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51966D - Rouen
'LAMA / i 'DREDGE & FILL l' 5 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# �4Clew ❑Modification TyComplete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources L/ /�D :oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I5A NCAC / ❑Rules,luched. It Name )t, ...6a PeLie y-j Project Location: County A.4-0✓ / /iGr✓ 1 A! is le Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) ifi /PO/h,...)7/5/7 State C ZIP Z �//Z y�i-e `(l/p) -415,q l 2 Fax# ( ) -' Subdivision :ed Agent City $44+-v ZIP $('-i... ( CW ❑EW _,PTA _ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) Srisiri River Basin Cr ., ❑OEA 0 HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj. (1 A;�� a i Ad'.Wtr. Body ❑ PWS: ❑FC: yes / no PNA es no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body (�ij ' ' F Project/Activity (C1,. 1rk t/Pe, '7 "/"%rl/�� /e/ 717:0i-s, e.l'' 'ihl ,� '' i, (Scale: • rck)length lq3l ik/ .z.,. / T"r�' r rt(s) 7t ',V4 ' ill a/pi 1-1,40;:v , • r-----ti :ngth ,,r J i I pf, ( �13'/ k imber t, ( ' I / id/Riprap length N. ` l - ff4 l g distance offshore J—�ti __.- .- 1� I ax distance offshore 1 tirlell ; it.. r 4 N .� .i hannel 1r j I � 7'fc � i�14' I i ibic yards .k tte'e) mp ' I i is atlih o l YX/Y r /' l r%/M_ lulldozing r / /. A/1y�. 14\ 1 i! � 0� *7. 5 ( Z 4 41 ( 4 4. S! `l.lam 1 ie Length _ UU _i u I 1'�f"`[, I not sure yes no- . 4 F �$1h,7 ;O!/,i1X," I Al gs: not sure yes no — / "1 1 I rium: n/a yes eio 12out-0,, /r03atY/'� i yes 6o �_ J l I I — Attached: yes (io 1 i ling permit may be required by: NI/ Ca. n See note on back regarding River Basin t r i .1 !/ . i .A 1. f 4837 to Date L _ O('7 66-19/51806C / J �j t �- $ _� �--— ��-C� Dollars 8 000 L83698935116483 ? wcc Direct Query - Intranet - "Quick" Search Page 1 of a UNITED STATES _______ POSTAL SERVICE Track/Confirm - Intranet Item Inquiry - Domestic Item: 7007 0710 0005 2991 7645 Service Calculation Acceptance Date/Time: 12/12/2007 14:16 Destination ZIP Code: 28412 City: WILMINGTON State: NC Origin ZIP Code: 28462-3353 City: SUPPLY State: NC Class: First Class Anticipated Delivery Date: 12/13/2007 Weight: 0 lb(s) 3 oz(s) Postage: $1.14 Delv Rqmt: Normal PO Box?: N Special Services Associated Labels Amount CERTIFIED MAIL 7007 0710 0005 2991 7645 $2.65 RETURN RECEIPT $2.15 Event Dat Scanner ID UNCLAIMED 12/29/2007 12:33 WILMINGTON, NC 28412 030SGQ3098 Request Delivery Record 1 NOTICE LEFT 12/13/2007 14:49 WILMINGTON, NC 28412 030SGQ2896 ARRIVAL AT UNIT 12/13/2007 10:12 WILMINGTON, NC 28412 030SGQ2727 ACCEPT OR PICKUP 12/12/2007 14:16 SUPPLY, NC 28462 Enter Request Type and Item Number: RECEIVED )CM WILMINGTON, NC Quick Search r Extensive Search r JAN 2 4 2008 Explanation of Quick and Extensive Searched Submit Version 1.0 `. Inquire on multiple items. Mr.Neil Bender 119 Island Way Wilmington,N. C. 28412 Mr. Bender, Included are revised drawings showing the new alignment of the pier for David and Nancy Rouen. Also included is an adjacent riparian property owner notification form that needs to be completed by you and returned in the enclosed envelope. If you have any q estions please call. Thank you for your time. r g/A44o Scott Burns B& K Marine Construction PO Box 1417 Wrightsville Beach,N. C. 28480 Cell phone 910-231-5438 RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 2 4 2008 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/ WAIVER FORM Name of Individual Applying For Permit: L7t}I/1l) 'WO 11141bVeY ROCiet./ Address of Property: (Lot or Street #, Street or Road) ae.i J oval Ccw.'T7s /a (City and County) d-WY/ I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. TNITIRL If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 or call 910-796- 7215 within ten days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by certified mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house, or boat lifts must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my riparian access— unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the set back, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' set back requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' set back requirement. RECEIVED Sign Name Date nrnn ►nn1 nnininTl1AI DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION! WAIVER FORM Name of Individual Applying For Permit: bi41/17) *4'/D /✓fhv v Roc Address of Property: _1 7 ( 7 g,o Ml/ e ROB (Lot or Street #, Street or Road) �it� _ �Z ✓f N i vaC ecWv77( (City and County) a'-WY I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. ex-4 I have no objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 or call 910-796- 7215 within ten days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by certified mail. WAIVER SECTION 1 understand that pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house, or boat lifts must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my riparian access—unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the set back, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' set back requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' set back requirement. (0—.Ja 1647 C�n� u�ma Plato JOHN D. RUNKLE ATTORNEY AT LAW ' POST OFFICE BOX 3793 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. 27515-3793 919-942.0600 (o&f) jrunkle@pricecreek.com November 7, 2007 Robb Mairs Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Bender v. DCM and Rouen, 07 EHR 0838 Dear Mr. Mairs: Per our agreement at the mediation, David Rouen is abandoning the present General Permit No. 47549 for his pier. Scott Burns, his contractor, will be applying for a new general permit on the alignment we agreed upon at the mediation. When you and Scott are at the site, please flag the finishing point on the river per the enclosed photo. Thank you for your help in resolving this issue. Sincerely, iibevtt Atatz John D. Runkle r1 i JOHN D. RUNKLE ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 3793 CHAPEL HILL, N.C. 27515-3793 919-942-0600 (o&f) jrunkle@pricecreek.com November 7, 2007 Michael Murchison Murchison, Taylor & Gibson, PLLC 16 North Fifth Avenue Wilmington, NC 28401 Amanda P. Little Assistant Attorney General NC Department of Justice P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 Re: Bender v. DCM and Rouen, 07 EHR 0838 Counsel: Enclosed is a copy of Exhibit A, the aerial photo marked to show the alignment of the agreed upon pier. None of the copy centers in town could make color copies as large as the entire photo for less than $60 so I am providing a copy that represents all of the points. It is the same size as the original with a scale of 1" equals 50'. I will keep the original in my files if any of us need to look at it further. I have sent the Settlement Agreement and Mutual General Release to my client for his and Nancy's signatures. I am also enclosing a copy of the letter I am sending to Robb Mairs, DCM Field Representative, abandoning the present General Permit No. 47549. Mr. Mairs and Scott Burns, Dr. Rouen's contractor, have met or will soon meet to set out the alignment I will be at a conference until Monday, November 12, and will check in after then to see if everything is in order. Sincerely, John D. Runkle cc. David Rouen Bob O'Quinn Robb Mairs • • .x5rapo �V State of North Carolina Department of Justice DY COOPER 400 Commerce Avenue meredith.alcoke@nc .torney General Morehead City,NC 28557 Phone: (252)8 Fax: (252)2 August 27, 2007 Mr. Michael Murchison Murchison,Taylor, and Gibson,PLLC 16 North Fifth Ave. Wilmington,NC 28401 Re: Bender v. DENR/DCM&Rouen; 07 EHR 0838 Dear Mr. Murchison: I hope this letter finds you well. Please find enclosed Respondent's responses to your first set of discovery and supplement thereto. I am also writing to address some additional issues regarding this case. You should have received by now a Notice of Appearance by my colleague, Assistant Attorney General Amanda Little. Ms.Little will act as co-counsel in this case until my maternity leave,at which time she will become lead counsel and the case will be transferred to her. My leave could begin fairly soon, as I only have a few weeks until my due date. I trust that you will enjoy working with Ms. Little, and ask that you please include her in all future communications. Next, I wanted to address the issue of the court-ordered mediation in this case. According to Judge Mann's order dated May 24th, 2007, you were required to notify Judge Overby of the selection of a mediator within twenty-one days of the order, or by June 14, 2007. I contacted you and your colleague, Andy McVey, about this deadline and indicated my availability for the month of August. I also consented to the mediators suggested by Mr. McVey. T have heard nothing further regarding mediation and am concerned about the court's Finally, since this is a single-issue case regarding pier length,I believe that the case should be able to settle. The assistance of a mediator may be unnecessary. I hope that you are in contact with Respondent-Intervenor's counsel, John Runkle, about this possibility. My client and I will assist in any way possible toward that end. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely, 41444- °#4.4c, Merrie Jo . ke Assistant A •rney General Enclosure cc: Amanda Little, Assistant Attorney General John Runkle, Attorney at Law J. Allen Jernigan, Special Deputy Attorney General (w/o attachments) Ted Tyndall, DCM Assistant Director Robb Mairs, DCM Field Representative✓ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER 07 EHR 0838 NEIL CARMICHAEL BENDER III and wife, ) BRIDGET BENDER, ) ) RESPONDENT'S RESPONSE Petitioners, ) TO PETITIONERS' ) FIRST REQUEST FOR v. ) PRODUCTION OF ) DOCUMENTS N.C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT ) AND NATURAL RESOURCES, ) DIVISION OF COASTAL ) MANAGEMENT, ) ) Respondent, ) ) • and ) ) DAVID ROUEN, ) ) Respondent-Intervenor. ) TO: PETITIONERS NEIL CARMICHAEL BENDER III and BRIDGET BENDER In care of their counsel: Mr. Michael Murchison Murchison, Taylor, and Gibson, PLLC 16 North Fifth Ave. Wilmington,NC 28401 NOW COMES Respondent North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources,Division of Coastal Management,by and through its counsel of record,pursuant to 71-1.,— '1L _-- 7A _CL1__ -T_11- _C _—_L__ a_ GENERAL OBJECTIONS 1. Respondent objects to the scope of these requests to the extent that they seek information relating to: (1) information prepared or obtained in anticipation of litigation or for trial; (2)information encompassed within the attorney-client and work product privileges; or(3) any other information that is not properly discoverable under the Rules of Civil Procedure, State statutes, or the common law. 2. Respondent further objects to these requests as unduly burdensome and oppressive to the extent they seek information already in Petitioner's possession. 3. Respondent objects to any request that seeks information that is irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. • 4. Respondent assumes no duty to supplement its answers except to the extent required by Rule 26(e) of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Respondent reserves the right to modify, amend, or add to its responses or objections. To the extent applicable, Respondent incorporates by reference all of these General Objections into its Responses below. RESPONSES TO PETITIONERS' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 1. All documents associated with the application(s)by Rouen and/or his contractor for the original permit to construct a pier on Rouen's property in New Hanover County, (b) All permits; (c) Correspondence, including emails; and (e) All other documents reviewed or exchanged in conjunction with the permit applications. RESPONSE: The documents responsive to this request are included in the permit file for CAMA General Permit No. 22656-D issued to David Rouen on January 21, 2000. Respondent will produce this file for inspection and copying at the Wilmington DCM Office upon reasonable notice at a mutually agreeable time. 2. All documents associated with the applications by Rouen and/or his contractor for a permit or permits to construct an extension of the pier at Rouen's property in New Hanover County, including,but not limited to, the following: (a) All permit applications; (b) All permits; (c) Correspondence, including emails; and (e) All other documents reviewed or exchanged in conjunction with the permit applications. RESPONSE: The documents responsive to this request are included in the permit files for CAMA Petitioner requires the files again, Respondent will produce them for inspection and copying at the Wilmington DCM Office upon reasonable notice at a mutually agreeable time. 3. All documents which relate to the Division of Coastal Management's determination of the location of the normal high-water line in connection with the Rouen pier extension permit(s), including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Any guidance or authorities relied upon in making the determination; (b) All surveys, sketches, drawings, field notes and photographs; and (c) All memoranda, letters or correspondence, including emails. RESPONSE: The documents responsive to this request are the field notes of DCM Field Representative Robb Mairs,certain aerial photography, and CRC Rule 15A NCAC 7H .0106. Respondent will produce these items for inspection and copying at the Wilmington DCM Office upon reasonable notice at a mutually agreeable time. 4. All general pier permits issued by the Division of Coastal Management along the east bank of the Cape Fear River in New Hanover County since January 1, 2000, and all associated documents, including but not limited to, the following: (a) Permits; (b) Permit applications; RESPONSE: Respondent objects to this Request as overly broad,unduly burdensome, and outside the scope of permissible discovery pursuant to N.C. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1). Without waiving this or any other objection, Respondent answers that the Division of Coastal Management issues over 1,000 general permits a year for piers and docks. The records for such permits are not categorized by water body,but are primarily categorized by property owner. Respondent respectfully requests that Petitioner narrow the scope of this Request, and Respondent will search its records and produce any files that Petitioner specifically requests. This the day of August, 2007. ROY COOPER Attorney General Meredith Jo Alcoke Assistant Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice Environmental Division 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 (252) 808-2808 (ph) (252) 247-3330 (fax) /16/4a144,7 4/1/k Amanda P. Little Assistant Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice Environmental Division P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 (252) 726-7021 (ph) (252) 726-0254 (fax) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that I have this day served a copy of the foregoing RESPONDENT'S RESPONSE TO PETITIONERS'FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS on upon counsel of record for all parties by depositing a copy in the United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Mr. Michael Murchison Murchison, Taylor, and Gibson,PLLC 16 North Fifth Ave. Wilmington,NC 28401 Mr. John D. Runkle Attorney at Law P.O. Box 3793 Chapel Hil C 27515 This the, V day of j(1, ) , 2007. i ROY COOPER Attorney General ByLifikPal/CMeredith Jo Alcoke Assistant Attorney • STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER 07 EHR 0838 NEIL CARMICHAEL BENDER III and wife, ) BRIDGET BENDER, ) ) RESPONDENT'S RESPONSE TO Petitioners, ) PETITIONERS' SUPPLEMENT ) TO PETITIONERS' FIRST v. ) REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION ) OF DOCUMENTS ) N.C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT ) AND NATURAL RESOURCES, ) DIVISION OF COASTAL ) MANAGEMENT, ) ) Respondent, ) ) and ) DAVID ROUEN, • ) ) Respondent-Intervenor. ) TO: PETITIONERS NEIL CARMICHAEL BENDER III and BRIDGET BENDER In care of their counsel: Mr. Michael Murchison Murchison, Taylor, and Gibson,PLLC 16 North Fifth Ave. Wilmington,NC 28401 NOW COMES Respondent North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural —. _ P/1_ __i_11 l_.___ _._____a 7______-1 al- 1- !a 1 r .7 .-..�......«��..11..�.... GENERAL OBJECTIONS 1. Respondent objects to the scope of these requests to the extent that they seek information relating to:(1)information prepared or obtained in anticipation of litigation or for trial; (2)information encompassed within the attorney-client and work product privileges;or(3)any other information that is not properly discoverable under the Rules of Civil Procedure, State statutes, or the common law. 2. Respondent further objects to these requests as unduly burdensome and oppressive to the extent they seek information already in Petitioner's possession. 