HomeMy WebLinkAbout77920A_Warren, John M_20201125i uc�Y3itY� ai7� a'itNil 1 � auni�rs at�f �32Lt1� S 32J7))�} luttl2d ,„ ��w.�ac+� ��eG uo iva�:�,ris a3c,�,;rtcu�� Via: aid arrsu&5 aatuenl paxutsd .co 7uan t �+ fuuuae MUn( $uruueld lOo' WON •S+lna tia xan aw uo aiou aaS _ �y ' -./q pa tmbas aq xew iiw.tad Ducpltnq V --r v M SOA sat atns iou =Ales r i}l�Ua') 3tsslaJOt{S ,- x tasnoqnos f s+� 1 ......� gi3uai FsPop card llaalo.rd;o adAL ApoB '{e{ i Isasoi Sri s� t `dNd �w.° 1 SOX :MHO iif Dew3E , t IV Apt 'aaAl ' F�l 'Now wlw m '04H V30" JanPd .+:...�....— :::. auoyd 3 . #� b' X ax MO _._ .w. l -� _.��` auaBypazuolny uo!s mpc t o i �C s►v►s� W-3 ` "� li' v'w t o�fd AZ -W;31elS -w ,. . 3 's1 xo ra a>e�� iaaax _ s�.rppv »ue:,Ipddv •pay�3e sa) �, + ' 9 •� , --MDN �t5 i o3 iums.md uxamm pruauwonnua ;o Lanue ul uoissluru�o� saaanosa� lriseo� aqi pur A FAD leivawuaitnu-B }a ivawueda(3'-I--)e' gi ioN }a 97PIS aqi !q ?aziaaginr sy oanssi mu ed swiAoid aivn QIJIIR� PRIWd-- anss" wa}dwoo uomlpow na almiad snXXoinaa,d }�� tt JL]�H3C� 1 ON0 �. Cfi a iJ L.L t71�fC-r-ut,�a +p nrt iar / a�rn+lf-1 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: John Mark Warren Mailing Address: 4745 English Avenue, Apt. #203-A Fort Meade MD 20755 Telephone Number: (443) 202-7331 Email Address: Johnwarren06@gmaii.com I certify that I have authorized: Jason Wall of Able Marine Construction LLC to act on my behalf for the purpose of apply for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development/project: Construct, a 5.6' x 3-Kbier, add a 6x 8' lower dock at the end of the pieriand install CI) 8" x_25' ip ling. Additionally, we «ill remove a one 41) foot «7de section of the wood decking running the length of the land side of the existing bulkhead and replace izith Thru-Flow Decking. Any needed repairs to the existing bulkhead can and sheeting NNill be made at my property located at 16Q1.Harbour View Drivel Colington l larbour in Dare County, North Carolina. I furthermore certifi, that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant, permission to Division of Coastal lVIanaQement staff, the Local Permit Of -cer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluation information related to this permit application Property Owner Information: Signa re John Mark Warren Print or Type Name Title: Property Owner Date: This certification is valid through Able Marine Contractors, L11" 101 Airstrip Road, #390 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Telephone (252)489-9051... September 9, 2020 SENT CERTIFIED MAI L - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED TO: Robert I. Polk & Cynthia G. Polk 102 Queen Mary Court Kill Devil Hills NC 27948 Re: Construction Project for J. Mark Warren at 1601 Harbour View Dr, Colington Harbour Dear Mr. and Mrs. Polk: Your neighbor, J. Mark Warren, is applying for a CAMA permit to re -construct a 5.6' x 38' pier and a 6' x 8' lower dock at the end of the pier; and install (1) 8" x 25' piling to support the Southeast comer of the lower dock that is missing. Additionally, we will remove a one (1) foot wide section of the wood decking running the length of the land side of the existing bulkhead and replace with Thru-Flow Decking. Any needed repairs to the existing bulkhead cap and sheeting will be made. Work will take place adjacent to your property located at 102 Queen Mary Ct, Colington Harbour. