HomeMy WebLinkAbout50348D - Turlington P. CAMA / DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued orized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources ' /�Op Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC Rules attached. l nt Name f�ri"4 L-1•`j 7Gi7 Project Location: County Nett,- /j�l 17 fr' s ; --'ia1ib-i t i T Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) ice' d1).$,,.-J j��r,///// State /tie ZIP 2 CO/ ` 2 l #(O!') .36 '2FFax#( ) ' -%.4,."- Subdivision Ell 8 oj;j . 5 /r ized Agent r-7 City -Sl tr ZIP S5 is. - d ❑CW PEW .PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) S 4-kc" River Basin C- �r ❑OEA - HHF IH ❑UBA ❑N/A J C Cam+/ia/sC Adj.Wtr. Body 14 _/ / (nat ❑PWS: ❑FC !'7ij/le+'4 _SDefra4 ./ no PNA yes /n Crit.Hab. yes / no' Closest Maj.Wtr. Body )f Project/Activity 1�751A/4 rr�,.—, el/4 !,.�c W D Cz) L 7: T/S kir/ ak/s hr_, �4c . (11414 ( 76 (Scale: / . ock)length I / /t �y 2 / m(s) I I t ' I 'w .i ength umber II A /A ad/Riprap length vg distance offshore ElltmorrAmomm�m��i, ��n,���■;�m■t„■■■■■ lax distance offshore � •� M� •1� ,�1UU� ••IIU uiui1i1111M1M11• limo i i :hannel ��iuis�' r�i i� ibic yards imp ' 1 Ilrilli � s '� �3X►3 � , Bulldozi 3ng It ' HI1I1hiiIiiIlliIll Miliddi 1, WilV4dr : T I 1 I fIII ■■VII§■N A Iliii — 1111 ' 4s mom ri A Emu imen 1 NS In ' - li IV ne Length NUR /elo / .-. 1111111 ! iiS not sure yes V gs: not sure yes of i 11111'? # / J s:,rium: yes no __ L- Attached: yes (�q ling permit may be required by: /i if C 0 • . See note on back regarding River Basin T) . /. - -2./.1 /-M ..,., - 1-• - I ,22 2009 4: 19PM 910-313-8077 p -21333 12:31P FROM:F&5 M?RINE 9:_025 63e62 TO:3136077 P.2 liw MOIUt7 VWPIINt.11io tns. Complete Marine Construction Services CAW 32 Karel I . it 6d lAKA!l EIf% AL i # CAPT.ED FLYNN O11RW00- !mar Iw't s.' 3... a Pim..F1oa?aa i 1_Ats_ ;:inss,rstorWieficie, ' P.O.Boa 96.5 Phdneff-:a_fg10)a °` 1A4iphf&viBe Bseclf,NC 2800 watt eEly2tmi i 11 .-,.yrr L) f tv_ r 1 "tip' vr dri \, Alb.`. 4 u . ,...40',,,,, 417:_14- i . -----i I I it -* Ii-- tat.-- �._: if --. I i to 71 ,.,04 pur 1` 1 n 1 of el - I I ' VVo BIWA i I ., _ ii , I P: " 4 /, v a Y 1 1 i Y-19-ave cm:eraA FRdi:F8.5 MARINE 91M56306P TO:1910891S596 P.t ATrtii NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environtrtent and Natural ReSOurCeS Divlsiorl of Coastal Mafia lent triichaei f Easley.Governor Charms S,.tones,Director iarn G.Ross Jr,SeRCI Authorized Aaent Consent Agreement LErSkirdisit . � ,�---�-•--r.r _.�i� �a igowP.3.1V a11t1C1n?pri nn r+1alrh�fi7Lt.—. Trio/ad Name 01Agent} in -order to obtain any LAMA permit(s)required for the property listed below The authorization is limited to the spode add itleatarbeik in tiim i1lleeitedstrdch • pqmoir Fattoft WTI's.' @TtL 1R4.1 T= c±f.wg 7:1117 so1 , P.4 WWI PROPERTY CANER MAILING ADDRESS: A,441714,..1 pa Ape fall rlttl� Mc. 28 !r PHONE> . i 1_ -1042 CAS^1 AUTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS; t-_:_04 411 PHONE NO JD- j .PLI• - -- Sigiwrure of Prop—.earty Owner. 1�'� � Signature of iattsor►zed Agent Date ginn 'CYJVJO 1C 3 i r r Dui i•r,:a U-r .L vc JA.WG.ao,�c Gi.. J ter•r 4 v-4vwvw . . DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION &WAIVER FORM ni4 Name of individual applying for permmiit -= t Address of property r d ,4JJ) W`1ledU 2t391 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached ♦he devel pment they artl Rosin sc ar�wi�ig ulv uava�uFri�iv�« u�c�) .��•.• p�rw•�•fl• ,4d�__•.ptan ordrawing, with dimensions should be provided with this letter of notification. lease initial below if you have no objections yir / yell A \)c-is . I have no objections to this proposal. d 1414,00M— if you have objections to what Is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N. C. 28405 or call 910- 395 3900 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no orb ction if you have been notified b Certified Mall. WAIVER SECTION i understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings. breakwater,boat house,lift or sandbags must beset back a minimum of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me.(lf you wish to waive the setback, you must Initial the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I DO NOT wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Sionatum a Date " i r '4410.444nbei ip : ,a wit om Lig ION 00 ( - wousRJI+bei'pewit sta OPIUM:i L s_ (-mapoq uE alspdaidoN PliNi Semi troll'ppm 616 SitiOM c!41y1A wvA 1J .w Aq P l `nem Moos mistio i r aWa MMW024 23 turt' uiw v gm!lases Imo streqpion to 'wi 1 + q+ irmu esul 'dui dumew Now e ieq pue sre n NO11OS )13APAA TON you twig'wilr4 nog.31 Cu#o OWN - 1! POI9P14442 11 eiV00109a ON ' + 1$0 idial Jo:gyp 01 %MOAN OM 28E -OW na so 9100Z '0 '! ' `uo1I 3 *AK **lin a s 51Puslri 1011 uo a o odojd 13ua g1 csi tUalPeicie no4 11 Pi►thai lowedrad Ala 04 sum-laqo ou wag r° 71' sua1 (go ou s t iIW Mold eualle21140uEo AUDI I$Wit popped og Pinola ouoisuzup .Ru p Jo uogd wp V 'auttodoid oso Aug Wotudowap ota Buwp 01430*4141uo umotM So SW W P9qP2SOP- 4.wad(Oa 14 5uAdde PinPINPAM aqx. 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