HomeMy WebLinkAbout50246D - Rogers CCAMA / ❑DREDGE & FILL EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit# N\lew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue IA Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued iorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources /� Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCACNyfJ�' / ' / Z� Rules attached. int Name-) 0 E —C)LE O. 5 Project Location: County li)tom)TC Q— s3 H T ,i ;e �� \"\eds F}b i+?— Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) ,is. �Lr( LA)Cr-Tip 0 State° ZIPZ 8' C: (I c1 6O(L'J ►'L t i C # l' jm% Cao).1 Fax#( ) Subdivision i •ized Agent to U1--Lt lTh City i.PSA►.L.- %4 ZIPZ d ElCW ❑EW ' PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basi Pt I. ❑OEA ❑HHF CIIH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body A°f+ Oa(�Ps�zL. �� G ❑PWS: ❑FC: yes no PNA ye Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body ' oP�1C' ��""�� of Project/Activity Y sTv,& 1 4-,y i Z 1 '-1 :C1 t .17 A; I) i (ScaleJ ' i dock)length rm(s)L X jlo ) 3 a')(;, ) 3Y 13 j, sylel . •pier(s) length lumber :ad/Riprap lengthCAK..) ,�.•.— { lug distance offshore nax distance offshore channel i :ubic yards I 346 ' O" 3 y?p am ous��Boat,i J2Xt2 i 1 IIt s Bulldozing _ , • . ine Length Q - �,not sure yes j f L ags: not sure yes no P L ' orium: n/a yes n s: yes n i J 1 r Attached: �,ye�, no O ding permit may be required by: J Of Snit_ I)6`A( 1Lj. See note on back regarding River Basin Bank of America 3265 ACH R/T 053000196 ALLIED MARINE CONTRACTORS, LLC 08-03 66-19/530 NC 910-367-2159 _ 102 92 HAROLD CT. 6 /5 - 08 HAMPSTEAD, NC 28443 E ORDER OF Alb 6 ��/ " $ �� .ai,r 12,44„0_, _,Eg„., -r /7 �D, DOLLARS G PSoa 462 GP Oaii'7 w MEMO R 'Crv1/ "� fl8 0003 265o 1:0yg, 53000 L961: 00068474373 li' NCDENR Resources North Carolina�ofEnvironment and Natural Division of Coastal ManagementEasley,Go,ve.rno, •cbarles S. S.Ross Secretary k.. Authorized Agent Consent Agreement `t iti f l,L.r-�,+.t��'l`i P.f� /1 chi is hereby authorized to act on my behalf llEame A) obtain any C permi(s)required for the property listed below. The authorization is limited to the tivities described in the attached sketch. NI OF PROJECT: // goal / 4t Y OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: v 4.% . �� Z8LID3 PHONE NO. G7/o 7"id O8/ 7 ED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: I -may (e man /A////e,,Q rnar/ram. laU rd(d Cf . •-y-4,Yea, Arc 07 8 eiL 3 PHONE NO. '7/a ,3' 7 2 45-5 )fr Owner )0t. /C rf Au[Horizer!Agent uc ui ub: ola real rocleman blU-c /U.7J rY P. J )NLSJON_OF COASTh_MANAGE AAJ�CENT RIPAR V PROp TY O NFR N RM dame of Individual Applying For Permit. -Joe ►ddress of Property: I l l B9r y I- (Lot or Street#.. Street or Road) I (City and County) hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced property. The individua) pplying for this permit has described tome as shown on the attached drawing the development they re proposing_ A description or drawing,with dimensions,should be provided with this;letter. I have no objections to this proposal. r you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal lanagexnent, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 or call 910-395-3900 ithin 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if >u have been notified by Certified Mail. WATER SECTION understand that a pier,dock, mooring pilings, breakwater,boat house or boat Lift must be t belt a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access-unless waived by me. (If in wish to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate blank below,) x '4'11 I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. l dp not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. AkW dame �/ Date 7d /k it Name 3 6— q - ?y NCDENR ephonc Number with Area Code ` "'it-°"m ama'shells'siparianpraperty.frm IVLJVJ IJV IG InG, V LVYV V IVYL/YVJ 28 08 03. 