3. Respondent objects to any request that seeks information that is irrelevant and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. 4. Respondent assumes no duty to supplement its answers except to the extent required by Rule 26(e)of the Rules of Civil Procedure. Respondent reserves the right to modify,amend,or add to its responses or objections. To the extent applicable, Respondent incorporates by reference all of these General Objections into its Responses below. RESPONSES TO SUPPLEMENT TO PETITIONERS' FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 1. All permits that make use of the vegetation specified in 15A NCAC 7H.0205(a)(1)- (10) to determine the normal high water line and all associated documents in the permit file. scope of permissible discovery pursuant to N.C. R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1). Without waiving this or any other objection,Respondent answers that coastal wetland vegetation is used in almost every type of CAMA permit decision including,but not limited to, permits for single family residences, docks, piers,bulkheads, boat ramps, marinas, etc. It is not possible to produce almost 30 years of permit files for twenty coast.'counties as requested herein. L1 This the mil, day of August, 2007. ROY COOPER Attorney General 16.1.404;(44 Meredith Jo Alcoke Assistant Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice Environmental Division 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City,NC 28557 (252) 808-2808 (ph) (252) 247-3330 (fax) 1 1 la, r Amanda P. Little Assistant Attorney General N.C. Department of Justice Environmental Division P.O. Box 769 Morehead City,NC 28557 MC7\ 114 '71111 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that I have this day served a copy of the foregoing RESPONDENT'S RESPONSE TO SUPPLEMENT TO PETITIONERS'FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS on upon counsel of record for all parties by depositing a copy in the United States Mail, first class postage prepaid, addressed as follows: Mr. Michael Murchison Murchison, Taylor, and Gibson,PLLC 16 North Fifth Ave. Wilmington,NC 28401 Mr. John D. Runkle Attorney at Law P.O. Box 3793 Chapel Hi NC 27515 t., This th-/ O day of AG ALP , 2007. ROY COOPER Attorney General By Meredit Jo Alcoke Assistant Attorney General TION=> C NEXT PERMIT=> GENERAL PERMIT ENTRY/UPDATE CT NO: GPD22678 DISTRICT: I COUNTY: NEW HANOVI )ESIG: ES APP FEE : 50 . 00 REGIONAL REP : BROOKS ?LICANT NAME : ROUEN, DAVID ** DING ADDRESS : 8924 SHIPWATCH DR CITY: WILMINGTON STATE : NC ZIP : 28412 LOCATION: #1 THE ISLE WATER BODY: CAPE FEAR R] ,ION ADDRESS : OFF RIVER ROAD (WHEN DIFFERENT FROM MAII CITY: WILMINGTON STATE : NC ZIP : 28412 JREA: 0 . 01 PROJECT DESC : P-11 STATE PLANE COORD X : Y: BH 488 0 00 0 HG 488 ACTION EXPIRATION DREDGE AND FILL : 07 20 99 10 20 99 CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: 07 20 99 10 20 99 YGE : ENTER DATA YOU WISH TO CHANGE )F1=HELP PF2=MAIN MENU PF3=PERMIT MENU PF4= PREVIOUS SCREEN PFS=ADD :TION=> C NEXT PERMIT=> GENERAL PERMIT ENTRY/UPDATE :T NO: GPD22656 DISTRICT: I COUNTY: NEW HANOVI )ESIG: PT ES EW APP FEE : 50 . 00 REGIONAL REP : BROOKS 'LICANT NAME : ROUEN, DAVE ** DING ADDRESS : 1 THE ISLE CITY: WILMINGTON STATE : NC ZIP : 28412 LOCATION: SAME WATER BODY: CAPE FEAR R7 'ION ADDRESS : (WHEN DIFFERENT FROM MAII CITY: WILMINGTON STATE : NC ZIP : AREA: 0 . 01 PROJECT DESC: P-12 STATE PLANE COORD X: Y: PR 200 6 00 0 OW 1200 ACTION EXPIRATION DREDGE AND FILL : 01 21 00 04 21 00 CAMA MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: 01 21 00 04 21 00 LGE : ENTER DATA YOU WISH TO CHANGE 'F1=HELP PF2=MAIN MENU PF3=PERMIT MENU PF4= PREVIOUS SCREEN PF5=ADD STATEMENT SUPPORTING DETERMINATION TO GRANT A HEARING The following statement is being submitted in support of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael Bender, II's request for a third party hearing on the issuance of a CAMA general pier permit to David Rouen on March 21, 2007. A copy of the permit is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Background Neil Carmichael Bender, II and his wife, Bridget Bender, own property at 119 Island Bridge Way, Wilmington, North Carolina. This property abuts and is located immediately north of property which is owned by David Rouen. Both properties overlook the Cape Fear River. A small creek that extends from the Cape Fear River separates the two properties. In the fall of 2005, David Rouen made application for a CAMA general permit which would allow him to extend an existing pier. The old existing pier extended from the bulkhead surrounding Rouen's house westward to the edge of a tributary of the Cape Fear River. A copy of aerial photographs depicting this pier and its relationship to Rouen's house and bulkhead are attached as Exhibit B. Prior to issuance of the permit, Mr. and Mrs. Bender raised concerns both orally and in writing with the appropriate permit official of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management ("DCM"). Their written objections were dated February 24, 2006. On March 22, 2006, Rouen was granted a permit (Permit No. 461) to extend the • .• • _ • _L_ "Inn C__. C_____ .L_ _______I L:_L __._a__ I: d The Benders only learned of the existence of the new permit as a result of discussions with the Assistant Attorney General concerning the Benders' proposed motion to stay the operation of the original permit pending completion of the judicial review process. Because of the absence of the required notice, the Benders are entitled to submit a request for a third-party hearing at this time. The following factors are cited in support of the Benders' request for a third-party hearing on the March 21, 2007 permit. A. The decision is contrary to a statute or rule for the following reasons [N.C.Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(1)]: 1. The general pier permit regulations provide at 15A NCAC 7H.1205(a) that piers may not extend more than 400 feet westward from the normal high water line. The DCM staff placed the normal high line 130 feet waterward of the existing bulkhead of David Rouen. Mr. and Mrs. Bender contend that the normal high water line is, in fact, eastward of this point and that, as a result, the pier length does not satisfy the 400 foot requirement. In the prior proceeding, the DCM staff acknowledged that the marsh adjacent to Rouen's bulkhead is characterized primarily by high marsh and non-coastal wetland species which transition into a large strand of Black Needlerush which then transitions into Cord Grass. The DCM staff used Cord Grass as the vegetative indicator of the normal high-water line. 15A NCAC 711.0106(1) defines `Normal High Water" as the "ordinary extent of high tide based on site conditions such as the presence and location of vegetation, which has its distribution influenced by tidal action, appeal, the DCM staff took the position that Rouen's permit did not accommodate any such slips whatsoever. It appears, however, that the end of the old pier will still potentially accommodate docking space for boats and that the end of the new extended pier will potentially accommodate boats as well. If, in fact, the permit does not allow any such docking space, this objection is withdrawn. 4. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 7H.1204(d) that the proposed activity not unnecessarily endanger adjoining properties or significantly affect scenic values. The current proposed pier is directly in front of the Benders' primary view of the river and, therefore, does significantly affect scenic values. The Benders object to the proposed location of the pier because it totally obstructs and impairs their scenic values. 5. The Benders in their past challenge to the old permit had the following objections. They now acknowledge those objections to have been satisfied by DCM and CRC's construction of the pier permit limitations. Those are as follows: a. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 7H.1204(c) that the proposed pier not create an unreasonable interference with navigation or use of public waters. The Benders previously objected that the pier location appeared to create a potential obstruction to the small tributary on which the current pier lies. CRC and DCM responded that the pier, as permitted, terminates at the marsh's edge and does not extend into the creek itself or have any boat slips. With this clarification, the Benders agree that there is no potential obstruction to the small tributary. If, however, Rouen seeks to park a boat at the end of the pier respect to the square footage of the "T" structures on Rouen's piers, evidence with respect to the loss of scenic value, and other relevant evidence. V�CA '`fib Fr ran,: '`✓ M4/ u DRclHac or FILL�71ENERAL Ti :TII �_�='2= i3�3t1 1-1Now � �,v,�� �P1odllication Complete Rolm% `�^r,cnuh:ed Oh-iambi i�ls;ue Prevloul permit#m by the State or N!+rth and d,.Cettd Resources Carr:Ann,i�opsrtment of Data prov10U8 m CCn,rntntt,n In ar,,rQ,of environmentalEM ronrtwine and Natural pormjt 131 I �- � Cone Q4eeurtos APpI eZni Narno ' m•�purl ranr to I S�NGC '�./a Addrea � lL� --- . • /2 C! 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CCU?,'''f c-.-t=-�� � ,.--a .z 0 . ) L*, ,,,, U tj-LL 77-,2-7- { G, Ly .4_,.,,,, .. 4--,- ,0_,,_,,a 1' 1(�-Y- �2.J'� . .,L4.i ,�,,-ate-,- -c.z�.< 1 ii. 0, A" en ,,,,,,_ ,,_,,_ ,/,-Li2-t-u— ,.,,,, .,,,„___ ,..,- ,, _ I?. t. 1- e -).--i 1. 4.4 - " -- ./ . L''""-4 1.7---1:j e l.`L.- m e-- il.,,c..<.. %•,- L ;) i G 1, ,�� -4 J_ T ,i/o, p. .„. .,,,,..„.2.-) c.„:„„_ ,,,,_ , „tit, ,--- 0 kECM P 110_0_ G-rt> / ,__e_A , k 4 L`_./ ter- -Q-RmFis11 work. DCM's method of staking the normal high water line by use of natural indicators was upheld by the Court of Appeals in Webb N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, 102 N.C. App 767, 404 S.E.2d 167 (1991). Petitioners' statement that they have "observed normal the high water line" in a different location, without additional evidence, is insufficient evidence to show that the issue is not frivolous and is likewise insufficient to suspend Mr. Rouen's permit and require Mr. Rouen to delay construction of his pier while the issue is litigated. 2. Number of Slips Rule 7H .1204(a) limits this general permit to only two slips. Petitioners argue that "it appears . . . that the proposed pier could accommodate more than two boats and several jet skis and, therefore, the permit application should be reviewed through the major permitting process." This argument is simply speculative. The permit applicant has proposed no slips. Nor has the applicant proposed any platform or boat lifts. If the permitted pier were ever used in the future for in excess of two slips, DCM would handle that through its enforcement procedures. Mere speculation that an access pier may be used improperly is insufficient to raise a valid question for litigation in a contested case proceeding. 3. 200-foot limitation beyond marsh edge Petitioners next contend that Rule 7H .1205(c) provides that "piers longer than 200 feet are permitted only if the proposed pier length gives access to deeper water at the rate of at least _.. ,. .. • • .• • .• .•.•_ __ __ -___`_._J 5. View Petitioners contend that 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) requires that the proposed development not affect scenic values and that the proposed pier"obstructs their scenic values." Rule 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) is one of the "General Conditions"regarding the applicability of the general permit. It provides that "This permit will not be applicable to proposed construction where the Department believes that the proposed activity might . . . significantly affect historic,cultural, scenic, conservation or recreation values, identified in G.S. 113A-102 and G.S. 113A-113(b)(4), nor that might significantly affect the quality of the human environment."(emphasis added) G.S. 113A-113(b)(4) refers to: (4) Fragile or historic areas, and other areas containing environmental or natural resources of more than local significance, where uncontrolled or incompatible development could result in major or irreversible damage to important historic, cultural, scientific or scenic values or natural systems, which may include: a. Existing national or State parks or forests, wilderness areas, the State Nature and Historic Preserve, or public recreation areas; existing sites that have been acquired for any of the same, as identified by the Secretary; and proposed sites for any of the same, as identified by the Secretary, provided that the proposed site has been formally designated for acquisition by the governmental agency having jurisdiction; b. Present sections of the natural and scenic rivers system; • c. Stream segments that have been classified for scientific or research uses by the Environmental Management Commission, or that are proposed to be so classified in a proceeding that is pending before said Environmental Management Commission pursuant to G.S. 143-214.1 at the time of the designation of the area of In recent years the coastal area has been subjected to increasing pressures which are the result of the often-conflicting needs of a society expanding in industrial development, in population, and in the recreational aspirations of its citizens. Unless these pressures are controlled by coordinated management, the very features of the coast which make it economically, esthetically, and ecologically rich will be destroyed. The General Assembly therefore finds that an immediate and pressing need exists to establish a comprehensive plan for the protection, preservation, orderly development, and management of the coastal area of North Carolina. In the implementation of the coastal area management plan, the public's opportunity to enjoy the physical, esthetic, cultural, and recreational qualities of the natural shorelines of the State shall be preserved to the greatest extent feasible; water resources shall be managed in order to preserve and enhance water quality and to provide optimum utilization of water resources; land resources shall be managed in order to guide growth and development and to minimize damage to the natural environment; and private property rights shall be preserved in accord with the Constitution of this State and of the United States. The Department's responsibility under this statute (and N.C.G.S. § 113A-1 13(b)(4)) is to the public as a whole. Furthermore, this statute also directs the Department to preserve private property rights, such as the permittee's right to construct a pier on his property if it complies with all applicable rules. Clearly l5A NCAC 7H .1204(d) does not require the Department to judge the aesthetic • values of development prior to issuing a CAMA permit; nor does it require DCM to take into account the "view" of surrounding property owners' when issuing a permit, and further to require denial if the agency believes a view will be impacted. If that were the case, no permits could be issued because all water-dependent structures over the water affect view. This issue is frivolous. V. CONCLUSION For the reasons stated herein, Petitioners' Third Party Hearing Request is DENIED. This the 24'h day of April, 2006. Courtney T. Hac ley, Chairman N.C. Coastal Resources Commission 4 � ;lt tI f • M•'k W r v y°14Y. .f• .4.111 I • fi' y ' '" A a • ` • � f` �G# • w�• •` *• r - r. x�-.C.• l � `a . _a {t •r4• r r •� r '( 4 'Oar • i • 0 „'„w .. .. ` H '!i'Z « hA .. . fain' t, ...-*--341r - '• -.. g'y' • '\ I1 1. r ..it F 4 ' .flu. f, r • a , thy. 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BYNUM, Of Counsel CHRISTOPHER J.LEONARD,Of Counsel Director Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 Attorney General's Office Environmental Division 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-9001 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a third party hearing request challenging the issuance of a general pier permit to David Rouen on March 21, 2007. I have been in communication with Meredith Jo Alcoke concerning this request and I have supplied her with a copy. Sincerely, MURCHISON, TAYLOR & GIBSON, PLLC Michael Murchison MM/jrnb Enclosures development when the development is within or touches upon an area subject to the public trust.) (3) Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the request for the hearing is not frivolous [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(3)). (Please summarize the evidence or arguments you will present at a hearing in support of your appeal.) Based on the attached responses to the above factors, the undersigned hereby requests a third party hearing. April 17, 2007 , ` Date Signature of 1 &r Attorney Michael Murchison Name of Pretirff6ifeR5FAttorney 16 North Fifth Avenue Address Wilmington NC 28401 City State Zip ( 910 ) 763-2426 Telephone Number NOTES: This request must be served on the Director, Division of Coastal Management, at the address shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form, within twenty(20) days of the disputed permit decision. