HomeMy WebLinkAbout52029D - Piedmont CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL N9 5 ;ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# N ik-- lflew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued NJ ized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources -7 Ai i / oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC b O O V ElRul attached. �,(U O ny( j'*-/i,-; •6 A S f (7 . rProject Location: County YA E -I tk�1•1O VErt I I is jC-f r K b Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) p/ 't`t-���E State N C--ZIP 2 5' Z I / b 1-N -l F5 L o�5 0►,. (`2€1. _,1 all?) 7 411)-01�:' Fax#( ) Subdivision `^ xlAgent 1)PvL !VI 5T- N / 5 f /li City Q Pt`=-51-1.,E j-kPoi NE ZIP VI ❑CW ❑EW ❑PTA ES PTS Phone# (IL))-791 -1, River Basin d f -4 ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH E UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body �2- + ❑ PWS: ❑FC: �/J (es / no PNA yes / do Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body /'— Project/Activity si 5 ' 1 O a N ♦T v (C Pc1.- `moo'"'c) L 1 N 1f_.Ot,3 d..f-(1-- (Scale: KT :k)length I (s) 1 i I er(s) igth I. 1 nber j1 I/Riprap length distance offshore K distance offshore l i annel , H ' _______ ' i iic yards — . Lit"------ ip se/Boatlift ! r — '� i illdozing I i —--- -" / 7 �© i — nI il. T API" 1 Length - :_ I 1 not sure yes nov i t: not sure yes 46` 1 ---- l j urn: n/a yes elrb yes m ltached: yes - - I i ig permit may be required by: N t4"'"" CJCVti.77Z- Ca Li See note on back regarding River Basin n • e#STATE i Wit: U : North Carolina Department of Administration Michael F.Easley,Governor State Property Office W. Britt Cobb,Jr., Secretary June W. Michaux,Director February 5, 2008 Paul Masten S&ME 6409 Amsterdam Way, Bldg. B3 Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Council of State Approval File No. 65-G Dear Mr. Masten: This is to advise you that the Council of State, at its meeting held on the above date, approved the attached item. This matter will be referred to the Attorney General's Office at the appropriate time for preparation of documents. In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding this transaction, please contact Kelly Promer of this office. Sincerely, Se-A...—e-i zi. `7--At",::, _/-_, June W. Michaux KP:tm Attachment DISPOSITION BY EASEMENT ITEM 1 GRANTOR: State of NC, Department of Administration GRANTEE: Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. LOCATION: Northeast Cape Fear River, Castle Hayne,New Hanover County EASEMENT AREA: 50' x 450'or 0.51 acres CONSIDERATION: $250 COMMENTS: Proposed easement is needed for subaqueous installation of a permanent 10" natural gas pipeline to provide service to northern New Hanover County. U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID. SAW-2007-2785 County: Pender/New Hanover USGS Quad: Rocky Point,Mooretown, Castle Hayne and Scotts Hill GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner/Authorized Agent: Piedmont Natural Gas Address: c/o Neil Moser 4720 Piedmont Row Drive Charlotte,NC 28210 Telephone No.: (704)731-4351 Size and location of property(water body,road name/number,town, etc.): The 11-mile long installation of inch natural gas pipeline in Pender and New Hanover Counties,North Carolina. The pipeline originate just west of the intersection of Harts Lane and US Hwy 117 South(34.383°N, 77.896°W). It then extent east for approximately 2,000 linear feet and turns south just west of I-40,where it crosses the Northeast Cape Fear River and enters New Hanover County. The pipeline then continues generally south for approximately 16,000 linear feet then turns east to cross I-40,east of Blue Clay Road and north of Sidb Road. The pipeline then continues generally east along Sidbury Road for approximately 