HomeMy WebLinkAbout51357D - Lee CAMA/$DREDGE & FILL Ii° I GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# 14New ❑Modification III Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued orized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 -7 U0 �. \ \ 0( Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC I ` (� Rules attached. tntName LS c .1 Lc-6 Project Location: County Ow)SL_z as 31 71-- \IY\ ` " `E--(: Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) t' 1\ -4'"1..L.1. Stated(-- ZIP LS31 1.. 3 lc 1 . J_ #(9\o) 3' , a.3*Fax#( ) Subdivision zed Agent \2tr,i-e--`--} 0 \4, City SLACLc G`1-\I ZIP 2al 1 d ElCW ❑EW 9fPTA /AS ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin CA f ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A CL Ja1-) 1: Adj.Wtr. BodyS 1 k^MQ S ..A*>N (nat( ❑PWS: ❑FC: / yes /� PNA yes /� Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body 's w r - �r of Project/Activity T AL L \o\ o� V TO y L \-A-L.\L\\v. ►.i) ( c 2 3 ..7+�L\L 0�, I L 7 i 3 Qtr�,1 -sr-N C 12& P i_A,-E rs"6 �Y' 1 , (Scale: ` ' lock)length i rm(s) 140>cLi6 )2_4‘► 1S — •pier(s) length . . i lumber aj Riprap length(6 1 i nig distance offshore 7_. I C___-W A nax distance offshore Z channel i :ubic yards amp I f )4 )use/Boatlift Bulldozing . IS. ine Length cQ3.. .01,,441/4.: o i`�} �t )1 ovcik Lilo S not sure yes n `' — ave� lam,! igs: not sure yes �7 f � A L arium: n/a yes r Yes r Attached: yes no ling permit may be required by: S‘.-1I{Lc 6-121\ I I See note on back regarding River Basin 1 9..6, 00 er 10,:,Jci - ! 52D sS .,/-- clsPd o„ Pr �� n.aq. I .S Io ± i 9 i X N 2 6 0 sc.; -1-- y / \ . i ----- ---- -----.-- — -- - - 1) 3= '16 \ / .Sx I6 = Co ,\ r is) 1(e T • F S/S 1• / .0/14/2008 TUE 10:25 FAX 919 460 1730 BOST CUSTOM HOMES Z0011( • ]M •J 19 UD `hS9 C1C mtni FAt `l:y itlu .t i NOi..L J19102'Ei63b7 Oct. 13 200$ 02:25PM PS Cart, :3 �2ag 1 :�*iPM Pc F - . Jinnl. wyrth • C Prot NO, ; td1:+Cr I r ,,Ok. r'.diteca ofProperty: ;Lot:r$reel 4. Straw or Road, surf C .0 VCiry erii Count...) ` that I Via ^:a adjacent to r'lu above-referenced preperv. The individual I her4ey eer�.y Popery), app1yiag for this pert it Les dxscribcL to nie as shown.on the attached Clawing the developmastt they ore proposing. A description or r wing, with dimetssions,should be provided with this letter, :hove no objections to this proposal, Yf yea wave objections to what is being proposed, please write the lolvlaiori of Coastal M.u0=event, 127 Cando el Drive Esienaion, W1t.11ingto5, NC 1,5405 or cuU 91C'796-7215 NI/Mills 10 days of receipt o.f th!5 notice. No response Is eon:klercd the saitte t no abject101 if you have been aotined by Certified Mail. svAivtg SECTION I underststad that a pier, dock,mooring pilings,breakmater,beat bauc•or boat kat tauSt be sat bat a minimum aurae CD el ' ra In •area of ri R se aeoes�s• aived by me. (If you wish to wnlve the setboe 'at must ;MO t e spproprsete black below,) I sin wish to v.raire the t5' setbei:k requirement ` S'� T. g v,li b.a waive:hn 19'aatbaclt requites `r�I. 5 çii ( '` � . 