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Failure to do so constitutes waiver of the right to request a hearing. A copy should also be sent to the Attorney General's Office, Environmental Division, at the addresses shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form. Approval of a Third Party Hearing Request allows a petitioner to file a contested case petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within twenty (20) days of receipt of the Chairman's Order. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Denial of a Third Party Hearing Request is a final agency decision which may be }}dA d✓ • Reply To: State of North Carolina Meredith Jo Alcoke Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice 400 Commerce Avenue 3Y COOPER PO BOX 629 Morehead City,NC 28557 Wvt Y GENERAL 252-808-2808(ph) Raleigh, North Carolina' 252-247-3330(fax) 27602 --BY FED EX TO CHAIRMAN-- MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Courtney Hackney, Chairman, CRC CC: Petitioner by attorney Michael Murchison David Rouen, Permittee Charles S. Jones, Director, DCM Morehead City Ted Tyndall, an %irector, DCM Morehead City Jim Gregso •obb Mair , DCM Wilmington Jill Hickey, Spec 'emit Attorney General FROM: Meredith Jo Alcoke Assistant Attorney G ner I RE: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Third Party Hearing Request by Bender DATE: May 2, 2007 Please find enclosed the Staff Recommendation for the above-referenced hearing request. The Chairman's decision is due by Thursday, May 3, 2007. The CRC has delegated the authority to its Chairman to determine whether a third party request for a hearing should be granted or denied. Rule 15A NCAC 7J .0301(b). A third party whose hearing request is granted may file a contested case hearing petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings. N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b). A third party whose hearing request is denied may seek judicial review. Id. II. FACTS A. The permittee is David Rouen, a riparian property owner on the Cape Fear River. His property is located at 1 The Isle off River Road in Wilmington. The site is approximately 2.4 miles south of the intersection of River Road and Saunders Road. B. Rouen owns approximately 800 linear feet of shoreline. C. There is a creek approximately 20 to 30 feet wide that extends from the Cape Fear River and cuts up into the marsh toward the high ground. According to the New Hanover County tax records, Rouen's parcel extends to both sides of that creek. D. Petitioners own property at 119 Island Bridge Way. Petitioners' property is located north/northwest of Rouen's property on the other side of the creek. E. As outlined below, Rouen has applied for and received four CAMA general permits to extend his pier. Such permits are valid for 90 days. 15A NCAC 7H .1212(d). There are no provisions for renewal of a general permit and when one expires, and an applicant must obtain a new permit. As shown on the face of the permits, each permit authorized J. There is not a clearly discernible "channel" in the creek nor are there any channel markers. Where the pier terminates, the creek is approximately 30 feet wide. K. The applicant did not request and the permit does not authorize any platform area or slips L. DCM determined that the Petitioners are not the adjacent riparian property owners. Following the edge of Rouen's property around to the north, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Nathan Sanders. Sanders was provided notice and stated that he had no objections to the permit. Even though it was ultimately determined that Sanders was the adjacent riparian property owner to the north, specific notice of the proposed pier was still provided to Petitioners, who objected to the pier and provided comments at least twice to the Division of Coastal Management's Wilmington office through their attorney. M. To the south, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Ruth Phillips. Phillips stated that she had no objections to the permit. N. The Division of Coastal Management(DCM) determined that the proposed structure met all of the pertinent state guidelines and could be approved under the General Permit provisions of 15A NCAC 7H .1200. The permit was issued March 22, 2006. O. On April 7, 2006, Petitioners filed a third party hearing request to challenge the permit. See Exhibit 5. P. In an Order dated April 24, 2006, the Chairman denied Petitioners' request for a third party hearing. See Exhibit 6. photographs, Rouen has not yet completed the "dog-leg" at the end of structure that will lead to the creek's edge. X. Consistent with DCM's procedures for handling the general permit reissues within one year, Petitioners were not notified of the proposed work pursuant to 15A NCAC 7H .1202 for any of the permits issued after the first one. Rule 15A NCAC 7H .1202(a) requires notice to "adjacent riparian property owners." Petitioners allege that their property "abuts and is located immediately north" of the Rouen property. As stated above, DCM determined based on New Hanover County tax records that Petitioners were not "adjacent riparian property owners." Yet, when issuing the first permit, DCM did notify Petitioners. Y. Petitioners filed this third party hearing request on April 18, 2007, challenging the March 21, 2007 General Permit No. 47549. Petitioners' hearing request materials have been previously sent to the Chairman and are also attached hereto as Exhibit 9. Z. On April 23, 2007, Rouen submitted comments for the Chairman's consideration. They are attached hereto as Exhibit 10. III. DCM'S RECOMMENDATIONS A. Has the Petitioner Alleged that the Decision is Contrary to a Statute or Rule'? Yes. In order to prevail in a third party hearing request, a petitioner must first allege that the agency made a decision that is contrary to statute or rule. N.C.G.S. § 1 13A-121.1(b)(1). C. Has the Petitioner Demonstrated that the Hearing Request is not Frivolous? No. Petitioners have not demonstrated that the hearing request is not frivolous as required by N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(3). Petitioners raise three of the same issues raised in the first petition, and have added a fourth argument not included in the first petition. Petitioners' contentions are addressed below in the sequence they were presented in Petitioners' hearing request materials. 1. Pier Length Petitioners contend that the pier violates the 400-foot limitation on pier length because of their assertion that the normal high water line is actually located eastward (or landward) of the point where DCM staked it. The CRC's rule provides in 15A NCAC 7H .1205(a) that the 400- foot limitation is calculated from the normal high water line. "Normal High Water" is defined in the CRC's rules as is"the ordinary extent of high tide based on site conditions such as presence and location of vegetation, which has its distribution influenced by tidal action, and the location of the apparent high tide line." 15A NCAC 7H .0106(1). Petitioners assert that DCM erred in using Cord Grass (Spartina alterniflora) as the vegetative indicator of the normal high water line. Petitioner contends that because Black Needlerush (Juncus roenierianus) is identified in the CRC's rules as a coastal wetland species and is located closer to Rouen's bulkhead than the Spartina alterniflora, the agency should have "at a minimum, used Black Needlerush as the vegetative indicator of the normal high water line." 2. 400-square foot Limit on Platform Petitioners next argue that the Rouen pier has two "T's"or"finger piers"which collectively exceed the 400 square foot threshold allowed under the general permit provisions. 15A NCAC 7H .1205(g). This assertion is unsupported by the description of the permitted development on the face of the permit (only development authorized is a 388-foot pier measuring 6 feet in width); it is unsupported by the sketch of the proposed development on the face of the permit (no T's or fingers are depicted); and it is unsupported by the aerial photos submitted by Petitioners in their hearing request(Exhibit 9), and additional aerials attached hereto as Exhibits 7-8. Petitioners have not alleged by what amount or by what dimensions the so-called T's exceed 400 square feet of platform. The portions of the existing and proposed pier Petitioners allege are T's or finger piers are not in fact T's or finger piers because they do not extend from the main structure, as required by the rule. They are instead apart of the main structure, the access pier. In particular, the alleged"T" at the end of the pier is simply part of the 6-foot wide main access pier where it takes a 90 degree turn, or dog-leg, toward the water. Even assuming arguendo that these portions of the pier are T's, the total length of both T's would have to be at least 66.7 feet(66.7 times 6=400.2) in order to violate 15A NCAC 7H .1205(g). Clearly, this is not the case. This argument is wholly unsupported by the record and Petitioners have failed to demonstrate that it is not frivolous. arguments presented herein that would warrant a different result. Petitioners have not raised any issues that merit a contested case hearing. Petitioners have not demonstrated that the hearing request is not frivolous as required byN.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(3). IV. CONCLUSION In conclusion, Staff maintains that Petitioners have not met the criteria justifying a contested case hearing. For the reasons stated herein, the Division of Coastal Management, through its undersigned attorney, recommends that the Petitioners' Third Party Hearing Request be DENIED by the Chairman. This the d day of May, 2007. FOR THE DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ///ez 7A Meredith Jo Alc k Assistant Attorney General State Bar No. 24090 Environmental Division 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808 (ph) 252-247-4300 (fax) AMA / li DREDGE & FILL \-1, I LJ - G NERAL PERMIT Previous permit# 4 E X H ?New _ Modification .Complete Reissue —Partial Reissue Date previous permi I orized by the State of North Carolina.Department of Environment and Natural Resources O 4 Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC .3 Fl • /2(Ru tnt Name L.r/U,"_& " Project Location: Counry_ ft / '__. 77, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) /_._/• tyh _ State fr ZIP .v89/.2 l T tie S 4- # 9/a .3.��) Fax # ) Subdivision S Luria s �!n- h ZIP 8 It •ized Agent CO f� --- — City- --- - �------ -- t/CW SEW ✓PTA -ES - PTS Phone # ( ) Z��' '..' River Bain -(4/ OEA HHF IH UBA MA del/iAdj.Wtr. BodyCrfl/ /G/, r«!__:�ar PWS FC u /2, /' , Closest Maj.Wtr. Body t)l/ yes /0 PNA 6s' / no Crit. Hab. yes / no of Project/Activity k fli-2, ek/s//rY ///,-- .q.5 " 74"/"m 77,`f,-)-7,-; A/,; , vj/,,1// (Z/ jr., 1 -- --,-_,,, G_lt/ — (Scale: N, Idock)length .'Fg x 6 t u arm(si V ! /i r press Y V , --r'ri 6t. i'�/ n length v number /llr/,/1 head/Riprap length V1. ), y I l u 1 I i �liL; fly �' !r t (, avg distance ofl:horc 't �% max distance offshore 111. / �� t ✓, a.channel r >f I cubic yards C ramp L'1 : Asee 3.8 ,x 6p / 1 4 (VC rI'�'. thouse;Boatlift r ,i` I 1 (✓i.r! ch Bulldozing 11 ! / ��l �, y fi r,i f'• ar'�% RECEIVE - ti ' L`CM WILMINGT6N r refine Length Pc-.___ / �• �s/�� I: not sure yes ® y it y /UL,/n /7 rtle — - __ _ A I�/ a 4 2O dbags: not sure yes ,,,../ 1e'/ / it ep, ' CtJ� r 6 ratorium: n/a yes � , r � � )tos: yes /6 ` r Y / _ y .iver Attached: yes (p6 — — • —7-']j . �s�r wilding permit may be required by: 4/# CO • See note on back regardingre River Ba fi, I •--1 I/ .n .. -• - _L/ - // � (L.i /l/. 7 /� 41-•if AY-01-2007 16:03 From: EXHIBIT '473330 P.2 !LAMA/ I DREDGE & FILL l`� GENERAL PERMIT i �— ..rmlt# /e n f I Now I.I Modification complete Reissue [-lPartial Rolssuo 1 ous permit Issued 3a authorized by the State of North Carolina.Qepartrnort of Environment and Natural Resources //L 0 H,t'�4�,� 1 the Coastal Resources Commission in an aroa of onvironmonaU concern pursuant to I SA NCAC /r + C l Rules mulched pliant Namo__.. ...D(/id _ .Ri/U.en Project Location: County -.khiAct-wov±ri dress_ _.__ -/- _ 7Zs' 7s4° Street Address/State Road/ Lot#(s) _ y 1 i/I /0+/I,4141 State Pr. ZIP 7 sr ty./7 6 _-. f'__.._.....- - ane#(f ) 7.17,_q2. Fax#( ) ._. Subdivision f chorized Agent-__564 741 Bevy,.1City 54,44,4- ZIP.._._, +r acted tw IerW Li4 rA :_:ES i-i PTS Phone # ( ) ,- 41 `( LRiver Basin _ a, C(S) ❑OM 7 WMF IW BA ;]NIA Adj,Wtr, Body (Q* /" ._- CI1! U PWS; IT FC. IW: yes ! PNA �l no 3 CM.Flab. yes 1 no Closest Mal,Wtr, Body. '�,,�-. 4. il 'po ;_Project/ tivlty F f ✓ �.1-/1ii% f /* 3 , rpm lipr I/ A !-tii4/rr N �ov . 'r.C 0/V (Scale: „'for dtk)length -._ XG I Iatforrnjs) / Inger pier(s) , ;coin'ors* 1 -7ip�Ii'►*-Ar�/ 1, V .. - i / , .Ay Fit number 111!!T /� u.khead/giprap length ` �el r avg distance offshore i max distance offshore I 1 min,channel -------- �l/ilUs_ r L, _ - -- , } i ' ' / 1 . cubic yards______ ( / , Ale / oat ramp _ / I lrr (4'4 ouhouso!Boa[Ilf[ � � ;kr,✓i/0/ e,C,IA� ' i 101 0r ,//fir, each Bulldoring . I � O"j . ' J " i )Cnar _ L norellne Length _� �(( -� & /rr/f AV not sure yes f r 2 't + . ►i 414.1( i 7 I en '� / Icrato�lum rife yes ef I i � I � Abolos: yea �� �--ice yes (6 . 1 ,pt4,,. -f p4c• Jaiver Attached. - � I. _ i . p. ` _ build rg permit may be requlrod by: lv/ ('/. . Syoe notete art backac regarding River lsiinn n laths/Sneclal Conditions Pi4 fir '�. i7// "T'v f/�i/f . l/.?rF�' Ilia ;PR-17-2007 1 ,-- From: To:2522473330 P.i I CCAMA/ ❑DREDGEaFILL EXHIBIT GENERAL PE MIT rN j 5- ' ow CModlficacion etCompieto Reissue DPartial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resource Esauod��� and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC A AppUc- Name l; RGC,/{h Rules attached, --- . Project Location: County Vag /{ ._.k. Address �-- ' 1 , f�-ar Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) City__Wi in/ to Stagg /ye Z1 P Zcd.Jai. 5;44.41... Phone*( /_ ) 9415 ,412.1. - Fax#( ) .r Subdlvlslon Authorized Agent_54#t+ f3IJPPY 5 City SCE „ ZIP 5,1 Affected t�Cv1l € �w A ass C PTS Phone# ( ) .j ` River 9asin ' AEC(s): 0 DEA ❑HHF fa I '=UBA f'i NiA c PWS. CPC Add, Wtr. Body - �!` ��Xf OAW: Ye' / PNA nolosest Mal,Wtr, Body �A� � Crft, Nab. yes /Inc wsissom IYPe isact/ ctivity & 4-y✓ .h f'/r� 'r/' „--/ i n �jDr q/_N/ .4 41,0 __ mar K)length 'V x� (Scale: G Finger pier(s) --- - - --- - -- Groin length --T�. f J1 / number 4 Bulkhead/Rivals length - j - `( �� andlatanca oNshare 1�"� 4... w _ max distance of(thore J Burn,channel -- '�''4 fl,i ri'' C/7��~ ' i _ _ -.. cubic yards Boat:-amp fie'01/p�''S��� 'c55'X J_. '1/fil�r�-�-rcBoathowa'6oadl(c - > ice✓ r—C�� �rrC /(/rrt li-i _� � _ Beach Bulldozing 1. . a - — f- ,---,- ' Other _ / g Shoreline Length SAV: not suns ye: C J ! �' - — -14t `- i�/ Sandbags: not turn yes I ____________-�� �' _ �_- ---- -1 '�1 — —,�j/'1_ �� Photos: WaiverAttachec: yd . _._~ ._� A bullcirg permit may be required by A_ Af /.7' See note on tack regarding Ri•,er,E.vi APR-11-2007 13:48 From: ---' -'-30 P. t CAMA/ LI pKFpae a FILL EXHIBIT ' '" GENERAL PRMIT 'rmlt# �(v/ y :New �MadHlcation Complete Reissue OPartla)Rolssue ous permit Issued,_, As nuthorizad by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natu and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant 4 /ZOd Li Rules aca ha.. Applicant Name •� Project Location: County AlG4+Y NlC Address '.L//�.-_ _:7,s 1� �_� - • Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City L.1f%leish i-, State ZIP '//z SC_'t i�Ic/ Phone*(WA -•� s9/22Fax# • - _ I -�_ ,,�y {-_ ) �.— Subdivision Author izadrABent . t'l' _24ys_, _ - City gia�Y ZIP__II' Affected .2/Cw tl1W prATA DES npr's Phone# ( ) , 1 wt River Bar.in_�[ C.OEA HHP 113 tH L'ufA 0 WA J' ACC(s): Adj.Wm Body �1� `-r.� .' 4.•-- A ORS'/; yes 0 , PNA es / no Cric.Hab. yes / no Closest Mai,Wtr. Body_ " / f=r Type of Projec Activity �5, ? ./ ii.'yr-i (I re /49k,' f ' ' , �ir _/1/7f/•s>r4f h'I n 7t, - ' 71, �/l,1I,A,4, f /.�, r�r /7); / r Scala: �) cr dock)lontrth_.._. 81..24.' - ------.... .. _-PlEt(cnn(►)_. !