HomeMy WebLinkAbout50248D - Pruna zi CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL J
GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit#
1New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued
iorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC -7 H
. I Z-
I Rules attached.
uit Name T.- t E. PSZ..iA N? H Project Location: County c 3Sw
js 10Z..1 m C/Li ►')r A,c.3 a_ Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)
510 E 1Ab S tQt' state^o L- zlfi---`31-I b j J G i C-►"l - It-T T L,ia►.) ►t
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d ❑CW ,J EW tsr..TA ElES ElPTS Phone# ( ) River Basir T r 6
❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. BodyyH IaQte5 �(L£6 C 662
• ❑ PWS: ❑FC:
yes PNA yes no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Boy
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of Project/Activity 7 N''Tla.t.- (,X j I in( 3 3, _ — ) c:;Oi 1-J
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'f ItP ' .4043 1/4/Atf+- le"Y
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igs: not sure yes p i
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ding permit may be required by: 0 04-)1r0 CZ)LA JrSee note on back rr
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, , 61 — ()owe O/ ..--pp--
Date 05/ /2008
I `/c-i• /1/'QP —2)2 AA e Q4p4-7_, owner of
l6:1('1 Meridian Drive, Sneads Ferry,NC
28460 have been notified that Dale A. &Chuc T. Pruna of 1021 Meridian Drive, Sneads
Ferry,NC 28460,have applied for a minor permit to build a pier and boat dock at the
Above listed property in accordance with the CAMA regulations.
I have received this notice in writing and concur with the desired pier and dock.
Signature Z
Date: 5 l V - 0 k
Date 05/ /2008
I o,X cz a �-�`� owner of
lU Z S Meridian Drive, Sneads Ferry,NC
28460 have been notified that Dale A. &Chuc T. Prima of 1021 Meridian Drive, Sneads
Ferry,NC 28460,have applied for a minor permit to build a pier and boat dock at the
Above listed property in accordance with the CAMA regulations.
I have received this notice in writing and concur with the desired pier and dock.
Date: #3A52
-------- ------ -----
DALE A PRUNA /� 8176
CHUC T PRUNA CAM Cash Management Accounts
(703) KURT28 57/ ; /���,/
13107 KURTZ RD. DATE h� jf 25-80/440 _
DALE CITY,VAAJ 22193 / J� . �
g ORDEROFE/�/ 2)I>V I $��/,
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fi )[y�Qc�
t&Merrill Lynch
Columbus.Ohio 43271
MEMO G 5oatf g ! ..
I:0440008044 960 L 30549309" 8 i76