20,000 linear 1 turns south and parallels Farm Road,then turns east crossing back into Pender County at its terminus Sidbury Road (34.321°N,77.766°W) (See attached map). Piedmont Natural Gas has obtained easement for all land along the route. Description of projects area and activity: This authorization is for the following activities(also see attache map): Table 1: Wetland Impacts Area of Area of Permanent Temporary Within the Latitude Longitude Impact Impact 100-year Wetland Wetland ID (°N) (°W) (acres) (acres) Floodplain? Classification AC/AD 34.3372° -77.8225° 0 0.01 N Scrub/Shrub AE/AF 34.3372° -77.8224° 0.01 0.03 N Scrub/Shrub AG/AH 34.3284° -77.8707° 0.13 0.34 Y Forested Al/AH 34.329° -77.8731° 0.22 0.58 Y Forested AJ/AK 34.3300° -77.8732° 0.04 0.11 Y Forested N/A- AL/AM 34.3311° -77.8732° emergent 0.12 Y emergent AN 34.3302° -77.8607° 0 0.03 Y Scrub/Shrub AQ/AR 34.3398° -77.8107° 0 0.01 N Forested AS/AT 34.3395° -77.8124° 0.02 0.04 N Forested BQBR 34.3342° -77.798° 0 0.01 N Scrub/Shrub BS/BT 34.333° -77.7897° 0.03 0.05 N Scrub/Shrub CA/CBBXBZ 34.3326° -77.7962° 0.15 0.4 N Scrub/Shrub CC/CD 34.3334° -77.7972° 0.03 0.08 N Scrub/Shrub CJ/CK 34.3324° -77.8759° 0.04 0.11 N Scrub/Shrub HH 34.3332° -77.8434° 0.04 0.1 N Forested KK 34.3342° -77.8379° 0.29 0.67 N Scrub/Shrub L 34.3742° -77.8866° 0.02 0.05 N Forested LL/MM 34.3348° -77.8351° 0.33 0.87 N Forested NN 34.336° -77.831° 0.09 0.22 N Scrub/Shrub OO/PP/QQ 34.3358° -77.8298° 0.05 0.12 N Scrub/Shrub RR/SS 34.3359° -77.8291° 0 0.01 N Scrub/Shrub TT 34.3364° -77.827° 0.03 0.07 N Scrub/Shrub UU 34.3366° -77.8259° 0 0.02 N Scrub/Shrub VV/WW 34.3368° -77.8246° 0 0.01 N Scrub/Shrub XX 34.337° -77.8237° 0.01 0.01 N Scrub/Shrub YY 34.3371° -77.8232° 0 0.01 N Scrub/Shrub ZZ/AB 34.3372° -77.8227° 0 0.01 N Scrub/Shrub Totals: 1.82 4.76 Table 2: Streams Crossings Stream Latitude Longitude ID Name (°N) (°W) Authority Impact Stream UT to Prince Section 6 linear feet permanent, A/B George Creek 34.3285 -77.8704 404 40 linear feet temporary Stream Northeast Cape C Fear River 34.3635 -77.8891 Section 10 directional bore Stream E/F Island Creek 34.3382 -77.8172 Section 10 directional bore Stream Prince George UJ Creek 34.3392 -77.8797 Section 10 directional bore Stream Prince George M/N Creek 34.3308 -77.8578 Section 10 directional bore Applicable Law: ® Section 404(Clean Water Act,33 USC 1344) ® Section 10(Rivers and Harbors Act,33 USC 403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Number: M.,N,......:A-D... «:a AT.....-L,._. 17 conditions of this nationwide permit. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authoriza reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it co. with all new and/or modified terms and conditions. The District Engineer may, at any time, exercise his discret authority to modify,suspend,or revoke a case specific activity's authorization under any NWP. Activities subject to Section 404(as indicated above)may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality(telephone(919)733-1786)to determine Section 4 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management (CAMA),prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C.Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington,NC,at(910)796-7215. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other re Federal,State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regard' : ii s ' fication,any of the c•.diti.s of the Permit,or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program,please conta i mberly L Ga 0)2- -4,: . 41) Corps Regulatory Offic.. a_dilte(_ A A. �/ Date: 2/8/2008 Expiration Date of Verificatio . 2/8/2011 Determination of Jurisdiction: ❑ Based on preliminary information,there appear to be waters of the US including wetlands within the above describ project area. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administn Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed fly years from the date of this notification. ❑ There are waters of the US and/or wetlands within the above described project area subject to the permit requireme. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act(CWA)(33 USC§ 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notifies ® The jurisdictional areas within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action. Pleas( reference jurisdictional determination issued 2/7/2008. Action ID SAW-2007-2785 Basis of Jurisdictional Determination: • 'te exhibits ordina ig ater marks and wetland criteria as defined the 1987 wetland delineation ma' s al. T • wat: s a I etl ds the site drain directly to the Northeast Cape] River, a Section 10 Navig;bl•• ' erw. . set: • i•ati 's based on information submitted by S&ME,Inc.. Corps Regulatory Official: i ', Date February 8,2008 / SURVEY PLATS,FIELD SKETCH,WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS,PROJECT PLANS, ETC.,MU BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we cont to do so,please complete the attached customer Satisfaction Survey or visit http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/ to comp] the survey online. Copy Furnished: Paul Masten,S&ME,Inc., 6409 Amsterdam Way,Suite B3,Wilmington,NC 28405 Chad Coburn,NCDENR-DWQ, 127 Cardinal Drive,Wilmington,NC 28405 • Mail to: SANDY OGINT Piedmont Natural Gas Co., Inc. Post Office Box 33068 3232-49-7649-0000 Charlotte, North Carolina 28233 TAX ID# 3232-48-6069-000L STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA LINE: 139 COUNTY OF PENDER R/W NO.7 RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT Know all men by these presents that for and in consideration of the sum of$ //off paid to HENRY N. MCLAUGHLIN, Ill (hereinafter designated GRANTOR), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the GRANTOR hereby bargains, sells and conveys unto Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc.,(hereinafter designated GRANTEE),and its successors and assigns,a right of way and easement, fifty (50) feet in width, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating from time to time one or more pipelines and appurtenances for the transportation of natural or manufactured gases or other substances over, under and across the lands of GRANTOR situate in Rocky Point Township,Pender County, NC which lands are more particularly described in that certain instrument recorded in PROBATE ROLL 93E39, PROBATE ROLL 99E195 of Pender County,which right of way is more particularly described on that certain survey of McKim&Creed. dated September 11, 2007 bearing the designation Pend-7, which survey are attached hereto and made a part hereof. �((a w� �� w;�(� L) <+se cM-eb14 Ta la_ 7 to T�/n /.�� ^ . � d- C Lbw o Qs G•.a Apo �at.,ti4.� . t Le- - G�i.° 42b`�" Co,A-S C7t )4;,K GC.. --/- h e- p La ex . ;wa.. F row-fr Cc.e-w 55 Er-i+c w The GRANTEE shall have all rights necessary or convenient for the full uses and enjoyment of the rights herein granted. including without limitation reasonable access to the right of way and the right from time to time to cut or remove all trees, underbrush or other obstructions within the right of way which may interfere with the rights granted herein. Subject to the rights granted herein, the GRANTOR may cultivate the soil and may construct roads which cross but in no event shall any roads be constructed that are laterally along and over the right of way. The GRANTOR shall not change the grade of,flood or obstruct the right of way. To have and to hold said right of way and easement and all privileges and appurtenances "hereunto belonging to said GRANTEE,its