HomeMy WebLinkAbout41473D - McInnis "CAMA/ DREDGE & FILL .149 4 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# 'New Modification Complete Reissue Partial Reiss a Date previous permit issued -ized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC 7N, ZOO Rules attached.` t Name ant 'Zrr/5 Project Location: County a/d ��K451,-) 5102, GO, /4PG!�I 2/, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) �//rs�H.(/ State Ale ZIP 2ftf47,1 (9/0 ) 274 -NV. Fax#( ) Subdivision ed Agent City ZIP CW f l'EW `PTA 7 ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin 43/, 2 OEA ❑HHF IH -UBA J N/A Adj.Wtr. Body 0010 visimr 51 (nat /i Ci PWS: ❑FC: yes /e c PNA 6' no Crit. Hab. no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body , ;ect h 'Project/Activity //g/05,11 LAI 71" /i 74 G4/g 71-z, 1.,‘.5 4 7 A Pv ; (Scale: :k)length i(s) ier(s) gf/9i1 n 42//Z -"�+. ngth 144*t-,� / 7 a ._ Tiberr/l07 �{ j/Riprap length t 1 X''- '.- /Z,k/2 i 40474- :distance offshore 1 x distance offshore be/474//2 /' "/Z f a 0 cannel �D✓P/G( '�/irtl4o/M �` �,// )ic yards ip se PX/Z ulldozing / i✓ s Length lj 0 not sure yes s: not sure yes no � �a/ /� cum: n/a yes no .t /i 7 404 / .'i j'A /7/i yes no \ttached: yes rig permit may be required by: /A/45 u�/`C/L C b, I See note on back regarding River Basin r American Fish Company '`'`•`"..c.1 P.O. Box 11046 'i '...iler •., Southport, North Carolina 28461 _...) " . Email: AFC03600@aol.com N. (910) 457-54 (910) 457-65 i A G r 1 ` i L .1Z��-T ia. s _ i loXt2 'axiSTi , P 30' • L • • 1... c5i — • r Q la 01 }(t ST`l ^ 4 ir 1g c s G f . Jiry-lou-lorq 1—b4!i F01/01 U- A D AC T A121 • /WAV • • N me of individuel Applying For Permit: C nnrS .dcecss of Property: •S t€)J _ . ileAI, Air (Los or Street 4, Street or Road) — (City and wry) ! nerehy certify that I own property.adjacentto the above-referenced property. The sndividua ;;poly og for ibis permit has described to me as shown.on the ettacbcd•drawing the development WC proposing. A description or drawimg, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter I have no objections to this proposal, it you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division nr Coas� Managemen(, 127 Cardinal -Dil ' Extension, Wilmington; NC 2840S or call 910-393-3900 w•ith,n 10 days of receipt of Ibis coded, No response i$ considered the•s o e as no objection it tou nave been willed by Certified Mail, WAIVER SECTION I u od ersta od that a pier,dock, mooriog"pilings,breakwater,boat b oust or boat ii ft must be sec bck a minimum distaoee,of;5' from my area orrlparlao access • unless waived by rue. (If yots wish to waive the setback, you must its(tta) the appropriate blank below.) I do wish,.to:waive the 15' setback requirement. I dolol wish%O.waive the IS' setback requirement. Tom• Si_ s Kama 'Date A+.,dek, 6. TifIrp-, -, —r � �� MQric4rl .�s ; C0. �*+�. �j'�at VP. 0 U � DEvi i N.oF COAS ',ATE MANAGEMENT 3`t S -3`10 0 ADJACENT RIPARI*1150PERTY Q NE NOTIFIC T N/WAIV � L4 ER FORM vame of J`hdiv:idual Applying For Permit: .5O v- InniS .dcress of Property: 'StO2 (Lot or Street #, Street or Road) fax.- lr c• br-wrs o keK (City and County) hereby certify that I own property .adjacent to the above-referenced property, The individual :ppl y ing for this permit has described to me as shown.on the attached drawing the development thcv uc proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. tX I have no objections to this proposal, you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastai vianagement, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 or call 910-395-3900 vichin 10 days of receipt of this notice, No response is considered tbe.same as no objection if ou have been notified by Certified Mail, • WAIVER SECTION uuderstand that a pier, dock, mooring'pilings, breakwater, boat house or boat lift must be sec >ck a minimum distance of 15' from my area of'riparian access - unless waived by rue. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) t,Ar- I do wish;to:waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to.waive the 1 setback requirement. • cm Name Date A7A '.1'/,1•.' Vi, / SOUTHPORT,NC 28461 • / /\,l ,i, -- Z b \ , /,' ';, ' i '. >'e, .`' `% ''' '`i�\/,\/\/,\ DATE l 1 (i.''-/ .'l Xe PAY THE ''`` I �n `�� �� 1 i,'�• 17\\/�_ �,,/ , •�\ \ ��•� $ �+ .. ORDER OF tW C. 1� F� Alt `,. .�r�\l •,/` l�7 -7 • 1 v�, g • { l` ` Ai' `, l 1` ��1�\J`. DOLLAI al `',, ' , , . / /)S. FIRST CITIZENS953 `�`�1,>'\f 1 .l�f\(i`\l``�(, sN f``\�`V/ `'/\l'>`,/` ',/- `/V/0`,/` ` l 1 f� 'l 1,/.;,\f ,`� ',r`1„A,„, lr 1, ; ; ;\r, 1/ e,> ,/ l/ l j\.,/\,,t l \/\ \BANK SlouLhp srtst61ru!T"' " ��( �' /r"\r\r\r\", . ;>Z'N/�/\r rc/\'' '��i`'i ,`, /\/\/� (!`�` ,, www.tirsteitizens.com )\!'�f ,,,,,\/�\f\f�f', ��1 I '/,\'lice, /\/0/\e 0 FOR 7 73 = \ ;`,' ,,, �' 'r` u'07.4925ii' 1:053 00300':00453L209922 �la` ; f '�`< ';`/.�>/.� /.� /.� /:.' - • • ':\'' '/:;V/\ /..1J`Y('�>`/,1>%' . Sy, :'i. 1; -4;ic