HomeMy WebLinkAbout50333D - Neithold LCAMA/ L>DREDGE & FILL
GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit#
New El Modification III Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued
Drized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC H- , k ��
XRules attached.
tit Name Ci -L-Z S L: 6-s T►-1... 1.c'' Project Location: County 004, -`'`.-"'
> L\ QS.P.,L.4..3..J o,- Pal.fr NL Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)
h 0 i+1 LS-CE-Q.. State)c-`1 ZIP Lkn ) (J01- 8 (-�P ,Lt 1 1�
It j) 2.Zt; "Li ciao Fax#( ) Subdivision 0 5 0 d.,t-
zed Agent TiL.iJG S .. IN ,`;o_E City I\ . i S1-NIL 5trAt__1\ ZIP Z.?LI 1
❑cw ❑EW ❑PTA tgES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River BasinVII-Wd
❑OEA HHF ❑IH /❑UBA El N/A l ��J ujv'
Adj.Wtr. Bodes t^rY-. (�na
❑ PWS: ❑FC:
_yet./ no, PNA® / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body ��'�
>f Project/Activity I-*DS, . 10 ,. +� \L_mac`��
(Scale:` _
ock)length j i 1 ,i 7 r�
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pier(s) —�� L
ength t YC ' `1
umber '` � '�
ad/Riprap length 3 2- ,_ 1 ,..-- 31, >4,,
✓g distance offshore 9b <1 '`'el 1 I
lax distance offshore yes ,jj? .
:hannel It.
ibic yards
imp I
;use/Boatlift F
Bulldozing i
ne Length W2Z'> i t
Cnotsu yes no I
gs: not sure yes C i
>rium: n/a yes ne 1 I J
yes '�o.� 1
'Attached: yes c 1
ling permit may be required by:`►V • \ 'c 5 wct•- 9>CA-A U See note on back regarding River Basin
PH: (910)327-2009
169 LAKE HAVEN DRIVE ,/1 f 66-30/531
SNEADS FERRY,NC 28460 _ /` lJ 451
PAYie u,uc
Gjorder of I $ Go9.00
k ffvpd, 0y LLA4U (
? 1[3 (1 /6 Dollars o.,.,,...
First Citizens
firrstcitizzens.com ei244.
For i vh,;- NP
1:053 LO03001:00457 L3 270 L30 S 248
game of Individual p lying For Permit /774 0 Cr9wliv<-
address of Property: "� 01(i /7.
(Lot or Street#, Street or Road)
-`'o N C a c)9 y6. p
(City and County)
hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced property. The individua
pplying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development the:
re proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter.
ta5 I have no objections to this proposal.
r you have objections, to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coasta
Ianagement, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 or can 910-395-390(
rithin 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection is
ou have been notified by Certified Mail.
eiderstand that a pier,dock,mooring pilings,breakwater,boat house or boat lift must be se
ck:a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian_access-unless waived by me. (If yot
lah to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.)
I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement.
Tb I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement
an Name Date
ant Name •
;,-4.; NCDENR
e.Number with Area Code cNORTH C ROL1Na 0133,11114017 Or
lov 03 00 11 : 32a • p. 1
FROM :P 2 1 i cgs And More FAX N10. :9103276353 Nov. 03 2008 01:17PM P1
Name of individual Applying}cii Ptnnil: (11t. 0 (._'.92t d<-- `L-,,,-,-,,,z).-,,,v,._
Address of Property:____:°" (QJ1",el_ — Ivy_______
(Lot or Street T, Street or Road) .
p. 7-0 161Jn ic. N e- mod'yG a
(City and County)
I hereby certify that I own property adjacent re the abo‘-e-referenced:pope rry- Th.e•.nd yid
applying for_this permit has described:o me as thown or.the attached drawing the devel.CpiiieiltibeY
are proposing. A.descripttion or d-awing,with dimensions,shautd:bc provided with Stiis letter.
�/ I_iaye no objections to this proposal:: •
If you have.objections..to what is being.proposed, please write the:Division :of Coastal
Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wtlrlinc on, NC 2340;S:or:ca11910r3 5 9.00..,
within 10;days of receipt of#his notice. No response is considered,tits same as no objeitienrif
you have.been notified by Certified MaiL
r .
WAIVER SL101 tit
I gtuerstand that a pier,dock,mooring pilings,breakwater,boathousear boatlif't` test-beset
bci a minimum distance of 15' from my area of:riparian-access•,unless:waived by rap. 41tyon-
,..441,0.to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate blank below.)
1 do wish to waive.the 15'setback requirement.
1 do r.o: \i ish tc waive the 1 setback require:.
. -t"-----‘?, 2, ."--z— /1/37%;g`
.Sii tame Date
' to
. , ,ter with rea lode ,,;e, e�..:,.tyw,Y•oo,a-•s-s+Re-
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