successors and assigns,to its and their only use and behoove forever. And the GRANTOR, for himself, his executors and administrators, covenants with the said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns,that the GRANTOR is seized of the premises in fee,and has the right to convey the foregoing easement and right of way; that the same are free and clear of all encumbrances and that the GRANTOR hereby warrants and agrees to defend said title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whosoever. It is understood and acknowledged by the undersigned that the person securing this grant is without authority to make any agreement with regard to the subject matter hereof which is not expressed herein, and that no such agreement will be binding on the GRANTEE. Ilya W(TNf;=SS WHEREOF this instrument is signed and sealed this ZG�� day of 2000e. �,— /` (SEAL) H" 'Y N. MCLAUGHLIN, Ill STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I,_KENNETH J.FRANK do hereby certify that ug h 2 J7 c/� i� personally appeared before me thipay and each acknowledged thee execution of the foregoing Instrument. A. Witness my signature and official seal this the day of G�e..e 7 Notary P My Commission expires: JULY 444,22[0011*22+ IETAR1 PINTyUBLIC+} STATE O MIYA "- ,NC COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and each acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my signature and official seal this the day of_ , Notary Public My Commission expires: (seat) NOTES: / i IiIL.N)I, I NI(LW,'I • FOR SOURCE OF 1111E REFER TO DEEDS AND PLATS �I 0(I� REFERENCED HEREON, 0, is 0 1 • •ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES < 91E ;I ��1 IQ;I UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. t �; ,ay 9 • AREA BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION. 4 1� 1i31 ti �'�I •PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ANY VALID &ENFORCEABLE [ AIUi I EASEMENTS,RESTRICTIONS&RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. egi,;,,,,1,4f�I�;. - GRID COORDINATES ESTABLISHED USING VRS. xM 7 jr q AREA OF: SQ. FT. ACRE CAPE PEAR RD'SR TYPICAL PROPOSED 60' EASEMENT EASEMENT 335,190 7.70 LAYOUT NOT TO SCALE IPF IPF RF VICINITY MAP ROBERT CI MASSENGILLI (NOT TO SCALE) ET AL -CMF 10" GAS LINE 6729.55 UNEAR FEET (TOTAL) DB 422 PG rd WIWAM J. BATYIOUS DB 1270 PG 364 S65'26'35'E 930.31' WIWAM J. BATYIOUS DB 1270 PG 364 .9 ,if& �N652635"W 4..`'6`'?; PINE 3233-51-302 —0 00 ----2 to' '1 fin Ltirt.4. (^U N :O •oft ' , y Le•it \O L9 i s*9 CMF `v,�19 / PEED-6 *y .+°(ory a9• / '87�4 F �� VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH �'9s� a OF ROCKY POINT / DB 918 PG 272 �' "` PINE 3233-30-3160-0000 `' „ o ;'/m PENQ-ID � ap �ry(o / 3,. "14 \-- n HENRY N. MCLAUGHLIN III -'.1 7Z.T4v od DB 715 PG 82 .�/%m cl 4,Q�' -r DB 1792 PG 123 ro��F �h p U PROBATE ROLL# 93 E 39 i"/. ..-t v., N I > PROBATE ROLLS 99 E 195 i' �0 2 0 _ E PINE 3232-48-6069-000L J ��Q. z o PINE 3232-49-7649-0000 GAS LINE ¢ •, { \ ''IPF h/. I • I P'; r II' `"�1CAROL,, A1R II/''", W 1, L3 / LINE TABLE `.�� �'� '.. 'a '% -m E' 0Ss I.. IRON PIPE FOUND r : LINE LENGTH BEARING `O'OF1r58/.4D"';9 1 _pip Ip',6 GRID COORDINATES L1 158.43' S 83'41'11" E _ a 9<'; = Z E' N 228025.08 SEAL ...... i'w E 2335690.72 I 218.57' S0618'49" W — CI L3 56.91' S 18'46'40" W = 9 L-3413 O F — +ri b L4 15.81' S 7329'34" W i? / L5 21.16' S 8213'45" W �S" ...'