HomeMy WebLinkAbout51975D - Huguelet 'ski'` 5. LAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL iENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# Clew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued zed by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources, II J pasta'Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC 7ils , aea ales attached. Name Lt .,^, e. v -et e/ / �-iu �Lc Project Location: County �/L N r S �c% ��t 1/ 7 Sw P. 14- O' Au//. ki Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s)5 a A/ S/ L.syji,,+�,ie, StateP/C ZIP2 pf ) a . (9/' ) 'fir)',%411. Fax#( ) Subdivision ll ~� City 5ti.4sr-I a-'i c A ZIP zrnJ 3d Agent �f E e �"� N -1�iz Nc��G..� ❑CW p.EW [ .PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin L '!i►,se lOEA CIHHF ❑IH ❑UBA ElN/A Adj.Wtr. Body Co."4 I G4C/4 / W w (0;)l" ❑ PWS: ❑FC: �/ Lv�✓ Closest Maj.Wtr. Body yes o PNA Its / no Crit.Hab. yes / no }� Project/Activity eeeri/pe -e Lx s S 71i, f/a, ,,, /o c 4'1 ct Dee67i+i® - ?et /(Scale./ '_ ck)length k7(ss)... f i(s) IIIIIHhIh um C d Ill itlySZPV ■ ■■■� ier(s) j � ngth �� tuber IIIIj 11 d/Riprap length I ',�� g distance offshore 1■■�„ I i ix distance offshore ■■■� ■■ / 11 hannel 11111111111"011PI bic yardsrnp 11111111 ■■■ illialL use/Boatlift IIIiinIIIiiIII!lUilHhIHIIHHI ,,,,Nimmiiiim 3ulldozing > ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllll x � q,� /( -X..711111 _■■■�■ai■ ■ IHI■IIII■ne Length �1 0 rnot sure yes .,,. III lloillulliiiili_gs: not sure yes !i ��ll�mill ■■■ rz,�������I i ■■■■U■ nium: n/a yes 4tT�) I / �I1 i y - ' 4- 1 . / L ,,, e i1 •Attached: yes 1 �._..-ling permit may be required by:Sur,S'A 71 aQ�C A 1 I See note on back regarding River Basin / / _ l P7V `77/1.1 . - . / n1J . e A// #74 E CONSTRUCTION OF 4217 i VSWICK COUNTY INC ss-„ziss, PH.910-579-9095 BRANCH 62201 i 6618 BEACH DRIVE SW ;EAN ISLE BEACH,NC 28469 1— 10 `0� DATE \IC \--E- \AN \- ' i $ AOc s` DOLLARS ' BB&T // TANKING AND TRUST COMPANY 00-BANK BBT BBT.com .."-)J CA(V\ SC0- )--1 ./ _,-,--\...- PIP 21711' 1:053L0112LI:000519992652911' 3_ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management f9;cae F. Easley, Governor Charles S.Jones, Director vbiliiat F.c s; Authorized Agent Consent Agreement GC‘.‘( &n3i1146-kOn is herebyauthorized to act D n r�, (Primed Name of Agent) cr:er to obtain any CAMA permit(s) required for the property listed below. The autnorizaticn isirn )eci is activities described in the attached sketch. DCATION OF PROJECT: bc- Sur5_0- ZOPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: Ek-k3S1-t \ CV% DA\—I act3e m \ \ lbw 33k \r(- n .\--b'n 4L (6LiO I PHONE NO 1I ' kp (THORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: 2_<€,Lt(py PHONE NO.%3 J ` QO5 • • • • 5.1t.--414 C2-1. 1 /�� t - / DIVISION OF COASTAL MA_NAGEME`7 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFP= .a _': , Name of Individual Applying For Permit: 41/4.4@ckt:16--- _ :•.dd:ess of Property: 6ap `IU(`s‘-`1A hOy �t-- (Lot or Street #, Street or Road) —�_ _ nSe C ch \C v.-LAn ()J (City and County) _e.tifv that I own property adjacent to the above-referenc,_ :br this permit has described to me as shown on the attact:tf.d d: . r t . ,roposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be f;c ie_ rf I have no objections to this Proposal. li you have objections to what is being proposed, please Write tiic Di\ i'.1:1hauement, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, .\C 2-40S or I - w,•ithin 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered ::ie ;.rnr_ :1.; Null nave been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION 1 :raderstand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat h ) ;..I 1. `i; :: minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access - ish ra ',Naive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank I do wish to waive.the 15' setback recuire:Y ca:. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requir::rne:L.. Date V ,1\1 it- g,1 > vow a-lb\ k �_�-� -11 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. - 0 Agent • Print your name and address on the reverse _ — — 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, �,�_��r_ S :c'`� '�� _Dr" or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No i 5i�-c -< 0 0?s 9 ,r( 3. Service Type Express V1 l I� A Certified Mail 0 Mail Z Q 6 1 1 2(� 0 Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise V 0 Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7003 1680 0004 9790 6666 (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595.02-M-1540 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signatur , item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. 0 Agent ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, i s -e. or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No v.sev cikw- ` '\ 3. ice Type 1�� V Certified Mail ,❑Express Mall �s 0 Registered 7 Return Receipt for Merchandise u` �J 5 65L( 0 Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number 7003 1680 0004 9790 6659 (Transfer from service label) ..,. __ 0o1 1 r_.._......,nnnn n.,..,octic Return Rxeiot 102595-02-M-1540