HomeMy WebLinkAboutJade Point HOA 76710Crdanra\- onEDGE l FILL GENEif,AL PERMIT N9 76710 PreYioiis permh #AB €D [f Modtflcation ncomplete Retssue f]partial Reissue As authorized by the Sfdte of North Carolina Depanment of Environmenal eualiqr and the Coasral Rerourcea Commission ares of Date previous permh issued concem pu rsuant to l5A NCAC Proiect Lo€ation: County Street Add State Roadl V: #(s) t/ /7/d appliontN"."-af 4c i*llro L{ ca^.,/ Lt/L soniVeztp.WSIL Address Phone # (_)Subdivision C Phone # ( _) Adj. Wtr. Body Closest Mai. Wtr. Body Dl^.tlAuthorized Agent Affected AEC(s): ORW: yes /PNA !cw i OEA E PWS: ryf )y^ al HHF Lr tH t.l Es 3 UBA tr PTS D ]VA ztP Basin ., Typ€ of P?oiect/ Actiyity Yt' Pier (dock) hnSth Fix€d Phdorm(s) ) FloadnS P R.Urr Hs) Groin lon8th number Bulkh6ad/ Riprep lenSth avt dlstance rnax dbtance g.sln, cliann l 801t rarnp _ Bo.ttrousd Boadlft B€ach Bulldozing Odrer Shorcllnc Len8d! SAv: not 3ure Horatorium: r'le Photas: v*o v* @,y6 ul,* f2 I 1 A bullding permit may be requir€d b),; ( Note Local Plaonansjurisdiction) , C C/-).f See note on back regarding River Basin rules Notes/ Special Conditions I l I l-r I I :i l-r L -i I L ! I I=- Li ILL I;;l- irit. ,.ira LU tt;il'I .il II I l I I I l I L ! l l I L_I t I t-l-+- ( s e-?at<Ael) _*lQ5\ or Appll.ant Pdnt& PIease read compliance on backofpermit#l- Fee(s)Check# sig, 4w l'L Date l y)-4 Ii .l l L + I I -t--iI I I __L- I-f lD(ru !!T---t- I I-| I t iiiiII 7 t I I t _L- O -t N tu, 1aual DREocE & FILL GENER,AL PERMIT N9 767t0 Prwious permit #AB €D Modification Complete Reissue _ partial Reissue Date previous permit issued Affected cw AEC(s): oEA PWS: vHHF --F^ Es PTs IH UBA N/A PNA Phone # ( ) Adi. Wtr. Body- Closest Maj. Wtr. Body b,, Basin Oan /qnkO) ORW: yes / )a Type of Proiect/ Activitf Yt' Pier (dock) len8th Fixed Pladorm(s)I ) Floatlnt L(J{.n (,(./v -2Fin8€r pie(s) Groin lentth number t-'Y/'{;^t Bulkhead/ Rjprap lenSth avg distance otrsho .4 max distance Basin. channel cubic yards_ Boat ramp _ Boadousd Boatlift f-t-1-11-1 1 llli,-];tffill* AT Shoreline LenSth SAV: not sure f"loratorium: nle Photos: yes yes yes w /p A buildin8 permit may be required by ( Note Local PlannihS Jurisdiction) c C ./'v . - See note on back regarding River Basin rules T ( Agent or Applicant Printed Name PermitOfficer' sread compliance satement on back of permit * t! *1051 lt u t Fee(s)Check #lss D 4-u E Date ts. r"74rJ7 1 Beach Bulldozin8 Other ffi -r-i-r-1 ftd. tr,." Notes/ Special Conditions Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subied to compliance with this apPlication, site drawing and attached Seneral and specific conditions' Any violaiion of these ierms may subject the Permiftee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the Proiect site and accessibletothe Permit olficer when the Proiect is insPected for compliance' The applicant certifies by signing this permit that I ) Prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this Permit' the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to .-li.