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(LAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL IEN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued ized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC 7 N j () Ja Rules attached. Name 1.,.-(Ni ISA T 1 UN.,.- Project Location: County t c. al -SIN j CA, D32.1 \ &:..=- ill. ?i.)�.x Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) UN a : '. State CO ZIP 2 S 31 L..;T Io 2 7 t cja) Lk 3 -2-1 L1-Fax#( ) Subdivision `( }}[ el t) F F j .td Agent 01.tNCArJ 64k,/\ciN[. - (; rfit13,) (t t. ',i:.L' ity NIAV/_4:A ZIP o2 y, ❑CW EAEW E3PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin ( Af E ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑USA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body ( A i't I E fk,.c= >! ❑ PWS: ❑FC: ,t res / no PNA / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body Project/Activity I- .\V A T 0 0(_ (Scale: Ili: . :k)length ^' /..'L'` (1h/ (01I H Sricy 7D,7OP Lir "(V‹tt IO-k L. - TN iril�t(•'t a ' t IC(Ai I IV) : Is) i t 'X I I I(C (C - _ rS i . - :vim i 1,' o er(s) 1 I , igth I i nber s,' : I -..+- I/Riprap length r • i+ S�ICil Jt k4 S distance offshore (e;__ ' , 6 _ Li. ,(= .-. •F � T - c distance offshore l W- . -�'� annel ' . ' L .i`pqJ PLA-'F 12jr sic yards Y . .IraZa _pto •._IN l y'►a te >e/Boatlift I I �/L * illdozing - Ntt F 3'X3' PL.AitLr ."n iti E e I I Avv-t'1.-tir-It9 tJH) i t -)'>("-' it r;_+!-ram i t Length i.'i .1 K . not sure yes no'3 — i �1 1.__ I I c: not sure yes r — 1 urn: n/a yes ,,n :,. 1 —..--- j I t yes (nc _It -01 1 J 1 ...-._.. _._... attached: (ye no I I I ig permit may be required by: Ee lI(Qat)I CAI— I See note on back regarding River Basin A i r - i .--.. l .., - ^1 l _ _ C(CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL l 0 11 =GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# L'1New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued s authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources _ id the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC 1 f`f- . i Zi)O Rules attached. pplicant Name UG(,,)i . _A_Cl-t _V 1L\ ;Project Location: County 612 V�j C,K ddress �7-�5�13 �f�(c tC.,si 4(74.2-.�; 1'=30 3)(.:I ( j-k' Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) ity i2eN''vt — State Cc) ZIP o37 L_Dr (0 27, lone#(304) vi,r3 --2-(711-Fax#( ) _ Subdivision T-i tl FF.0 uthorized Agent (OL,LIV(.,c ) YV/VC... i12 % `� 2(12AJ (A � NAVA.S L� ._..__ ZIP ffected ❑CW p-EEW R PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin (_/y e. ❑OEA ❑HHF Cl IH ❑UBA ❑N/A EC(s): Adj.Wtr.Body (,A 1,2 rj=Aye nat m ❑PWS: ❑FC: RW: yes / PNA sj/ no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body no ye -ype of Project/Activity j'( .W'Pc clew . �j (Scale: jet--7 S Pier(dock)length `' /1.L'����/ • _( pia_ T1. liIPlatform(s) I I t C[%VT fb ? Z- � ____• • Finger pier(s) 1�ittR-th4z-Pl ----� _- -�-- 1- ---- -- — — r� ■Groin length number - q PPM Bulkhead/Riprap length _ ( Cy� — t— avg distance offshore l ' �� '(r;�- LLW-Iy 1 _6 vcr�- ice `' ' NWU ,-- oTI-f d.3e0-i t max distance offshore } � sue'.a_e ►Li — ' ' . —_ 7.tS Basin,channel ie-- - r r IS coa-L 1 _....2. • cubic yards f� 1��—`—— � 0 Boat ram ------=-C er [--- o br' -- —1 ►�a 1--- Boathouse/Boatlift --L --- --= --Pi - - — Beach Bulldozing __ ---- —' Other 3rx 3' P T Fat2 -j _ 21; '�— ---= 1 or-' fin. — — IMin 11 ifo' t=i.