HomeMy WebLinkAbout51978D - Ocean JCAMA / ❑DREDGE & FILL N. 5 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# ? 6 ( / / New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued .9/�: >rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources �� Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC 71, /,li' o ©ItUfes attached. t Name 7oc,1N all 'Or PA-XS le€oZ c .4 Project Location: County RR y j c✓i< 4- 3 hies 4 - A,n, I ...c7 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)(/5 j"4 A/1) /✓C ZIP 2 {7 Yh' 5 / Sfji9 l(G- /r U l v :"!'�/�S1� �/n�h State .9 ,j_ �? R/ (9A2) 3'%2 Fax#( ) Subdivision zed Agent City dc-m/),,1 c L.e e o./9tA ZIP 2 FS/ I —❑CW ❑EW ❑PTA ES Li PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin I_4> ,�, :16 €HHF &RH UBA El N/A /. Adj.Wtr. Body /2 44,- ,c-- ci e,1,2-1,-- mat J ❑ PWS: ❑FC: yes /�rtb PNA yes Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /7//�""��L , 'r�''li� If Project/Activity ie iri,e,>c e C> /cl,r f Z./h e 4yn.�ty ,5(-o%J?,, s /30L/ io tpoz. 1 c 1;41?J1' c J,,t e (Scale:/ ,ck)length I n(s) I 11 LL I pier(s) ength i (/ �i i r amber I ,/ Sr✓ •ad/Riprap length # f� ig distance offshore 1 . iax distance offshore :hannel P. mowo rt _..�'� ' �bic yards ,� mp !,... Altiratiliallratill"--'.gtOrIMP •r ;VI--- I use/Boatlift 1 4 r _ 251 S/ l?L t T Bulldozing + i Of,i !3a 5c z o>c h / . , , ,x, , 1 , , „AI .. ne Length J J 0 j not sure yes I { gs: not sure yes ¢i /, >rium: n/a yes , , _ Q( �y� t no Attached: yes -) __._ 1 I ling permit may be required by: . See note on back regarding River Basin --".". - ... - - . .. ..,.................................................... Ot*: "'"'"'"""'"' '"::"'""PAlt".": -l' igtEll" ...... .• .. •• ... _ .• • •• .,.... .................,...............,................... :. . ••• ••• BEA ........., „:„„„,:„„::„,„,:„„,,,„:„,„„,„,„„,„,„„„,„„,:„:,,,„„,:::„„„7.• ,, --.::::mmi:iiii.iimiiiilii.i.mig January 16, 2008 North Carolina Department of Transportation 124 Division Drive Wilmington,NC 28401 Dear Sir or Madam: This letter is to inform you that the Town of Ocean Isle Beach plans to apply for a sandbag permit for the East Second Street right-of-way. As an adjoining property owner it is our duty to inform you of our intentions. Sincerely, TOWN OF OC N ISLE BEACH CI '4A1_ Larry Sellers Asst. Town Administrator T r, C D o * a V L Ia. N 1 8 �cc 06- z ...., ......, -t, • EN- CC \� o- J a- Zv U.S. Postal Service,:, >c0 `r' CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT m (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provide. J U �c 0 CO N For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com �•�U r,, B:rCtA; 410 Z H. -' Postage $ f"�� ' rC� qE NI1•,:Z J Certified FeeIllrfin 13 O ReturntRequired) Receipt re) ',ii a 1 Postmark�� O (Endorsement Re ulFe (� W M O Ln O Restricted Delivery Fee �� �C v', O (Endorsement Required) C ru in Total Postage&Fees $ .�?�, 11 j,•`j f,f? Q ~ 4 �_ D ru Sent To p 2 M N Cr o Mr. Richard Jenning LISPS w Qo 4.1 Le-) z 'r' or PO`�X� Post Office Box 13091 NI .,. .. ,� -? �- ,..�.,.. ,.--- , _.