- that this prol-ect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receiPt has been obtained from the adiacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this .P€rmit under the best a\railable information and belief, certifythatthis Proiect is consistentwith the North carolina coastal ManaSement Program' !l Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules lf indicated on front of Permit, your Proiect is subiect to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin' These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. contact the Division of Water Resources at the washington Regional ofitce (252-946-648 l) or the Wiil";;;i"S.nalOffice (910-i96-ii I 5; for more lnformation on how to comPlywith these buffer rules' River Basin RulesAPP|icable To Your Proiect: i l Tar- Pamlicofuver Basin Buffer Rules DMsion of Coastal Management Oflices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ l -888-4RCOAST Fax:252-247-3330 (Serves: Caneret, Craven. Onslow - Nonh of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City Oistrict 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-26/.-3901 Fax:257-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck. Dare. Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) I oth".' Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax:752-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufon, Benie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 9t0-796-7215 Fax: 9 I 0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) hrtp://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/ I 7 ducv tt,2. z o Dale{asePA Fr (, EIT t!r!r! EEtlE E., E' g Er! JUL FFTMT I tAdjqc$lt7 .5._ [,4aiftnq \-t Addres5 s.r-r .N< ,+Rrth city, state, zip code Dear Adjacenl Property: This leller is to inform you thal l,applied for a CAMA [,4inor Property Owner Permit on my property 6 LoT o fuz n COUNTY Properly Address County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit applicalion and project drawing(s) as notfcalion of my proposed projecl. No action is required from you or yo0 may sign and retuD lhe enclosed no objection form. lf you have any queslions or comments aboul my proposed project please contact ne ata5a:zt- c ? " 6 ,or by mail al the address lisled below lf you wish lo- lppticanG-6ptrone lile writlen commenls or objections with the LOCAL GOVERNT\.,lENT CAI\,IA Nlinor permil program. you may submil lhem lo: LPO NAME local Permit Ofllcer for LOCAL GOVERNIVIENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE ihk kr rud-HaA s*c-- Property ownert,5 Mailing Address C 7D City, Slale,Code ,)7 / 28i 2 l-l A /1P [r ( B RECEIVED U.S, Postal Service" CEBTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domeslic Mail Only IAL U E E nrt m ascclpt Ostoopyt E tum h..br G&r'o.r, E c..f,lhd rd h.ctr.d odry El ^dn s{de 3.qrd E rddt sbnatn Ro&bEd t!.rrwy 9 ,t s $Lr.7t-t ,bsTo f€/L /{c- )-*5 /.3 For dolivery intormatlon. visit oui web I Slte al r,vww.usps.com S€ B€v{se lor lhsirucilon3,ll 2015 PsN 1Sincerely, JUL 29 2020 DCM.MHD Cfi BPur-!l nl \t, U.S. Postal Service" CERTIFIED MAIL@ R-ECEIPT Domesttc Mai, Only " 'rurro r{ rrr!r!r{ trttrl trtE E ..ortE') oe.r.:ltrtF r:r557l? (//)-.c Adjacent Pr Mailing City, Slate, Zip Code Dear Adjacent Propery: This leller is lo inform you that I have applied for a CAtr,lA lvlinor Properly Owner Permil on my properly al COUNIY Property Address County. As required by CAIIA regulalions, I have enclosed a copy of my permit applicalion and pro]ect drawing(s) as notiflcation of my proposed proje cl. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. lf you have any questions 0r comments aboul my proposed projecl, please conlacr mear ASS.7z[ j ?