1 C.' , 01 .Sign ere Date /*Re.ie 'ant. ......, ----......---- I'riAt Melt-- Iv') a9/.... /072 Al rciroti - 'i eiepbotte Number with Ares Code ., '� .T-13-2000 07:_3P FRCri:TfliF H EL :-UPHI'URE 13 912664Oc5 70:19102566372 F.1'3 'ROM Timmy North _ CMC FAX NO. : 9102566357 Oct. 10 2'006 12:08PM P2 +dad P4CDEN �Lr C,vis,tr..n of CcAsthi 2rIago'rPht ;�.03 'ark,. .C., r;rp(��t titi'r,;IaT a Rc9: • •t'a'-1: Eevey, Governer „ar�us M .gay' AuthCriZed Agent Consent Agreement ( t-1J`'t . ,��.w , _.� .s heret)y authorize°to eCt On my be:^i '-b( nrby Npms r.f r rdir to cotain any LAMA pe•.rntt(a, ragJirB,.`o trio nropertyr!iged Cetv4. 7,1e a►.tnotlation it limit to he ,. lee activities detained re at4ched ske.c,°. L CATION OF RRO.MCT; ry _ F ZCPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: - -- 3 z-3- In v r p 'cf. " /. yip .73 d Rio ?-a- ' rye % // ____I' jr.i/7- PHONE NC. e�/� 9/0 3•09' os- uTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADCRE85: A), C. 2- s/' PHONE NO . CPO+;; 3 I L itgnatura Of PropIr`•y 6wner. ' ` r tura of Authorizee Agent: ---_- Oats: T-14--2200 00:E6P FROM:TAR HEEL 7URHITURE i3 912E4643025 TO:19102566372 ._'1 ULA-Lo-10601d Utg elbr r KUPI: 1 HK Mktg h urtN 1 1 urct. 1, y d be�avl0c 1 u c I v 1770JJ70'► Ir.l' 1. F : Stomw North - QC Fsrn HO. • stria:mos, Oct. A M9 12.Eere+ P3 C. Wet- as`ab- b3 .- a;):a •S. Zd:',3:::: .'_ '! J2 LA.Ly i3kh I a,\Olt:.i CAll h W�.A ?.FOILNi Name af:rd=viduai Appt}inprCr?a:r.,,t: st r r...:...,:dose n�-. Address afProperty:___. -L— ik LL410-. ftcair- Streetd) ctvi . 9to'N. 'sue ., �.-4 C:47 ',A.a. C. - !City and Caatuy) I hereby eatit►tat I own popery sd anent to the iibovo efarertced property. The individual applying fee this permit has described to me as shy on the taatlied drawing**development they are propcsl • A description or t«•attutg,with dimenSiors,should be prodded etch this letter. 1 _ '� � I Zutvs rtcl objections to this proposal. If you hive objections to whet is being prepaid, &see write the Division et Coastal Meesgemeat, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28403 or es11910496.72LS within 10 days of receipt of this nation. :4;a response Is considered the some as no,objection ti' you here been notified by Certified Moll • WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier.dock,mooring Okapi breakwater,best house or boat lift moist be set bake minimum die tin en of S'Crow my area of riparian seem-unless waived by me. (!f you wish , a e setback.you mum bikini the appropriate bleak blow-) O, P I do wish to we:ve the 19'setosck roqutremetu. I demob wish to waive the 13 setbe$it requitement. r.. cy.v. V• fi 3 l&il, §igtt ikons 1 �1a ....‘, %P r : Cr.' S . Tat Print am N. t Telephone Ntunber with Area Cote-,. ..- .._.. • .. :...lg»xr„=- _1 _� ..... ,e loll it 1 COASTAL MARINE CONSTRUCTION 6314 WRIGHTSVILLE AVE 910-256-6357 WILMINGTON,NC 28403 J DATE / O //� %/' X TO THE N 1 ORDER fr OF -G /L� /� $ DOLLARS II WACHOVIA Wachovia Bank,N.A. M wachovia.com 7 - ....1 2"4' FOR LC`/r l 1.r'A "0 L 608 411' CO 5 3000 2 L 91: 2086 L 7 08 II■