--c.4-' - "Shoreline Length t l�/,{ — -- a� — '/ �— "SAV: not sure yes no — ---- -- i - —I I "Sandbags: not sure yes no _ - - --- - —_— _} — ,9oratorium: n/a yes hotos: yes no —--- �------I --- Naiver Attache no —� i 10 T) building per it may be required by: 136A,N 1Sloj I G(,[_ ❑See note on back regarding River Basin rule 4otes/Special Conditions ALA-- (/O O hi 01J n I- 7 W- . j 200/ LOcA-L.,f S r -n y� j-E 1Dc.IZ f1 L. /-6'-/5'/ 11' / 9' / 22' 1 6' / 24' WALKWAY GAZEBO '.il„•".�,.., '3+, t�� RAMP lA ut°�'U�1`S. +4.0 MHW— 3�` ` �-.. ��,, � 0.0 NEW h`a-„r „ STEPS AS REQUIRED FLOATING DOCK �"� .r GO 'v �� Iv t��• I 61- •1 / 2'x6' O e I0 0 .,.... 4=00,3• 0 -15.0 yi+f tt n/{l ir+.r;00.1.i \T"rr� 1 1 .11 V)o tt;,�T.V. • �f • 6'x6' POST PIER PROFILE SECTION 'A' 2'x6' DECK 20 10 0 20 DECK. EL. = +7.5i 2'x8' STRINGERS SCALE: 1"=20' + •'-'_'-' � ON 2'-0' CENTERS PIEMIIIIMM SOUNDINGS BASED ON MLW=0.0 2-5/8' BOLT �__2'x8' HEADERS ONE ON EA SIDE AND THRU BOLTED V GALV. 5/8' BOLTS V/WASI HIGH WATER=+4,0± _ 6'x6' TREATED PILE ON 8'-0' CENTERS BOTTOM VARIES - PILINGS 12' TO 18' PENETRATION 11'xll' GAZEBO ROOF TYPICAL PIER SECTION NOT TO SCALE PROOF OVER DOUBLE BAND BOARD 2'X8' THRU BOLTED WITH HURRICANE ON EVERY RAFTER 0 RAIL RAIL 11-1—.• I_- DECK. EL. = +7,53 °° °° °° THRU BOLTED RECEIVED DOULE 2'x8' HA BOLTED WITH SEBDEBOLTSRU DCM WILMINGTON, N( UV-29-200i THU 35: 42 AM P. 00 NOV-28-2007(t4ED) 10: 26 5wein & Associates (ERX)910 256 2171 P. 002/0Di NOV-21-2007 WED 00,29 Abi P. 002 • • DIVISION Ok'COASTAL MANAGI NT ADJA1ENT RIPAIIXAN PKDP n=TY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER noted TtçwName ad'lndfvidua);applyingror the permit: 1 I')' Address of property; L4 . tp`2 I 714.e. a,otorrtrc.u,.lr of • 13.f:Lh..AS C0)7 , I hereby and the I own property adJscent to the above referenced property. The Indio dael applying for this permit hog deetribed to me{tug dhb*n au the attacked r3 wint the deilitOatent they ate proposing. A description or draveng,with dhocu donsi should be pro dodgy.whit this latter. I have no objections to t is proposal Itymn hive obbections toiVbutis beingprapoaed,please wr16e the Division of Coastal Monageme4to 127 Cardinal htivt Extcbsian,� 'Ii miagtott,r C 28405 orcafl{910) IZIS vp11h1 (10)d 5 df receipt oleo,=Ace. No x09pallae is considered the Otte itg obheedoi(font We been=Allied by Catifted.MaiL correrwmonna re. ' WBFQe>r Section I wudersland that a pier,dock,mooring pings,brtakvratcr,boathouse,lift or sandbag,must be set backs niinimisw&tame at IF from ray area ot'riparian access unless vntived by me. (ltyan wish to waive the setbeelx,you must initial the 'appropriate bitak balm) , —J 2 Wteh to wartvcthe i 'setbackregtremora ,— I40.11,11Vdoh Sn waive the 15"setback requiremoots • Signed= LtirL1241:37 410 * w. se►wCAA: . F.Ncs,airwr re �Nodorer R.rAO ria� /wti'ar�S''^P( ,'N IC , 10/6474*Ct11.