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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeid 0 CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. licant Name � g_Q \ t\ Ez Phone Number ress `7 3-)Z3 C;)',a,-t._ N '—_ Cat it.... State ,- Zips ject Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) Z.7 f D IJ E-*I .1 Va.A— --.J _ t(.—� �, , l ?SA 1 L. C W G-Lk i k'c L W U-t1z. (/ c-t 7i ri ,e and Dimensions of Project P,ALL p7 t .az_,� ( > o A Yr a L_t s a...) ) T7 P.r :n Ni 4 n E. t bin "c 0 �L t.- L. t Y L 4a'T r l7 i�a *N*Ni.. i k L' 0-->S1.3.-'• ,vt... ,e.. w>-r L ),A,.�1_S (. N�N, � P c c.J .1 C- i proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA p, ve is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following exp ement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be nec CIA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. r obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. ETCH (SCALE: bUtO PiI-C'�L.Z. Hr&r-M TS O .- 1 V\Ne' ES4-44-cr1i L I I. 5!00;14!FRI 04.24 PM TOWN N TOPSAIL BEACH FAX No. 910 328 4508 F. 002/002 :T-13-2005 16:16 From: To:910 cB 9508 P.2-'2 0 CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT iltsias authorized by the Slate of North Carolina, Department of Envlronmont,Health,and Natural Resources end The Coastal Resources Commission. In en aroo of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K,0203, Phone Number Applicant Name ►E.taa *_ Fz Address. 92 _6_ _��A�� �..� _ Gty _ 4•'r� State 0 (--.'' • . Zips 44 5"., Project Location(County.State Road,Water Body, etc.) �� t D fl.�s,.r r Type and Dimensions at Pr0I c! a D 4t k r —,,��r �� L.4 "1 O r ): li I ✓G Ih'L- 'Z�—C M I r t3 The proposed project to be located and constructed as doscslbed This certilioation of exemption from requiring a CAMA porrnn is above le hereby exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the dale of Issuance.Fallowing expiration, quirement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K.0203.This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be necessary CAMA permit requirements does not aim/late the necessity of to continiuethis cerifiadlon, your obtaining any other State,Federal,or Local authorization, (SCALE; i"; l 0' ) SKETCH 1 4IS p tot L • �... _ ,. V . � t 6' j, NIL TSDS • p - Q . . - Owu*6 ; ES 44%f.4.3N`1— • PL . r L H • i r t-6 st,.ms. a Aminlnnment without the cone 5/0CT/14/FRI 04:23 PM TOWN N TOPSAIL BEACH FAX No. 910 328 4508 P. 001/002 eilli 7 m", r 1..'Z t,.ply ry r a 0,,�1 p� fr!IIV' FAX .. North Topsail Beach .,,,, .}:,,,,,, ,41 ''` 2008 Loggerhead Court North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 : 910-328-1349 s i, 910-328-4508 fax 1 A r,. {i. ' , To`. "Jon Giles jt'''. . r , Fax number: 910-395-3964 �•r' From: Christina Watkins, North Topsail Beach , ' i'l Fax number: 910-328-4508 ;: ' ` Date: 10/14/05 : ;.F O. ^,. - I5 Regarding: Exemption .;'; ^x I r.t 'A r .�� ;Pt Number of pages: 2 (including cover sheet) r. .. r. '4 i r ;:-•r:: ;;; • Comments: . fir; ` ,' 1 Here you go. I hope you have a great weekend ® Call r'.-• . `�'''';ir1 me if you need anything. 4 ;' ' rC; State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretar FAX COVER SHEET Date: 1D'i 3- ' No. Of Pates: (excluding cover) To: C4ti2,1;Sf b- O1 From: 6-11-E.5 CO: CO: NC DCM FAX#: FAX#: 910-395-3964 REMARKS: CH 1.1s1-T u �, \f 1't SION Ica. P,Ny 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,N.C.28405-3845 Telephone(910)796-7215 Fax(910)395-3964 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment,Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. licant Name _..j Phone Number ress b Qv.A-s Crf v✓ `'hates i State IJ L Zips ect Location(County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) Z.3 t D N r:v! (2 1 vL 5,.� T c`c� ►� �f�+� �r'g is� L �Y�c `� 1 and Dimensions of Project P► ►3 Tr-Az-CA: c, p AT 1-�� r= 'I•U ►t_v -1" is a AL 1.:") a � C Lp 1 H L L_ L.v A Z : 1 5 - b a✓c 5 R vE c-&-r A I C )f ,j 1 C S i 13-c-S proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA pe 'e is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance.Following expi ?ment pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be nec IA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. ETCH (SCALE: i`'_ o t c ?( t--if`t , 1& H I&1-I TS 01: 4l'ic -i ri ftifiler -_ LI✓r pv.ts.)c as (Lcr•-•� CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, 0 Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K.0203. �licant Name J E¢-cLN\ E_. Phone Number Tress 7 8"')ts QtAA-‘. 1L.\-..—�,.- C1f v1d5i 444 eST%:1. State 1J C.- Zips ject Location(County, State Road,Water Body, etc.) Z3 ID )E j 2-s G it. Z...,,xT cz_dl, , 00 a-1--A -1.- PSa i� a w 1 e and Dimensions of Project P1 Ate.a P7.AL.►k (_., . --p Ar r qLt s w.)3 In P' .t1 i,.w,E 1 tx E. co At-4-L bJl.1A 1 c D it>c Ac.Lk. _; IN-, S Z3 b,n.a ..›a.,-t. ,; (,,' I AL- 11 A z: I Si-0eZ - DL4 5iti4� is& vcc,-& ij fA,JTs C. 6NNcL S{�e-s .14:-) proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA pi ve is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance.Following exp ement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be nec AA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. r obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. ;ETCH (SCALE: j'', 20 lust pa.o-IL6 -4,' * l�11♦l6 ri TS iau► Dva.)Z PL P