HomeMy WebLinkAbout42058D - Howell , + , LAr_ AMA/ r; DREDGE & FILL f ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New -1Modification _,Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued zed by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 1 li .r. 0 qgules attached. Name 1. U h /-0 we' ll Project Location: County e ie kK s w►c rc t/ I:N/ R 1 V t' Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) a/ e1r/.-I /( s d 1( state/C ZIP -7iV ( ) ir-C tI_ f77 4 #( )y Subdivision// ed Agent 5kyv,►v, � M 1...."t City,7 /df/` avtil 1 ZIP 7 ❑CW )<EW PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin I. A ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Bodyr4/V4 I 0`A- /4-S (nat El PWS: ❑FC: g�L�I1^/ � Closest Maj.Wtr. Body yes / .9) PNA yes / �,o Crit.Hab. yes / no 1 / 'Project/Activity 41I i-h n'- 0/:-- 80A f //'f 7 7 c. /,'/J71,A b" I(.. (Scale: I ck)length 1(s) I ram" iier(s) f 4 /\ :ngth i amber :d/Riprap length 1:7:3 C? 13 K!3 g distance offshore ax distance offshore c- ^ -0 1) L-i 3-- hannel L CL ibic yards us Boatlift /3 ((3 3ulldozing // h7f44 L /N y9_,". I it ne Length 3""D T not sure yes Cd Igs: not sure yes ,rium: n/a yes (o yes 69) •Attached: OP no ding permit may be required by: A/1/v kill . I See note on back regarding River Basin IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ,,.IIPMIIIIIIIIIIIIII ? itt • . k.,::,. moo':- .,i' '46.67. :.., 1 'r .- - 1 , o - ,a, ...- o..:..c;k *t. - , 0 4 17-..,4,:: . ,:-4 r . L • , - DIA ISION (:)k QOASI.4144.NIA. PALEMLN I • . itkaI A CENTItir NRIAN PROITRT V OWNLR SOT:WIC ATION. Vir NIVEA.FORM ,r ,_-, : , ---) z/.,:;," 7....iame Of ,,,,c-:,,itii1-1.1 A7iiyitig Rif- retir it: ... ,..7.ii,./‘" `_-4---.... .,.f"" 'P-4:- 4:- L---- . .....- 1/A. ,..-r7 / ,_, /. /4,•e!4. .J.1 ,i...'.4:..--.- *If'... ..—.,...................... ..w.... ...,.......w................-,........."`".—*....^..................wt.'""'*tt.'t h :'/.41-5';,...*./ er StreT1 #. S (1.or Road, City $4 County') X t hereby certify that i osso. property act,i4i,:ent to the above rclerenced property. The individual applying for In per nut has described ID MC ;IS snown on the atLiched drawing the development the.), are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this I iliiVe_t 30 Objfk-:10n$ I'D ii:,5. ci!Opi)Sti 1 , .....,.........-,..--, Of you.. have...01jatitnii..10 wha.L.1,s...ociay, pr.oposed, pleas,:. yalta..„..tjat. ,Dive-.iQn ol_Loastal managemon, 127 North CArainai Lyave, Wilrungton....1Ssinit.Larulina. Z$.4.1.)S..or cal1.9.1.0 395- iftif 30,1111111ft ilay ..of rip-of this notix.._,N.c_mstwtsc is con.s,idmkthe sarne_As.nosihiecik,n if.you hut becn 'fldi, Cat4le.i'_ )6.1:,._. , .'''',, ,*, ! ' '',--- .••• 1 uniiersd that .i picy, ificict , mooring p;lings, hreak.watet , b odt house, lit; or sandbag; MUM bt set tack a tnirlirnuM distana of 15 bum my area uf riparian access unless waived by me. (If yogi with to waive the setback, you itis.i.s.f initial the approrniate bank be;ow.:, '."---- ' I de -,..%lf,h to :valve !tIC 15. W;hark reqUireilletli ' t't 1 tiaU LIZ W 1,},i t to via:ye the 1 setback itquiremerli --- iL4,444._.:.4 .:- -.::4-:--.4-- :7 ,. ,--; :- - -.: , - 4k,'. ': L'''• — if ..4._ •-,.. 't.a. v,,, .... ,.........„.......----- - -,. ( \ \ . ,—......,......0. \ . --....-,, -,-....„ --.... \ I \ -..., ). „.....) , \ 1 \ L:..:"4 \It' si, \ 7b \ \ '3 1' Ili I --...:..... ,...0.• "..., ... ''..... 1 17 '' '-' l• (4.-1 ; . grailiPaPielli1151141•1141164- - a- . . , - - a ''• ,-:"R.I'1 ' P-rf , - ,-, •-• . 4 ,,+-,1,-, ,4t A k.:.,.' • !-.... 13 43 r';ra Y, '); -..-A k.•14 i• .. ..• . .- . + 1Swl khlo-d 910 i34,i• 7r E> P. Mi Clf•�,1.-:t::+-ijla .'1b .>k! Yfl 'da!'!"�C:��3 UCSGq"-� 1 0.0 rNT, RTARTAN PR()PERTY ONYMEt .N If[CAILCIL ,-..01ER E.OR I `•_S .. •., F-'yam l _•- 35k (,;r 41.00 Ac4,4irti E'or Pei Int!. ,G Lot€+o trtt t fl. Strtt.: :7)p Rc d. city & I heretxy zertifv that C Own property ad,ao.;:i f,a ale above-referenced property. f'he 111ti:virlt� ly;ng „ the permit has eescribed to Inc as £hewn on the att ched drawing the dc:veiopmenit the,/ are *roposing. A description c,�r drawirrlt, u':u, dlkn r.L ct�ttS, SnGuld be provided with this 'Ctte'r jt,leau have h, ctifa._-W hCirrghitan ws urzt.. 1,27 tiallt,CartLDatifcixc.:4t1' mingtaa, Nt .ratifL.`g405..it,a,1..9IO 1.95 ..�ltits;tll. f ll 1�ik5 s2� rg7Nipt cif this IXIt ii^ ....,]ip-_[ 1P-tT -•!s.ctu s;c'r;er[l 1 hr_vamF..as.9ta ..vtst ar, I understand that s pier, crack, mole-r:ing pilings, breakwater, boat house, :.ft a[ sandba;s must be setback a minimum distance of i 5 friar', my area of riparian access unless waged by me, Of ycn, v,fiei to watvi the setback, yo L.St t:'re appropr,ate blank below.) do ui.sr to ra - x, setback regJ r 'T,raiwi • I . se` tack roc it"'i^.tnr1- it /..0t 11% , ' A ill A PY De-Nc Is 700 OQ - ORDER OF TO THE 4 Jelien /idrQu �?V�^-,/ 1 Q�,.i/ DOLLARS E l�� Y BB&T BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY SUPPLY,NORTH CAROLINA FOR Cama per1i C1J'j'_.. • 1• 9 28 7 2:1'114 ii0038L0�i �.053LOLL2L . 52L57