�i . I� lfinger ale-(c) / Crain length f ^ - .F_ .. _V._ + 1 -- - I I� I �a number -- • &dkhe.td/Rlpnp length _ _ j avp disnr.rn nh,hore_. ill G/ ._i'?1/� /`/ . �-�� ( N 7 f./r� max Mc:loco oHahore / f h I if •••••••• -• • pie''efce/ ;'gf fj Al ' (1/,-6-/ . cubic rard3 Rol.nap . ... . . r' J(/% K:VieN'{li'r7 1.•- y1.' I ` FS rt4%usar l3oadl,t -. _ .yr....._.. -- — ._..------1. . .. --- i /'. . .._ . 1�)7i7 tScrh IS.rlldotln,2 it �----�-"1'_ • i• �1 _-__... -----•-_.---.. .. - . Ii r"` r.r, %` / l' . i i . . , I .' I . .t. , . St•cre5nn Length,--: .' ,-r . I '( f �" A' ,P �� 1 ' :�l • 14/;y/r- :i4V: not writ yaa , ne) l— f , i.,I I — .. \` ;mdn.gc: na:sure yes .443 43 l .. '. . r \ r Mat arium: n/n yns ,� I) Phorni: yea 1. [ e ...._ 1` CCC�) Jam/ {r n'avnrAtnrhed: yns dn/ (�ffej -1-76r. e--' - _- !.__ ____ ....... . . ---- A building permit may ha required by: t/ill _C_a .__— / r.,�/ Scn c e;, -or bark rerding R;..?r Zia! rns/Nn 5pf c.i;I Conditions P I Iv/��1 -r4et� c lZl;/,1 '[2�)i! .:( / / jam ' �5:a //' / ,�7 ri'- EXHIBIT PSCZ 4 _a_ gj 3 DCM FORM 5 �� Mareha�, PETITIONER'S NAME Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael THIRD PARTY HE�tu-ry lty Bender, II REQUEST ON COUNTY New Hanover CAMA PERMIT DECISION FILE NUMBER (Petitioner leave this line blank) • • PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the undersigned, a person affected by the decision of(check one): a Local Permit Officer acting on a CAMA Minor Development Permit application; or the Division of Coastal Management, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, acting on a CAMA Major Development Permit application or CAMA General Permit application hereby requests permission from the Coastal Resources Commission to file an appeal pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1 13A-121.1(b) and N.C. Admin. Code tit. 15A, r. 7J.0300 (Please attach a copy of the permit application decision. If you cannot obtain a copy of the permit application decision, please provide the name of the permittee, the project location and the permit number.) Requests are reviewed by the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission to determine whether a hearing should be granted. The determination of whether to grant a hearing is in the sole discretion of the Chairman. N.C. Admin. Code tit. 15A, r. 7J.0301(b). For this application to be complete, the Petitioner must address each factor listed below on a separate sheet of paper. You must address these factors before your request will be reviewed. The Chairman's decision to grant a hearing will be based on whether the Petitioner: (1) Has alleged that the decision is contrary to a statute or rule [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(1)]; (Please cite the statute or regulation allegedly violated by the permit decision.) (2) Is directly affected by the decision [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(2)]; and (Please describe how you are directly affected by the permit decision. Persons directly affected by a decision include, but are not limited to: (a) any owner of real property in the vicinity of the property to be developed who can show that the proposed development is 1,Jio/v 1n la...n i. ....r...:J:,......• ,..J..,,....,. ,.!!..• ,..� ♦L.. .....1.... development when the development is within or touches upon an area subject to the public trust.) (3) Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the request for the hearing is not frivolous [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(3)]. (Please summarize the evidence or arguments you will present at a .hearing in support of your appeal.) Based on the attached responses to the above factors, the undersigned hereby requests a third party hearing. April 6. , 2006 Date Signature of Petitioner or Attorney Michael Murchison, Attorney Murchison, Taylor & gibson, PLLC Name of Petitioner or Attorney • 16 North Fifth Avenue Address Wilmington NC 28401 City State Zip ( 910 ) 763 2426 Telephone Number NOTES: This request must be served on the Director, Division of Coastal Management, at the address shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form, within twenty(20) days of the disputed permit decision. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Failure to do so constitutes waiver of the right to request a hearing. A copy should also be sent to the Attorney General's Office, Environmental Division, at the addresses shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form. Approval of a Third Party Hearing Request allows a petitioner to file a contested case petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within twenty (20) days of receipt of the Chairman's Order. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Denial of a Third Party Hearing Request is a final agency decision which may be appealed to the Superior Court in the county where the property is located under. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b) and Chapter 150B, Article 4. FACTORS SUPPORTING DETERMINATION TO GRANT A HEARING The following factors are cited in support of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael Bender, II's request for a third party hearing on the CAMA permit decision. A. The decision is contrary to a statute or rule for the following reasons [N.C.Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(1)]: 1. The general pier permit regulations provide at 15A NCAC 7H.1205(a) that piers may not extend more than 400 feet westward from the normal high water line. The DCM staff placed the normal high line 130 feet waterward of the existing bulkhead of the applicant, David Rouen. Petitioners contend that the normal high water line is, in fact, eastward of this point and that, as a result, the pier length does not satisfy the 400 foot requirement. Petitioners have observed the normal high water line to be closer to the existing bulkhead. 2. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 7H.1204(a) that any pier designed to provide docking space for more than two boats be reviewed through the major permitting process and is not authorized by the general permit. It appears from the sketch provided by the applicant in support of the permit application that the proposed pier could accommodate more than two boats and several jet skis and, therefore, the permit application should be reviewed through the major permitting process. 3. The general permit regulations provide at 15A NCAC 7H. 1205(c) that piers longer than 200 feet are permitted only if the proposed length gives access to deeper water at the rate of at least one foot for each 100 foot increment of pier length longer than 200 feet. Neither the permit application nor the permit show that this condition is satisfied because no water depths are shown. 4. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 7H.1204(c) that the proposed pier not create an unreasonable interference with navigation or use of public waters. The pier location appears to create a potential obstruction to the small tributary on which the current pier lies. Greater clarification is needed as to the degree to which the proposed pier T- head blocks this tributary. 5. The general permit regulations require at l5A NCAC 7H.1204(d) that the proposed activity not unnecessarily endanger adjoining properties or significantly affect scenic values. The current proposed pier is directly in front of the Benders' primary view of the river and, therefore, does significantly affect scenic values. The Benders object to the proposed location of the pier because it totally obstructs and impairs their scenic values. Page 1 c Map Output NHC Parcel Ma. , - „ ',.. , . - ' 7,;'',.. '',"1-!'"Witl '•1•;"44','i. „',.,:.-.1 . ' . i'i,1 .'1/4.,•,' -....,'"1"-V. r g,:2,,,, , . , -.' 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Project Location: County //e tt, /4,-) :ss / 77 0 _Zs�r _ --- Street Address/State Road/ Lot #(s) Gl// /M/ry th State e ZIP ?g'//2 / %y.rr' .[- /Y' — #(9/D ) 3YZ.Y.'7/.2.2 Fax # ( ) Subdivision -- rized Agent SC4^f1 /�LCY6-1 S City k'vi�i�y'r, ZIP �g. �rCW -'EW PTA ES PTS ed - Phone # -1-$' �' (— _) River Basin OEA HHF IH UBA N/A . � • - ): Ad Wtr. Bodyi+''! .. rlc:: PWS: FC I !l 1- r*f .(na Closest Maj. Wtr. Body—_ , (" 'G`"•%- yes /6o PNA 6s / no Crit. Hab. yes / no ---- 7 of Project/Activity /;:ic' //i-7r,.� C''-f- ��:/..4,-,.. ii%/,�j .$ 4 /V/%7i-- (V/V/1 is% Y \;f. :,,, : F•,,,;- / • (Scale: i1J dock)length 31g • 6 • _ u rm(s) — -- — -- v ✓ •pier(s) -- — — 1 A / length 1, V 4 4- r lumber { �/' i j 1 • ,1/ sad/Riprap length I I '� 'j _ v _ rvg distance offshore �/ i' nax distance offshore .�'71 1 r Tt _ 1` channel y ubic yards it If amp r. /� 1`/ use/Boatlift + ( I�rrCrriv Bulldozing 1. 4. ‘`��.••� \ �` ,•i/` �/!, ne Length .��C ' + .R ` f.i `" i,� I " VCEIVE1112 not sure yes = i %�- r }= �..!-'�,� DC WILMINGTO ,N 44 gs: not sure yes Lrio `� mum: n/a yes /rti ! �L ~ Zr Y 0 4 200 2' ��`JJJ yes rio ) .1 1 r iS Attached. -'--.— yes Lno - _ j cc: Meredith Alcoke Stephanie Bodine Courtney Hackney, Chairman 3. Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the hearing request is not frivolous. The CRC has delegated the authority to its Chainnan to determine whether a third party request for a hearing should be granted or denied. Rule 15A NCAC 7J .0301(b). A third party whose hearing request is granted may file a contested case hearing petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings, and the permit remains suspended pursuant to N.C.G.S.5113A-121.1 (b) and (c). A third party whose hearing request is denied may seek judicial review. Td. If the third party's hearing request is denied, the permittee's permit is reinstated by operation of law pursuant to N.C.G.S. §113A-121.1(c). III. FACTS A. The permittee is David Rouen, a riparian property owner on the Cape Fear River. His property is located at.1 The Isle off River Road in Wilmington. The site is approximately 2.4 miles south of the intersection of River Road and Saunders Road. B. Dr. Rouen owns approximately S00 linear feet of shoreline. C. There is a creek approximately 20 to 30 feet wide that extends from the Cape Fear River and cuts up into the marsh toward the high ground. According to the New Hanover County tax records, Dr. Rouen's parcel extends to both sides of that creek. D. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael Bender II, Petitioners, own property at 119 Island Bridge Way. Petitioners' property is located north/northwest of Dr. Rouen's property on the I. There is not a clearly discernible "channel" in the creek; nor are there any channel markers. Where the pier terminates, the creek is approximately 30 feet wide. 1. The applicant did not request and the permit does not authorize any platform area or slips. K. DCM determined that the Petitioners are not the adjacent riparian property owners. Following the edge of Dr. Rouen's property around to the north, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Nathan Sanders. Mr. Sanders was provided notice and stated that he had no objections to the permit. Even though it was ultimately determined that Mr. Sanders was the adjacent riparian property owner to the north, specific notice of the proposed pier was still provided to Petitioners, who objected to the pier and provided comments at least twice to the Division of Coastal Management's Wilmington office through their attorney. L. To the south, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Ruth Phillips. Ms. Phillips stated that she had no objections to the permit. M. The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) determined that the proposed structure met all of the pertinent state guidelines and could be approved under the General Permit provisions of 15A NCAC 7H .1200. The permit was issued March 22, 2006. N. On April 7, 2006, Petitioners filed a third party hearing request to challenge the permit. Petitioners' third party hearing request materials were previously mailed to the Chairman under cover memo dated April 7, 2006, and are incorporated herein by reference. pgcsavED J MAY 4 2007 State of North Carolina MOINAWACI City DOM Department of Justice Jill B.Hickey t'Y COOPER Environmental Division oRNEY r,ENERAl. PO Box 629 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina Raleigh,NC 27699-9001 27602 Tel:919-716-6600 Fax:919-716-6767 May 3, 2007 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Michael Murchison Murchison, Taylor& Gibson, PLLC 16 North Fifth Avenue Wilmington,North Carolina 28401 Re: Final Decision granting Third Party Hearing Request by Neil C. Bender, II and wife, Bridget Bender Dear Mr. Murchison: The Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission has decided to grant the request for a third party hearing. Attached is a copy of the decision granting the petitioners' request. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b), you must file a petition for a contested case hearing conforming to the requirements of N.C.G.S. § 150B-23 within twenty days after the date of the Commission's decision. Your petition must be filed with the: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 A copy of the petition must be served on: Mary Penny Thompson, General Counsel Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center i.T 7'74nn 1 Km May 3,2007 Page 2 above address so that I may forward it to the attorney who will be involved in the contested case proceeding. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(c), the permit you seek to challenge will remain suspended until the Commission makes a final decision in the contested case proceeding that you file with the Office of Administrative Hearings. Very truly yours, • it . Hickey Special Deputy Attorney General cc: Meredith Jo Alcoke Angela Willis Courtney Hackney, Chairman STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE CHAIRMAN COASTAL RESOURCES COMMISSION COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER CMT-07-19 IN THE MATTER OF THE ) THIRD PARTY HEARING ) REQUEST BY NEIL C. ) FINAL DECISION BENDER, II and wife, BRIDGET BENDER ) I. PERMIT & REQUEST Petitioners Neil C. Bender, II and his wife, Bridgett Bender request permission to file a petition for contested case hearing as third parties pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b). Petitioners seek to challenge CAMA General Permit No. 47549 issued to David Rouen authorizing extension of an existing pier 350 feet across marsh, terminating in a small creek adjacent to the Cape Fear River in Wilmington,North Carolina. II. STANDARD OF REVIEW Under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), a third party may file a contested case hearing petition to challenge the issuance or denial of a CAMA permit to someone else only if the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) first determines that a contested case hearing is appropriate. Section 113A-121.1(b) of the North Carolina General Statutes provides that the determination as to whether a hearing is appropriate should be based upon a consideration of whether the petitioner: 1. Has alleged that the decision is contrary to a statute or rule; 3. Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the hearing request is not frivolous. The CRC has delegated the authority to its Chairman to determine whether a third party request for a hearing should be granted or denied. Rule 15A NCAC 7J .0301(b). A third party whose hearing request is granted may file a contested case hearing petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings, and the permit remains suspended pursuant to N.C.G.S.