HomeMy WebLinkAbout77829D - McFaul CAIVIA / ❑DREDGE & FILL N° 77829 A B ;ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New • ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued ' ized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality (too F l oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC fT kil---/ f ❑Ruled attached. :Name 114 G ' f� Project Location: County f (C�-- /20 4 el Ita C PG( 2I Street Address/State Ro /Lot (s) "!t StateNt ZIP 2?S/� D! t� ^t Oc//[.c 34 /W14 E-Mail Subdivisi n .id Agent P1k P LDifiFAi - City r - r (ZIP Z ❑CW )!EW J PTA Nrrn ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin k) • ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Q�CA1L. d,, Adj.Wtr. Body 1111 e, ❑PINS: / no PNA yes /AMP . Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /0/SA a 5-&"),Al� ./ Project/Activity 5f0<< CIO Ctl�:4,- Lt e4 I Iti �" l / kv111-4-ae 0 I/ ' i (Scale: / 2 :k)length 6 X,Z itform(s) } t 6 Platforms) 1 , �0 r 1 I V vT �� i i gt „ i I i w i h i / nber L._. 1— p tI•Riprap length 4/— �G t -, ..._L.. T r r' distance offshore �/ x distance offshore i "� —+ i....r� +-- " , -- 1 - annel { ' { j a f41444d' iic yards , ip , I . i i •t/ ,Arier— s tl�ft `3 2 1ii - _._. ' t ' - i 11-Ado • I is ' • - i +.. 4 I I 1 i +� : _ i4 "t" Length L/� , , , , : not sure yes ] ] ' el/, -,If ' Yk"4 le 1 ium: n/a yes yes — _— \ttached: yes n } } ng permit may be required by: ft- `'" ' 1 I See note on back regarding River Basin r Local Planning lurisdictionl RECEIVE AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION SEP042C Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: Kirk McFaul '� WI`MINGT Mailing Address: 204 Glade Park Rd Cary, NC 27518 Phone Number: 919-349-9989 Email Address: kirk m.mcfaul@intel.com I certify that I have authorized Logan Marine, LLC Agent l Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: erect new docking facility at my property located at 102 Waterfront Circle in Pender County. furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: kat Signature Kirk McFaul Print or Type Name Owner Title R 7 21170 . . . , 1 60JAC ENT EIPARIPAIngKftriatitaalThaME I hefeby,,:oilify ihtal I Enter property adiat ent ICI x...oir vic.Fai 'S _ Itiarrie of Property Chtlined ponietriii tooted at liNi W4rAirittrit Crde-Lai 42 Saist-r-4.i-ialikei- eagk4W Put 1175-114P lAddirtis,Lot Block Road,slo,) an lairamasial Waterway 71 Pewter<Aunty , NC _ ,,..,....,, --J (illartorbodY) (CillylTownandtor Cotintyit The appltrant hp.;clestrZed to me. at %limn Won'. the oevetoproent pl000sori art are aDove !"ac3.71/4/1, tyl I have 40 Objeclion in tais proposal hwero otiertIons to This proposal DESCRIPTION ANDiOR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (ndiver:foot proposing devetopmont must Eif in dearc.ripiton boieur or bawl;a site drawf14.51) i ,-.7.3-1VED SEP 0 4 2020 riAIVER SECTTO I istdoostorgt that a pier, dc<A, runcring pitiVS, WA ramp, bresimilor b.aathouszi, lilt or pram must be oat Pack s nitilmorn drvtote or IV fmrh f,ry area +X riparian accOse•S LailE*s wavt'd Ly rrre.01 you vAie,to wan,*the salt** you inat Initial-WA bpolopetate blank bricrv, i I do MO lir WitAr0 MB 1 loakbaci%revitroment /ir)#* _ttlo not'Mat In war.*the I'S'setigtek roctairteraird — - - (Proporty 0 nnart Inforniallool (Adlagint Pryperty OVVI let inlonnation 1 „ ..