HomeMy WebLinkAbout38539D - Hager ]CAMA/ I]DREDGE & FILL 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# - - New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued )rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources / i -, Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to ISA NCAC /-7 L r- • � C'CJ ❑Rules attached. nt Name 1 LL c I r P N� ?'} ECG.. Project Location: County 1:4>F-u r.►CAL..) i C s (`li I I (so McD r-T - 1.?' 71 Gs f 0 r N I _ Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) OrtNEt_.I U5 State NC—ZIP ?X° 3( 3d INI Lr. . ;- , #(`l I b) c `f b -(oS ID Fax#( o y' 3c, r — (A-9'5 f'subdivision ,.._.-- #zed Agent &14-t- t C-D City OCR P N ISLE I /k C t ZIP -' '' d ❑CW CJf�- ,PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin C OEA L]HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A ❑ PwS: ❑FC: Adj.Wtr. Body M P N /14�1)G C P. P `-•(nat yes PNA yes /� Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body f t o'11iS 4 NLT of Project/Activity L'w A Gt(( L e c4 ( r (Scale: N Jock)length ,_' rm s t I Eriummommeomitp..„}- "i�' -pier(s) i I length F ( �3 o� number -� �' y/n G tf 1 i - Y -- ead/Riprap length 1 ,� I 1111 an distance offshore I r i ENE max distance offshore j. IF channel Pi . p i i iiir I ' i _I II L I. • . - I :u icyards _i s, , I Iw I ._ amp j { 0 otl X3 I f'L ,ifMI 1 '- . . j I Bulldozing I j } f } I ' f -r - f line Length T • -t ■ ■■�ii .. .....I ...1 ' ' � 46 i ��(. ....._•_.__._l._. ■ ■■■ ■■U■ not sure yes y 1 i not sure yes I I � i -�---� . ,t��- .w �...��__ ,■ � ! ags: �I �►� '' ■■ - mil !_ orium: n/a yes �■■ .. 1 `+.. i y. • V ri.� ,....._ um s: yes M■ r Attached: 41:110o i l I a ding permit may be required by: O c.€46,1J (S L4 . n See note on back regarding River Basin /.• • IL J:r:�..� D` ER HOLDEN DOCK&BULKHEADS _ 3095 GREGORY A & DOROTHY HOLDEN 910-842-9732 HIS NCDL 4576438 HERS 5202642 ��� © vvv� 66 t2t5/e I 1502 STONE CHIMNEY RD SW ( SUPPLY,NC 28462 NJ:J. D ai\ti-2_ 1 $ 00. rizo iiii,ly..._J_ Dr) -...J Pcikes n ';::atz. WACCAMAW -�BANK G G pa.3Z53`3 i i , Su pt4 NC 28462 z.ruruw.wacantax ank.comt 5,1 An 7� .- For ( ---- -.- / 1:053 L L 2 L5 211:8000 L575301160309 , WILDUFE PORTRAITS.WP m(.'In.ke gnrerl[an G9m ov( 0 C (P9tv„ \I/4' ko 0,41 rn 0 �4 13 08 05: 33p Michelle Hager 828-478-5052 p. i-03-2B8T wow From: To_8429 6 AMIN' Raft* North CaroLne Dep&Amentof Erwinnment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Ilanapsmset was F. Easley.Governor -Arm0.Grown.Director William G Authorized Agent Consent Agreement tic p n t/d C 73(k I f c d S is hereby authorbod to act a ovisaussmaciono 1 order to obtain any CAMA pen (e)required for the property liieted below. The authorization is :pacific activities described in the attached sketch. =A M OF PROJECT: V r 1 jYl 1 n ` tin 5t iee-E- OC, n_T. 1 , _Noc±b Carol_ nc,TT' rIa05Y)f�s� � PROPERTY dIMNER MA1LWIG ADDRESS: _f anct—L flajer .G 1 ILLOsliq5, NC, 2X4.5/ pHonE Pao_ tYLeii..‘3 AUTHORIZED AGENT MAaUNG ADDRESS: ,se)+OnC C hlm[1e i 1 c _ `W . i. .. C 2X41i2) PHONE NO. I1)-j5' 10 e,5 1 13 08 05: 33p Michelle Hager 828-478-5052 P• 2 1V-09L70rA �-U. -CYJCbI AV- rrV01- CEg'iTinED MAIL •RE'ti'tJ_R -REc1'R-RQJJ $1 FD piv)SIQN OF COAST MANAGEMENT AD1e,CENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNS,b4'I'IFJCA NLWeivERFORM The purpose of this form is to provide proper notice to you as an adjacent riparian property owner to the individual or individuals listed below, The CAMA General Permit application procedures require that applicants provide the Divisit Coastal Management confirmation that a written statement has been obtained signed by the adjacent riparian property c indicating that they have no objection to die proposed work of dint the adjacent riparian property owners have been no by certified mail of the proposed work. Often these foams are submitted to die adjacent riparian property owners by n r contractor or other individuals acting as an authorized agent on behalf of the applicant. This form was sent to you by the following Individual or company designated by the applicant as an authorized amok: -�rlrinr);' 1'r k'c +7? u K Necad: ((( j L ideri Authorized Agent's Signature Date Name of individual Applying For Permit:, t<< ( A XI rtrl Yi.c4 Y1 trie Ct jer- Address of Property �1)Is 1 (Lot or Street 1t, (�I'or Road) (City and County) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced property. The individual applying for tfi has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing A description or with dimensions,should be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal, If you hove objections ro what Is being proposed, please write the Divislun of Coastal yianagen Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington.NC 28405 or ca11910.796-7215 within 10 days of receipt of Ili No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock. mooring pilings. breakwater. boat house or bout 11R must be a minimum distance of IS' from my area of riparian access- wilds waived by mc. (If you wish to setback,you mast initial the appropriate blank below.) ll I I do wish to waive the iS setback requirement. / t ran nnr wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. 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