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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJohnson (6) CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT ,y as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K.0203. cant Name .�o H-'iJ v,J Phone Number 3'47 —4 t 2 ess i c;w �Crh�?L. ,OK • l I(-r) 1 ) _ State N C- Zip _7 7 )ct Location(County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) 1I /V( rt CASt.c),_ :.L 60k H /+7 n ' L v'T IC DC t- bkI.1_1\-61.0tflL (L) . and Dimensions of Project 1 C E 0 D j- Ur= C Z —Z3v )roposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA per is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expir ment pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be nece A permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. Dbtaining any other State, Federal, or Local authorization. ETCH (SCALE: I ZL )(IST 10(o �. ,,, L��Z�w3o - C kJ\ FTLIZs/i�,t.�WOW S}t t t.►�•�tS U NLy) orri44 07) l w►�+�u.� rCs:1_S,ut,C 142: tZatt_S.,' I • &teo&?s jttk Lt NOT -TV t!, ±±t- (1eI L Ric. • ?t 2!ttzs Sri irc. N v i Oa-t"1'O '3D'f. OF 1V-1-t tlirll;S V -AS LUC1-4_. _� 9/21/2007 10:06 9102785490 TOWN CASWELL BEACH PAGE 02/E '-2R-2007 1.5:50 From: To:91027E5490 P.2'3 0 CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION ...) FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, if,x Dopanrnent al Environment,Health,and Natural Flaaouroes and the Coastal Resources Commission I In an atom of onvironmontal Concern pureueni to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K 4203, Applicant Name . Phone Number ,35., Z—FPI: Address_J City JaiD/1-1- Sth ;' Stale 1V-. w -Ip -.Z lo.- Project location( aunty,State Road,water Body,etc.)J 0.-- =r . c rod. .r• (. .-,.....-.,P. . v. . w o'r. i_1172,114, r TR .fi.( Gi ' , ► . Type and Dirnenslons of Protect wit' : 'Mt ' s ) 4.01 T h a propoaad prolog to bo lormtod and eonotracted ao d000ribocl Thla cortificailon of exemption from roqutring a LAMA pnrmlt Is above Is hnroby oartlfied as oxornpt from the CAMA permit re• valid for90 days from the data of issuance.Following axplratlan, quf remont pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a ro-axamin►atlon o' no proloet and probes site may bo noaeaaary CAMA permit roqulromonta dean not allovloto the nocoaalty of to continua ihla col Nation. your obtaining any other State,Federal,or Local authorization, SKETCH (SCALE, I/r►',2.0 r ) . 's-/A-"t LANT I C O G- "'. ifrrd a , t:Xis.-141,-)&? ..,0, r4 it? - 1 F Tb c w' I Prr ram i pli,„.WfloO dog-, PctS77 1 g st,&6' DrJi.-.)l) '"" ,w' V ivs.-T-5 t e a t( .A•►11-c &twt t ' • NDT 7b 4* w p'mn l)r- ua C4 VA let" .. • S I . 1•UOLLI ....,.......ow,,nip, o. n with a dovelooment without thethe con- —.. R.L. Jones & Sons Construction General Contractor Lic. 44766 109 River Drive 34 IN S!I�I� Southport, ,�,�„ NC 28461 III III#. $.0. I'004 Bobb 910) 457-6380 Scott 457-9770 IIII 4000041M. iI ,III '.�410 .Akfii )a IIiiI 5-Sep-07 Heather Coats Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Lane Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Ms. Coats, I am sending the items you requested in our phone conversation yesterday. This includes plans, a materials list, and cost of repairs. I could not find a copy of the agent authorization form that I sent in for the previous exemption in June. I hope you can find it in the earlier file. If you need any other information please call me at 471-0802. If you have all the information to issue an exemption fax it to 457-9698 and I will sign it and fax it back, Thank you, Scott Jones AECEIVI kko,r.t'\ -7011Nv‘sovk a-o tlt C0.5we\\ aeacL CoV 1TC j ! Scott a�v e. 91 t-o8 ae 4 I Oc....At, line lexfO' 1 1 9 G Harold, To�wso , Yr-__"� //- rite,e ',1 �� e BeaC� qiC`1 wv' 111 Co \t Cor1T&c1 : & rt z-6,e s / e_i<f s-f;".5 Ail 1 -oto. 2.x q s 1,1 me roo- rcecLers, •ap}ars Qiywood 4- st,,; Les Z 1 , x y1 1G J \)/ Zx4 'I"a}7e,t's "er%s'h s d.y.