- e, Rdcr—reL.i Jam._A.Jers ...I - - --,.,w .i - .a • NOV-27-2007 11:05 CAPE FEAR BLUFFS,LLC 910 383 2821 P.014 Oct-02-07 03:16pm From- +10107917774 T-261 P.002/002 F-713 R. D A L—)RETURN RECEIPT RE Q1UESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIO1V7WA11 R FORM Name of individual applying for the permit: IN , ct 7 A > .0\ v� Address of property: '7 L�- 7 '�'_,�t C_ ^' � OLae K sgThEa.Aeoet orroaq J�I u c✓ C A C o t.t., _, i/. (City&Caos 30) I hereby certify the I owns property adjacent to the above referenced property. The Individ,nal applying far this permit has described to me(as shown on the attached drawing)the development they are proposing. Aiption or drawing,with dimensions,should be provided whit this letter_ (el have no ottjections to this proposal If you have objections to what is being proposed,please write the Division of Coastal Management,127 Cardinal Drive 1Z:deosioa,Wilmington,NC 28405 or call(910) 796-7215 within(10)days of reeaipt of the notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified MaiL • Waiver Section I understand that a pier,dock,mooring pilings,breakwater,boathouse,lift or sandbags must be setback a minimum distance of 15'From my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate blank below_) - X Of do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement I Sip qot wish to waive the 15"setback requirements ?( 44/ f0-/-c Sig re Date x Gl pit 11,4 1/ Print Name r p '1 t 1 K \ p , \ O i g 1 til \ $ 1 1 0 1 0 1 c' co- NER \ O \ ' \ \ PPcc In Egg 1 �p °c 1 N} in 1 \ cc 1 ! ^ OD m \ '\ \ .. 1 /,,11 \ I 3%LANDIN�, ,Op S� 0' Z N� �`3 -� xi"O E� I i i'/ /A. 9' PLOP ,- t ----NLW=0.0— E 22' cc, .... i 11'x11' GAZEBO w (NO OVERHANG) CC 6 I w I N 24' w J I lia I N LacC z N LOT 626 M LOT 628 HOLLEY, CLYDE LOT 627 I R WRLBIALINGTON,UFF HOLDINGS WILMINGTON, NC aw I 0 I aI rn o, of ro I I I I I RECEIVED nnm wu MIN( Tnni nir c -20_ 4'IIIIiiiiUUIIIiti111111 IlIIII1111 B2645 P1335;0:7o20 ZT0 0703 (1 Brunswick County,,,r1�C�1Register of Deeds page 1 of 2 ,w�Wa ,,, Robert .t. Robinson Register of Deeds •SWICk cti‘'ett, 07-20-2007 18-04:27.003 Brunswick County, NC ,li , NC REVENUE STAMP: $840 00 (070038) UYB _' �1�` n lr� 'y °oak t�"9e^dr�� r� Presenter S �e--Met 1 � a Oof,-107 ftlztPPa Total Rev Int. {ri'� roor o. ru for W�f -Ck# Cash S -\ ' r Ci und: Cash S Finance �N1NM�f'' �i r [i; of moment are illegible due to condition %"'' 'r %A1iU► `lJ C� NB�J c'o Art.. '''^NaOeV"'a �©(�$,,esi "F P�ocumentcontains seals verified by original tctrumsnt Mat canna:be reproduced or copied, NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARITY DEED Prepared by: James S.Price& fates Ret f James S.Price&Associates 5725 Oleander Dr.,S 3 ' L Wilmington,NC 2 V IJ'f r- giwoF1rQ Excise Tax: $840.00 �������1?`T. :+qL2# 004 N 1100103 Brief Description for the Index: Lot 627,Phase 2A,Bluffs on the Cape Fear THIS DEED,made this 19th day of July,2007,by and between: GRANTOR - ra GRANTEE 1�1;` �1 81§10F t iniY''a(gaskknda Thomas (a free trader) River Bluff Holdings II,LLC,a North Carolina Mailing Address: Limited Liability Company (9,4431,4 3320 Lalhvli Road South V M�i De e eti 28037� The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH,that the Grantor a valuable con 1paid by the Grantee,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,has `'. . 