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47408D - Hackney
C]CAMA / C'DREDGE & FILL _ G E N E RAL PERMIT Previous permit # -JNew -Modification _Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources �� f and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC/ l / ❑RI ttand Applicant Name Gt ✓j3 !%e' �j'Ife, Address JtN, City � '/F "/iY �P/ State _11� ZIP -Z Phone # llf Fax # (rat) 254 . G 1757 ,, -/rkf y Authorized Agent bt1o, "? G� Affected Cw aE1+ 2ftA (ems ❑ PTS AEC(s): 0 0EA 0 HHF ❑ IH [IUBA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS: ❑FC: ORW: yes / no PNA yes / no Crit. Hab. yes / no uesa c e . Project Location: County /Z -n ✓/f'" Street Address/ State Road/ Lot #(s) Subdivision — City 1,419 �/ i"'�•R A/ r Z{P -;", - -Z ' - Phone # ? ,' ._1 `.' River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body _ (nat /man /unkn) Closest Maj. Wtr. Body _4�t/V tVf/ k Type of Project/ Activity . Ell : , ° �Gr� /� �/ �� ! ✓� r (Scale: sl ) Pier (dock) length Platform(s) T _.. ___I I _. �___ � _ I _ � _ -_ _- --r - Finger piers) Groin length � f - — � number Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore -.._ max distance offshore Basin, channel cubic yards Boat ramp ' v _- I Boathouse/ Boatlift l l i I Beach Bulldozing i011 I f Other Shoreline Length $AM not sure yes Sandbags: not sure yes Moratorium: n/a yes y -- -- --� - Photos: es o- Y _L Waiver Attached: yes CfOI _ ; .._ - — — - i _ }_ -' r_ _ J f _ A building permit may be required by: See note on back regarding River Basin rules. < r �V-/7 Notes/ Special Conditions r Gr (f = .mil �� / y❑ / f + f s /4'-Z'< .r.. r: f Agent or t p' plicai Printed Name Signature "�*Ff ease read compliance statement on back of /permit Application Fee(s) Check # /.g"'; Permj Officer'sSignatu e Issuing Date Expiration Date A / # ' rI (1 � �� /-7,6 Local Planning Jurisdiction Rover File Name Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: �J Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules [1 Other: Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Quality. Contact the Division of Water Quality at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215) for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. Division of Coastal Management Offices Central Office Mailing Address: 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 Location: Parker -Lincoln Building 2728 Capital Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27604 919-733-2293 Fax:919-733-1495 Elizabeth City District 1367 U.S. 17 South Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Morehead City District 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 202-808-2808/ 1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow -above New River Inlet- and Pamlico Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax:910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow -below New River Inlet- and Pender Counties) Revised 06/29/05 rrCAMA/ Ca+DREDGE & FILL i 3,ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# .Jew 'Modification ❑Complete Reissue CPartial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources /�N, :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC ' !l ❑Rules attached. t Name 4✓js H€ I/ixy Project Location: County A/e'1,. /1GAid ',, 3tv2 P%rk ,4 4' Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) ✓t 164// gbh State/1A ZIP Z &gD3 6 /3 7/.4/4 , r20r •(90) 341 , • i9f Fax#( U) .0/75' Subdivision ed Agent .rr�plr.