HomeMy WebLinkAbout37994D - Figure CAMA/ 'L DREDGE do FILL
3 E N E RAL PERMIT Previous permit#
JNew _Modification 'Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued
rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources! � �� rO��C
;oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC
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Rules attache
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9/ZU/Zuu5 TIT; u1:21 FAA 9106861558 FIGURE EIGHT HOME OWNERS fg O04i
'P-20-2005 08:50 From: To:9E8G1558
New ❑I'7odifleatlon []Complete Reissue []Partial Reissue Previous permit#
Daze previous permit issued
As authorized by the State of North Camlinz,Department of Environnlaht and Natural Resources
rnd tho Coastal Resources Commission In an anew of environmental concern pursutnt to ISA NCAC , r eV
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building permit my be required by: A.["'
See note on back regarding ldyAr Basin rules.
etas/Special I .• 2r�Q COM //
t'4 A
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$:Vi,�f 15 Bridge Road • Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 • Telephone (910) 686-0635
. 4
Report Revised Date: Sept 15, 2005
Project Coordinators:
Dr. David Webster (Endangered Species Monitoring) 0: 962-3756
Charlie Baker (Island turtle monitor) H: 686-9674
C: 200-5734
Nests remaining on island.
vity # Date Location of Activity Status of Activity Date hatched #Eggs/hatchlini
07/18/05 174/176 Beach Rd South Nest confirmed (Nest relocated 9/11/05 to 8 B.R.S. 81 egg
7/25/05 254 Beach Rd North Nest confirmed (relocated higher 61
7/26/05 46 Beach Rd South Nest confirmed (relocated higher 11
e of these nests are in the area where post Hurricane Ophelia dozing is proposed.
Pagel o
From: Webster, David [webste@uncw.edu]
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 8:55 AM
To: Margo
Subject: RE: Fig 8 help thurs nite
Status of turtle nests, Figure Eight Island.
There are three loggerhead nests on Figure Eight Island, as of this morning, 16 Septembr 2005, located at:
• 254 Beach Road North
• 8 Beach Road South
• 46 Beach Road South
All other nests have hatched or were lost to Hurricane Ophelia.
Wm. David Webster, Ph.D.
Professor and Curator of Mammals
Department of Biological Sciences
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Wilmington, NC 28403-5915
webste@uncw.edu (email)
webste(a uncw.edu/people/webste(webpage)
To: Figure Eight Island Homeowners Association 9-15-2005
As of September 15th, 2005 their are only three remaining sea turtle nests still active
and awaiting hatching on the island. The nests are located at 46 Beach Rd. South, 8 Beach
Rd. South and 254 Beach Rd. North. Their are no nests on either the north or south ends
of the island where erosion is greatest. The nest that was located at 174-176 Beach Rd.
South was relocated to 8 Beach Rd. South prior to Hurricane Ophelia due to erosion and
washout concerns. The other south end of the island nest located at 154 Beach Rd. South
was washed out during the recent Hurricane. Everything south of 46 Beach Rd. South and
north of 254 Beach Rd. North are clear of all sea turtle nests and no additional nests are
expected on the island this season. Beach re-nourishment in those high erosion areas of
the island will have no affect on the remaining sea turtle nests due to hatch.
Charh Baker
Sea Turtle Coordinator
Figure Eight Island
September 16, 2005
Request for Emergency Beach Bulldozing NORTH END FIGURE EIGHT
5 Comber Robert R.Plybon(Mary E.)
910-686-0578 5116 Hedrick Drive
Greensboro,NC 27410
HOUSE H: 336-282-0019 C: 336-207-7188
0:336-292-9050 F:336-292-4618 rplybon@plybon.com
6 Comber William D.Harazin (Becky R.French)
910-686-0783 761-201 Bishops Park Dr
Raleigh,NC 27605
HOUSE H:919-754-1650 C:919-349-2930
0:919-821-3700 F:919-821-2067 wharazin@harazinlaw.com
7 Comber Andy M.Poineau
5297 Behling Road
LOT East Jordan,MI 49727
8 Comber Phillip M.Murphy,Jr. (Margaret)
910-686-9526 97 MacLeod Pond Road
Glenmoore,PA 19343
HOUSE Beach 686-9526
H:610-458-5087 C:610-209-3619
0:610-458-5093 F:610-458-5489 msprod99@aol.com
9 Comber Robert J.Kenefick(Charlotte)
910-686-5585 16369 Bradford Road
Culpepper,VA 22701
HOUSE H: 540-825-6174
0:434-977-4820 or 800-944-3082
F:434-977-0713 rkenefick@wachoviasec.com
10 Comber Dr.Thomas K.Hearn,Jr.(Laura)
910-686-4988 1000 Kearns Ave.