§113A-121.1 (b) and(c). A third party whose hearing request is denied may seek judicial review. Id. If the third party's hearing request is denied, the permittee's permit is reinstated by operation of law pursuant to N.C.G.S. §113A-121.1(c). III. FACTS A. The permittee is David Rouen, a riparian property owner on the Cape Fear River. His property is located at 1 The Isle off River Road in Wilmington. The site is approximately 2.4 miles south of the intersection of River Road and Saunders Road. B. Rouen owns approximately 800 linear feet of shoreline. C. There is a creek approximately 20 to 30 feet wide that extends from the Cape Fear River and cuts up into the marsh toward the high ground. According to the New Hanover County tax records, Rouen's parcel extends to both sides of that creek. D. Petitioners own property at 119 Island Bridge Way. Petitioners' property is located north/northwest of Rouen's property on the other side of the creek. E. As outlined below, Rouen has applied for and received four CAMA general permits to no provisions for renewal of a general permit and when one expires, and an applicant must obtain a new permit. As shown on the face of the permits, each permit authorized the exact same development. See Exhibits 1 through 4. F. Rouen applied for and received CAMA General Permit No. 44083 on March 22, 2006, authorizing him to extend an existing pier 350 feet out from normal high water. See Exhibit 1. The permittee already has an existing 6-foot wide walkway and pier extending out from a bulkhead. As shown on the face of the General Permit, the normal high water line at this location is located approximately 130 feet waterward of the bulkhead. Rouen's proposed pier will turn toward the west at the normal high water mark and extend a total of 388 feet beyond that point. G. The proposed pier terminates at the edge of the coastal marsh near the creek's intersection with the Cape Fear River, but still within the creek itself. H. The property in question has approximately 1.6 acres of high ground and is essentially surrounded by a large area of coastal marsh. The marsh adjacent to the bulkhead is characterized primarily by high marsh and some non-coastal wetlands species (Section 404 wetlands). It then transitions into a large stand of Black Needlerush(Juncus roemerianus), which then transitions into Cord Grass (Spartina alterniflora), the vegetative indicator of the normal high water line. There is a relic system of mosquito ditches within this area of marsh clearly visible from aerial photos and which are depicted in the sketch on the General Permit. Two of those the ditches do not lead to any navigable waters, the General Permit requires Rouen to bridge any portions of the pier over these ditches at least 6 feet above normal high \\ater in order to protect navigation. J. There is not a clearly discernible "channel" in the creek nor are there any channel markers. Where the pier terminates, the creek is approximately 30 feet wide. K. The applicant did not request and the permit does not authorize any platform area or slips. L. DCM determined that the Petitioners are not the adjacent riparian property owners. Following the edge of Rouen's property around to the north, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Nathan Sanders. Sanders was provided notice and stated that he had no objections to the permit. Even though it was ultimately determined that Sanders was the adjacent riparian property owner to the north, specific notice of the proposed pier was still provided to Petitioners, who objected to the pier and provided comments at least twice to the Division of Coastal Management's Wilmington office through their attorney. M. To the south, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Ruth Phillips. Phillips stated that she had no objections to the permit. N. The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) determined that the proposed structure met all of the pertinent state guidelines and could be approved under the General Permit provisions of 15A NCAC 7H .1200. The permit was issued March 22, 2006. O. On April 7, 2006, Petitioners filed a third party hearing request to challenge the permit. See Exhibit 5. P. In an Order dated April 24, 2006, the Chairman denied Petitioners' request for a third party hearing. See Exhibit 6. Q. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 113A-121.1(c), upon the Chairman's determination that Petitioners could not commence a contested case, the permit was no longer suspended by operation of law. R. On May 24, 2006, Petitioners filed a petition for judicial review in New Hanover County Superior Court challenging the CRC's decision to deny the third party hearing request. Petitioners did not seek a stay of the permit under the Administrative Procedures Act N.C.G.S. 150B-48. The matter is still pending in superior court. S. The permit first challenged by Petitioners (No. 44083) expired on June 22, 2006. Upon information and belief, the judicial review petition challenging that permit is now moot. T. On June 21, 2006, DCM reissued a general permit (No. 44989) to Rouen for the same development approved in the original permit. That permit expired September 21, 2006. U. On December 6, 2006, DCM reissued a general permit(No. 46174) to Rouen for the exact same development approved in the original permit and subsequent reissues. That permit expired March 6, 2007. V. On March 21, 2007, DCM reissued a general permit (No. 47549) to Rouen for the exact same development approved in the original permit and subsequent reissues. That permit will expire June 21, 2007. W. In compliance with this active permit, Rouen has completed construction of 2007, showing the construction in progress, Exhibits 7-8. As shown on these photographs, Rouen has not yet completed the"dog-leg"at the end of structure that will lead to the creek's edge. X. Consistent with DCM's procedures for handling the general permit reissues within one year,Petitioners were not notified of the proposed work pursuant to 15A NCAC 7H .1202 for any of the permits issued after the first one. Rule 15A NCAC 7H .1202(a) requires notice to "adjacent riparian property owners." Petitioners allege that their property"abuts and is located immediately north" of the Rouen property. As stated above, DCM determined based on New Hanover County tax records that Petitioners were not"adjacent riparian property owners." Yet,when issuing the first permit,DCM did notify Petitioners. Y. Petitioners filed this third party hearing request on April 18, 2007, challenging the March 21, 2007 General Permit No. 47549. Petitioners' hearing request materials have been previously sent to the Chairman and are also attached to the Staff Recommendation as Exhibit 9. Z. On April 23, 2007,Rouen submitted comments for the Chairman's consideration. They are attached to the Staff Recommendation as Exhibit 10. IV. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW A. Petitioners have alleged that the permit decision is in conflict with several of the general permit provisions for docks and piers in 15A NCAC 7H .1200 et seq. Petitioners have B. Petitioners own property adjacent to the property upon which the proposed development will be constructed. Thus, for purposes of this third party hearing request, petitioners are directly affected by the permit decision and have met the requirements of N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(2). C. Petitioners raise three of the same issues raised in their first petition, and have added a fourth argument not included in the first petition. Petitioners' contentions are addressed below in the sequence they were presented in Petitioners' hearing request materials. 1. Pier Length Petitioners contend that the pier violates the 400-foot limitation on pier length because of their assertion that the normal high water line is actually located eastward (or landward) of the point where DCM staked it. The CRC's rule provides in 15A NCAC 7H .1205(a)that the 400- foot limitation is calculated from the normal high water line. "Normal High Water"is defined in the CRC's rules as is"the ordinary extent of high tide based on site conditions such as presence and location of vegetation,which has its distribution influenced by tidal action, and the location of the apparent high tide line." 15A NCAC 7H .0106(1). The location of Normal High Water and thus the length of the permitted pier are valid issues for litigation in a contested case proceeding. Petitioner meets the requirements of N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(3) on this issue. 2. 400-square foot Limit on Platform Petitioners next argue that the Rouen pier has two "T's"or"finger piers"which 15A NCAC 7H .1205(g). This assertion is unsupported by the description of the permitted development on the face of the permit (only development authorized is a 388-foot pier measuring 6 feet in width); it is unsupported by the sketch of the proposed development on the face of the permit (no T's or fingers are depicted); and it is unsupported by the aerial photos submitted by Petitioners in their hearing request (Exhibit 9), and additional aerials attached to the Staff Recommendation as Exhibits 7-8. Petitioners have not alleged by what amount or by what dimensions the alleged T's exceed 400 square feet of platform. The portions of the existing and proposed pier Petitioners allege are T's or finger piers are not in fact T's or finger piers because they do not extend from the main structure, as required by the rule. They are instead a part of the main structure, the access pier. In particular,the alleged"T" at the end of the pier is part of the 6-foot wide main access pier where it takes a 90 degree turn, or dog-leg, toward the water. Even assuming arguendo that these portions of the pier are T's, the total length of both T's would have to be at least 66.7 feet (66.7 times 6 =400.2) in order to violate 15A NCAC 7H .1205(g). Clearly, this is not the case. This argument is unsupported by the record, and Petitioners have failed to demonstrate that it is not frivolous. Petitioner fails to meet the requirements of N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(3) on this issue. 3. Number of Slips Rule 7H .1204(a) limits this general permit to only two slips. Identical to the first petition, Petitioners argue that"it appears . . . that the proposed pier could accommodate more - - ,� , a through the major permitting process." This argument is simply speculative. The applicant has proposed no slips. Nor has the applicant proposed any platform or boatlifts. If the permitted pier were ever used in the future for in excess of two slips, DCM would handle that through its enforcement procedures. Mere speculation that an access pier may be used improperly is insufficient to raise a valid question for litigation in a contested case hearing. This issue is frivolous, and Petitioner fails to meet the requirements of N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(3) on this issue. 4. Scenic Values Petitioners allege that the proposed pier is directly in front of their"primary view of the river" and therefore, significantly affects scenic values in violation of 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d). Petitioners contend that 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) requires that the proposed development not affect scenic values and that the proposed pier"obstructs their scenic values." Rule 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) is one of the"General Conditions"regarding the applicability of the general permit. It provides that"This permit will not be applicable to proposed construction where the Department believes that the proposed activity might . . . significantly affect historic, cultural, scenic, conservation or recreation values, identified in G.S. 113A-102 and G.S. 113A-113(b)(4), nor that might significantly affect the quality of the human environment."(emphasis added) G.S. 1 13A-1 13(b)(4) refers to: (4) Fragile or historic areas, and other areas containing environmental or natural resources of more than local significance, where uncontrolled or incompatible development could result in major or irreversible damage to important historic, cultural, scientific or scenic values or natural systems,which may include: a. Existing national or State parks or forests, wilderness areas, the State Nature and Historic Preserve, or public recreation areas; existing sites that have been acquired for any of the same, as identified by the Secretary; and proposed sites for any of the same, as identified by the Secretary, provided that the proposed site has been formally designated for acquisition by the governmental agency having jurisdiction; h. Present sections of the natural and scenic rivers system; c. Stream segments that have been classified for scientific or research uses by the Environmental Management Commission, or that are proposed to be so classified in a proceeding that is pending before said Environmental Management Commission pursuant to G.S. 143-214.1 at the time of the designation of the area of environmental concern; d. Existing wildlife refuges,preserves or management areas, and proposed sites for the same, as identified by the Wildlife Resources Commission,provided that the proposed site has been formally designated for acquisition(as hereinafter defined) or for inclusion in a cooperative agreement by the governmental agency having jurisdiction; e. Complex natural areas surrounded by modified landscapes that do not drastically alter the landscape, such as virgin forest stands within a commercially managed forest, or bogs in an urban complex; f. Areas that sustain remnant species or aberrations in the landscape produced by natural forces, such as rare and endangered botanical or animal species; g. Areas containing unique geological formations, as identified by the State Geologist; and h. Historic places that are listed, or have been approved for listing by the North Carolina Historical Commission, in the National Register of Historic Places pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966; historical, archaeological, and other ____ ___ _ _ �:� ,,,,,,o,a manacreel nr accisted by the State of that are or may be designated by the Secretary of the Interior as registered natural landmarks or as national historic landmarks; Petitioner has not alleged that the "scenic values" he refers to fall within any of these categories. Thus, the Department is not required under 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) to protect Petitioner's "scenic values." G.S. 113 A-102 provides: (a) Findings. -- It is hereby determined and declared as a matter of legislative finding that among North Carolina's most valuable resources are its coastal lands and waters. The coastal area, and in particular the estuaries, are among the most biologically productive regions of this State and of the nation. Coastal and estuarine waters and marshlands provide almost ninety percent (90%) of the most productive sport fisheries on the east coast of the United States. North Carolina's coastal area has an extremely high recreational and esthetic value which should be preserved and enhanced. In recent years the coastal area has been subjected to increasing pressures which are the result of the often-conflicting needs of a society expanding in industrial development, in population, and in the recreational aspirations of its citizens. Unless these pressures are controlled by coordinated management, the very features of the coast which make it economically, esthetically, and ecologically rich will be destroyed. The General Assembly therefore finds that an immediate and pressing need exists to establish a comprehensive plan for the protection, preservation, orderly development, and management of the coastal area of North Carolina. In the implementation of the coastal area management plan, the public's opportunity to enjoy the physical, esthetic, cultural, and recreational qualities of the natural shorelines of the State shall be preserved to the greatest extent feasible; water resources shall be managed in order to preserve and enhance water quality and to provide optimum utilization of water resources; land resources shall be managed in order to guide growth and development and to minimize damage to the natural environment; and private property rights shall be preserved in accord with the Constitution of this State and of the United States. The Department's responsibility under this statute (and N.C.G.S. § 113A-113(b)(4)) is to property rights, such as the permittee's right to construct a pier on his property if it complies with all applicable rules. Clearly 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) does not require the Department to judge the aesthetic values of development prior to issuing a CAMA permit; nor does it require DCM to take into account the"view"of surrounding property owners' when issuing a permit, and further to require denial if the agency believes a view will be impacted. If that were the case, no permits could be issued because all water-dependent structures over the water affect view. This issue is frivolous, and Petitioner fails to meet the requirements of N.C.G.S. § 113A- 121.1(b)(3) on this issue. V. CONCLUSION For the reasons stated herein,Petitioners'Third Party Hearing Request is GRANTED as to the issue of the location of normal high water and the pier length. Petitioners'Third Party Hearing Request is DENIED as to the remaining issues. This the 3'd day of May, 2007. 