�• r City 1/✓/ �<47/.5 *!1'a ZIP 221'/ ❑CW LIEIDIZSii Q*A PI ❑PTS Phone# (4V)3,2 .33 7 I River Basin (1,o., ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body (nate ❑PWS: ❑FC: yAno PNA es / no Crit. Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /11•"ti� Project/Activity #'>1 !'bfA477 fiso✓,YI �"l- Lyj. ,� r., ",f 4" :�l�WS5 (7/ i/7// " (Scale: '. ck)length / ier(s) / /' 1 < -�,,- / f ngth v i tuber d/Riprap length ''G Q�/�47A4, 6N Xl distance offshore } t / y DC distance offshore I'l`� /h ,are' go x-isx-3 I Sic yards �ap s• `+`� _ v Ise/Boatlift �/ —.� i ulldozing i _ ' it P __ . il eLen h A' ,v r ,; t . i'8t /z not sure yes o 1 / ,se, s: not sure yes 1 lip rD{, , ` t ium: n/a yes 41 T Yes 4 '\ttached: yes l � i Form DCM-MP-1 APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) b. City, town, community or landmark 1. APPLICANT • f tL hit(k l2)•), )J C. c. Street address or secondary road number E6.1 LSE O iZ cA C7 a. Landowner: Name 7G4.oC gAci a'( d. Is proposed work within city limits or jurisdiction? Yes ✓No Address 5802 Pazak I&JE -)U e e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g City VI( I �iV State QC- Zip creek, sound, bay) iU(/Y 43G30(2o c Z&4-O3 Day Phone 3�i2�_337q Fax 256_r 0 t•7 ' 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED 1 OF PROPOSED PROJECT b. Authorized Agent: Name W IJCE3 IA/ VILE£ Jt & a. List all development activities you propo: building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead,p excavation and/or filling activities. Address 2-721; icamiT6 J�. City vltCM 1(k)C State QC 1'� ` � 5-7 E 66 Zip [45- Day Phone 2-C-41— ;62.0 b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an o project, new work, or both? tJ .\G,/ Fax 2.�6-O t"7'� c. Will the project be for public, private or corm c. Project name (if any) la, use? C21\//SL'E COMMJUC d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, met] construction and daily operations of pr NOTE: Permit will be issued in name of landowncr(s),and/or project. If more_space is needed, please additional pages. ecbrii 5 7c ?RA Project name. :7 is. 1c42_1 rurz i&=9 DGLY1 5T r 2A friI C' vS CL[) o,t, mentove, • Form DCM-MP-1 APPLICATION (To be completed by all applicants) b. City, town, community or landmark 1. APPLICANT • Vila- (kZ4 t ))J, c. Street address or secondary road number a. Landowner: Name Dt=LS.L)4j RACK ({ d. Is proposed work within city limits or F jurisdiction? Yes ✓No Address 3 2, PieNtat e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g City V4t1N11 h)Ca iU State OC- creek, sound, bay) fU(/�xn C p_o Zip Z 03 Day Phone 3 3 c/ Fax Zs6—r l 7� 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED 1 OF PROPOSED PROJECT b. Authorized Agent: Name I J136W IA ZI G£ t a 3 9 a. List all development activities you prop(); building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead,p excavation and/or filling activities. Address '2-72 0 CLD vimto--6a-420w, City LJtLM 1104 * s State QC 1,01 11O1C'MZ or2co4e taw`'-? x'�— 5 Otter.s Zip o 5— Day Phone 2�4_ G'2.0 b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an t project, new work, or both? tJE Fax S5-6-6 l75 c. Will the project be for public,private or corm la use? �1V/ TE COMMU1.)f" c. Project name (if any) d. Give a brief description of purpose,use, met] construction and daily operations of pr project. If more space is needed, please NOTE: Permit will be issued in name of landowner(s),and/or additional pages. @l ►5 To pOI t Protect name. ,d c c I DGI fl , 57'11/L. a t 41 C ST>Zc C:-'T)ooat, iMetET1'©Ei 9 T ■^C'A TT(IM CYC DDF Dl1CL'T aL" r� ► A A( W W W W W / W 4, W W / / 15' RIPARION CORRIDOR / - .4, W W W W / / -/ - I- - - / 3 x"° W •4, —W W z W MARSH GRASS 4, // z :MARSH GRASS* CHANNEL I Z _2 W W W 42' ,,pI �o PP •o so 1 IIIc W W / EXCAVATIO LIMITS . / co W W / ;;: J I CO /OCI co ir W W W / .'.'.'.'.'.�.'.'.'.. �i 4- -4 /. : . : :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : :.:.: A ` W. . . . .. . W 'O W WW •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • W • (n4, W W Y o ► W • ••i•• •i. . a .li •1•• •i 7.5'i• • •A 1 A 4 A A I W \\'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 15' RIPARION CORRIDOR I cn 4, '.'.''' ' ' '' '. . , . . .. �� '� q�I x~r ...�. . ..: .. .. .. . . .. ..T. . ,!.• ' , 'y0 �e0 /,y0 1 WSW . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . 145't I W . . . . . .' ' '. .. .. .. .. . . . ... . . . ... . . . .j WATER80DY WIDTH I . .'....,.•. . .................. ...............,........... . O W �. .',','.'.SHOA4, .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 4,,ii OR1GrNAL .cHaNNEL. . MAINTENANCE DREDGING /.'. • . .'.'.'. .' '.. . . . . ..• •.•.•,•.•.•.•.•. AT: TRAILS END ROAD / •• ••• • •• • FOR: DEANS HACKNEY fie. . . / 3802 PARK AVENUE WILMINGTON, N.C. i �,,,� , , ,,, BY: DUNCAN MARINE CONTRACTORS •r. A• A• w. 7• A• T ' 4. f T w. T \ \ \ 4.4• w. w, w. w. w. w. w. .n py+ •. 4• w. \ 4. ♦. 4. 4. 4, w. n. 4. 4. T 4. \ \ OUC #� i �►�i1I> A. A. T T 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. T \ 4U.i..=)tilif,,111A^,ltAlatti 4' 4' 4' 4. 4 7 ' ' % � . \ \ \ \ w T T T 1 \ 44. 9. 4 • 4. � \ 1 I r "ssvta Hsa�w ' •:.I T , I I 4, 4. 4. 1.. '4'. .n g * w w T T4. w• f �• .n T I ,..j 4. I I • 4, q. 4. q. + 9 T T T T T T T T T T T I I T T T 4, I ' I ,.. .'.'. 4. T I 0 4. A. e. I 4. l'':::;':' V321V lads 1 4. 4, I T T T T T I SeitIO Hsilvw I I ) I \ . . .. . 4- 4, 4. ) I t ` \ 4. I I I SSY219 HS V ti \ :. �/ I I "ss�oa l H ' I I J oNusoca \\ —.- T T T T T -r--- 4. 4, 4. n 7• /1 / 13NNYHQ SLIOw I _ t / I YNRIvw 3TINSLICIWA i.C' ° '',"' tea. 4<'J 0..... ^Fs o�___._ i-. ia)Z('W_. -4 , « Q'))/ _ f oP T(i '., l;/-•-T'.