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, Mr. Warren or his authorized agent is required to notify you of the project to give you the opportunity to comment on same. Please review the attached Permit Application and drawings for said project. Enclosed please find the Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement form, which you need to complete. Please make sure you place a check mark beside the appropriate line to verify if you have or if you do not have an objection to this project. NEXT under the Waiver Section, please INITIAL the appropriate line to verify if you wish to waive or do not wish to waive the 15' Setback requirement to this project. Should you have any objections to this project, please send your written comments to North Carolina DEQ, Division Coastal Management, Elizabeth City District Office, 401 S. Griffin St., Suite 300, Elizabeth City NC 27909 within 30 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the Department in reaching a final decision on the application. No comment with 30 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have any questions on this project, please call me at (252) 573-8043, or email me at I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance to your attention in this matter! Sincerely, on Wall, Manager Enclosure: Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement Form 0 -Few ZLL ya1J; � 3A �. -�- , N F7�cn� �'1 rr ws � � (P,GOZ -6n}1r pasme&) ssalppy lreuj3 /laquinN auogdala t S,ZOZ-41Ii--G S c, dwalelsllwo fib l-i" -J/� 5 11'tt I'naa 11i?I sseipPY 64ryrayy ).�:) �+,�-t'' w t+ as n b Z v/ aujaN adWl jo luud �l 17 yn� ofIITDIL�IS` (uoreuuosul .jauj1AO %ivdoid uepediCj) vTnQ r - t ssaJPPV ReLu3/JaglunN auogdafal d�le7S/�� ssalppy 6ugrew 9UJEAI adl t to luud ! � NIi . a D(` (UGROU'u0j"I Jeumo Apedaad) •luaweipbei )pegles ,g 6 agl anlena 011481M Jou op I •luewejinbei Noeglas ,g 6 eqj anlem of gsIm op I - r l� ( nnolaq Muelq ejeudoadde aq; letPG! Ism noA 'Nurges sill aAlenr," �tsiM not ji) -aw hq paniem sselun ssaooe ueuedu jo eaie Aw wo4 ,g L 10 aouelsip wnwiuiw a >{oeq jes eq lsnw }}II jo `esnoLijeoq `jejenrolealq `dwei leoq `s6uilid 6uuoow `sloop `laid a Iegl puelsjapun I N01133S NaAI AA 'lien pagtjao q pay.4ou uaaq a�tetl ro �l uolpa qo ou se auras eta PajepisuQa sl asuo sat ON "Lsb'Ow"88-t ftuesAgJo tj ulxsihNels/cuo/gamflauzuaula eueculelsW-23 �AVI- gIealgPllene sl saakw() ROG !03 Uon&UuoIul lae;uoO -aogou slcp;o tcfia�af;o -SAP O; ul luacua6euekVle�seoD;o uatsuu a ou nru noA* ` �^ 00figG ► ul (WAR o � � ;s pasodoxf 6ufaq sl;eilan o; suo(;saigo aney WAR •p;sodoad stq; of suogoafgo wvuq I jusodosd siip of suouoafgo ou wteq I �a a s! inn IAUI- a 31 I .�R 4l. �1'. q lsnw •suaisuawip Blinn ulnaajp 10 uoq psap y •6uisodo3n aje fag± luewdoleAep agl"6ulnne.►p pagoe:pe agl uo unnogs se aw of pagrrosep seq }lamed sigl joj 6ui/►idde lenpinlpui at,1_I_ -Apadotd peouejejej anoge agl of luaoefpe 1ll.iadojd unno I legl [(l:peo Agejeg euogd s,lue6y oil �Q; :Sswppv BU[IIB t J MJ WO 4 aweN s wa6y r (�lunoo nl.3 `peoH jo jea.4S `# yaailS Jo io ) 3 i ' �r ?'t! �1(\ till l ncq�C1�� Aladoicl jo ssajppV JOUMO /4jadoaa io aweN W116=1 H3AtiMt1 INOLLVDIALLON HRNAAO AIN3dONd NVWdrd .LN30Vm* l' 1N3W30VNVW IVISV03 -40 NOiSWd ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ! Print your name and address on the reverse So that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. +. ARIcle Addressed to: I a�� o llllllll lilt IlIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII!! I