7/4/4'41-ift Courtney . ac , 1�Chairman N.C. Coastal Resources Commission CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that I have served a copy of the attached Final Decision on Petitioners by causing a copy thereof to be placed in the United States Postal Service bearing sufficient postage for delivery.by certified mail return receipt requested and addressed as follows: Mr. Michael Murchison Murchison,Taylor, and Gibson,PLLC 16 North Fifth Ave. Wilmington,NC 28401 This.the 3'd day of May, 2007. r2 /64124(1---- it Hickey ecial Deputy Attorney General ,ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management ael F.Easley,Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G Ross,Jr. Secretary May 4, 2007 ✓id Rouen he Isle imington,NC 28412 CAMA Permit#47549C it Dr. Rouen, a were informed,by certified mail,that the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission, Courtney Hack ..ived a request for an administrative hearing to challenge CAMA general permit#47549C. The request was behalf of Petitioners Neil and Brenda Bender on April 18,2007. Your CAMA Permit was automatically pended upon receipt of this hearing request and you were instructed not to undertake any development unde mit until further notice. ase be advised that Chairman Hackney has GRANTED the third party hearing request for Petitioners Bend( ached is a copy of the decision granting the request for a third party hearing. The Petitioner must file a petit Dntested case hearing within 20 days after the date of the Commission's decision. .MA general permit#47549C will remain suspended until the Commission makes a final decision in the cor e proceeding. ase contact me at 252-808-2808 if you have any further questions. cerely, S. .St"3-0,1 rles S. Jones ector Ted Tyndall Jim Gregson • Reply To: State of North Carolina Meredith Jo Alcoke Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice 400 Commerce Avenue COOPER PO Box 629 Morehead City,NC 28557 VEY GENERAL 252-808-2808(ph) Raleigh, North Carolina' 252-247-3330(fax) 27602 --BY FED EX TO CHAIRMAN-- MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Courtney Hackney, Chairman, CRC CC: Petitioner by attorney Michael Murchison D. a • . en, Permittee harles S. ones, Director, DCM Morehead City Ted Tyndall, Assistant Director, DCM Morehead City Jim Gregso 'obb Mairs, DCM Wilmington ic ey, Special Deput Attorney General FROM: Meredith Jo Alcoke Assistant Attorney G ner I RE: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Third Party Hearing Request by Bender DATE: May 2, 2007 Please find enclosed the Staff Recommendation for the above-referenced hearing request. The Chairman's decision is due by Thursday, May 3, 2007. The CRC has delegated the authority to its Chairman to determine whether a third party request for a hearing should be granted or denied. Rule 15A NCAC 7J .0301(b). A third party whose hearing request is granted may file a contested case hearing petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings. N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b). A third party whose hearing request is denied may seek judicial review. Id. II. FACTS A. The permittee is David Rouen, a riparian property owner on the Cape Fear River. His property is located at 1 The Isle off River Road in Wilmington. The site is approximately 2.4 miles south of the intersection of River Road and Saunders Road. B. Rouen owns approximately 800 linear feet of shoreline. C. There is a creek approximately 20 to 30 feet wide that extends from the Cape Fear River and cuts up into the marsh toward the high ground. According to the New Hanover County tax records, Rouen's parcel extends to both sides of that creek. D. Petitioners own property at 119 Island Bridge Way. Petitioners' property is located north/northwest of Rouen's property on the other side of the creek. E. As outlined below, Rouen has applied for and received four CAMA general permits to extend his pier. Such permits are valid for 90 days. 15A NCAC 7H .1212(d). There are no provisions for renewal of a general permit and when one expires, and an applicant must obtain a new permit. As shown on the face of the permits, each permit authorized J. There is not a clearly discernible"channel" in the creek nor are there any channel markers. Where the pier terminates, the creek is approximately 30 feet wide. K. The applicant did not request and the permit does not authorize any platform area or slips. L. DCM determined that the Petitioners are not the adjacent riparian property owners. Following the edge of Rouen's property around to the north, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Nathan Sanders. Sanders was provided notice and stated that he had no objections to the permit. Even though it was ultimately determined that Sanders was the adjacent riparian property owner to the north, specific notice of the proposed pier was still provided to Petitioners, who objected to the pier and provided comments at least twice to the Division of Coastal Management's Wilmington office through their attorney. M. To the south, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Ruth Phillips. Phillips stated that she had no objections to the permit. N. The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) determined that the proposed structure met all of the pertinent state guidelines and could be approved under the General Permit provisions of 15A NCAC 7H .1200. The permit was issued March 22, 2006. O. On April 7, 2006, Petitioners filed a third party hearing request to challenge the permit. See Exhibit 5. P. In an Order dated April 24, 2006, the Chairman denied Petitioners' request for a third party hearing. See Exhibit 6. photographs, Rouen has not yet completed the "dog-leg" at the end of structure that will lead to the creek's edge. X. Consistent with DCM's procedures for handling the general permit reissues within one year, Petitioners were not notified of the proposed work pursuant to 15A NCAC 7H .1202 for any of the permits issued after the first one. Rule 15A NCAC 7H .1202(a) requires notice to "adjacent riparian property owners." Petitioners allege that their property"abuts and is located immediately north" of the Rouen property. As stated above, DCM determined based on New Hanover County tax records that Petitioners were not "adjacent riparian property owners." Yet, when issuing the first permit, DCM did notify Petitioners. Y. Petitioners filed this third party hearing request on April 18, 2007, challenging the March 21, 2007 General Permit No. 47549. Petitioners' hearing request materials have been previously sent to the Chairman and are also attached hereto as Exhibit 9. Z. On April 23, 2007, Rouen submitted comments for the Chairman's consideration. They are attached hereto as Exhibit 10. III. DCM'S RECOMMENDATIONS A. Has the Petitioner Alleged that the Decision is Contrary to a Statute or Rule? Yes. In order to prevail in a third party hearing request, a petitioner must first allege that the agency made a decision that is contrary to statute or rule. N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(1). C. Has the Petitioner Demonstrated that the Hearing Request is not Frivolous? No. Petitioners have not demonstrated that the hearing request is not frivolous as required by N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(3). Petitioners raise three of the same issues raised in the first petition, and have added a fourth argument not included in the first petition. Petitioners' contentions are addressed below in the sequence they were presented in Petitioners' hearing request materials. I. Pier Length Petitioners contend that the pier violates the 400-foot limitation on pier length because of their assertion that the normal high water line is actually located eastward (or landward) of the point where DCM staked it. The CRC's rule provides in 15A NCAC 7H .1205(a) that the 400- foot limitation is calculated from the normal high water line. "Normal High Water" is defined in the CRC's rules as is "the ordinary extent of high tide based on site conditions such as presence and location of vegetation, which has its distribution influenced by tidal action, and the location of the apparent high tide line." 15A NCAC 7H .0106(1). Petitioners assert that DCM erred in using Cord Grass (Spartina alterni/lore) as the vegetative indicator of the normal high water line. Petitioner contends that because Black Needlerush (Juncus roenlerianus) is identified in the CRC's rules as a coastal wetland species and is located closer to Rouen's bulkhead than the Spartina alterniflora, the agency should have "at a minimum, used Black Needlerush as the vegetative indicator of the normal high water line." 2. 400-square foot Limit on Platform Petitioners next argue that the Rouen pier has two "T's"or"finger piers" which collectively exceed the 400 square foot threshold allowed under the general permit provisions. 15A NCAC 7H .1205(g). This assertion is unsupported by the description of the permitted development on the face of the permit (only development authorized is a 388-foot pier measuring 6 feet in width); it is unsupported by the sketch of the proposed development on the face of the permit (no T's or fingers are depicted); and it is unsupported by the aerial photos submitted by Petitioners in their hearing request (Exhibit 9), and additional aerials attached hereto as Exhibits 7-8. Petitioners have not alleged by what amount or by what dimensions the so-called T's exceed 400 square feet of platform. The portions of the existing and proposed pier Petitioners allege are T's or finger piers are not in fact T's or finger piers because they do not extend from the main structure, as required by the rule. They are instead apart of the main structure, the access pier. In particular, the alleged"T" at the end of the pier is simply part of the 6-foot wide main access pier where it takes a 90 degree turn, or dog-leg, toward the water. Even assuming arguendo that these portions of the pier are T's, the total length of both T's would have to be at least 66.7 feet (66.7 times 6 = 400.2) in order to violate 15A NCAC 7H .1205(g). Clearly, this is not the case. This argument is wholly unsupported by the record and Petitioners have failed to demonstrate that it is not frivolous. arguments presented herein that would warrant a different result. Petitioners have not raised any issues that merit a contested case hearing. Petitioners have not demonstrated that the hearing request is not frivolous as required by N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b)(3). IV. CONCLUSION In conclusion, Staff maintains that Petitioners have not met the criteria justifying a contested case hearing. For the reasons stated herein, the Division of Coastal Management, through its undersigned attorney, recommends that the Petitioners' Third Party Hearing Request be DENIED by the Chairman. This the a Kday of May, 2007. FOR THE DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT A Gr h` 'A Meredith Jo Alc k Assistant Attorney General State Bar No. 24090 Environmental Division 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808 (ph) 252-247-4300 (fax) LAMA / DREDGE & FILL \I I L/ ;�N E RAL PERMIT Previous permit # E X H ?New — Modification _Complete Reissue `Partial Reissue Date previous permi a 0 'rued by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources // 3 Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC R N . /.2C Ru 8 it Name DIP', RN,en Project Location: County A/rC/y L_/_ O ,7S ' _ Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Vi 1/41/t+�. *h State fr' ZIP .28e//2 _ / T tre -7's ,r --- Subdivision t/ (9/0 )�,?.�/.?7 Fax#(—) � t// O f f' a City414_ �i yi h ZIP - zed Agent _S _ ura S Ca tICW � ✓ .�w�', River Bain_�1 nip,PTA —ES PTS Phone # ( ) _ _ 7 d OEA HHF IH UBA N A L d�G'[,/ 7 Adj.Wtr. Body _ Creel: t,✓cApo rt!'PWS FC �c� �2.4/ Closest Maj. Wtr. Body yes /@ PNA g / no Crit. Hab. yes / no / / / Df/Project/Activity t fr,i \ek /S7;, /ex- 4-1,„' ��`f.-''� !�!/, 2 J/r,/1// (7NH iY 1 \~��p: FrA,__ — (Scale: )U? lock)length 3 <6 ' I u v t-nits, v. / length v t lumber V. I / sr I<le'/ '' ,r r ead/Riprap length V v j / /��',� �1��- svg distance offshore _C t 1 / [ t max distance offshore \�-1� c � T/ )// lt ✓� channel cubic yards V: ramp -- PrrreAwl 3E A / � jWcw rr rouse/Boatlift I` M t ; r Bulldozing -. d �/e 4/, f 4 t, r - Y /3/ �_ . .__i._ l/ RECEIV 3• time Length ----&G 1 / 1 Cf,M WILMING jy�,I yese f`':�1'y bt-/k Ai id -k - not sure ./ bags: not sure yes L° 4 no"/2///. / MAY 0 4 41l7 3� 'corium: n/a yes 63i3 r 1 os: yes Ua r Y i. / ` er Attached: yes (D6 -- —_��Lt� jS7< — J _.] ilding permit may be required by: 4/I/ c • See note on back regarding River Basil b . /.. 'a Ll i i n A.I—..` A // �i 1/�i /l/l _ /6l�1 / AY-01-2007 1E:03 From: '_` EXHIBIT 473330 P.2 'CAMA/ J DREDGE i FILL I 1 =' GENERAL PMIT .rmit# /a g3 INew I.1Modltication MComplete Reissue f-lPartial Reissue -us permit Issuod 31i authorized by the State of North Carolina.Department of Environnwnt and Natural Resources //L i 1 the Coastal Resources Commission In an aroa of onvIronnontal corcorn pursuant to I SA NCAC K 420 El Rulac mulched plicant Name (/!d .. ./2.6itle 2 . Proloct Location: County__. '_v41 A-frnol i- dress. _ _- ! nee xS ie Street Address/State Road/ Lot#(s) y 14//'/404/, State f ZIP 7 re/2 .._6. _..+iP__.._..... ane#(1.0) WI_qlt. Fax#( ) _ Subdivision f thorized Agent __Sc.," / / l?e.f/Yd1 City 514441., ZIP _.__ acted -verc W 1,i'1ITA - _ `ES "i PTS Phone # ( ) " ( River Basin 4/0 r OEA r NMF IN UBA WA I Body [_. _ L"Q� n, 'r �(S)' Ad,Wtr, ,rc' PWS: 7 FC. t Closest Mal,Wtr, Body. --� �a�A e W yes I PNA 45r no Crit.Hab. yes / no T—`-f po GProject/ tivIty dui' �I is. /' ! Irte �I �, LG.a�r N H by . �..Cs+� �',� / (Scale: /�� for dock;length � x4 ngor pler(t) d / loin lorgth l ./{��+. ; \N\ number .. . u!khead/Riprap length 1 b (4,1e fil andistance offshoro _ I � max distance offshore — I """"' '�►"� I 1 • cubic yards-- --- el ( ` / / i 1 nt ramp . frofi_e . , ; 1 aathouie/Boadifr A ,� �r�� ' r 1,trii I/Ditr,C � J • I / t! riNvtk-/1 each Bulldorin6 � � "� \i, �rg�/�/,r Oar I ��L-' Alliii : 7es ' I orellne Length .. 2t�L!_. ,< 5/its 1?ler ' / /�.4tr�M nor Lure yes S_s' tl I + . i• $ Y.� /� P� lira 34 ndbags not[me yea (Xfi 71 41 4 4 :meta Ium I '/ ntr yes r �otos: yes r 1 m.��......soil17 .�........ / I .4Sislyer Acrached yea r(d • - _ (/ .. qrp-��- "!��`. f �5 , build rg permit may be required by: /. y 40, 1 • __.Soo note on back regarding River lain rul )tos/Special Conditions _# 'r ?i1, 47// , M.;'- S/�� , � 4� �,y,l 'PR-17-2007 1 From: To:252247339 P P CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL / EXHIBIT it";i GENERAL PERMIT . o' ONew EModiflcacion CgCompiete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue 1 As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resource fsauod� and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC A • ApplicantName !d J�G�f�h Rules attached. l 2 .-- Y Project Location: County A/Gty /7/ ,ek Address f ! h. Street Andress/State Road/Lot !(s) r City___LV/l /hi1P4 _Stang /1/e ZiP Z`d f/ . i.z./ Phone#(_ 99 .4/ti. Fax#(_)�...r Subdivision a Authorized Agent Se It+ 2l+Yfl 5 City____ , ._ ZIP S i • Affected i2e6W MW LVPtA DES OPTS Phone# ( ) 4-s..Y! River Basin 1" AEC(s): C1 OEA C'WHF l IN =USA fl N/A Pws. �Pc Adj. Wtr. Body --- _ �. - 6 ORW: yes /6 PNA 0 no Crit. Nab, yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr, Body �'A � r /11Pe lect/ ctivity .'! //rc /' no A / 4 /44 41,4 �ler X)length 1n`x� —� - ,/ r (Scale: t Pladorm(s) ' j/- - f: Finger.pier(sj ----- _.._- — --- - -•---_ Groin length I _,---/---:-_--r-r.L.4„--, Bulkhead/Memo length — T j `� �� us dlaa co offshore !/'�- L. max distance oflahora Burn,channel — _/1^G':�!�/ I'i'' G�f!� r' --- 1 _��_ .,.. — - / ___. _ cubic yards -- -- . ._. ._/ / (r T_ P.— Boac.�mp rOp �/r ��t ta. J_ vAd,- / F � _ � , Boathouse 6oa[Ilft / ,. i� r Beach Bulldozing L I) it._ - - ..___ .4t4-._-_ - -rail 3,1 ram" el-gSh«aune Length -© k..d- _ �/' _--�'•- �• SAY! not su•a yes L 7 ! --- - - - 4 4, /A/ Sandbags: not sure yes z, '- ,k -T,���(-6i ew 1� , / ---- _-.- �( MOMO Photos:rtJm' rJa yea _..._. .... „- �.__ _ '- --_._�_Y _ _j r - -__ ____ yes tp waiverActachec: yes .:g �-f _ ~�-� A bulicirg permit may be required by /l/ 7 I1,', ~ Notes/c.,....tai r-.._-:_s___ J , I u .4............. ;; , _ Sec note on back regarding Riror�isi OOP-11-201_I 17:4:=, Front,: -r_.-,=—,-- -1,73G P.I letCAMA / —i IDREPGE a FILL EXHIBIT ` ' " ����A�.. PRiMI�' rmit# y�V :New ClMadilication Complete Reissue OPaI'da)Reissue ous permit Issued_ As authorized by the State or North Carolina,Department or Env:ronment and Natu and the Coastal Resources Commission In an area of environmental concern pursuant 4 . /ZOd n _ ._ i.r Rules atta had. Applicant NameM �r 1["eN,17 Project Location: County r�� Alcslf Address_:; /_ - "'�'• S&__ � Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City i frl,.r h� •'}f State_ ZIP g�f''/zseletki -_- Phone#(q/Q.) ._..:..943i, '9/27Fax*( _) . • : r.. I Subdivision Authorized Agent ? ' ;licit? , _ City 5,11 ZIP .51., Affected ._CW `11 E � a� W TA DES n Phone ( . ) . 