HomeMy WebLinkAbout50237D - Terry ad•AMA/ ❑`DREDGE & FILL N9 E GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# $/9ye ❑New El Modification Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit c2//61 prized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources `, l/�� Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC 7/�' / 'mules attached. nt Name R o wg t I 1—C/t 4,7 M Project Location: County Gil y,rf wi e/e s 122 0 L+11/c 2 fi,k e 1 t 2)c , Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)Z '7/ 9 2 " a✓e, 4 StateA1 c ZIP 2 74 ar 7 /t� `/ Cv ,s—' 3 elf ST, 4*(/ )7 f 2'2 47 Fax#( ) Subdivision zed Agent LS € $IL )GC A1$ Citye,-P4-✓ �sE f £6 X 4 ZIP2 77/ :I ❑CW @fW PTA [t'ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin /4/.91 ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A ❑ PWS: ❑�: Adj.Wtr, Body Oad S ., a Pi,/ ati Closest Maj.Wtr. Body '' Gt/ 11 yes PNA yes /LC:2 Crit.Hab. yes / no �G2►f Project/Activity ,U A le Eq/A`j PA[,t 4 G 516, eV?Gei,,- , icA,,ak (Scales - ock)length m(s) 1 I 11 pier(s) I ( I ength I i IV 1 i 1 I umber ! 1 1 _ I `� } `✓ i ! ad/-Riprap length - -i d j I ✓' I t.✓'/��/ L_^ ! i I t ✓g distance offshore f =�_.._..- } ! -- ._�-- .L� w' iax distance offshore _� I —� I I i� T :hannel 1 .. -..r`I i i LI G✓ t-il"t -� p� f- - 71' .. .0 , ibic yards I I I I i , i imp t I I I I ! f fuse/Boatlift - 1 t 11 f_ -�--i -- r_ ' —I—+---- i -• — Bulldozing 1111 I I I I ' _�-� 1 ! L 1 v I I I I- simile NM 1 p ne Length 5L T ulr , , i 1 Igs: not sure yesrrium: n/a yes � © I �� . f� Attached: r II . Y� ling permit may be required by:w 'r 75.I P $P9 C 4 I See note on back regarding River Basin i ,- . . _ ,_ . C`'i2 _ ,. - ..n „ �." ScIA � r) I _, J../ /_ _ / _ -4— WEST DOCKS & FABRICATION, INC. FIRST BANK 1595 CROWN CREEK CIRCLE SW OCEAN ISLE BEACH,NORTH CAROLINA 28469 OCEAN ISLE BEACH,NC 28469 66-456-531 (910)575-5271 PAY TO THE ORDER OF N.C.D.E.N.R. Four Hundred and 00/100.*.**.*.....*..*.**..*************** ,, -k., —......****.. ...... ,,.,,, , .. ... ****.. , N.C.D.E.N.R. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405M4 G PikSo� ft( 3g MEMO Cama Renewal for Terry/Ward 50,23`1 I1'000 209 Sail' 1:0 5 3 LO ', 56al: 79 L0006110" tiAMA/ CIDREDGE & FILL t N? 5 3gNERAL PERMIT Previous permit# 1Vew ilModification ❑Complete Reissue Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued prized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources t Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC 2 y //a a (giCi1es attached. It Name co r"'9`-d �t'/2 iz..,,i Project Location: County eX y,.i 5 w i c% /L 2 a L t t)I e /Me_ /J,Le ;,t, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Le,T 9 9 L 4,.y J{ Statej / ZIP274a? I-✓.es 7 . LL& _T, ( ) Fax#( ) Subdivision red Agent 1"/eS71— Ad c%1 CityQC:NH.-' X5le 6'e9C4 ZIP 2 y l ❑CW i W- -=PTK =-ES"-- -PTS Phone # ( ) River Basin G!'.. ❑OEA -HHF IH -UBA 17 N/A Adj.Wtr. Body CZ.-1 Sete,tee/ ea oe/C ,a `. ❑ PWS: 1 FC: / yesPNA ye no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body �/ �`� f Project/Activity 12 fr7 -e 3Le Zk lr d f€ 571�, Z 2. C. c.� ei 71 6,/,.✓..0 (Scale: )ck)length n(s) >ier(s) / 'ngth eN 1 tf, ember ��-t /� -0/ id/distance — / C 4.4'; _,G 4-✓e/1_s i ,g 1S" ax distance offshore . el °-a _d_ 5_0t/,.-d._ Ca. - eh' I - t_aa , :hannel !IF ibic yards -__. mp - //1„ use/Boatlift � _ 3ulldozing (,,/ T ter- - --- .'