/6 ,or by mail al lhe address lisled below. ltyouwishlo Applicant's Telephone file Mitlen comments or objections with the LoCAL GoVERNMENT CAI,A l\ilinor Permil Program, you may submit lhem lo: I PO NAN/F Local Permit Omcer for LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE I/:t 1_) v't' Sincerely, Properly Owner Jtrc Po,,^,,f tilol r/c-^a) RECEIVED JUL 19 2020 DCM.MHD CITY Nlailing Ad dress 9 cu,tw aau T >-&,s 7 D ( Cochev iIl e r fll AL USE 6W E A.t- Rolpr 0o!6p, E Rdo Ftdlpi (.l6tq'ld E cdtfi.d M.n rk*kr.d E dli srgl.t@ R.q*td E Adln srondr. 3eld6d -l JUL 28lir. TN 36_9a4 €ant To tv( cL( Foi ddlvory into.mation. visil our websile al www-usps.com PS Form 38OO, Ap.il2015 See Revse tor hstructions Cily, Slate, Zi Code J tv l!(ojiry- P.rt,rr \'nnhqt oec Haa^l - filrsinc sh.rel'nc- oRw Sho(Ih- - Public TrNr Sborctine- Oihcr- t|'at olfr(ial u'. o,ltl OI lI UR PERM ITS lll AY B U R[Qtj I REDI fhe s! I rvtly you are plannin8 miy rcqurle pennits othcr lhan lhe CAMA m 'f,or dcvelopmeor pcnnn. inrluding. hur not limalcd ro:Drin*rng Worer W!1,. Scnlic Tatrt {or o![cr sdrjlary wasrc rrrarmcnr iysLm), Building. lilcctri.al. Plumbing, Hcal,ng and Air Conditioning, IDsulotion lnd Encr$ ( ons.ndNn, flA ( c.lificllion- S!trd DMc, ScdinEnt Control. Subdivirn'tr Approval. Vobilc llomr Plrk Apptulrl, lliBhwa) Connc(tion, aod orhcF ( hc.k silh yoor Loc.rl Pcmir Omccr ldr morc itrfonnrtion. STATI]MTNT Of O\,rNERSIIIP: l.lhe unde^igDcd, an dpplica.t forr ( \VA nr inor d.!.lopmcnt p.rmil, bciDg oilhcrthd osner dl properly in an AIr:C ora p.rson lulhorizcd to {cl s !n ugctrl IL,, purposcs of.pI lying fbr a C A M,\ mino( d€vclopmctrl Fermil cclli ty lhat lhc IE NDn listcdar lrndowtcr on rhis.pplicarion has a ti8nificd rnr.rcai i. rhc Mlprop.rl.v d.sfiibcd rh.rcrn This i eren can b.' descrihcd a\: (check onc, D6 Trvc '*".,{15 ot-D Sat/'^tsBon-o RD LgL 725 E?f6 4.,, (;t:NtiR \t. l\t'i )RlL\'lr()\ t \:rD o\\ \LR , \t,rll.t\G ,\t)Druss r^.'rJAb€f at Nl' HAA @- GtytArc.Lo rt^- AI]THCIRIZIO {GEIT \.',. rvALA Loil-G. .-- 'uu,*,lLs eLd Lo('\ l lo\ ol rRo,rlitr\Jdrr,\\. \rr..r n.uDc rnrl u, dtrc.Lkin\ rL) nt.. nrme o, rlr. rd .!c.rr srr.th,'d\ ) r +, Ci t ln on/ qn(r L,r r.LUrLllirl.. I rlc i5 \(!rd 0",' rSJ 5 ,,'"..",,, A4DF Po,r,tr (4aA n",,lll -,t, 48€Ei i,r,n\Rc!,\,r!,,j Dc.d, z4c _ n owner b! v,nuc olin,'critancc. Appli(unt is un hci. rr) thc cst{re ot _if olher inlerest. such as wrilco conhncl or b.sc. cipldin bclow or usc 0 repamlc shccl & atheh to rhis lpplicarioo. L " t{3:1#9&I-_ s,,r" r1y'C- ti}*SLo,-*LS> 22 c .< t, L- r^., gfl-Q f - EOI/VT--4OA @GA/a!-- b t ---.- -. NOTIFICATTON OF ADJACf,NT RIPARIAN PIIOPER'TY OWNERS: I tudh.mDr. .cnrry lhal th€ ib llowhg peFonr .16 oN ne6 o l'prop.rlEs adJorn,n8 lhk troFrg_ I ! l}im rhJl I lEr c gtr c,r ACTUAL NOTICE to e.ch of ftcm .oncenring my inlcni r\, develop this rrop€n! rnd to apl\,tor a CAMA permil (N.ntcr (Addrcsr) r ll _ (2) (l) (4) o I ..do\n(L or prK'n lluhori , hiiherag.,,r lnrpuq',xcol hlii! i( ANlA rcmnr.nplIilbn |.I A,T 13! tloe tL D€Arlr4T tuc 7to JBo e trA Fo/a LFF Df,scRIrtloN or PRoJf,(r: (List ill ,'roposcd ronsrru(tion and htrd disturbin* , ^DI--SAEI2s-> LA4OIN slzl. ()I I (,1/r'\[( fl t/56€xrsrr.r 6 etLtro6t trnR 8.,rr T,€ op. lqurrc l.el __ dcrcJ ACKNO$LEI'(iE}If,I{TS: l, rhe undc^isncd. reknowlcdgc tbnl rhc land o\rftr ir rwar. Lhal lhL proposcd devclopmenl is pllrncd for 0n a,(d s'lriLh 4rrlgf bc 'u{ctrhl( to ('o$on sdor flouLi,nE l&}n.