SJr,-.YVI C)'t1 - r f.. s4- "r*n*,*&--, ,1"{tl I CltyE County) Pt*ttcr l&*&tgAddoo* KstAgents Nameft L1/w Asurre phonc* 25y'.- l>q- tZqa I )tll,#r, . r\ nr..-ryl tr n I h.r*y ccrtff that I own pmperty adlm nt to thc above reforenccd property. Tho ln&ddualapffig forthlc pe nnlt has deocrlbod to ms ac rhoum on ths Ettscfiod d nt they aro proposlng.E l ! trywhan@Io,,x&-t+.i,,drE bclng ;xt2rnrr,d" Wu ltus/ nodfyt}oDtrrhron of Corclllfrrr Wament(*il)k *zfdtgwrt*nfi&W ''dtalo0 Oorrmercr.A vu., tl*Ctrrd W,NC,86el- DCil ryprooe',lffirss can also !e coniac ed a{ 260E lVons oncE trg corslderedfrosrtr. sr rro o rdanll utlrve bern nofrlad CsrtilladMatl, WAIVERSECTION I undcnhnd &at q $ar, dodc ggolr€ drns, braaloraier, boathouse, llfr, or groln must b8 sot back a nftlrnum dhtanco ol 15, fo{n .ln!r_ap.a of rlperlan a..cam urtoGi} ulah/tfi uv *r, tn r.uwirh to.unhro lhc actbac&, you mwt hidel the appropriatra blarft bobur.) -..-'.._ I do udefi to unhp lho {$ ro.back mqulornorrt -- I do not u,tsh b vralve thc t R !6eck roqulranent x (F aport!' qxner lnformrilon)* (eOn*ntFroperty Orflnorlniorma0on) t Slgrarrr; ffi*orfpl rt Cl",*J*Sd*-+ l&SngAddrccr J t ]t N a**r{5tr5 _ I havc no objcctis[B to rhfu proposal _ I lrvc objecdms to tis 1nopos8l. {252)808- l: ffi tiT:.'ll-l- iqlh- "--.:-a.3__Jfz!,l l I L-. r-feaf:irqrolffi