--- -- -- - ig FT \ a0 1t { . U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT )n ID. SAW-200500660 (ORM: 2005-9988874) County: Brunswick USGS Quad: GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION rty Owner Town of Ocean Isle Beach ess: 3 West Third Street Ocean Isle Beach,NC 28469 shone No.: 910-579-3469 ind location of property(water body,road name/number,town, etc.): Located at the East end of 2"d Street am otte Blvd, Ocean Isle Beach,North Carolina. -iption of projects area and activity: Replace 130 linear feet of existing sandbags to provide protection for th and infrastructure. The sandbags shall be constructed to a maximum base width of 20 ft and height of 6 l ;able Law: ❑ Section 404(Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ® Section 10(Rivers and Harbors Act,33 USC 403) rization: Regional General Permit Number: 19800048 Nationwide Permit Number: ur work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached ions and your submitted plans. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subjec tee to a stop work order, a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action. :ivities subject to Section 404(as indicated above)may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. contact the NC Division of Water Quality(telephone(919)733-1786)to determine Section 401 requirements. activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act(CAN a beginning work you must contact the N.C.Division of Coastal Management. s Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Fec 1r local approvals/permits. sere are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit,or the Corps of Engineers regulatory m,please contact Mr.Dave Timpy at 910-251-4634. Regulatory Official l��a yey Date: 02/13/2008 Ilion Date of Verification: 12/31/2010 r. Steve Everhart, CAMA 1c MA./ '�'r1 EDGE & FILL 's GENERAL PERMIT9 p ECEIVEE)Previous permit#7 6 7 6 / 4ew ❑Modification__ EICompiete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued ,? z rized by the State of North Carolina,Department d bl of Environment angual a :,if`es oastai Resources Commission'in an area of environmental concerr r�ro rat;,tr, I CA CCACFfE 7 , 12 Q V1�� ►p(� ©•RGfes attached. t Name,r,r� ',.- s- - - ProtPARGion: County _ 1,sr'CAA"?' . -> :: •._., ' = Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) : -f ', f ,,: r rt - State ,' ZIP - ; ': a ~ = ir7 14 ---le 2-?/ ( /2 ` - Fax #( -- ) - Subdivision ,- ad Agent CitydicesZIP . �� f 1 Q. �vfsc� 7v ❑❑C�W.�-___DEW ❑PTA ❑ES OPTS Phone# ( ) River Basin al ;4y, D•01A efff-iF &mH .- ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body /47/2/.,- 4- ele,`-9, (fiat•/n ❑PWS ❑FC: ._:.... � Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /9- IC— -!''r'.,,s,.r,;i (es / PNA yes /S Crit.Hab. yes / no Project/Activity 1 P'ii2c e C)</. i,. E.Mr/?ynr✓C/ 9,-- 1 c t...?02, ' ie. ��a v sr. -Trot n G> 95-7/4 4CI'14 v.. (Scale:/ ''_ k)length '... 3r(s) grh . j I ..� 0 C .p")A./ --'-'- fiber • I -F J .5/1 /t1 ''') /Riprap length distance offshore _- -- { - - j ./ if f"+r✓% distance offshore _ t Lnnel ----- ,.fie__ _"'-- -. .I. .� �i . rJ rya .x „,' c yards I ra� ---� -- - e/Boatlift ----- - , -- _ - - - 4 Pr !dozing - ~ i I a -r C- i K -7-------------- ? ,4..Z fig > i i Length - � � � _ i_----=-_--.- - _______ - - = . C_Et�/_E.Q4' -- -- — not sure yes ti �� not sure yes r no-,i t-_ .._ .- - — L Up - - - - N FEBis m: nra yes no...,:, I - ° 1 iN7LIVII 11 f.'401N--NC I tached: yes __'na}I permit may be required}by: ` El See note on back regarding River Basin rul 1. . - .. . i Y-- _ _I / _ 1y! l-d M'' JA- w J 1 re i