•:?SUR��t•A'Q4��. ��lip a. LB , 19508' N 0618'49" E '' 4• 44unEv111\,r `�� ufd'ci 130.33' N 83'41'11" W L9 50.00' N 8218'11" W I p CURVE TABLE d, CMF lJ CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD DELTA Cl 7799.44' 436.12' S 10'33'28" W 436.07' 312'14" ,i aq C2 7799.44' 1096.98' S 04'55'35" W 1096.08' 8'03'31" 'a'; E C3 7849.44' 1113.80' N 04'53'27" E 1112.86' 8'07'48" ,l w C4 7849.44' 438.92' N 10'33'28" E 438.86' 31214" 117 LEGEND 0 nI";N III; 10" GAS LINE ir I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS •IPF IRON PIPE FOUND to- PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION + •IRF REBAR FOUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF RIGHT OF WAY OR I0 CP CALCULATED POINT oEASEMENT ACQUISITION ONLY, AND IS NOT p ■CMF CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND Mail to: SANDY OGINT Piedmont Natural Gas Co., Inc. Post Office Box 33068 Charlotte,North Carolina 28233 TAX ID# R01100-006-009-001 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA LINE: 139 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER R/W NO. 8{- �( RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT Pic&C ' 242C O Know all en by these presents that for and in consideration of the sum of$3 Si boo paid to WILLY J. HARTSSMereinafter designated GRANTOR),the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,the GRANTOR hereby bargains, sells and conveys unto Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc., (hereinafter designated GRANTEE), and its successors and assigns, a right of way and easement, fifty (50)feet in width,for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating from time to time one or more pipelines and appurtenances for the transportation of natural or manufactured gases or other substances over, under and across the lands of GRANTOR situate in Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County, NC which lands are more particularly described in that certain instrument recorded in Deed Book 4098, Pages 018, in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, which right of way is more particularly described on that certain survey of McKim&Creed. dated August 20, 2007 bearing the designation NHan-8 ,which survey are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ✓TEMPORARY WORKSPACE IS GRANTED AS REQUIRED AT THE RIVER BORE SITE. 4 a K.40,e_ ierigts D'eein ?aAG 11' Crass e'Lse"-A.k-i Of -0r .,eI6 ..4ro,,, i. pi -- be. at-N- re 341IA:,..1 wkc4- 'a 2 ""1.1 The GRANTEE shall have all rights necessary or convenient for the full uses and enjoyment of the rights herein granted. including without limitation reasonable access to the right of way and the right from time to time to cut or remove all trees, underbrush or other obstructions within the right of way which may interfere with the rights granted herein. Subject to the rights granted herein, the GRANTOR may cultivate the soil and may construct roads which cross but in no event shall any roads be constructed that are laterally along and over the right of way. The GRANTOR shall not change the grade of,flood or obstruct the right of way. To have and to hold said right of way and easement and all privileges and appurtenances "hereunto belonging to said GRANTEE,its successors and assigns,to its and their only use and behoove forever.And the GRANTOR, for himself, his executors and administrators, covenants with the said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns,that the GRANTOR is seized of the premises in fee,and has the right to convey the foregoing easement and right of way; that the same are free and clear of all encumbrances and that the GRANTOR hereby warrants and agrees to defend said title to the same against the lawful claims of all persons whosoever. It is understood and acknowledged by the undersigned that the person securing this grant is without authority to make any agreement with regard to the subject matter hereof which is not expressed herein, and that no such agreement will be binding on the GRANTEE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this instrument is signed and sealed this ,./- day of 2007 . uiL. SEAL WILL/J. ARTS �r,, (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNT`QOF NEW HANOVER ffaq J. / i9l?' do hereby certify that ..