III IIIII III 9590 9402 1548 5362 8138 55 2. Article Number (Transfer from ,service label) O [ aC cam, o C��i "S Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 A. Sign X ✓ 13 Agent B. Received Addressee 7by (��(rned Name) C. Date of Delivery D. Is delivery address differentfrom om item 1cil ? If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 Noes 3. Service Type t7 Adult Signature D Priority Mail Expres, Q Adult Signature Restricted Delivery P tertifed Mailm 0egRegistered Mail Restricted ❑ Certified Mail Restricted Delive ry . /©� El Collect on Delivery Cl Collect on Delivery Restricted W" ^ern Receipt for Delivery ❑ Insured Mail ❑ Insured Mail Restricted Celivery Ll Signature Confirmation' r Signature ;oaf rmatien `(over ssoo) Restricted Delivery Domestic Return Receipt U.S. Postal ServiceT. CERTIFIED MAI�,� RE��' P!Pro (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance ragvided) Far delivery information visit our website at www,usps.com,:, w w w ru Certified Fee E3 Return Receipt Fee O (Endorsement Required) E3 Re tricted Delivery Fee O (Endorsement Required) Ci C3 Total Postage $ Fee;; ru r-i --- rq SiYesf t IVb O or PO Box NO. �&E, -70ICZV- Able Marine ConlractQ: I 101 Airstrip Road, #3 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27 Ln Telephone (252)-489-91 -° 0 0 O September 9, 2020 0 0 o- 0 SENT CERTIFIED MAI L - RETURN RECEIPT REQUE -n rq 0 Gerard F. Gribbon & Nancy P. Gribbon 4 Susan Court Englishtown, NJ 0726 Savioes sees (rbrte�c ad! > ❑ CWtMW U9 F1 e 1 D*MY s e ❑na�acsmne.ea.4y.a s-----` ,� :.0 Re: Construction Project for J. Mark Warren at 1601 Harbour View Dr, Colington Harbour Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gribbon: Your neighbor, J. Mark Warren, is applying for a CAMA permit to re -construct a 5.6' x 38' pier and a 6' x 8' lower dock at the end of the pier; and install (1) 8" x 25' piling to support the Southeast corner of the lower dock that is missing. Additionally, we will remove a one (1) foot wide section of the wood decking running the length of the land side of the existing bulkhead and replace with Thru-Flow Decking. Any needed repairs to the existing bulkhead cap and sheeting will be made. Work will take place adjacent to your property located at 1603 Harbour View Dr., Colington Harbour. As the adjacent riparian property owner to the aforementioned project, Mr. Warren or his authorized agent is required to notify you of the project to give you the opportunity to comment on same. Please review the attached Permit Application and drawings for said project. Enclosed please find the Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement form, which you need to complete. Please make sure you place a check mark beside the appropriate line to verify if you have or if you do not have an objection to this project. NEXT under the Waiver Section, please INITIAL the appropriate line to verify if you wish to waive or do not wish to waive the 15' Setback requirement to this project. Should you have any objections to this project, please send your written comments to North Carolina DEQ, Division Coastal Management, Elizabeth City District Office, 401 S. Griffin St., Suite 300, Elizabeth City NC 27909 within 30 days of your receipt of this notice. Such comments will be considered by the Department in reaching a final decision on the application. No continent with 30 days of your receipt