1C River Basin_ l S : :,,OF.A HHI 0IH C UfA ❑WA AEC( s): Nws. AFC: Adj.Wrr.Body Gl�r Ace - oRW; yes /C:0 , PNA as / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj,Wtr. Body___ C% -`'4.-" Type of Projeci5 Activity ,�x fGy ,'/ ee /49k'' f ' ' , yr _41l''7 1,47 Ai ✓l7//- / 77,., 71i'/2s.?.Prs / f 1...", rat' /Z):: r er dock)length__ 8,_2:4./ `� PluIntt(t) •, ' . f� h i finger ale-(c) • + / •t rein length }--• 1; number - ��—--t — _..rt/l,/, Bnikhe.d/Rthrap length I a�•g discmas cAshorn • _ r/1 4/ �� '-',;:./. -. /��`J �� • N - �/' !�' max dla�nxo offshore, h v iit J ;k - _ �---I t/ I I lion[limp . ._. . ),/(K C!lf�Cy effr7 l /, Boatn.usa)UoatlNt ' • .4r-----.. — - - _..._ - ____ e'- rr?r9lj Sar_n l3.tlldotln2 .c r 74--------—.- Oher. Vf•/b1 ///!l, • - `. 6 .. _ L St•cra!;nn Length,_ r' J I : :fl�! M! r' I;" `.. S4V: uAt aura yva nil l_ j , .� I - I S.inilems. nocsure yea jL .. 1 �.rt,' IJ I�I � J.V". 1, t: J t. }-- .pef la -I----- . _.- ____ A htdiaing permit may he required by: ,L/ � �_.__ / — See 'o[q or bark regardi,:g RI.,'r liasl Notes/S pedal/Condition,' J./I/�. 141 r / ii 4r 1�1 1` j4 t� I// 4-/, t EXHIBIT pSag\ 3 APR 0 7 2r, DCM FORM 5 Morehp PETITIONER'S NAME Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael THIRD PARTY HEX. t} Bender, II REQUEST ON COUNTY New Hanover CAMA PERMIT DECISION FILE NUMBER (Petitioner leave this line blank) • • PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the undersigned, a person affected by the decision of(check one): x a Local Permit Officer acting on a CAMA Minor Development Permit application; or the Division of Coastal Management, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, acting on a CAMA Major Development Permit application or CAMA General Permit application hereby requests permission from the Coastal Resources Commission to file an appeal pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b) and N.C. Admin. Code tit. 15A, r. 7J.0300 (Please attach a copy of the permit application decision. If you cannot obtain a copy of the permit application decision,please provide the name of the permittee, the project location and the permit number.) Requests are reviewed by the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission to determine whether a hearing should be granted. The determination of whether to grant a hearing is in the sole discretion of the Chairman. N.C. Admin. Code tit. 15A, r. 7J.0301(b). For this application to be complete, the Petitioner must address each factor listed below on a separate sheet of paper. You must address these factors before your request will be reviewed. The Chairman's decision to grant a hearing will be based on whether the Petitioner: (1) Has alleged that the decision is contrary to a statute or rule [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(1)]; (Please cite the statute or regulation allegedly violated by the permit decision.) (2) Is directly affected by the decision [N.C. Gen. Stat. § I13A-121.1(b)(2)]; and (Please describe how you are directly affected by the permit decision. Persons directly affected by a decision include, but are not limited to: (a) any owner of real property in the vicinity of the property to be developed who can show that the proposed development i.c likely to hnvv 17 clani1,'r,nt,,d, nc4,ni AS. ti,.. ....h... development when the development is within or touches • upon an area subject to the public trust.) (3) Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the request for the hearing is not frivolous [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(3)]. (Please summarize the evidence or arguments you will present at a hearing in support of your appeal.) Based on the attached responses to the above factors, the undersigned hereby requests a third party hearing. April . 2006 Date Signature of Petitioner or Attorney Michael Murchison, Attorney Murchison, Taylor & gibson, PLLC Name of Petitioner or Attorney 16 North Fifth Avenue Address Wilmington NC 28401 City State Zip ( 910 ) 763-2Z/26 Telephone Number NOTES: This request must be served on the Director, Division of Coastal Management, at the address shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form, within twenty (20) days of the disputed permit decision. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Failure to do so constitutes waiver of the right to request a hearing. A copy should also be sent to the Attorney General's Office, Environmental Division, at the addresses shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form. Approval of a Third Party Hearing Request allows a petitioner to file a contested case petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within twenty (20) days of receipt of the Chairman's Order. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Denial of a Third Party Hearing Request is a final agency decision which may be appealed to the Superior Court in the county where the property is located under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b) and Chapter 150B, Article 4. FACTORS SUPPORTING DETERMINATION TO GRANT A HEARING The following factors are cited in support of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael Bender, II's request for a third party hearing on the CAMA permit decision. A. The decision is contrary to a statute or rule for the following reasons [N.C.Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(1)]: 1. The general pier permit regulations provide at 15A NCAC 7H.1205(a) that piers may not extend more than 400 feet westward from the normal high water line. The DCM staff placed the normal high line 130 feet waterward of the existing bulkhead of the applicant, David Rouen. Petitioners contend that the normal high water line is, in fact, eastward of this point and that, as a result, the pier length does not satisfy the 400 foot requirement. Petitioners have observed the normal high water line to be closer to the existing bulkhead. 2. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 7H.1204(a) that any pier designed to provide docking space for more than two boats be reviewed through the major permitting process and is not authorized by the general permit. It appears from the sketch provided by the applicant in support of the permit application that the proposed pier could accommodate more than two boats and several jet skis and, therefore, the permit application should be reviewed through the major permitting process. 3. The general permit regulations provide at 15A NCAC 7H. I205(c) that piers longer than 200 feet are permitted only if the proposed length gives access to deeper water at the rate of at least one foot for each 100 foot increment of pier length longer than 200 feet. Neither the permit application nor the permit show that this condition is satisfied because no water depths are shown. 4. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 7H.1204(c) that the proposed pier not create an unreasonable interference with navigation or use of public waters. The pier location appears to create a potential obstruction to the small tributary on which the current pier lies. Greater clarification is needed as to the degree to which the proposed pier T- head blocks this tributary. 5. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 7H.1204(d) that the proposed activity not unnecessarily endanger adjoining properties or significantly affect scenic values. The current proposed pier is directly in front of the Benders' primary view of the river and, therefore, does significantly affect scenic values. The Benders object to the proposed location of the pier because it totally obstructs and impairs their scenic values. 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Project Location: County /4 yj // leke ss / no 1S/.• Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) k4 /Miiy 4 State frr ZIP . ?S9/2 f 7- ,' - :: /Y- ----- #(9/0 ) F93.l7/22 Fax#( ) Subdivision Irized Agent & '/7 l3)LLY; 5 City_ /'Z / %// ,4; ZIP2'' Vtliv ed EW ''PT A ES OPTS Phone # ��„ (— -_)_ ', `: River Basin OEA - HHF _.IN UBA E.N/A f - )' Adj. Wtr. Bodye — fr : . PWS: =FC: l ; .Cl (�: ,� plc::' yes / no• PNA es''' / no Crit. Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body— nc'i,::r� 'C_%-' of Project/Activity /n" /,,,,,..-:.-' e'.� �� ~'' - / /i`Y ,,ii�/ .i5/- z• length 3 ' t0 ' -J ..-- dock) (Scale: /�/ rm(s) v u r pier(s) length — ! 1. \ ' '�. t cumber — — • i .t �� �•!'�� i j ead/Riprap length 1 •! 1/ 1 �� i�, ; v' I /. wg distance offshore --ram �- ' nax distance offshore �� channel ~ - --• -- - I!;" _ ubic yards �4. / 1 ..\.. .. I lt amp ruse/Boatlift �.I- .- ,,,,Se,tf .:.0 A, �// / i l L WOT , _ } l A�u Bulldozing ,r \ i F / . s Y. t' -tom \ .'%'' //// --:i".J iI� t� i C' _ -- - --- :}!.'.. ' / 1:h %�.:. , ne Length '=�lirj' / :4. '�'1 .1 e 41 not sure yes �' '• ��/i�i� r - f ! + \ _ /C gs: not sure yes Lrio k num: n/a yes -ty; • may: :r �`�, Gs'" 2i j( i' `� yes dO y 40 I ! L. LS Attached yes ;Po cc: Meredith Alcoke Stephanie Bodine Courtney Hackney, Chairman 3. Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the hearing request is not frivolous. The CRC has delegated the authority to its Chairman to determine whether a third party request for a hearing should be granted or denied. Rule 15A NCAC 7J .0301(b). A third party whose hearing request is granted may file a contested case hearing petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings, and the permit remains suspended pursuant to N.C.G.S.5113A-121.1 (b) and (c). A third party whose hearing request is denied may seek judicial review. Id. I I the third party's hearing request is denied, the permittee's permit is reinstated by operation of law pursuant to N.C.G.S. §113A-121.1(c). III. FACTS A. The permittee is David Rouen, a riparian property owner on the Cape Fear River. His property is located at 1 The Isle off River Road in Wilmington. The site is approximately 2.4 miles south of the intersection of River Road and Saunders Road. B. Dr. Rouen owns approximately 800 linear feet of shoreline. C. There is a creek approximately 20 to 30 feet wide that extends from the Cape Fear River and cuts up into the marsh toward the high ground. According to the New Hanover County tax records, Dr. Rouen's parcel extends to both sides of that creek. D. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael Bender II, Petitioners, own property at 119 Island Bride Way. Petitioners' property is located north/northwest of Dr. Rouen's property on the 1. There is not a clearly discernible "channel" in the creek; nor are there any channel markers. Where the pier terminates, the creek is approximately 30 feet wide. J. The applicant did not request and the permit does not authorize any platform area or slips. K. DCM determined that the Petitioners arc not the adjacent riparian property owners. Following the edge of Dr. Rouen's property around to the north, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Nathan Sanders. Mr. Sanders was provided notice and stated that he had no objections to the permit. Even though it was ultimately determined that Mr. Sanders was the adjacent riparian property owner to the north, specific notice of the proposed pier was still provided to Petitioners, who objected to the pier and provided comments at least twice to the Division of Coastal Management's Wilmington office through their attorney. L. To the south, the next adjacent riparian property owner is Ruth Phillips. Ms. Phillips stated that she had no objections to the permit. M. The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) determined that the proposed structure met all of the pertinent state guidelines and could be approved under the General Permit provisions of 15A NCAC 7H .1200. The permit was issued March 22, 2006. N. On April 7, 2006, Petitioners filed a third party hearing request to challenge the permit. Petitioners' third party hearing request materials were previously mailed to the Chairman under cover memo dated April 7, 2006, and are incorporated herein by reference. work. DCM's method of staking the normal high water line by use of natural indicators was upheld by the Court of Appeals in Webb N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, 102 N.C. App 767, 404 S.E.2d 167 (1991). Petitioners' statement that they have "observed normal the high water line" in a different location, without additional evidence, is insufficient evidence to show that the issue is not frivolous and is likewise insufficient to suspend Mr. Rouen's permit and require Mr. Rouen to delay construction of his pier while the issue is litigated. 2. Number of Slips Rule 7H .1204(a) limits this general permit to only two slips. Petitioners argue that "it . appears . . . that the proposed pier could accommodate more than two boats and several jet skis and, therefore, the permit application should be reviewed through the major permitting process." This argument is simply speculative. The permit applicant has proposed no slips. Nor has the applicant proposed any platform or boat lifts. lithe permitted pier were ever used in the future for in excess of two slips, DCM would handle that through its enforcement procedures. Mere speculation that an access pier may be used improperly is insufficient to raise a valid question for litigation in a contested case proceeding. 3. 200-foot limitation beyond marsh edge Petitioners next contend that Rule 7H .1205(c) provides that "piers longer than 200 feet are permitted only if the proposed pier length gives access to deeper water at the rate of at least 5. View Petitioners contend that 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) requires that the proposed development not affect scenic values and that the proposed pier"obstructs their scenic values." Rule 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) is one of the "General Conditions"regarding the applicability of the general permit. It provides that "This permit will not be applicable to proposed construction where the Department believes that the proposed activity might . . . significantly affect historic, cultural, scenic, conservation or recreation values, identified in G.S. 113A-102 and G.S. 113A-113(b)(4), nor that might significantly affect the quality of the human environment."(emphasis added) G.S. 113A-113(b)(4) refers to: (4) Fragile or historic areas, and other areas containing environmental or natural resources of more than local significance, where uncontrolled or incompatible development could result in major or irreversible damage to important historic, cultural, scientific or scenic values or natural systems, which may include: a. Existing national or State parks or forests, wilderness areas, the State Nature and Historic Preserve, or public recreation areas; existing sites that have been acquired for any of the same, as identified by the Secretary; and proposed sites for any of the same, as identified by the Secretary, provided that the proposed site has been formally designated for acquisition by the governmental agency having jurisdiction; b. Present sections of the natural and scenic rivers system; c. Stream segments that have been classified for scientific or research uses by the Environmental Management Commission,-or that are proposed to be so classified in a proceeding that is pending before said Environmental Management Commission pursuant to G.S. 143-214.1 at the time of the designation of the area of In recent years the coastal area has been subjected to increasing pressures which are the result of the often-conflicting needs of a society expanding in industrial development, in population, and in the recreational aspirations of its citizens. Unless these pressures are controlled by coordinated management, the very features of the coast which make it economically, esthetically, and ecologically rich will be destroyed. The General Assembly therefore finds that an immediate and pressing need exists to establish a comprehensive plan for the protection, preservation, orderly development, and management of the coastal area of North Carolina. In the implementation of the coastal area management plan, the public's opportunity to enjoy the physical, esthetic, cultural, and recreational qualities of the natural shorelines of the State shall be preserved to the greatest extent feasible; water resources shall be managed in order to preserve and enhance water quality and to provide optimum utilization of water resources; land resources shall be managed in order to guide growth and development and to minimize damage to the natural environment; and private property rights shall be preserved in accord with the Constitution of this State and of the United States. The Department's responsibility under this statute (and N.C.G.S. § 113A-113(b)(4)) is to the public as a whole. Furthermore, this statute also directs the Department to preserve private property rights, such as the permittee's right to construct a pier on his property if it complies with all applicable rules. Clearly 15A NCAC 7H .1204(d) does not require the Department to judge the aesthetic values of development prior to issuing a CAMA permit; nor does it require DCM to take into account the"view"of surrounding property owners' when issuing a permit, and further to require denial if the agency believes a view will be impacted. if that were the case, no permits could be issued because all water-dependent strictures over the water affect view. This issue is frivolous. V. CONCLUSION For the reasons stated herein, Petitioners' Third Party Hearing Request is DENIED. This the 24'h day of April, 2006. gd7Courtney T. Hac ley, Chairman N.C. Coastal Resources Commission . • MRM �C.' �k t fat ; • k r i y *! +r Svr ., iFh ',E + dr x s v .r AA*. L _ .. '� k may• t +� �4 �.. t IP~• R ~mow " • �� `. .e 4,_.r+ .4}��, .ram d. f r �.y a , e . r+t«. d.R% . r ate, ,Jk ,4' s d „t ,,� *i�.