HomeMy WebLinkAbout50256D - Sutton I C-AMA / 'DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit#__ e1Gew ID Modification ❑Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued iorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources / 2 Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 7/ • 1 G U G elides attached. int Name2, I / sy -/c;,/ Project Location: County .3Gziie5 ei,c k" s /0 U TE? , #i ✓,ef k' Le,' Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) /2 f 8y,e , /9 a, State/'% ZIP 7 /7' S-/. #(ey ei/,lam- irWFax#( ) Subdivision ized Agent /le // /d P ' City/4 t d 42r L f!' 4A Zip 2 7/4 d E CW DEW ❑-PTA QES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin� �-cri+,. ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IN ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body Cn,•.4 (- i��/44-)(na ti PWS: ❑FC: yes / no PNA yes no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body giG✓w of Project/Activity'0 I ,,; ,_ . 16 ne ' S 7`, „S fie [ v, 7 P U P,,t/ c / / ` (Scale/ V lock)length() 1__T,, /6 �'< 5/ ' c' ,.- /r xf • •pier(s) length / - lumber /7 :ad/Riprap length ' ,A,, r - . i ivg distance offshoreii,, , ! 0 nax distance offshore I / A { channel /a/ , :ubic yards 161 amp Bulldozing .._ { /2. I j -/,,,f / yo _- i; % ine Length �� r _ ? •°` ,L74 ! .y. not sure yes ti P~ S - I 1 ags: not sure yes �f d �j �� j e r _ /~5 Drium: n/a yes 03 l U er l d l/ L v ® " 71— .: yes n , 1�_' ,ei.//l z. ►.y /4„,z,xT r .1 r Attached. yes no . / _ ding permit may be required by: / 4) / JC'.-/ (p,, C A See note on back regarding River Basin _ n..l r -i J /11, . / I /l-,- ,_ /,/" _/l.. - ii .- / HOLDEN DOCK & BULKHEADS GREGORY A & DOROTHY HOLDEN 3056 910-842-9732 HIS NCDL 4576438 HERS 5202642 1502 STONE CHIMNEY RD SW 7Jnfr S " 6 -� 66-1215/531 SUPPLY, NC 28462 840 D E A0 I $ 20 d. o a Tit/o,'I rn/4K D O`'✓ a- O %/n/Iars pro" WACCAMAW �W b.Suf . . u�'o�6Lp SR y,(y[ NC 2X?62 1{ G f ru,r(V' /came hnnont k •UrC( !/(!(lJJ��^ E,rl/U �F IMF 1:053 L 2 L5 21:8000 L5753011'030SE, WILDLIFE PORTRAITS.WP 6-03-2007 1Q:02 From: To:8429E06 6e7NfA f North Caroline De; 4- r.e i � 1 1'"Ir7 ',oral Resources Cok Michael F:Easley,Governor William G F Authorizes_ .moo,,E gonsent Agreement G-3(\ kit -\ is hereby authorized to act on (Rioted NamecfAwl) n order to obtain any CAMA permit(s)required for the property listed below, The authorization is li ;pacific activities described in the attached sketch_ LOCATION OF PROJECT: / e'47cZ PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: /3/7/ Sw t f(714 - Prim aril' Gic _ y � z 7�j� PHONE NO. <�/7 _ AUTHORIZED AGENT MAIUNG ADDRESS: 574-oiteGkiA4,,,,jeci IS (zpf I Or z PHONE NO,4/ 0 21118‘ 30 ► , • Itratutumbza Amu=.ct OAIRAS,oftssrb uuOPIlUOrna - t*Tibal 3Peggls.cTOitt OAF-At al q oP I (Moaq Anew amidoidde pm 4sbant nsod 43Vps aAgem gsgm -amtqpaAgem ssaiun-ssaas-�Jo sas An[wt te n-ton s ,;sum Iog A()asaoq I8oq`la re Q` d .toout mop`rqd 8 Ie P1° Q �o [qo on se au a must flag as uq _ s�asnodsax.ota OU smut,Idg000no rasp 9 Ui 6£o i6 flea .�to COM DK `n P.M.`uo antes J LZt al*' °J I noxsuvq aa� atrad, aseaid `pasodoid *rnaq Si 3sgac o; suo!aafgo ash ua -psodoxlsup o1- (10 on aa<Bq I "z a7 s wit popptoid act F `snorscratalp t ¶��io ; Tuaiudotanap a�8�P g Ero IIeaoasv- . � �Ensodo: ip�pur a. Apadaud--paa oi.$q aqi o sips jdd 1 nem.seqlguiro k 11a Puu A rj) 'T-14.1)1nrA jg yr vg vz)1 10 Pans t#lams 30 10-D Tin a ssz q tuad 103 m jdd� ����PthipnJJo 43 ni-AA.lNOLIN3 IGNA o A T?MAUI-HA NIAM V-Mi -SKr . 441.-ehyang $ yo-/littiV 4-s 4./. 911 All 0 /) '1 4 a CifIII ja .1 ,1 , F) ,,c, .., t,_.............. „. 6 tuff a:. Gr-IC r h f' Co 107r 1.2c 4/r� Sf rAr y to sf iSu rrl'11,10 ' ,LL,rC ,i„ 11117 Su-f A -dt✓H f-r (1;c /iu/[i41=/15 - �t1L r N z .tuY_A.tUA.iv YKUYL.K 1 Y U wNER NO CAT1ON/WAIVER FORM of Individual Applying For Permit f s G xs of Property, 1,2 Ff ti6" fe n S (Lot or Street#,Sty or Road) (City and County) by certify that I own property adjacent to the above- property_ c�L in f oport P basd to me as shown oniteattachedg � mitt A on or&awing,midi -- should be provided with this letter_ I have no obj cc tic-to this proposal o. have objections to what is being proposed, please write the lDivision of Cori ima1 Drive NC 28405 or call 910-395-3! is 10 days of crab b notice. No response- s considered the same as no obia :4 _ -- demand iltat a pier,dock,mooring pthnp,breakwater,boat house sr beater Inns instance ofIS'from wish to waive them'larea of ri�rnp,�-sow-unless waived by me ck,you manst inilbd the approprist blank below.) ! ),t) i do wish to waive the 15'setback'elu- ty:went I do not wish to waive the 15'aback requireracra. 7)7. _OAP Et Name Date