• ,CREE�_"\ yv � 3 B E9 9 i.j`l • . ✓l ��¢m, ,Z'�. �<q samit y� Es J(pq > , ••"` I p F k °A *O REI y sf. _,15,i�U♦•E 'n j 'l. 1ANN J t 'U /. ( L Q a ` �NAi / E NE VA(LEYiA R dy e,..„ O a� ` UPO `� r '_Y Oq,jLF N hRH NPsv• FM `YAL J�i. 94 Y O p » JON✓ el �9 y f / �'Y`~l CLIyU�B D. •RO NA • Lt..ur, /``[ 4`C 16 F• WALOBFy), _m/ 1'� Y ?•� • =QT C�• ¢/ .�, o at / NOAH'SA / s 10 `/ [�tv k. CDy ; . 4- E ✓ O - ',, f- T 'ASCENTER - a .2 ;- I •N 2—�( �\ �•sIDY ••CO• 1• P POS j !aO ''. 9 Wa .MF OR m. i 4, 1 ' '.> i• x •' N> - Y C y °,c., /' Ur,. 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L -E.a �,-4/ ���I/ ir .'. c. �+4, ,,cfi y�N o..1. •a> _ m WE'�P VS _,�Y le 1[A,OA --N FFK - :.)_4: 71 . t of eF9 ¢ .6S s c.:•m, • Ay c '.1 ER°aEE; _ R( ND 1 1 v .�o °� o 1 •� •E�R a R.. _. AYi A E ti �(LY� Ei(ls>_ y w,w �$ f "..*'tl� ...Pc. / , - t,/i y'-'3o¢ Ci `l••,q SNvyO w� - _ _ � _� R N • .' ' E" I -Tn.' A . §RIfpu€D , $SITE LOCATION - /' \ '. I,- ofz Q'—, O M OR Y w' 3 SaNI`lE C4 a }'9\ O�APy .�C '90 a snq .. -O' F• SEE ¢'• 'R �-- V FOR +.�4 i - :�11 &�y r "w1111P xT.;._.4_\v �� a +°� e.+•:a�oa b'w g A((Y�..,..� A r .:_r{ / �;1//M1�A�ya'v ¢.�Ya� I ��ROS 44NR. .. SAODRNO ,,, B •/, ;s, 'r,Pf" 1N ¢.• PS ¢BE`c,,,,,sa 9B0 • S,O .T` s t MAkE l �' - I ,� Il:. I Y aJ•' ,per?PyE �,d//` F a /J Ci$Oi Ti(pU • R _•._ _ \I Y9 Nf+ �p�4'' f''qD�� `!_„fit. ;I�V e efc ga .• vt AaiAp., _` I - __ \I �.` O E,ao„/ `� W/ ,, a\� ( �A 9 O ';',• LN -I :-'I.,. • I_aRm4 al 1 \ i+0aa cF o <'� • ate cg04.•nE 4�•¢WAR+�hA�N4Jp' r"'. N\M[. �o /' I / P,� - r ,e • uR' Sq,( CT„' - G , ` O. i SS` -- 13�L�E�S�O' ( T{, CT"F y 9 .. zr S' i it- q.,,VS w L74EOB•S' 4�OAEY, o -\ I. - _: _. r P A„_„,- - LORPNNp ppf`(MM","E�' J_u/ �6�•f •• •CC _^.NOB['.\('[7S• 1•Igt t R1CM• Oq.( O • ��� --_,I I _ I.. IDR AME PAM _ 7 ,,p f a ci cP c W R. `..A s•. ADL I _ MANTE ■RYC 1� 'I '-et 'O GCE"4.-__•4 _ -- �� `l � 2' ..'-.Aa;` c'ON ` . A DR .I:. _ `,,�1.. ARROW G l It MALs U REWs R P a - °y"M4 �- MYRTLE Or L Eq Y S. I �.:. • E ENIAAY S'� TI '2 L L / _I • ROVES G O 1 ••EERY.' "` •M G 1 IR .. S/ J ID.LE '• er , C..--PIWRM f 11111,�'kgQ / I•: - am- °>_ .R((��W 4.1 � c ��v ■ :ISSN SE A C.,-...c4ie,••4q I _ ' ¢ \�,: `-cam"' JJJ/\ OR: .o �. c..g15 nAR SCHOOL l�4. / I r P ,I:: L�v\s..____ LN `l''''Pr' Y OO 4'y (y`� I I I IG I RIL GAR2' - \ I 1 \ �a �\(N_ m,,'W'R sA...Ake ARDEN EN``q`AIr -.T ,40 %�! -_ - I(: - 9 pR�ND ople• RD 2 ,;•:-._ _' ¢ c�� NA .../ l.4 2 h N.,EOM / pVOp �' , wk �� O _ 4P E G 1 9(,^1.3g4PONl.• •`_R - �'" / I ? Efts AD yy a V 'q O,,-,Fy+F ^: 4NNOr., '� -- I NArwoOG R sra OP S.€1•I r Ir CBFLLAM ■ T�' t< AN L. ,I FLEMEI/idRY l•p ANAssA q J f\�x AYA[pY(S / R I'.,_i, 7 f ' Q A i OR M,DAN 2•BEAU GE o'' ,. `` ^� s.