16.3.11r L d'oes grant,bargain,sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple (r,i: .:f�'s•l,n dgo .g. land and more particularly described as follows: I eZ7&�Cg�ea�� BEING ALL of Lot 627,Phase 2A,Bluffs on the Cape Fear Subdivision, as the same is shown on a :�- ey plat recorded in MapCabinet 40,Page 91 of the Brunswick County Red\:r ,, refer i is hereby made for a more particular description. 'n4, , 9 ' t Ct TOGETHER WITH and' peclaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for The Bluffs on a Cape Fear recorded in Book 2383, Page 738 and as amended in Book 2392, Page 617, all of the Rrnnewiric C'nnnty RPoiet.•.r• o0 omn..do.1+.. .11 at..... ..a..:__e_.a_A 1111I1111���11111 i �ili Ills;i111111 B2645 P1336 °s-m9-z°°©o3 Brunswick Count Robert d. Robinson y, NC Register of Deeds page 2 of 2 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ores ( �marF iof land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in reel And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,has the right to convey the same in fee simple,that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and that Gra►tor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except s' .,e exceptions ted. " rti Title to the property hereinabove re,r4p -.TIE Vject tpitfoofkliq&ving exceptions: 1. Rights of way and easemeIng , recolif"%C,- 2. Zoning and/or subdivision ordinances and regu cI°:!-,if any. 3. Restrictive covenants of record,if any. 4. Ad valorem taxes for 2007 and subsequent years. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the.:;;,_antor has hereunto set hand and seal,or if corporate, has caused this instrument to b '.:,_,; ed in .' hand by its duly authorized officer(s),the day and year first abov '•`' � WOPPYCJAIL RIVER BLUFF HOLDINGS II,LLC BY: Tobacco Ro Development Company Inc. ' manager I By: M[1::� Josep .S ' 11,Jr.,President �;: � I. • State of N( ' [r7 ' CO F ¢ County ofAAA1A-AiLri I certify that the following person(s)personally appeared before me this day,having been properly identified by a driver's license or other photo identification,each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed tregoing document r e purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: -., -._ C A ..''D�O)[J'[r = Joseph H.Stilwell,Jr.,PresideU,' 'obatkp.Road b"evelopment Company,Inc.,Manager for River Bluff Holdings II,LLC,a North CarolulgLimited Liability Company Witness my hand and notarial seal,this tot day of lit)--b--/r ,2 lc co; *** f a ICJ [1 ,yl)ff,„(i.," t_ . c. PUBLIC U �O�/?p i y • { i r.'":f AA 1.Printed Name of Notary spy`.vC G»N�,,," 12/05/07 Duncan Marine Contractors 2728 N.23"d Street Wilmington,NC 28401 To Whom.It May Concern: Please accept this letter as confirmation that Duncan Marine Contractors, Inc.has my full permission to act as my representative(agent)on any matters concerning securing the necessary CAMA permits for the project located at Lot 627—The Bluffs in Brunswick County, NC. Furthermore,Duncan Marine Contractors has my full permission to also pull any and all building permits. Thank you for accepting my request. Regards. Louisa Thomas BANK OF AMERICA 51183 Contractors, Inc. 66-19/530 101-2755 11/27/2007 $ **200.00 DOLLARS 8 Extension 8405 111. 1 L 30 1:053000 L961: 0006968990 230