HomeMy WebLinkAbout51301D - Stanley ICAMA / DREDGE & FILL 3ENERAL PERMIT Previou,s permit# _New iModification II Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Zoastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC 7i 1 /26 6 L4_ 6Rbles atac thed. It Name�P 1>!ti (2a r 3'/P: 2,4,.'Z 9., Project Location: County SR r4 N c c v/C/C 2 c/G / CAL/i 0t-f ,i, . J Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) _.Sim .. W•()' State✓(C ZIP- 3P'7 2 E/())L/L \7-2 L Fax# ( ) Subdivision cedAgent `'---..._\ Cit5ill�'1 f ZIP 2 $y4 ❑CW D-EW ❑PTA ES LI PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin L.y ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body /9/ kV i 1 (MI ❑ PWS: ❑FC: ,C� yes t no PNA yes , o.. Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /' W f Project/Activity • t, :a- I e , " < / _7 '. (Scale:/ �_ ck)length 2111 A if/ 'AMP /6'X 1(s)"Ad _,*16 r ILI IIIII1iIN1i der(s) :nth mbar IllIllIPhil IraplengthI g distance offshore ix distance offshore IIHHIiIIIH!IIII hannel 11iIII1HIHHI bic yards ��• �� -•�UII•� � ��, np I . se/Boatlift I I ulldozing I A ' e Length / el ' $ not sure yes 111111 NI i s: not sure yes mil /no , •iiiiiiii yes ❑' Lr1. e 4 1111 ttached: yes . , ng permit may be required by: D cz N,..s`r.,i,c I( Cb of P, J y ❑See note on back regarding River Basin n . . — JT) sf2 ♦I 4r) I /r le I I / 0. /I I , _ , 71 tI w .11 . , ter—. __ ,- ti ....._..,.........r.:+.........,».. .._..e,»M..�i..,. ,....,........._............... 66-112-531 J v :. �7 KELLY CARTER STANLEY d� 210144ALVER �n 7 — 111 zO /� 7. 2401 CALVERT ST SW /- L�—�1 SUPPLY , NC 28462 =k p ore‘ ©� 4.1 Lst,t,'IN \I., ' p g ,: '- -7761-) C, ' , -..!,,, .., 1-m 4,. /RP, 0 c-----€1:1allars n ---t- „.,., BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPAI 16p.E-/&07ANDT.CeOyl- /sifl 0.,..„ ' .. kL, NP 'Y r, -or 05 L3 OLL2L1:00052La20395911'i.e4 56 r i ,, ,,.,r., , ILL j,Je_ ie-v ...7....5.1-2.........,401e-. _s,,, , ,.,_ Pam I 4, 0 14 «' x . W it! /Opp . 8 1 I i I i f i 1 FAX To: et,L) ie_ L.t)t bar- From: Kelly Carter-Stanley Date: 7/g/c) �l� S ,zQCO2 Total # of Pages: 1--/ Subject,21-/ ! 0„0-/Ycr 5T .,. (--) . oc J< pe c,c.-t cam.G U-z.y�-� a-5 7- / / a c--r I a,,�! , N , A y o v c CA-y-, ri 45 12 . 01 f c,, r tke Po- T h L -6 e-C cr-r.o !nap ► Q y d J7 Ton, Mc 9 1.5 cs, o f S A d grzm 681-)iQiwiLA Lv,irY S Cr o b brri 0 • 1, Somme( T. Inman, Professional Lend Surveyor, certify LOCATION NAP that the ratio of precision Is 3. 10,000 •i and Fleets the minim..standards of practice for land surveylnp In N North Coro&nu. i Vltness hood and seal PT Fhigfipj'N 2006.ay, _7 ... . „ 4 04r''. 1, N rAlvert Street Sam ..I T. Inman, PLS. '4- L-277 Nit' CI et /��,,,� .4 dIth,fteie '`r+0 `1f4�O.2 w r A ....__ to SCALE e'a CO S.R. 1215 Calvert Street 60' Public R/W c PXX Nos S' -. �..._��t,>. s.'� EL Iron * Fewer pole Ge F S 86'27'52" E 99.82' r� S 85'26'51" E e ] .17' N 06'25'05" E chain—Link Fence �4 �Tit3 Ling -�--� Parcel A 23.46' 0.06 Acres Whispering Heights Property ') Owners Association rn r: Choi _Link 830/21 in Zone X _ Approximate ��___ Zone AE( ) Location!J _ J — 8 1.0 t 25 99 g�ems`_ to 14' a o no of a A N p Ui I- N) UT �ApprOadmote Cc 1-0coSon Flogged o Lot 40Lot 6 L11J ti lo ,.. 4E04 M t" o 41t57 n 0 y 0 13462.0 Sq. Ft. m z (Excluding Porch A) . 0 o Zone AE(15) o zone 'E(16') — $ m --- - __ In`— !rpprvzimate '~ Locu't 0,, N 81.08'35. W o • 49,76, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway LEGEND : Survey 0. --e-- Existing Iron or Iron Pipe Lot 5, plus Porcel A - Whspnrng He,ghts Subdivision -0- No. Iron Pipe Sot • it II i 51 I)-'''. W - 40 41). „,' . / 1 /It7 07rairiliart ......