{a 2telle,r - ,j Imo' ! extS 1Gx6 -- poct;cleG post' rays i .i w/r.ew r+4 QQ� -1119 oto S ‘ �, saxav` 2 - • S-'a1 u1i s -k4 is `C` ' r oo_x poo A1d xhk ch, / J II -a-a_b-,1-'0 r jr-tra _ 0.00_1 O t-° Q1),a) d� ,5,t -7 vo' _v- -_ vj ota$o -► / s-;L GG 40,5 ;4 O 1i pr-'15O ul 3/09/2007 13: 52 9102785490 TOWN CASWELL BEACH PAGE 02 + v ear TOWN of CASWELL BEACH 110C Came Rcad•CaawIN !4©2e489 '�t?tlh.��' cs �(lltl(i 47ti-54fit.1-,pe(Mill;4164,40•VlYMN,iaSYlillh7E'#Ch,fN/ y Y August 9, 2007 To: Heather Coats: NCDENR Division of Coastal Management Subject: Request for Exemption on Minor Permit for Repairs Reference: R.L. Jones Construction Co. LLC Repairs at Ill Caswell Beach Road Dear Heather: I have met with Mr. Jones at 1.11 Caswell Beach Road and have determined that to replace the roof system and do repairs on the gazebo from the girders up will be less than 50% of the construction value. He is not to replace any of the girders or pilings. The estimated cost of his job is S2500.00. If you have any questions please contact me at 910-520-3271. Sincerely, Bill Bruce, Caswell Beach Building Inspector IC II LU LUU' 1RU UL•4J Ill I IIl1 I . I V1 25 07 04: 15p 5oott L K1mberly Jones 010-457-9698 p. 1 -25-PH17 11;55 From: To:910 457 969R P.2/2 A1 WWI North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource Division of Coastal IWnagement Michael F Easley,Gowmor Chaffee S.Jones,Dtr.eta *Ram G.Ross Jr.Seaetsry Authorized Agent Consent Agreement Sc O l ( L is hereby audtoriZsd to act on my behalf (ranee Nef. p apart i ordgr to obtain any CAMA permit(a)required for the property Need bebw_ The authorization Is limited to the DocIV o activities described in the attached SKeten OCPTION OF PROJECT; I CO.SW e l l e0.CROL • ROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS; Io. roll -S�h_So ").d Yr 1SSLtre Dr. • ► � Po-jht /VC �7 2 62 PHONE No. 33 g UT/IONIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS; took p �(,,,.tk,\ po t-rt NC #,$4.4I gad- PHONE NO. y5,- `I?7) c. gnature of Property Owrror gnarure 01 Authorfzed Agent Gets' L 07 Message Confirmation Report SEP-19-2007 04:35 PM WED Fax Number Name lame/Number 94579698 Page 2 Start Time SEP-19-2007 04:34PM WED Elapsed Time 01'02" Re STD Results ! O.Ky State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Reso Jrce0 Wilmington Regional Office Michael F.Easley,Governor William G.Rtms Jr.,Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: 9/19/e?- No.Of Pa es:(excludllpciver) 1 &-Of -TorteS From: ra.tfi r CO: CO: Division of Coastal Management FAX# 9 S7—9 to?18 FAX#:910.395-3964 REMARKS: cCcoot;, Ptea.l'c. el rt(ray7 aria( ,c1e Y'ha- 11,11/YLIi4 r Above. • Thecedes 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,N.C.214054145 Telephone)910)7126.1715 Fat pia)596.5664 An Equal Opporwne Min olta Emphpa CASWELL BEACH ROAD imap:// Subject: RE: 111 CASWELL BEACH ROAD From: "joy guin" <> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:12:55 -0400 To: "'Heather Coats' <> From: Heather Coats [] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 9:46 AM To:joy guin Subject: Re: 111 CASWELL BEACH ROAD Hi Joy, Could you please just add Bill's estimated value of the gazebo to this letter? I hope you are well. Thanks, Heather joy guin wrote: • : Iowa of ASWEll BEACh ,* �►� 1100 Caswell Beacri Road • Caswe€; Beacr, NC 28465 •tOP-►,4 r ., (910)278-5471 • Fax ( 10) 78- } • Webstte: v ,w casw it acr orq ee R TO: HEATHER COATS REF: 111 CASWELL BEACH ROAD EXEMPTION OWNER: HAROLD JOHNSON CONTRACTOR: SCOTT JONES