of this notice will be considered as no objection. If you have any questions on this project, please call me at (252) 573-8043, or email me at olly.lre,r - I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance to your attention in this matter! Sincerely, J n Wall, Manager Enclosure: Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement Form Pre -Addressed, Stamped Envelope to Able Marine Construction LLC J 7 rs r J 0 0 0 0 n- m r m .A m ti C2 i RE T Uai,t =EC I i FRE2 �•ES'r=C Z)JV11S10H' Ol= COASTAL. taIANAGEPa?EN,T AO.IACEM T RIP,'-'.R3.AM PROPERTY OWNER NO IIF!C:=, a `G;}+?� .'A'IV R FQRNi Name of Property Owner_ Address of Property: } s tt•R�� -T (Lot or Street##, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name Y ��� �clST;t lc t:t. Mailing Address: 1�1 �-� ti`✓� Agent's phone #- cm; � r��= i�r' -- - 1 %t LTA rI t ni .�\K', 1 hereby certify that I o�Am property adjacent to the above referenced proper -. 1 he 'sndividuai applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing -the development 'hey are proposing. A description or drawing. with dimensions must be provided with this letter. ✓ _ I have no objections to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to .what is being proposed, you must notify the Division of Coastai fyh?nagerrer. t (DCMIj in tvriting within je days of receipt of this notice. Contact iniormatian for DCt9 offices is available at,", p:b1iav .r rccoastalmanaaenent nat'web/enYstaff-listing or by calling 9-888 4RCCAST. - •-•--_s .�_ __� „K9__:r..n ,f,,n,F hPva been notmed by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION t understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or Iift must be set back a ri►inimum distance of 15from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) t do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information), 'ice. .-.- '1L. �.:'`:-• Signktwle Print or Type Name .l Yn y.., ,�� Mailing Address -) (Riparian Property%OwI17r) rnatlon) l• St6nbnire Jfin,k.,'WTyy'pJ_N.,!e ' t15�Ln Mailing Address ?Q Ci,WtateMp ( rnN, :2 s - , � ep�Number.' E tail Address Dare (Re.rsed Aug. 2014) ldpoad uanled oilsewop 11-Pa Pal lsa!! p-ns4 ❑ j f0afdW Pal�!nsaH uoilewr9uaJ ainleu6!s ❑ " !!nw panstM ❑ I , �9a0 R pl4Ga8 fuangap uo Z33Ro'J ❑ _uolxuu4uoo a'n eu6!S ❑ NaN{ao uo 0� ❑ aspueyaaW �l ld!aoaa Lan tic IOamjao populsad I" PaPoo ❑ ®!?W Pao YaJifl paioPisatl t�lN pamls!ad ❑ /ua^!Ia(3 Palo!A )J amleu6!s ll"P6b ❑ emleu6ls unpv ❑ .ut!gYV Paialslf� ❑ Ossadx3 pm AvjoM C ad,(1 eainiag 'g ON 11 :molaq ssaippe luan119P Jalua `SU A O L l wall uw4 lua%ail.P ssaipp-e A-AIPP V1 'Q Nan!�a(J to lEc7 'O (Du]PN PaIULko do Pa ,a aasseuppb ❑ ��� x W6d 0 v ssos-000-ao-ML NSd g Loz Nnr ` L L8£ 1 WA sd S6LL hS't9 0000 OT60 9`COL (OW a?was way Ja{ MI) N efxW _Z Z9 8£ L8 z9£S 8bS L ZOb6 069 III II IIII II I llllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Iltl llllll I it ��ioj;Ppv aia!liv ' L sulwad coeds V lUO4 941 Uo Jo ,aoaidjpw a44to'4oeq 94101 PRO si44 40el4y ■ -not of PRO a4l wnlal Ueo ann le41 os OS13AOA 941 uo ssa3PPe PUE aweu ono! lUUd ■ •E pLm Z swab alaidwoo ■ 'Pam, ►..owr�c.�l Lek, ArmVfa�Kw� JC�o btM,�RzRt7� kA� AUK fr.. This map is prepared from data used for the 1601 Harbour View DR inventory of the real Colington NC, 27948 property for tax purposes. Primary V r r� J t � r ` Tax District: Colington Subdivision: Colington Harbour Sec O Lot BLK-Sec: Lot: 8 Blk: Sec: O rz v k*AW %mw ;77 `� 1