�r'�' e. ne Length S C T j.5 ! r.,//,�/ 4,4i/eL L r-i'� t not sure yes _�_ -- gs: not sure yes .1 eium: n/a yes �p.2 v l- w , r..r- T L 17i, t Attached: yes _ / -— ; / 1 I ling permit may be required by: aG E 9� 7-5L 5 b'] �C' 9 See note on back regarding River Basin e'-i', . - -"L., _ ..,. A i,, -20 -;) I . _ ,_1 I --J - 11/24/2007 23:20 'l1057S3258 t*E_T DOCKS INC r++ut rw #E.NR Korth Camino Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management wee F Wiry.Governor Chimes S.Jones,,Director Mews G.Rase Jr,Set Authorized Agent Consent Agreement is hereby authorized toad on my baba (tihha Hume o1 Agrrit) in order to obtain any CANtA p0rmit(s) required for the property listed below, The euthorizatlon ie ;United to I specific activI tee described in the attached sketch. LOCATION OF PROJECT: __2 ( sr 4.r4p Ce,-:zv /' 4-e /4cI PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: OP C ✓2o.ti �G p Tr q,V /27-C�z, 444C0ALL PHONE NO. If 7S"2... •J-2. Ll 3 AUTHORIZED AGENT'MAIUNG ADDRESS: • PHONE NO. Signature Of Property owner ¢� .zel �• J Signature of Authorized Agent: r0•K]`. t73 .Q-LJI61QN [Q t"" ASTgLI�1i AL`ih.Q1;.I' 'AC.rAcE r Rim.. B5�QPFR!Y gwNER Nnrr�tr Name of. Individual Applying For Permit: y7c. u� % may -- Address ofProperty;.26r � /6y 34/_5/2 (Lot or Street #, Street or Road) /stE cH (city and County) - -� T neieby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-rettrenced.property. The individi applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development th ore proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. Ix' you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coast Management,. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilhningtcu, NC 2840S or call 910-39S-39f within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Nor once is considered the same as no objection you have been notified by Certifie , 0 f I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, bout house or boat lift must b set bck a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access-utiles§waived by rue. (a you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15'setback requitement. • I sio not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement Sign Name Date Alcia9rA, Print Name DIVISION OF COASIAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM . Name of Individual Applying For Permit: ?e d Tat y Address of Property: 1.04 9 a Ices W. 3•.c SA+-re+ • (Lot or Street ii, Street or Road) _0 cekh isle Bt c.c k_ N c. av‘401 131-6,atw,a, C . (City and County) 1 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-reftreneed.properiy,. The individual applying for this permit has d ibed to me as shown on the attached drawin: lopment they are proposing. A descrip or drawing, with dimensions,sh, { p this letter. . I have no objections �J * r'".lectiona to this propos . • If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Mnnagameot,. 127 Cardinal Drive Zrrenslon, Wilmington, NC 28405 or call 910-195.3900 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mall. WAIVER SEc io -- 1 understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house or boat lift must be set bck a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access-unless waived by me.Or you wish to waive thesttbeek,you mart Initial the appropriate bhiak Welt) - I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. C) • I 410 not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. Sign i�u4: -31,.,.5 ` ‘rf-,/ AVAlllintN `7 1595 crown Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 c))41 Proposed Seawall - s 55' Lot Lot 92 Ronald Terry Lot 93 West Third Street Milton Ward 15' Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 15' Lo Ja • • 1