HomeMy WebLinkAbout52451D - Kenefick 5CAMA/ El DREDGE & FILL " `, ' GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# ®New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued orized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources u • Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC . . 11+ r L ca Rules attached. Name Kt WY+ Kt r1>mti c-k, Project Location: County 1..e vs it t- r if • i t/3119 by-at-If-ad kid. Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) i 1 ''-e.' f v StateVA ZIP 2i U I ` 1 Coil k v i't t eccl l #(� ' '3 , 61 - %20 Fax#(�r( ) Subdivision F L YT E i Gj 1&t 1S ICI O ` f^ • sized Agent U`e 1 9 ` 'S. t.fs vt r.t,-h irr- City w 1i YV lr L-1"D(\ ZIP 20-1 r d ❑Cw HEW PTA ❑ES [1PTS Phone# (L139) 3�- VO River Basin C a DOEA C41HF >OH ❑UBA ❑N/A / ): Adj.Wtr. Body )A-}`l< C C'C f C(/A. t ❑ PWS: ❑FC: (� I i 4_ / yes / no PNA yes / no Crit.Hab. yes no Closest Maj.Wtr. 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I 01 V. 4. 1UVb IU: 9AM WALHUVIA-JLGUK! I1LJ 11/03/2008 la�:5S NU. 2484wi.4 PN .11009 rch NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F.Easley,Governor James H.Gtoson Director William G.Ross Jr.,Secrebary Date 1 / 0 3 06 8. Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: • • Mailing Address: .I tc�3 Q t'adc M 1` � U, iZ1 01 I certify that X have autbo (agent) WeL\s ZnAAners Co rS- to act on my behalf,for the purpose of spplying.for and obtaining au C4MA Permits necessary to install or construct(activity) (YZo V r ,SQhC at(my property located at) _ Cp rn t r �, �� �ce T 6�rtiL- • This certaficat:io valid thrn(date) I -13 l 1 a 01? • _ „ ,3/cr r Property Owner tare Date