HomeMy WebLinkAbout45971D - East / x..Tr."; ICAMA/ 'fl DREDGE & FILL 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# yy Z 99- IVew Modification : tomplete Reissue JPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued Of1/ irized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources r� ' Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC //"�'• /2 a d L u1es attached. t Name(fir fi (lu'.',i 7 t:/a,v e 1,, id/.rl, L I ' Project Location: County 're 1,'✓1(AI/C IC 5 7/ 0 r/r-✓y I?/✓ Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) //,3f 2-;/di !' z AI e/I IC,r.%/ StateN C ZIP1 1.7.1, CI . (2/0 76•/ 73% Fax#( ) Subdivision S1065 id., .57 9, 'o,J I:ed Agent_Pe,./ 'i S .7,,Mf -1 City.544f e 4 3 egc h ZIP a!yd ❑CW DiNV [ P'FA Plg ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin 4 M,4 I ❑OEA f!HHF ❑IN ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body /g/ lAill 41Di ❑PWS: ❑FC: /,� / yes no. PNA L::� no Crit. Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /1/ 1/1 W f Project/Activity Pi 1 ✓e 4 / l e/2 /,[/Gc/e_ (Scale:j ' ck)length3 n ')lnY '022 ',u 4' ',fre�'� -� !1 )ier(s) i j 'ngth _ i `� ` — i —{ . - — t I t- imber 1 I id/Riprap length T g distance offshore ax distance offshore O. `I el lc 1 toJ. � d . t._ hannel fQ �. �/ T 1 -. • l.�C ibic yards ce - - 0574.046,� mP 1...._.+ , J'. / 2 ' , ,5C h►7 A eHz-;D Z 4 M w -- 4 Ai.#, us= Boatli /� 1 lulldozing — — 'I 1 I I s� 93 r ; } ie Len h i i not sure yes no C : not sure yes s no s y i I I { rium: Ns es no i , 1 yes no 4 r Attached: yes no . 1— „ccAMA, Hi:DREDGE & FILL '/ e) 3ENERAL PERMIT - Previous permit# :-icre-w EiModification El Complete Reissue E.Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources :pasta'Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC 7/4/. /2 oa Iii-Rffrei attached. t Name 47._ ..s 1L C o P5 71 ii c/tie Bid,144_5/ 4 z C.- , Project Location: County Z)sz ti..(t.v, )04 A-)i F 2 Al Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)/if 5-_.,./ , r_- • State/* 6 ZIPL ki_i? OW ) r 2e 7/7J Fax# ( ) Subdivision SP,c5,c1 p 5 IA ed Agent 3 P el/4-5 Ye-i 41.4,..-.' City-5g,fr.'S e 1 4944 c A ZIP 2-7e/6.i -cw 1-,---tw” i-LP-TA- E-ES--- ill PTS Phone# ( . ) - ' River Basin F:OEA El HHF r:IH D UBA [IN/A Adj.Wtr. Body - /9/ I-1i') 0:-gOkr _ PWS. 0 FC: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body id)/Ili/-%1 yes C:52 PNA dap no Crit.Hab. yes / no Project/Activity Pa iv471..t gio4 /Pcc le (Scale:i,.-: 14 :k)length 326 iie tj'(/,2 ' ' a66, /Id • , , , iliMMINMEME ' '____ 1 1 •(s)/c ' /2 ' k__iiL— 1111111111M11 er(s) 4f,_;I._12°5 MINUNIUMMINEMEWPMEMIMMIIMMIMINIMMIMIE " I ' ' ' IMINNIMMENIIIIIIMINWINIMMIIIIIIIIMIE 1 ' L , - ! ! I I • ! .!I I I IMMEMEMIEUMERIMMIEMINE 'I 1 • nber I/Riprap length 11, distance offshore rt 1 - I -I, I _,I i , , ammimiiiiim 1 ,distance offshore / i..- prign,_ ' i-- i 1 laiErijalmr--- _ 1 ! i annel re_.7 1 11111W-7 , , t _ ' -14512- i ! --....1111 '11-1 ' . I 111111111111 , ic yards t--;--- . ' : '7 1 i ' . i ._ __I P [ n I ! I T—I ! /22 LT I 1111111111111111 , ii--; , , , , . , I , , , , i --- ,/z Kili : -- ________ _ H______L--- - 7-11111MINE I . 1, _ iikr_ amr........_ iidozing, ; -ii I I , 1 •T i.v W. -''' 5 4'- IMMEIMIE ,___I ' i ,j WINIMIPellUMMIN ' ' ) MIIMIIIIMEll , i film ,1 - : i is . 1- J .1•1 i 1 ', Length 9..? ' ..) - I . ik- . i i , I I I . \. ., , , .1 not sure . yes /C:2) ..! not sure yes 6..„2,' ..,/ ,..,i' .2f'' . ..i . i 1./. ill I td• , . , .., im: n/a yes (5) !•------ ' ' . . 5' I I , yes r ) 1• tached: yes " a __ li- - g permit may be required by:_5-4 A-c p 71" deAr I See note on back regarding River Basin ruli e•--...1:.:___ I I ,+ - ..— --- m m-- ^W° --^—h1 Security enhanced document. See back for d e t a i 1 s. E h 5427 EAST COAST HOMEBUILDERS LLC y PO BOX 1441 ,4, ELIZABETHTOWN, NC 28337 SI I' 1 0 YY 66-1215/531 4800 a'!I DATE PAY 1 TO THE /� ii� ORDER OF �(� . $ /0 i a k [X -[X DOLLARS 8 --�� Or 4WACCAMAW BANK c Whitevilk,NC 28472 'I °mnu.m°uontarubankcom 6 �(f��1 0 FOR ta0 0005427n' 1:❑ 531121521:8❑0❑ 2 ,I.