39p Hal Focleman 910-2703374 p• 2 ArvwsioN or.CQASTA(LMA AG r ��NI $IPAItIAzI,P al?ram QW 1E NOT CATIQtI(W 1V F3�FoxM Name of Individual Applying For Permit - 1: E._ / 0 r-r5 Address of Property: C y(Lot or Street# Stet tolx _ek oar)) (City and Cry) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-refaced property. The individual applying for this pc mit has described to me as shawl)on the attached drawiagthe development they are proposing_ A description oa drawia7,with dimensions,should be provided with this Letter. X have no objections to this proposal_ If you have objections to what is being proposed, please .write the Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal !have Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 or call 910-39S-3900 within 10 days of receSpt of this aatice_ No response is considered the same es no objection if you have been notified by Certified Main_ W I R SEt` ION I understand that a pier,dock, mooring pib'ags,breakwater,boat house or boast litt mast be set belt a iuiaimam distance of 25•fiow nay area of riparian access-tuoJess waived by you wish to waive the setback,you most initial the appropriate blank below.) 1 do wish to waivc the 1 S setback rogniremeut_ J rig wish to waive the 15'setbarl requirement • s arueDate eht K C.2/FA' AVA Pant Name ?10 Sao NCDE1 R relephonc Number with Area Code �' ' \cama\4heUs rIpariaapmPty_Erm 29 1179 03:39p Hel FoCleman��J�J �910-2703374 MY, Vp.3 wy/��J I LAMA/>DDREDGE & IFru. N<? S Z J L. ENERAL PERMIT P �,,,;t,� cw I Modification i (Complete Reissue L)Pardal Rleiasue D.- previous permit issued ,thonxed by dte Schee of North Carolina.Department of Environment and Nbc1sral Resources the Coastal Rosourcos Commission in an area of.,•vironmeri al concern pursuant co I SA NCAC .) L-•-J L1 t'1 i ( i L, ) I lI lesswathed. 'cant Name J x I2— C'QS f ,,:, /—. r)Q Project Location: County Pt—:a.:Ajtr2---, . . 'ess .5S 5"'1 elb�_v✓_n.�)__. 1--N exC_►.r1 S. . jD, 1 Street Address/Sate Read/Lot#c(s)-- W1L 1-.0(.; i c.) t. . State:.)(� ZIP i-34-10_ 11C1 € I 11 ISJi-2--:(.(/. _S( -- te#cup)"lei e, J n,Fax#( ) - Subdivision_ • iorlted Agent -j E v ..._ _ Ci t t•.r;►t- _6f v.c..� ZIP L,': v1`Lci tad 1 I CWr ))QTA I 1 rrS Phone# (.—)--_. River Basile 1- -Act. I *EA 1 I HHF 111H 11 USA I IN/A �� L..n-I M ) (S): AO.Wtt. Body ;-1c rGi-,S4+:..J� Pun/ NOM) Closest Maj.Wm Body P- �v. --r: ycs l� PNA yes / ._ CCrie.Hab• yes / no 1 ,e of Project/Ae vity L0fT&;_ . 1 z..7 a..%,vAx:.-►a O 1? Is/ 1 1-. _Ibt..ri t-,.►j IN 1,4,7 D (SaIeI'.3a ) r(dock)lench l: 7 1 L' . • ... •• .. dtm(s)tir•14 'i1LA '� �LDx 'j� 'IZx . : i fcr per(') j{— ,: t, •/• / 'i. . tin length _._.._-- CANDINI.... r----__.:,----;" : • =ava 01.n.ntn offshore L'_ new 6star,co offal+oro -I. , , ! - col*yetis 3•1 _." " St MN) ` , ..• ..,j . . . . Zhouse/BoodNt .... .' _ .�.�..� ... 1tl\ • -- i , : : , `-1 . tt t.- - .. . ..... . . - - -- ; i • • &reline Length 1.00 i ( t . Q i . v. net gyre yot i' ~' d— — snags: not sure ye: : oto: yes �nO I r 1 z 1 Ives Attached: yes FA _. ._.. — _ — -- ,. wilding permit may be required try_ eAbt-Y.l_ 1 -' r'C.Pt _ I I See note on back r eLnrdnng'River Basin rules. ties/Special Conditions /t _ , ,r L. ' 1 .Y.4i `