�. jja-elc . personally appeared/before me this day and each acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing Instrument. Witness my signature and official seal this the 87�layy of db 7 Notary Pu • My Commission expires: 7� Z�e- ��SEAL FRANK NOTARY PUBLIC STATE M4 I TY,NC COUNT I, do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and each acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my signature and official seal this the day of Notary Public My Commission expires: (seal) ' NOTES: coz/Ea ligpil§1,r �I • FOR SOURCE OF TITLE REFER TO DEEDS AND PLATS RPM k .j D'I] �' • REFERENCED HEREON. Itt, l,il1p, y •ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES ',Mil al 1 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE). O'O iNu•'I - AREA BY COORDINATE COMPUTATION. \ 1 fir t?I --1 • PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ANY VALID&ENFORCEABLE I EASEMENTS,RESTRICTIONS&RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. 11111 y��_I • GRID COORDINATES ESTABLISHED USING VRS. I 0iVl9 L4L5 8• 50' EASEMENT NORTHEAST CAPE I 4 LAYOUT FEAR RIVER _ NOT TO SCALE CP P VICINITY MAP �� z;Iiiiy 1l (NOT TO SCALE) • N `� 61HAN-8� a ii}lip:11111,111,1110" GAS LINE 931.09 LINEAR FEET (TOTAL) AREA OF: SQ. FT. ACRE WILLY J. HARTS yli-ifl 11 PROPOSED DB 4098 PG 18 1, �, EASEMENT 45,676 1.05 \ PIN# RO1100-006-009 001 1 11 z _y l oEl \ w teal fr. \ 6.1 ....will £I I I I; ll \ . t to —4 C : GAS 11NE ' t I (�* N I N ' `1 t,is 70 z 0.2 ------ \ \ mOOV�i y 6 ,;iiq�11 co-O 0 .....W�Iil j;l,'i w N o ;I 1CA Kill NI Q/ \ 1'III I jl NATALIE J. NYE ET AL I''ii,lil j / DB 2652 PG 809 tili!,I� ;ii1 PIN# R01100-006-008-000 IRON ROD FOUND �''I!'�;IIII' GRID COORDINATES It1 Cr� N 224313.65 k I{l�E 2335372.17 \z+ , I I JI :lP PROPERTY OVERLAP f'�''`'{ PER MB 39 PG 193 I 'I I :11, II IR i'lii�!I!V J,k,ll1 LB \ L10 1'!i;,1,i L7 '111j' >\ / t 52637'55'E \ OP�� I 7.41' NHAN-10 SCALE 1`�= 150' �,O'..t,QO IPF 0 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS 0Q`� I P DB PG 726 PIN# R01 O60�008-023-000 0 75 150 300 05 tuttunpp� I LINE TABLE 10" GAS LINE LEGEND `````p� 1�i',' LILE LZNGTH N 8809BEARI31G" E 0. `00%�1....Rp y f •IPF IRON PIPE FOUND ?•rpFESSiOy:q�� L2 16.65' S BB'S8'08" E E' •IRF IRON ROD FOUND a 9< L3 14.96' N 85'08'33" E E OCP CALCULATED POINT _ SEAL c L4 8.83' N 23'36'72" E - '< L-3413 G - L5 10.14' N 8010'50" E I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS =-9� ,o; L6 41.15' S 02'33'70" W c� PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION 4`••O SUR`1 ��.� L7 29.75' S 02'33'1O" W o FOR THE PURPOSE OF RIGHT OF WAY OR i*ifNDIQF 'e'1�0�,$' L8 36.81' N 28'37'55' W ?, FASFLAFNT ACI]I IISITIfN r7Nl Y Awn IS NOT '/i,.. k,. ..., ,., a -k.ri. AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date: June 18,2007 Project Information S&ME Project Name: 1l-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline Type of Project: Wetlands and Waters of the U.S.Delineation and Nationwide Permitting Services Location: New Hanover and Peitder Counties,North Carolina Property Owner/Representative Information Business Name: Piedmont Natural Gas . Mailing Address: • Pt--� .vr 44, Oa_ City,State,Zip Code: . 7 G ,r tG a S 2(O Telephone No. -704 73( '44-3S1 Contact: l.iGt L . Agent Information Business Name: S&ME,Inc. Street Address: 6409 Amsterdam Way,Building B3 City,State,Zip Code: • Wilmington,NC 28405 Telephone No. 910-799-9945 Contact Mr. Paul Masten Authorization: I ,i on behalf of (Contact Signature) PtGilo.4)4'7 AtMr.a..4-i C its hereby authorize - • (Name of Landowner or Representative). . S&ME to act as agent with the USACE and NCDENR in . • connection with the above-mentioned project.