HomeMy WebLinkAbout50203D - Harrison C I CAMA / ' DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# CfiNew ❑Modification El Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued orized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources l Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC / // 2 Goo r ,7`; /_2G ❑Rules attached. nt Name e/ (ie /-ir4rz,ii$G "✓ Project Location: County Ba../...,t c✓i r/c-- ss / 2 73 'L/S.,$C./ A++ Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) //2 'gL vx , ,.> 1/c .J State /''G ZIP 222 'j" #.(S16)/1 -7/13 Fax#( ) Subdivision IizedAgent 6i ,o, 4f,✓r✓0.1 Cityy410Zdo-' 314"ch ZIP .. f d ❑CW DEW ❑PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin,/ ,f,. ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A I: III PWS: ❑FC: Adj.Wtr. Body(1,✓g L G /9/Gilt-1 (nat Ai yes /O PNA yes / i Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body //"/ of Project/Activity/c r ,•4r ,_ . � ,1,5 ,/Ay iF p), d 7 .ti,••J ,A,,c-,e o` A.2)2? A/ e1.✓ �' GA/U'! (Scale:` , Jock)length 1 rm(s) l •pier(s) length ` lumber Illtr' ll '' 1 1 . ill sad/Riprap length } Ivg distance offshore ': nax distance offshore channel ���.����1 ���1`iliWINIIMMIIIMINIIIMUMI // :ubic yards 11111 ",1 !I1j amp � l o(4-0.oatli0/2 "( /2 Bulldozing , _ )/7- 1,,,, 1 1 2 'y 7 i , ir, i , Ili f?,,),,y, 1.1./xis ' ' : 1 _ I _ IIiiIIIPIi1IIi!! ��vs: not sure yes CP —,ja . � � � ��i�•�mmi orium: n/a yes ' .. . .i ............._..... � � I,,II ,I / I yes no _._.... + t I. 1 �I r Attached: yes) no I t I ding permit may be required by: Ohio/04,J •. E fie 4 Li See note on back regarding River Basin .+c__:_1 e.___1:.:___ -P� .,1 l ... J Al!i!'7' A/A i- /`•✓ 1't ., 7 ',w I,_ . 71 /i - r...1 -T DAHL RAMS $: HOLDEN DOCK& BULKHEADS GREGORY A & DOROTHY HOLDEN 910-842-9732 HIS NCDL 4576438 HERS 5202642 1502 STONE CHIMNEY RD SW 41 Pee SUPPLY, NC 28462 'PAY TO ill „ I $ 2D ORDER O.0:Y Giro • �- przfor W WACCAMAW , BANK �q fuz iso n� 62 ruruw.ruarcm+ bank.com GPI*„spa 03 1:053LL2LS21:8000LS75300036 L Fron:Ann Arnold Real Estate 9108426773 04/02/2008 08:11 #820 P.001/002 03/31/2008 08:16 3362360094 RD HARRISON,INC. PAGE 02/02 FROM : BB PHONE NO, : 910 842 6954 Feb. 07 Nee 03:22PM Pt' +wu Os�+ s4 p. l' .' • • , • , 11VISION of CCAST,AI. 4A AgaEMN1' Al3jAcTazzipARIANnaZEIVa oW NQTI�rtCA TC�\/t A Qg • '. Name oflndi:-idnnl Applying rot Park _ L7' ff dA. , Address Of Property: G t. _ "-r- - !. (Lot or Slfeet k,Street.-ST n.zd) . ' - . / pT i i�� PI 1 C G� (City and County) . I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to The above referenced property.The ' individual applying for this permit has described to me as Shown on the atteobcd drawing the development they are propoxing.A description or drawing,with dimensions,sbonid be provided with:his letter. • ' 16r,, • I F,awe ro objections to this proposal. • If you have objections to what Is being proposed,please call Debbie Wilson with the Divislou of Coastal M nagemet t,127 Cardinal Drive,Extension,Wilzningtoa,NC 28405 or call 910-795-7215 within 10 days of the receipt of this notice.No response its considered the same as nu objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION . • I understand that a pier,dock,moorings t flings.breakwater,boat house or boat lift roust be sat back a minimum distance of 1 i' from my area of riparian aeeeas-unless waived by me.