$lcdlc rhrtrhc LocllPc6rr ofiiclrlE\.rplorncd t,,.rc rhc nidicu- l.rfuzard pr.blcrn\ r$,'.ral.d c,lh lhr: l..r rhrscx,rl.nalioh *ns..comp.nred by rccommcndalir)ns conccrnrng nnbilrr!- Itrn and floodproolin! rcchniguer. PROP()Sl:t, US}]: Rc\rlciral D (sifSrc itmrl) E ltuhlhi,rly [ ) ( oxrmc,.idl,ltrdusrialE orhcr E' C()nlPl.lf, rE tit Illf,R ( t) OR (2) BIt.()$ I( irld.,Jt ut I o&l Plr'nit Oll.ar ifrou od no, tut. ihirl.rltC eptli.\ (l ) ocllAN HAZARD ^F.Cr: ToTAt. Fl.oOR alrEA oF PRoPosED STRITCTI RE: --^dqua( l('ct (rncru'1cr a,r londilronld li!in8 sp!.€. perhng e!.\ rreJ abo!e g(rnd l.v.l. no.-cond,tion.d sp..c el.trred !bo\€ Cnnnrd le!il hul exclutlng nor-lo!,1-herring drtic sfa.e, JUL 2I 2020 DCM-MHD CITY I lunhcmoE cc ily thrt I am oulhoriz.d 1o glanl, lnd do in fuct gr.nl, pcrmis$ion tu D ivision of Cousul Mlnag.Ncnl rll0 lh. Local P.mil Oflic$ a.d thcir agcnrs ro cnrcr on lhc aibrcn.5rioncd lands in cothcciioi \eitl! ct .luling inrbnr i,on tlaled Io lhis Icrinit atplicalior /tr ?_o r!r (o.rst:.\1,5ltoRl:t.t\t..\]:(.:stzt ol aulLl)lNGljootPRlNTA\DorHlRll\1PtR\'()lsoRllulLI trroNsLlflt\(Fs{-$"1,","r."rr,,"1,,r*rheirc.rolrh.llundarionoirlibuildrnsi.(lirvew:t}r.co!.r..ld..,i!. ,.,.,cr<""ro"'',rpar.'i.rhrl',,rr,(w,rl,n,rlL(appli(!hlc licAllrhyrurcrl.ul0ltrrbsllhlh.pn'iccltNvrnsl fhix upttlilotioi i"tbd6: Cen(Nl n'Jinnutn tthit.lrnl. a ite drdting ns d.scthe,l oa th. ha.l nl ttu .lrtli.\ttion. Il,. o\ne6hit) stateodt ttu Otlon Haol lEL liolicc ihc," t<.6!!I, ach((klo/ 5l0u-00 'ndd! parlhl! h the lo,alttt..1nd tut inJ,r tot@n ns Br.r by p"^.kled ullb ht the drylt ,t The dttdils o.l th! twli.ttiut 6 Lsc, ib..l h\' tlpv lottes drc v patu '. -tnt Frstn .l.Ektllnry h ot -1[( nirhout t)..dit t\ r bj!.t 10 .i il. tri^ndl @tl ddinti ..tira oL-non Sn\TE Sl ORM\ ATliR NlAl.{CElltN f PfRl\l!'tr l! ll:( proje(l l(,cur(J ir an ar .L'ti(!t ro r Srure Sr(nmuarr! llxnrs.m.trr r'. nrr ,istredl,) rL!.N( DA'\k)n,,h'.rg). Vrn'r.lrnd Lu,lRcnn,(ci (l)[\ll-(l'r\rs xo ll ,,,., i,,u""filECElVER,',,,,,..,,,,..",*^\..,tr!ou,ro,,trl,i,cer - -..--,- a*lr.r!(, I o :\z, .:V:: -:\l/2 6'48 3 ,E :w=- o co R€PAR OF €XISTINO PI€R col.,orl aF€A JIDE POrirI st8ovrsoN coNTACr DON^IO LONG 252-726-5996 2ot te€ De 7/1lL#3 AREA OF PIER REPAIR \S..t2 EXISTING PILTNCS EXISTING PIER s 77'27'06"E s 32" 32'37 "E 54.3 N 78.02'38" 36. O3 6' 19' 32 "8 s 4a"56'5i 3 :SU- CAASTAL '5 7A,45' ,a.r\ Lqo A 404 y/ErLAN,N8 "€aq' <z 1 ...-:..V-.---'-2 o -!slz s 77" 48' 36 30. 17'Z 6 A\ +e) !n (O r\2;-IN 68'46' 15 "E -l 75,57. 87'O 4fc 154 Jod.'Sr.8€oulorl. NC 28516934 .o3 . \$".9v a?q\)'oo = =I0o o.<) (- f,cm'o\9m DlmEo C Cl\,41,4C rNz AfL INFORI.IATION IS FROM ORIGINAL SURVEYBY JAMES PHILLIPS LAND SURVEYINC .-:-Vz- 6 9(61 6tv€ r( CE V.,.,- €, Iar }?io 6 923 Lmarot Joda Poitl sladvbkr A.o!ldt. XC sc.!E llllo:e. 0l\p.rE 6/15120 oto. No. 6t520.PI. Sri lof 2 +3 141 ,ade St Lot 2O. Deed Eook L525-141 FROM EAST SIDE Existing pilrng frNewpilinge--+ last updated 7 /6/?020 scale 1" = 2' approx creek bottom 7tt T 2L" n mom mo 30" a Proposed bui ing a stair an landing ec or improved boating access at lower level in the area previousl lost to hurricane dama e 218's o o II ]IIIII|I -- + I* 38" Jade Point HOA lnc Common Area Pier Repair 5'2-7ft 8 in pilings oo - t\e oc0AH1c' Two Steps Dovun and three risers r I ***--r* o € 0 6 From Above