HomeMy WebLinkAboutHoetimer CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION \._ ) FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, C- Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NFAC S bchapter 7K.0203. �� I✓►Gl rfi t tMt✓ �/G CIJi" � . i-1t'i, l�/d Z3/c licant Name Phone Number Iress I_ C'nw,��e .' ( 1rj . 8 . „7-S . 2 State Q i(/G lip ectLocation(Co nty, State Road, WatQr Body, etc.) v O / e and Dimensions of Project it i'Zf/,�i/7 4,i# ' /YM ,s7/ A net,/ 1b,,9 5 ok, n�,y,Ji. ' • IS'A. 5 4 ( rim..,, £ .e./. ' W' ' '5 ',1,-< / c ,//oaf ;'er/Ale / 'k S ' proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA pe ie is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expi D m e n t pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be nec IA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. ETCH (SCALE: ,f 4// wdr.4 44// k (',,2„,,i4 7 i T ,,,,-/ i ('/' l 1/4 _/A4ir_ Ffr74,e" 4^,e/' /551/e, zs o3 . — P/4 IV/4 ee i tt 4 .4-4-/- ,-,,,....43, (-,,,• 7-7iii ,/ b y 7 .----<74,4 r 4 /v çh///7 / �,i-rteo' ! �' !� / fj ,� 11//r L i l v�i rr . �1 irn1 ` l',- /� '✓arm P//1// 11 11 , �� %' 4/ er'e r7 'n 64e ti.///7 �'G / i+107474`i Gib 6(l/41 .- MI ion, +el' ce /r� l�' l 51 // � ij5 z rrw7 boo< 1 1147,c fr v/t(S' e'© 4, /,I % A--/-,7/� 2.5'/, 1/63t/ 3rr 7S, wvr'4; 1 _._.__._a .._.�__. 3/29/2007 16: 04 9192846960 CORKEV FINCH PAGE 06 29-EOI7 15:21 From: To:9192846950 F,.b .,� CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION ..___--i/ FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT us authorizod by the State of North Caroline, Y`" Qapartmont of Envlronmont,Nocith,and Noturol Roeourcee and the Coastal Resources Commission r`�< in an area of environmental concern pigeon!to tb ti C opter 7K 03, pplicant Name 7 Il , + ' Phone Number �' 21/A, ,/mil daraf;s�,, akr, 1 ., 5...� ity Stale I _ ' rol�ec�t oCatlion(Co ity, $ate A... ,r�.�l1,.— ,Wat-r Body, etc.) _ r ..• 44 . d and nmbrtslona of Project ' A-V•41i/ # . r---- le prcposetl project lobo booted end constructed as described Th Ilr certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA porr >cva Is hereby certified as exempt from the CAAAA perm't ro• valid for BO days f'bm the data of issuance,(r'orloWIrtq expire :Iromont pursiont to tS NCAC 7K .O�b3. Thls oxerrptfon to a ra.exsmination of thtipro ootono prolog:site may be ngrel IIMA pormit roqulroment, dose not lib, the necessity of to cont'nue this osrtifiostion, iur obtaining any other State, Irodoral,or Local authorization, SKETCH (SCALE: )17' 4// ,fie, Oi'4 f I d/ 4 44**/. ,Y 74., . 4 e// , Cgc efe/ l- `, D i' /S$kr-of iC!..1' . 1 lel, ' ' 0V4 4e_e L124#dp.f..414.0 ,/e0, , . es: 47: 4,4":' i "er si A 41 .--57,410:r 4 !ei'10;*ff4f// 40. 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