•' ` /04.11111 ... • f Sr •.•,. ITN • • • ��j•, , ;q a v. be' t'Tz � �YY6 tr �i► t ... . . 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BYNUM, Of Counsel CHRISTOPHER J.LEONARD,Of Counsel Director Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 Attorney General's Office Environmental Division 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-9001 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a third party hearing request challenging the issuance of a general pier permit to David Rouen on March 21, 2007. I have been in communication with Meredith Jo Alcoke concerning this request and I have supplied her with a copy. Sincerely, MURCHISON, TAYLOR & GIBSON, PLLC Michael Murchison MM/jmb Enclosures development when the development is within or touches upon an area subject to the public trust.) (3) Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the request for the hearing is not frivolous [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(3)). (Please summarize the evidence or arguments you will present at a hearing in support of your appeal.) Based on the attached responses to the above factors, the undersigned hereby requests a third party hearing. April 17, 2007 ,'� Date Signature of Reiitittistezdkr Attorney Michael Murchison Name of PiixAttorney 16 North Fifth Avenue Address Wilmington NC 28401 City State Zip ( 910 ) 763-2426 Telephone Number NOTES: This request must be served on the Director, Division of Coastal Management, at the address shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form, within twenty(20) days of the disputed permit decision. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1 13A-121.1(b). Failure to do so constitutes waiver of the right to request a hearing. A copy should also be sent to the Attorney General's Office, Environmental Division, at the addresses shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form. Approval of a Third Party Hearing Request allows a petitioner to file a contested case petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within twenty (20) days of receipt of the Chairman's Order. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Denial of a Third Party Hearing Request is a final agency decision which may be appealed to the Superior Court in the county where the property is located under STATEMENT SUPPORTING DETERMINATION TO GRANT A HEARING The following statement is being submitted in support of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael Bender, II's request for a third party hearing on the issuance of a CAMA general pier permit to David Rouen on March 21, 2007. A copy of the permit is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Background Neil Carmichael Bender, II and his wife, Bridget Bender, own property at 119 Island Bridge Way, Wilmington, North Carolina. This property abuts and is located immediately north of property which is owned by David Rouen. Both properties overlook the Cape Fear River. A small creek that extends from the Cape Fear River separates the two properties. In the fall of 2005, David Rouen made application for a CAMA general permit which would allow him to extend an existing pier. The old existing pier extended from the bulkhead surrounding Rouen's house westward to the edge of a tributary of the Cape Fear River. A copy of aerial photographs depicting this pier and its relationship to Rouen's house and bulkhead are attached as Exhibit B. Prior to issuance of the permit, Mr. and Mrs. Bender raised concerns both orally and in writing with the appropriate permit official of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management ("DCM"). Their written objections were dated February 24, 2006. On March 22, 2006, Rouen was granted a permit (Permit No. 461) to extend the 200 t:.... r i-' A 7__J .i-- The Benders only learned of the existence of the new permit as a result of discussions with the Assistant Attorney General concerning the Benders' proposed motion to stay the operation of the original permit pending completion of the judicial review process. Because of the absence of the required notice, the Benders are entitled to submit a request for a third-party hearing at this time. The following factors are cited in support of the Benders' request for a third-party hearing on the March 21, 2007 permit. A. The decision is contrary to a statute or rule for the following reasons [N.C.Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(1)]: 1. The general pier permit regulations provide at 15A NCAC 7H.1205(a) that piers may not extend more than 400 feet westward from the normal high water line. The DCM staff placed the normal high line 130 feet waterward of the existing bulkhead of David Rouen. Mr. and Mrs. Bender contend that the normal high water line is, in fact, eastward of this point and that, as a result, the pier length does not satisfy the 400 foot requirement. In the prior proceeding, the DCM staff acknowledged that the marsh adjacent to Rouen's bulkhead is characterized primarily by high marsh and non-coastal wetland species which transition into a large strand of Black Needlerush which then transitions into Cord Grass. The DCM staff used Cord Grass as the vegetative indicator of the normal high-water line. 15A NCAC 7H.0106(1) defines "Normal High Water" as the "ordinary extent of high tide based on site conditions such as the presence and location of vegetation, which has its distribution influenced by tidal action, appeal, the DCM staff took the position that Rouen's permit did not accommodate any such slips whatsoever. It appears, however, that the end of the old pier will still potentially accommodate docking space for boats and that the end of the new extended pier will potentially accommodate boats as well. If, in fact, the permit does not allow any such docking space, this objection is withdrawn. 4. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 7H.1204(d) that the proposed activity not unnecessarily endanger adjoining properties or significantly affect scenic values. The current proposed pier is directly in front of the Benders' primary view of the river and, therefore, does significantly affect scenic values. The Benders object to the proposed location of the pier because it totally obstructs and impairs their scenic values. 5. The Benders in their past challenge to the old permit had the following objections. They now acknowledge those objections to have been satisfied by DCM and CRC's construction of the pier permit limitations. Those are as follows: a. The general permit regulations require at 15A NCAC 711.1204(c) that the proposed pier not create an unreasonable interference with navigation or use of public waters. The Benders previously objected that the pier location appeared to create a potential obstruction to the small tributary on which the current pier lies. CRC and DCM responded that the pier, as permitted, terminates at the marsh's edge and does not extend into the creek itself or have any boat slips. With this clarification, the Benders agree that there is no potential obstruction to the small tributary. If, however, Rouen seeks to park a boat at the end of the pier respect to the square footage of the "T" structures on Rouen's piers, evidence with respect to the loss of scenic value, and other relevant evidence. rt— /- \ or /J "N� .�C�1►lo� � tiLniooIP4oD ItoYd V�� 4. / / . :o„,,ipuetioJ sprq uo Ola uo! :d9 Awlnbo.+cog cw JIwod BuPn_ - _ . ._ - _ -- - j��' -- _ . _ — OA ora,�,11 - WI 01 mew . -- 7i- -_-1----4 -i- 1-7 --- ---.11-_-:_-1-!-_---. 1� ti.�1, H yt, J .7. 1_ - 1 /� j ...1 ' I id" % gni •..,.iv, /� _I !_=1�y/1 you°l oulf4+o,lr - % ' __ _ �-L� - 1 I- - y. -- _ - -,_ -t --,� -- _ _ _ _ a tea`, --- - __--- - /77 I d - _ ay.to non s14-- /0- fiaity __ _ • , 1 .. �. �� _ _I , I _ — _ __ __ ___ - lu.,,,,,, .I.„v — - - idetik, _ _ - f - _- _Y•+wc�u oDurogp ena :DIL•�J' ;01. arms J (3).ac'doJul J(,)".,-auld y l J 7 •_ -� 7 _ _ _�_ -`'�Pcg AM 'INN»ssolJ �� / :o� •q� �In�dL0Jdioad4L H ah, ul-y�_9 __�r1y�-- %�Pog'�7M 'lF�b 6 /� vNd u cA,( Ae �u�4J wry U van L; SMei d12 - -- �-_ D hi L7 rlhN C. vvo_) :(!)�.lr+ - - - --Atio ssD V IQ __ __ _- _ uolshlp9^g - - _fie - yG ii �'�.,'. •. 7_ ``7j b��j)�Y`wuotJd -) Joi /ptoti o)C7S ATO.i iJ�z dIZ- b2e+s- — is co nb^i - - -_ / noc l o�JVCrrl�nd uro�uo�IGuo -.`.., -01'�N wu1bdV d!!Iv�3C wuo..uo)o ewe u o- pue :CI)111.14d 6nchDJe o:e N put ouYuruouinu a u�++olulunua Q 3 Jo auowLtd•V.Cullp.�4LuN o cans o.ia IW.rrJ 4 gyp s # 1Iw�od snpina� ons.IW It�►�sdp onssloy o7oldwo� J S oyi pezNgy�,�ty d uognul MpN inj d `1v4 n WtK!'.-2•�_��:'+l 111d Q aoci2'bon N�� WV,� y r .t. .7. �!•• � ,� ,,'�. �•+ ti .i •� ate.. �+.�• lr • • ,pe •.�, • •.,t-y ' IA -,1 ,•_ .his- � X 4w _, j1:. 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AsA 7 _ . : , -)--,'-e-1,u-ee___:/-71-41 ficlo- ti.e.- !4- irfle6-7-4 -z--7 ----Z-;:2-01--- --c---!"-- , ) `' '-- --i;, A-) ' 7"dr--7-z) 6.2- 2--e--(1: ‘f2e- -i-Lia .67,%.42 .19-__ fr----r82--- i!.. J::;) 2,--z-4-}z- r A riA (0..e,-- ____, re_e_.,_c_, s_.__e_y) e___ __(,) ,fie- '- � , C,,zC-- - i2iz.y' C) `')/A 4.-- 7-i-(:,--T - � �� - i r�-�- 4 I.vz-<_-e ,z-7,--- ..--",,,, 6.,_,-• --,._. :2,___„..„ I; , 11. 11' F.). rldt -ll:-(AjtJl—c---- / -,*---t-ja-"r--. ,,1- >, 1,,---,•,-- e)4' - ._. tG`' " - .%ti-i Z•YY1- � t�_-- 1 �A-- ,C=,ie. M VVILMINGTO I r' ' MAY 0 4 200 'a.�-- , -.2 7- rt. ,-z� a. 1 �: PI ,,,....0-47im CiLc;-:�-,z__ ,�- � L<z7Z3 __ I-. T r� � �"`��ic__,2._‘ RE E VE DCM WILMINGT' SEP 2 1 7fll MURCHISON, TAYLOR & GIBSON, PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW WALLACE C.MURCHISON Recited 16 NORTH FIFTH AVENUE WILMINGTON,NC 28401 JOSEPH O.TAYLOR,JR. FRANK B.GIBSON,JR. TELEPHONE(910)763-2426 MICHAEL MURCHISON FACSIMILE(910)763-6561 W. BERRY TRICE G. STEPHEN DIAB SENDER'S EXTENSION: JAMES W. LATSHAW September 20, 2005 117 ANDREW K. McVEY PETER A. BYNUM SENDER'S EMAIL: CHRISTOPHER J.LEONARD cjleonard@murchisontaylor.com FRANCES Y. TRASK FAISON GIBSON SUTTON VIA FAX(395-3964)AND CERTIFIED MAIL, RET. REC. REQ. Mr. Jim Gregson,District Manager Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Dear Mr. Gregson: Our firm represents Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carmichael Bender, II, the owners of the property at 119 Island Bridge Way. Mr. and Mrs. Bender received the enclosed letter from B & K Marine Construction regarding the construction of a walkway or pier to the Cape Fear River. I have enclosed a copy of the complete three (3)pages that they received. At this time, Mr. and Mrs. Bender do not consent to the construction of the proposed development and do not waive any setback requirement. Further, they hereby object to the application for construction of this project. The reasons for their objection include, but are not limited to,the following: 1. Mr. and Mrs. Bender have not been furnished with a copy of the application itself. Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Bender are unable to tell in detail what is proposed to be built. They reserve the right to make further objection after receipt of a copy of the application and all required ancillary documents. 2. The sketch provided with Mr. and Mrs. Rouen's requested does not provide any a�.v.n..n,....n «41.0 ..«..«..ne.7 .......e..� T . 1....L ..0.t:.,...,.«...,.«.. «....L,... 1►d_ ,.«,7 l�I_.. D,.�.7.__._�..L1,_ RECENED MURCHISON,TAYLOR& GIBSON, PLLC DCM WILMINGTON, Mr. Jim Gregson, District Manager Division of Coastal Management SEP 2 1 2005 Page 2 than 500 feet. This brings into play a number of rules regarding maximum pier length and area. Again, until we see exactly what is proposed to be built, its dimensions and a more accurate drawing, Mr. and Mrs. Bender are unable to determine whether there are additional grounds for objecting to the construction of this pier and reserve the right to do so upon receipt of all relevant information. 4. Again, although the sketch lacks dimensions, if the drawing is in accordance with the scale indicated on the map on which the sketch is drawn, it appears that the deck at the end of the pier will be greater than the maximum 400 square foot area permitted for lots with shorelines of 100 feet or longer. 5. On the sketch, the proposed pier appears to block a portion of a creek between Mr. and Mrs. Rouen's property and Mr. and Mrs. Bender's property. Construction over this creek may interfere with the public trust doctrine and violate the provisions of 15A NCAC 07H. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Bender have not been provided with an environmental assessment, which may be required under applicable regulations. We request that Mr. and Mrs. Bender be furnished with further information about the construction of this improvement and an opportunity to be heard on the reasons for their objection. Please keep me apprised of any further developments, actions or decisions with respect to this application. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, MURCHISON,TAYLOR& GIBSON,PLLC hristopher J. eoriar Enclosure September 9, 2005 Mr. Neil Bender 119 Island Bridge Way Wilmington, NC 28412 Dear Mr. Bender, B & K Marine Construction has been contracted by David Rouen whom lives at 1 The Isle on River Road in Wilmington,NC to extend his walkway out into the Cape Fear River. Included is a drawing showing what and where we proposed to build. Also included is a riparian property owner form. If you have no objections to this project would you please initial or complete the lines that I have highlighted and return the form in the enclosed envelope. Thanks for your time. ‘yidel711.g4(1464 Scott Burns B& K Marine Construction P.O. Box 1417 Wrightsville Beach,NC 28480 Office 910-754-9740 Cell 910-231-5438 Map Output Pagc , 0 NHC Parcel Map - , IP- ' t '`.• t 4- iiii.mplIM , , efitil, '- r- • if. ,--, ..••,,1 . I a fetk ..i•i'- "...•••)k U it& , • 4.-- . 4,1_* /pixel,,' 3.;,,-4/4.4 ' ,*14-tik i riot/4.4er et-", 1 i• f..4 • ' .% - '' r " • . •-• '' ' ,••.. -• . . It' '', . •,'..,-.It,' , , • _0 . '*:,. - -i r,r4-1.- -i"' -,' ' ''. * .... • .. 4 ...„1` , „...11,2,• , .t.,4'-' ., _,A. _,-?..., .,:, r , _,, - .,_ • .. , . ., • ,t ,, 0 , 44.,r- -- -- -At * ,-,- * • ..tt‘ . ... ',. - / -i .14 ' 1,4}..) .01. , ,t-,i e _ ,.,. ‘,,,, . • ' r" •,_r- r " I--; il '. e„., 4**. ..-*,,. . ,..7.5' 'El!*Lit' ' " fx- e " . 4,,,.. • ,„, ; -;"•••:, .- :44 ' it --,., • ih. ' . ' ''' .•• •• ' s h. 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'"'" .7 " : - - -* ,,,-- - ‘.... , . .. 4. •, 4. ., , — .. , • .... ..• . . .. . , . - ,s, .4 .• , ••4 \ .4 - ' h -• ' " l' • '-'1. - '' ' 7 ti r t •' .444'6.` itt '.• 4 d ; . .., • n '. •. ' .. h.t... . ., it.. . . . 1...4• ' • , ., 44 . ''.. .`• t 411,1/4.1 Jo Atti,v • '' 'sr- f'-2-- k' - - % a • DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM .rne of Individual Applying For Permit: M c , ) ) -�)4 idress of Property:%M 76 _ (Lot or Street #, Street or Road) W_Pirik‘iPA/f 1- e /VaJ/7471/D/ (City and County) iereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced property. The indi, plying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the developmer. proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this let I have no objections to this proposal. you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of CI anagement, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 or call 910-395 ithin 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no object ru have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house or boat lift mi t bck a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access - unless waived by n >u wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. ign Name Date AAA