HomeMy WebLinkAbout43260D - Waggett r,..--• _ 'CAMA/ DREDGE & FILL 4 ;EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# :New Modification 'Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued •ized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources , /�v ;oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC ❑Rules ttached. t Name Jv/€ //✓R�,e_ Project Location: County AC/ v Ru+Ov// G / Cam// Dr, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 1(0//=,4 ,Qw�''wI State Ne- ZIP 2 5N2g /7 ( Zlr A / . ( n/P) 2,6.('//Zf'Fax#( ) .�-- \ Subdivision ed Agent 0//'4, tl.4 (,2)(4.X'/1rs, ) City (C+r#I nq i ei ,s ZIP 2_8 vecw LREW A LIES El PTS /// Phone# / River Basin eG ril OEA 7 HHF IH 7 UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body 8 A/dr 1345/n (nat k PWS: -1 FC: L yes / PNA yes / Crit. Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body 7.r e ,'OPY Project/Activity CGg''7 5 Ilk/el/4" d/ e' frii.,A 7 "leer / G-X e4; /g��GY r—..., (Scale: / .:-'— :k)length G i,e2 3 s-4 e i(s) /2 'x 1Y' r-, ' A� ry? ier(s) ngthyelf4 nber j/Riprap length I t distance offshore I I x distance offshore cannel pr,p564/ )ic yards 2— e se/Boatlift ✓yf� r( ulldozin //P4r,/— ---------'''''.-----/: 6")(,30 i y ‘,k/.?/;.6,3 e Length 5 0 i _ not sure yes s: not sure yes g / r cum: n/a yes iV 60/y t c.1'v' / DI. Q yes \ttached: yes rig permit may be required by: e i &,?L' // . See note on back regarding River Basin r 1 1 1 - I . ._ 1, .' /.1 .1-_..L /_ - • , • Duncan Marine Contractors, Inc. Fax Cover Sheet Date: 1217/05 Send to; Attention: Robb Malts Fax number. 910.395-3964 From: Brad Separk Moe number: 910.256.6620 MN 0 WUASA? 0 MIME COMMENT 0 PIEASNRWIEW Qx FOR YOUR INFU1aun@N Total pages, including cover5 Robb, Here are the Adjacent Riparian Forms for Davie Waggett at 617 Canal Drive in Carolina Beach, I also attached a copy of the CAD drawing. Please let me know if you need any other information. Thank you, Brad DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FOR Name of Individual Applying for Permit: Duncan Marine Contractors, Inc Address of Property 1908 Eastwood, Suite 319 1 L :/;: GI i Wilmington, NC 28403 (ol 7 CA.t..16 012. (910) 256-6620 phone (?QL�i tip. iZ Ct4i C (910) 256-0175 fax I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced for this proner The individual apply permit has described to me as shown on attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawi with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. INITIAL HERE Yhv I have no objections to this proposal. If you of ave d objections ions to what is being proposed, please write the Divisi, 284�OS or call Management, 5 w�thinil pX days Extension, ��fn�'�' I response is considered the same as no objection receipto of notice.this i by Certified MaIL you have been rtot�i,fi, I ATVER SECTION understand that a pier, dock, sandbags must be set back a mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift , access unless waived by me. (If wish to waive the setbacke of 15' from , youamust ri the appropriate blank below.) initi INITIAL HERE I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. ar IATIZAL HERE Iv\g I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. \fioit cci Py DIVISION OF COASTAL Il'ANAOEAINS ' ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY oWNER NOTIFICATION/WAR FORM Name of Individual Applying for Permit: Duncan Marine Con Address of Property 1908 Fa tractors, Inc . .G►c j.-CT Wilmington, NC 28403 Suite 14 (0/1 t)I2- (910) 256-5620 phone .Q_( lc (910) 256-.0175 fax I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on th, attached drawing the dcvelapment they are proposing. A description or drawing with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. INITIAL/ HERS 04121fri— LI I have no objections to this proposal. 4'you have objections to what Is being please wrtte the Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive 28405 or call 920-7'96.7215 within 10 days of reopens, is consideredthereceipt ofWilmingto�this notice. No wed 1raiL sarrn� as no a ec ouy have been I understand that a pier, dock, SECTION be set back a minimum mooring �► meter, boathouse, lift or sandbagsa unless must waived mi'-'tom. distance of 15 from my area of riparian by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) ILg or -- I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. DOTIAL11Cak_,g I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement_ — 1`2.2:1 -fir PROP OF: WILLIAMS MERRITT 2325 BAYSIDE DR. FAYFTTEYILLE, N.C. FENCE ei II 1 15' RIPARIAN CORRIDOR -r - 1 24' , , 14' .� 12'0. r 30 ' cr. I o z ggyy 2 Z p E owl 1:,1711ITI r 0 -- RAMP = Q7 o 21 / I niJJ . ./. 4Q m C IE N T--�- - - - n z of E I 1:I m g E ` 15' RIPARIAN CORRIDOR s E E E Y Ir k�3 ' c f- E �O� `—— — —\`�G — — — —._ I Z D EXISTING PIER I 120' .r %----- 11111D.,.Mt 80' -0--] sid 200' fO 5 0 nmrn Z D 09 \\\_‘ 1 A SA(LF1SH LANE PROPERTY OF: TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH, N.C. 1121 N. LAKE PARK BLW_ Z: c Q ? C LL .Q O C X G g w Q. z R ., F 00 g. G 7Q du Alik : N .O pb n /'1 0. g,Y,I, A 8 a 200' ill , % 120' % r BO �i . °+ 3B' , 12' .. 3D' Z 1,0, —GUIDE PILE F on x W RAIL RA,p 0 +7.0 .__r�mwwoiomm��areirir '!I'�II`�t�# �r FLOAT `�1y , � +4.0 r, . G L.'%. ‘4.‘ " # k• \NI.V4#* ' •14N# #1, e' # ' °� rye- NEW PIER AND FLOAT PROFILE Z 20 10 0 20 m� "9 4"iti"F06T DD N h SCALE IN FEET i -'Is — 2"*S"DECKSOUNDINGS BASE© ON I'!Lw=0,0 D f1 DECK. EL. -+7.¢f z > 1 ,Y i ri---- sir s r ..... ° L )tx.Ir(o°ue E7 M ° OALY. 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