• ,YEc 3e � ` o RE90RFt ' f - -- PE�,-/ �"" GOEPCOURSE 'r S' e - C BLD-- c ,s FAY 1L tOE: - u~• - - CA. t* • _ 1. ' • 1, Ern58 I SITE LOCATION MAP 'S"° /oe 0 o.s '. MAINTENANCE DREDGING I , SCALE IN NILES AT: TRAILS END ROAD rna• f1PANIC 1-16(`VNRY rm DCM-MP-2 XCAVATION %,N D FILL ecept bridges and culverts) tach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major rmit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all 1. EXCAVATION Ler sections of the Joint Application that relate to this )posed project. a. Amount of material to be excavated from belt scribe below the purpose of proposed excavation or MHW or NWL in cubic yards t (.4-2 C-'Y activities. All values to be given in feet. b. Type of material to be excavated . ) C) Average Final Existing Project c. Does the area to be excavated include coas Length Width Depth Depth wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetati ,ccess i (SAVs) or other wetlands? Yes LW) ( ) � 7 d. Highground excavation in cubic yards 0 :anal 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED Coat MATERIAL basin a. Location of disposal area F TT4 loaf • 0Mt S dcriNC- E(? ramp b. Dimensions of disposal area tock �n� � �¢' groin $ ; c. Do you claim title to disposal area? ...,:cal.* ';,. ;` Yes k-o rj tock ?K r;, : z,?-.' If no, attach a letter granting permission from breakwater ' � owner. d. Will a disposal area be available for fut lther -----_____n w AT„ ( / G/ /S (G . / 4 1 i far <IP ., , INF 1 g 9 # .«. • A .. Wit. "'t J C. 2006 Europa Technolog es ,�e dye v`2'` P�t Image 0 2006 DIgitalGlobn C) 2006 Navteq` • °s •' :4" . T` 1 .8 " . :v 5 it Stre_min 10S0.' e. - *li • SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. �� �i ,Fgent • Print your name and address on the reverse �� ❑ •.- so that we can return the card to you. • Rec ed by(Printed Name) C. Di Delivery • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, s- c or on the front if space permits. l� D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No 3. Seryice Type '3`0 t tit S I m n Dc. ffif Certified Mall 0 Express Mail ❑Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise 1 1 - / /� g'1Q( ❑ Insured Mail CI C.O.D. �V(� 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7005 1820 0003 6812 8917 (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic,Retum Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X, ' wu —r k- != Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. P I:of rr=livery • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 1 or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No Mr. James Lee 3128 Braemar Lane 3. �se�ry Type O(Certlfled Mail 0 Express Mall Wilmuigton, NC 28409 ❑Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7006 0100 0004 4046 5638 (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 itw 1,2k55 June 5, 2006 Duncan Marine Contractors 2725-9D Old Wrightsboro Road Wilmington,NC 28405 To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as confirmation that Duncan Marine Contractors, Inc. has my full permission to act as my representative on any matters concerning securing the necessary CAMA permits for the project located at Trails End Road. Should additional information be needed, please advise. Regards, Deans Hackney Itif RECEIVED Dom WILMINGTm,,1 I 0 ')nf( t" I.9 r' %1.14°'"1- -Dif '";"1"-9Q 61t 1>i:,1 p i' '" rr -4'....v- L 1' 43 %ilvi-al..}. -afisvci sznl agt'',:411499rn , ,--ni v Q 4 be Tv -14+ rat, --oral �(.1 , "(117W s V (..