-11 i - ,.Z LI.,.... Sirkeliot Steaure-A 10111.1ek.Fwi vaiLl letrtol ,.„„. ............... Pant at;/Am tunita Pnnt or Typo I'LlAcno 264 231.1tr thin Ha lie Waterfrom,Si. ... AV.4*VG.Sti reimirkriliddralc!' NC.21.6ra tillrit":4 L14,N,.2 CO`6,4• 04-4:440 ejty/SA0v-.74-.1 1114:.41,trichliAtrilet zarn iina-21 i.r.4/.' .t,t...L.....5.......,."—L7=-2--,17::11.44.m..E. — . ......... Tatamorte Nilaito,'t feriz'.kliVcv: • ounting n: Dail, Jason <jason.dail@ncdenr.gov> Thursday, September 03, 2020 3:01 PM Accounting ject: Automatic reply: [External] CAMA permit for 102 Waterfront Circle be out of the office until Tuesday September 8,2020. f absence, if you need assistance please contact Tara MacPherson at 910-796-7266 or Tanya Pietila at 910-796-7226. kyou, RECEIVED Dail SEP 0 4 2020 DCM WILMINGTON \\P' p62,7A- Apik :ounting n: Accounting t: Thursday, September 03, 2020 3:00 PM jason.dail@ncdenr.gov' ject: CAMA permit for 102 Waterfront Circle ichments: Adjacent Riparian Form - Maki - Lot 42 Salters Haven.pdf; Plot Plan.pdf; Returned Certified Mail.pdf d Afternoon Jason, ched please find the plot plan, a signed Adjacent Riparian form for 88 Waterfront Circle and the returned letter Dther adjacent owner who never picked up her mail. I will be dropping this off for your review along with the $ :k. y Skinner troller RECEIVED in Marine • 910-470-2101 S E P 0 4 2020 y@loganmarine.com nmarine.com DCM WILMINGTON, t • usps tracking-Google Search • gle uses tracking X Ili q q All ! Books ll News Q Shopping Videos E More Settings Tools About 59,500,000 results(0.50 seconds) Track your package • Data provided by LISPS Tracking number 70181130000200017735 Delivered 0 September 03,04:24PM Hampstead,NC S View details on USPS Call 1-800-275-8777 inj Track another package tools.usps.com USPS.com0-USPS Tracking00 Your tracking number can be found in the following places:•Your Post Officen'shipping receipt• Your sales receipt if you bought insurance at the Post Office'!"... 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Dock Piles 1 / A • NOT A SLIP " iLVIK. ! ,:�:_ 15' imw ijiji • • BOAT LIFT A. k.-- 6X20 FLOATING DOCK m o _ � I Built In Bar Top m v o ,' j, !i II Z u -" • • Chock n(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Cheek Number amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt e/Ra/und/Rwllocated _ nn3 Co/tonne _ Column5 Column! Column? Column9 Column9 _ Kirk McFaul BB&T 7126 $ 200.00 GP$77829D JD rct.11635 same BB&T 7134 $ 400.00 OP#77829D JD rct.11635 Marine, LLC k#: 7126 Date: 09/03/2020 Amount: 200.00 Vendor: 2350 NCDEQ e# Invoice Date Job/Description Balance Retain Discount This C 09.03 09/03/2020 20025 McFaul Docking 200.00 2( RECEIVED SEP 0 4 2020 3rine, LLC be4i7V6-6 .......2.-__2.....D RECEI D SEP 082020 / y �4 C 'I54 utter l oz a/IA I WILMINGTON, NC erij, (1 r) 4) eigli ( ef r: 13d i itz2.,,j (]4fl1(44- / ct' I - ' SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVER:' ■'Cernplete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sign3tur • Print your name and address on the reverse , - ,1 O Agent so that we can return the card to you. ��" \ ❑Addressee • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, BIceived by(Printed e) C. oat of 9elvery or on the front if space permits. 2. ort.;‘,- q t 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No