Winston-Salem,NC 27106
HOUSE H: 336-724-2110
0:336-759-5211 F:336-724-2327 heaml@WFU.edu
12 Comber J.Gregory Nelson(Nancy)
910-686-0529 319 Stoneybrook Road
Rocky Mount,NC 27804
HOUSE H:252-937-3840 C:252-903-2796
0:252-937-4323 F:252-937-8613 ndnelsonhsd@earthlink.net
14 Comber Irene T.&William Cagney
910-686-3605 2413 Park Place
Evanston,IL 60201
H: 847-475-2155 C:312-497-5404(Irene)
HOUSE 0: 847-475-1127 Itcagney@aol.com
15 Comber Ronald C.Link(Susan)
910-686-9137 620 Beech Tree Ct.
Chapel Hill,NC 27514
HOUSE H:919-967-7427
0:919-962-4122 F 919-962-1277 rclink@email.unc.edu
17 Comber Nicholas J.Hoetmer
910-681-3770 11037 Hintocks Circle
Carmel,IN 46032
HOUSE H:(317)733-2455
3 Inlet Hook Lanty L Smith(Margaret)
910-686-1718 1401 Westbridge Road
Greensboro,NC 27410
HOUSE H:336-288-0991
0:336-275-8080 Msmith8716@aol.com
4 Inlet Hook Ralph C.Taylor,Jr.(Nancy)
910-686-2993/94 3620 Reservoir Road NW
Washington DC 20007
HOUSE H:202-722-4527
0:202-955-1330 Rtaylor@tay.com
5 Inlet Hook Ralph C.Taylor,Jr.(Nancy)
910-686-0476 3620 Reservoir Road NW
Washington DC 20007
HOUSE H:202-722-4527
0:202-955-1330 Rtaylor@tay.com
6 Inlet Hook Richard W.Mann(Donna)
8 Inlet Hook Dr.Anthony Atala(Katherine Dawson)
910-686-0002 2661 Reynolds Drive
Winston-Salem,NC 27104
HOUSE H:336-725-4099
1 Surf Court Dennis R.Hendrix
31 East Terrace
Arlington Court
HOUSE Houston,TX 77007
2 Surf Court John R.Mann
2403 Reynolds Drive
Winston-Salem,NC 27104
HOUSE H:(336)724-5195
3 Surf Court David L.Lewis
102 Bastille Court
HOUSE Cary,NC 27571
4 Surf Court 4 Surf Court Partnership
George P.Ramsey,Jr.
3831 Old Forest Road,Suite 6
HOUSE Lynchburg,VA 24501
5 Surf Court Double Dimension LLC
Louis Dworsky
12105 Lockhart Lane
LOT Raleigh,NC 27614
6 Surf Court Thomas E.Capps
308 Long Lane
HOUSE Richmond,VA 23221
8 Surf Court Dr.David L.Parsons
215 W.Naomi Street
Randleman,NC 27317
HOUSE H:(336)282-7627
9 Surf Court Demill LTD
C/o Joanne Ewing
Carol Woods,Apt 3100
HOUSE 750 Weaver Dairy Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27514
10 Surf Court RG Real Estate
Mr.W.Clay Grubb
1523 Elizabeth Ave.Suite 220
LOT Charlotte,NC 28204
0:(704)372-5616 ext 2108
11 Surf Court Surf Court LLC
Mr.R.Gordon Grubb
HOUSE 1021 Cowper Drive
Raleigh,NC 27608
H: (919)836-5512