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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew (3) CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION / FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, • Department of Environment,Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCA SubchaRteerr 7K.0 03. ; ,, .7� licant Name ,y� l�r ' • G� /3-414 7 Phone Number 9/'' ?18., Cyr/ /�r�r'l o� la,k .Sri 1� ress D o✓+rn t,gH t �'� X,t 2DY/v' / 5i.o 7� /4d LP/' ) State 4"J Zip Zg ect Locat�i9n((ounty, State Road Water Body, etc.) /(„1eot-i / s✓�i- , /,IS ffbv /77 •/an Dimensions of Project /ac eP/ 5 Sl'// 77/ I f1 A , S /,4r�T d • f 4/ A/Jr M4 c 0/5 T rfr, 44/f7 re7_-, ice Droposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA pe e is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expii ment pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be necE permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. `obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. ETCH (SCALE: ev k S l ( co,- . t4 frz.e kl:vrt J tINS S G1e e t /7 . /// v, 2/2 df ` l�r! Zoo l fee,' ✓�c�ii-c� // 31-, T 2 3, / r<< � ��s.-s� dos 7i r sxr 5 ivorjk 1p�( ��' rr�L /� CG`�i S�rlil�jr'�i ��<� fli//, 5 47/ � l/Y,C / l��� /il�/ S/Gz�l� l/' �/�>> 4*" 3 OCT-22-2007 MCN 12: 11 PM NHC ENGINEERING FAX NO. 1 910 798 7051 P, 02 �cT=aa-2067 09:05 From: To:1 910 798 7051 Q•Z 0 CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT Ai autharizod by the Stata of North Carolina, 11 Department of Environment,Health,and*torsi Rosourcoc and the Coastal Qcourooa Commlotion In an ernof onvtrnnmentol concern pursuant to 15 NCA; . / er 7t(, 3, fie, • 31/6 t . +'(i' ( gyp I.Oa Phone Number /O. I$.101 Applicant Name .1[A • :.: PMs w , •4111 O ILdreafa - - OILY Al.... .., State IV- ZIP . p • ,plat H0 Water ): Typea • • rnt is�of Pro i �' '` ' �..- .....4! ��� i .r rr r Tho proposed projoct to bo boated and constructed at deacrbad This cenNjeetfon of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is above is hereby certified as euornpt Iran the CAMA permit roe valid tar 00 days from tho dote of ieauwtoeFF011a(bye expiration, quiroment pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K ,O 3, This locomotion to a re•43�aminatlon of the projoot and prop �t Y ary LAMA permit requiromonta dooa not al►ovlato the noceaahy of to oontInuethis certification. your obtaining any other tttata,Federal,or Local authorization. SKETCH ,� (SCAI.E: � 1 _ . _ — 1 ' ir: k ,<; (I Le die /'h gcG pc,•' i.i.r/ W#.'', • ,2/ n.c 61iee 2" /7'► //i Gt ' '"2/ ' - n -:4i/A Poe' . . Y*:41- 0 / / rlh . � , •i�fhr+cii. „ e:,: /t1 . 1 i ! -, 4tr 'r ,. re G'D�S Om(or/O.f x!e0'ifil601'7$ .0iikt;,t. , ' °i*' :► ram! i / 't'' a :''0017 f• I J Any person who proceeds with a dowlapment without the con- .L ' — sont al a CAMAlapleho under the mlitgkon a aumpgon that the atu deValopment le alrarttptod.will be Invloletbn of the GAUD If Moro o........nna d.wd ter the - "• 0CT-22-2007 MON 12: 10 PM NHC ENGINEERING FAX NO. 1 910 798 7051 P. 01 uNTY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY �, 6 Engineering Department/Water and Sewer District 230 Government I.Center Drive•Suite 160• Dennis Count tang i fyla Interim County Engineer Wilmington,North Carolina 28403 James S.Craig,P.E. Z ',u ,1'4.: I TELEPHONE(910)-798-7139 Deputy County Engineer Fax(910)798-70Si FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: /d '22- PAGES TO FOLLOW: / giCIPIENT. g•CNAME a /�i¢-/iPS LOCATION ..DI V . .6 ( S T fives f 47- FAX # 6\ 1O . 3g5 • 3 Lttf PHONE # SENDER; NAME ► \ \ ?)_r-N r1 ; LOCATION I } 1.) FAx # l9% - 706 ( PnoNE # 79% --- -75 70 6/;0:P,e, Comments: go�/ / v MCEJM&CREED ENGINEERS v SURVEYORS PLANNERS August 22, 2007 M&C 0494-0034 (10) Robb Mairs NC DENR Division of Costal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 RE: Bradley Creek Lift Station Junction Box Replacement Dear Robb, For your information,you will find attached sheets 1/2 and 2/2 that depict the demolition and construction which will take place near the Bradley Creek Lift Station.Anticipated limits of wetland disturbance are shown on the above referenced sheets. As previously discussed,the proposed work is a direct replacement of an existing concrete manhole and associated piping.The existing manhole is severely deteriorated and, to date, several attempts to rehabilitate the structure in place have proven un-successful.The proposed pipeline replacement will remove the existing ductile iron pipe and replace it with corrosion resistant PVC pipe. As depicted on the attached plan sheets, this site is very small and is located adjacent to Bradley Creek.There will be a significant amount of excavation required to install the new manhole and piping.The contractor will be required to return all soils which have been excavated within wetland boundaries to their original location.The area outside of the wetland boundary will be returned to original grade and new vegetation established after construction is complete. forth Front Street Per your request. we have located the below grade concrete anchor block to the Mr. Robb Mairs August 22, 2007 Page 2 We sincerely appreciate your help with this critical project. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact at 910-343-1048. Sincerely, McKIM&CREED,P.A. Mike ohnson, EI /bhc cc: Bill Pinnix, PE, New Hanover County Tony Boahn, PE,McKim&Creed,PA