__ rilleunsa :Janos 6upniaui `sa6ed lelol rDli,F/V,J/f/NBDA®el af!M1,1017 ' Ammo j'67d 0 dIGVAldli J71y9M 0�99'K'D66 ;4aW auauow hQ?h - Sb :mum xn 5 41.,opuu Tv:3\6_ nags JOA03 xej 19)v ( et /.4,7 31.403-,* tSI a44. gsw 4. I op I 'ta;ru4nnb0.L>Torq,.as ,Ct a(4:4 ahTenn. oI, risua (•m,Oloq, tTo ,ale'r. iia.[dd2 31.11. BiWFT:x R r.ori `Avegaas 14$1.156. tiO4.3I) •acxu dq pan'Vria ssrajtrn sz3raoot. r u du Jo ram Buz. WWI ,cI 3o aocreistiv uznuxrrruz t:q ;as 4r4 sn'cz;= 3213qpues a `aarua moq r,.s. .52z{ aq 'tl2uxlI d 2u1sootzx `hoop `..totd } puv Ls.xaisczri x leowaqrs daA.1Vtll. VIM p14'4 4410 Ng 3aliuou u:aaoi as e. nefii fj. uopaalgg ou spa awns a'p pauo'+gsuoa sit asu aJ )141 •a7.7-01u; 1111110 ;44a3aut Jo sft ,a O I aubE-S6E-O i6 1137 -° Save wit 4/O L d4 cuozsuavra airpa iutr!P4VQ LZi 4.Iuau r)7JD % J:111.R72co , o ao Ia a+,I7 ando2 sm d eposotioact fizgaci sit aarriorn 02 suol.-Anrafgo az;am x.tof • odold uot o qo ou ahr q a�ot c . tpi & ptn❑ _tss `SuoTS;' laulrt3 1x�7JY: `21:tzm p s; Ytonduosap d - t45odox':i ass 40T4a, luaaglotahap 31-114w ,zl> paq e e atp ua uw.ot:s a c paquosap ,ret1 ittruad /DJ NuvSjdd'e renpyatpicx guy -iclizadwd aaogr a•tp oa 2i1:a;Efp 4.1acloxd umo 13.2cp 49.1a;a Agaxar4 1 �c�fc^scx.'2c'i,, .apt 30,17gZ DN•`vo 'up.R,Pik •gymc,taN ' 2.4ag a-6 #b1t}pjrkg ";vim pso i oxo4slgrAul PIO ;;L £.zadoxi 3o se:o'PPV .sjewrituop xxte tr .'ina as so; Supric dv puIVII/4 arx:MR =OA d131WllL/. 41I:F9' EATI.COM asiamo Lutaac IJ ,brlfraVd1T3 a3rrcI 1.1ia Virevi'IaVi "Y ,L$WOO 3O SIOISIhIL mwci Id24 1:9I TESL bZ :bt 902Z/9Z/62 • AA", . .h 1 1'4 'Liu .... - ,i ~ Ky . . aft f�a. A7��.ti r '. 4. 4., 1. `^sF x • •d ,,,,J< ': l{10.Ikew 1+.rx1.:1,wt 'c34..n1.12['+F IP v,. •- :Iii ti F..iays-I-tCh4coi.ilitl'D „utra.1}13.i r.-1- ft .-: r•.iIr. A! r,.at 1i 'r, S".tw'r,-,1 1 740... t s'A>l 16' 0\r. JC.:10 "fsor\ 6 10 -1-i-At '--1 }p"r 7 03:59p Duncan Marine Contractors 910 256 0175 p.1 • Fax Cover Sheet Date: ;— 0 7 Song te: Rota �/l�i ``S Fax MOM .\ From e L.Jfcs ttoe Rene mOrer-. 910.256.6620 MINT El BEPLYNSAP NENECDMAfENT PLEASEREVI W ❑MRYERB/NFBROMM Total pages, including cover: Comments: is rnd praje4-. l7 04:01 p Duncan Marine Contractors 910 256 0175 p.2 7-�VOrJf 1DJ;G7r rr[ul•t: i�•c.:or�ii.� r. i 7 04:53p Duncan Marine Contractors 910 256 ui I P. 12:41 PM 01/10/07 :Accrual Basis DUNCAN MARINE CONTRACTORS, INC. 2725 9-D Old Wrightsboro Road Wilmington, NC 28401 910-256-6620 w►ww•duncaam9rineinc.coin DUNCAN cov to s January 8th, 2007 Duncan Marine Contractors,lnc. 2725-9D Old Wrightsboro RD. Wilmington, N.C. 28405 To who it may concern Aut to deposit spoil on the property of Aqua Vista Farms, spoil will contained grantedadjacent to a traditional spoil deposit This 8goil will be contained in a silt fenced area adJ area. will be deposited outside of the Cama 30' setback. Regards' A/%Vista Farms 7,, Bryan Charren Bryan Charron Project Manager Duncan Marine Contractors 2725-9D Old Wrightsboro Road Wilmington,NC 28405 Plicne(910) 524.'051 Fax(910)256-0175✓. E-mail: beharrongduncam neinc.corn