„.......ah . ill t . :Z lir gt . tail . MI m . _ _ a . • •. _ .... - _ T I f VMl - J E 2424 , 12420 p 0 -. ' m (.51 ol NI to ?41_9] U i 4. 269511 i 09 CT PI (1) . ___... - . . r sn ei669Z AAS ja >IVO 3A l s.- I L2413l1� u r\>. _ k'i i 0 124JQ+ * ( E2€ 71 ----IN" ti s ? . I tzea� --_- - - 101 co _ � 7C p . i w TT%'!,,," : ir_ 021 i s'ih 2aC3 Irv) o _y a669� Nt.S 1S N05�t��Jr. I _ .09 n Zj ��474+ ro • l 1 --` k --- �`269$� rn c Q 1 2698 1 CO - _ _ _ } -P, _ _ L - ail 10 IA D; �. m t WATERSCAPE DR SW t.) , ,. , m71? SEC. 2 MB 12C • 1d .1— _ (.-1 Br u iick County—Register of Deed:, Robert J. Robinson 06/14/1999 Inst 016259 Book 1309Page`` 8 $199.00 6 06/14/1999 11:29am Rest f1NA •;:�;.� , Real Estee C,6 Excise Tax Excise Tax Recording)Time,Book and Page It No. Parcel Identifier No !X 3I KC. 002 d by County on the day .,f fter recording to strument was prepared 143AXLEY and TREST, Attorneys at Law, PO Box 36, Sha l l otte, NC 2E escription for the Index 0.31 acre, Lockwood Folly Township NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED )EED made this 14th day of June 1999 , by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE JAMES EDWARD SMITH, JR. , Unmarried KELLY CARTER STANLEY, Married Lio .lkk;_�� Post Office Box 103 Bolivia, NC 28422 appropriate block for each party: name, address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e.q. corporation or partnership. Inst 1 16259 Book 1309Page: 832 .operty hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book . 8 . . a e 71 RIO Deed Bgpk 1 OI at Pap �1 , EVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel o and and a privileges and appu enances thereto belor antee in fee simple. le Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right t< me in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will wan the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. o the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or it corporate, has caused this instrument to be slei e name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authorl its Board of D tors, the d and einem. 61_J�(Corporate Name) S EtNARSMITH, i H ' R. --- A .President - - __Secretary_ Secretary (Corporate Seal) U: K. F,V'' 1t,, ....e..e��� 7 .AMP •.�4,7 NORTH CAROLINA, Brunswick county. LOCATION MAP r Samuel T. Inman, Professional Land Surveyor, certify t the ratio of precision Is 1, 10,000 {J and meets the imam standards of practice for land surveying In h Corolino. 1 11f1�/,/ i Hess y hand and seat , H°4fes4, Y• 2at76. ! t :,7Qw-• r, y,, Calvert Street T. Inman, P.L.S. Cr 1-277 - a SEA$ • = rs1 Cr) I Atlantic,ram r �•-2 t�: w egkn L %.9 ..•2' NA SCALE w • yf'rlllllllt ce 1 S.R. 1215 Calvert Street 60' FtcbLie R/W PS Noe ------ srj sr� • 6s' ��' PoweroPole F S 85n '25'S1" E Ex.S 85'27'52" E 99.82' '�'� 19.17' --"__ Tie Line •N 06'25'05" E Chain-Link Fence Porcei A 23.46' WhisperingHeights Property t 0.06 Acres 9 p Y Owners Association Ch.i _Link 830/21 .4- to Zone X a '- Approximate __— In Zone AE(14') 81'0125 Fence 0 Location E 99.63 1"'�--�.'_ ct Y 8 cn °j ea a M N 0 M! tr) PO 6 _,Approximate I Location ` Flogged Z ` — Buildinga In JC Envelop ` -- _ ? o° Lot 6 Lot 4 " '' — m LI 'co �AE(14,, 0) AE05 C.)rn 0 Vj As. —_ .-- .. r. al SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signat,' item 4 if Restticted Delivery is desired. 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