(If you w-tsb ro waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate • blank below.) ,/ �4.1L I do wish to waive.he 15* setback requirentert. . �_____, I do�ot wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. • .....sbr {gc Name Dote A i,7 u�crdtie o.,i jtN_,P_ . . Print Cif tD 6-1 ... 4� / 04/21/2008 08:02 3387380094 - KU HAWK I5U 1.INl.:. r'/wi Ipr 20 08 07: 34p Greg Holden 8429806 p• 1 AU6483--2087 2Q:02 Fran: Ts_8429986 A du11'OS Hods Caere.Deparlmodd EnOvat nevi sod Milord Reev es Oldski d M msit ' WWI FA EliRM.daeilnr. 411.14 N elm, desaer MMo.G Auftierized Agent Consent Agreement U (-co). 4-10 e. is hereby euma�d 10r act a in order °Mein 1 CA or bt me Wed below. The a illio1laMion(s b sew permit(s)�� vfevah► specific adliMies deactibed in die aRleohed eloeloh. LOCATION OF PROJECT: alp otimat mama ADDRESS; i c#s_ Toss / .RA_ i7.",,,64, ,, 9J'C. Q.1 ,E•_ PHONE NO '�'� AUTHORIZED MOST MAILINGWORMS: I S0 Z S-loltt .(JAI/1oe y .� . -- ' ee y. Yl 9 3 q 42-- PHONE No. °J 10 t 9 25 7 5 • : BB PHONE NO. : 910 842 6954 Apr. 23 2008 11:15AM P1 dd Uti Ud s mop Ur•er, flUJ JV I %.! II- LIAJu I. , F+Oti . EP PrO'E NC, - 9:q 8d2 8554 Feb. 27 2008 C13:21PM P2 . , ..r p. . 64)A ,v'rR7PA IA.'�.'' . i }•c\°_Z,I P NOT c iw.dZI QR,N1 ny Name ofJ ifi.4►dde Ap7-'}ing.tor? ri"i:. � Addtegs of Propery; It Z •� (Lot or Street , St?eet radl -' 'u v tJ,c1L (c17,,=CI cOagy) t hey certify tctti;*Mt,roperty adjacent ;o ate 4'a0`-e,-referenced property.Thc apply!.c4 for Ws prrinit has eescrib40 ro ;heron on the atMo:)od crn vn,g Litee-eve,lOpl irit they We propaime.A de3ser pliC t-fir Grow ta.with dirnenrioas,should • br provided witr74.4:otter, is c r b of iectione t0 b:e Drcposai, 11 you hevis otJertiona to wbat f being proposed,please tali DeeLpic VFiheon with the • Division of Coestal Man a;ereent,127 Carstia,i Drive Eatebsion.Wilmiingbm,NC 2$406 Or tali i0-7445-7'.$witt“e 107 days of:he receipt of toes notice,NO response is considered the sane es no en.lecr;on:f you hact Else° untUllxl by Certified Meil. W..Uvk:it SLCT1Cr - - - uzdrroau I that a pier,BA64. moorinZs;Wcg breakwater,boat bo»ae or boat lift must be set back a Ininitnueta distance of. !fam:tlt'ere o:ripetri9.se totes_unlace waived by tree.,'1f ruv wfsii to waive ate setback,you must initial the appropria c bIanJ:below:: I/ 1 do Vliers to waive the 1 S' setback root.reraort. :Jp.nor,wish to waive the 15'ss63C c rcquite.naes:. ?rim .- releg;o;;c ;raxr With Area Cade J v yb 1.114r61111g4/. ---- ...... , .:1•2 \" � \ J \ .0 1, .,, . , 3 ,...,, 11/4 , ky, ,\ , 2- , _ , c) ___..., , ___ ,, \„ / ,.. ,� -k - -- , nj Q.)J_� ` ► 1- `/ (NI r4 r;1 ----). y 1