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r • / 7CAMA/ E DREDGE & FILL . / 4 3ENERAL PERMIT V Previous permit# )New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC -14 , I I 0('t 7 15 0 L'7 , L�Rules attached. t Name [2 01J f n,r \4. CoLJ Project Location: County /Je.:7\.//90 I ZLt b00 L jap Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) /111nlJ State SC ZIP 29031e I () 7 m1LLncc!7 ,), , E( C*2) .)t1,.1, - I 13 Fax#( ) Subdivision m A-L C Pad) i3O't j :ed Agent G �t., IM the i I fJ City /-/-) v riti_aL7.J-►> ZIP 21 yv ❑CW DEW COTA raEs ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin C y$/1 ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body CA-iv/-i-L... OFF A 1/x/-Q (nat /I ❑PWS: ❑FC: yes / no PNA / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body I 1/V IA./ F Project/Activity i e..11Lf I (. '9L t L Y-i-L 10 (Plc)v A T)11 vv c c D><' ) (Scale: I"- ,ck)length - i(s) I ; i iier(s) gt tuber MI ' 1 I • d/Riprap length '1 W 1vr'►71 , I _I rt�_` — -- E ' g distance offshore 1 -�,A U _F ,,' ax distance offshore I A \W h/ r--1 YY hannel �71 ' N t 1 15 i.i_ac- s LAN- bic yards ( CZ I0 4 9 rip 'f 1.. s n Jse/Boatlift / `Si 1.5'- i I lulldozing 22 1 ,,.,777 i et.Au(os,t">7 , Ito' le Length 1'70 i , yam, ;. e or --1- not sure yes IS , rt4 1Nt1t& �: not sure yes 61 i - s _ - rium: n/a yes I 101 PO NI-L/,!/7 yes SI Attached: yes f i , , ing permit may be required by: P See note on back regarding River Basin i 1121S e c u r f ty _enhanced document. See bock for d e l a i t e.®_ 7036 =+� DELTA DOCK & BOAT LIFT 402 AQUARIUS DR. 910-686-9700 1 WILMINGTON, NC 28405 rj, ), © /fir 66-30/335 �- DATE PAY 0 �L' �� I $ � ,,, TO THE ORDER OF C:2 I`' U' cJ �is r�'!J�G /> DOLLARS a '4,�'r-"_ j I FtrlARST CITIZENS 365 �I H rnp tc d Bank 6 huat Company I� Hampstead.N C.28443 �1 www.firstcitizens.com i.52) 1 FOR � / 1t°7'Z Zr- i� ti+, ' 1100703611 1.053L003001.0 53L99L50411 - S S %,LeL 6'' D ; ,-f }4 .)-- it./`-c-'114, .3-1- i DELTA DOCK AND BOAT LIFT ISIIL LOCK & BOAT UFT11 WILMINGTON,NC 4 D v2., tottaVag; S be_ Phone: (91Q 686-9700 WILMINGTON, N.C. 28411 Fax: (910) 6864700 d 620 &3 6 1 u LK. )1GA--- n PINc. -c� 7 rnge /) D X ,k4 preirk) (/ tt 3 3 .Y lei N N l l� Name Of Individual Apply For Permit Ch/ �'� CU " Address Of Property; 7 ii1,1 6 Z' 4 A 7 c 2 r3/(1 V 36/tAyi ;Lot or Street#, Street or Road, City & County) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described coatis as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this 'enc. I have no objections to this proposal, g0LKot If_ym l ye etkiatiam tp whit ishirill re1a1 r-4.. SZiti lbl abti i I ME lAanstrm New Csrd{tnet DtjYC N,i1 i., 4 N ircalum _c itug 3�withiz_1.0sisyt ci Temiptothk rotlee_ No IVISPrat Cdnaidereid ' ire " 'e n e ityr if rti have hPr: notrifled l',y dardfiad Milt • ECM crrirTOW I t:adersaand that a plc, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, bolt house, Art or sandbags must be set back a minimum diem= of 15' from my area of riparian amen unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you mt't initial the appropriate blank below.) ) , I do wish to waive the 15' setback requires nt. I do., _ wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Name Of Individual Applying For Permit !'/'' (-Co' `1 Address Of Property; T /7C: i� I)ore c- v _5-7 /-96s9v00 (Lot or greet#, Sit or Road, City & County) I hereby certify that I own property adj*.nt to the above-referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described tote as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions. should be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. ,&'6(,tteler' /S If you hilt ntligitets to whet it s pressed pinata writs the niv,riRtt.e rr+ilrtii ■./.t •.Nrf I I F.ik4 '■s •-.-, ■; •1 .. . .•)■.- � ♦ I t♦.♦a• ♦• • -• h a it •■ ..S4 4 you h2Vj been trateleithy Cartiiiad tNtiil . rN I mode rand than a pia, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house, lit or sandbags must be se:back a minimum din= of LS' from my aes of riparfaa access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you=t t initial the appropriate black below,) mat. I dosat with to waive the I S' setback requirement. J 1 11-11-VV 1 JJV .J1 NCDENR --�� North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resour es Division of Coastal Management ?ricrac r Eas'.ev,Govsrar Charles S.Jones,Director Wiliiarn G. R055 Authorized Agent Consent Agreement 6 N _ ts hereby authorized ;o act on my behalf Primad Name orA94ne in orcar-o obta;n any CAMA pernmt(s) reou,red for the property (sled below, The authorization is limited to the sper:fic act.vi;,es desc,ibed in the attached sketch, LOCATION OF PROJECT: /07 4 ,ciA ) p J-,' rn 5 7 l a AID • PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: ,/ 7 Aa 6-.19- e 0/4 e/Ai 5c o 3 PHONE NO. gp,-- <591( 1 3 AUTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: ` c-16T r-)erA 1evo✓¢'r' 41` 7-- PHONE NO, !/6 zo Signature of Properly Owner. Signature of Authorized Agent; ^--.1 z C l