HomeMy WebLinkAbout50328D - Howey ❑CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL t. GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# t'New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued iorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources `` Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 2) 1' 2 4� tl "� •Rules attached. int Name[a'9^i 1)( .1- Ci�✓ e,,y- Project Location: Count f y.v S w,c 'is t 0. 6S O aC y 2 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 73 i Je 77On'20 stated C ZIP X/// 6CP4.s 4' C.val, #(7Qy) `'?) -2264 Fax#( ) Subdivision /� ized Agent Lnn,9 /-.))i///,c�+.✓ City()ce - 7-SL 9 f Ate-. ZIP 22 7, d ❑cw O EW E3 PTA BIS ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River B in Z.ydai ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA LI N/A / I: Adj.Wtr. Bod)0L4� ,tee' Ce2 ec nat ❑ PWS: ❑FC: Q yes no , PNA y j .. Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body �'/ /G✓/� of Project/Activity( PoPL i9 c ' SA..-5 PR [/A 7y? / I c A 1•,•> �G c-le) dock)length? Y 'L>e/ , 62.4 i''gp 16 'x'J ' (SCa / < rm(s)/)4 'S'I,-7 12 IX,YI" pier(s) length I j number 1 --• 0 t id .50 d L f (i .! e k '".�"`- ead/Riprap length ! l j avg distance offshore j I max distance offshore Nei channel G doll Y cubic yards -amp --' I Ij 1 ouse/Boatlift 1 L l 'Bulldozing _..-- `I` I — � LUe ,/ 1 I - . . S I4. ,X , 1 -,• f li' S line Length b Y1'1- if-i( --- A ( t Ir:i •fir nt`a=�..r-7.N�-:i,,r -��1 z r not sure yes _,.r r �5 _ -�..rw Y.��F_ �,.�_ :�.�am_ am � _ �.-..�.=-.. .,— ags: not sure yes � _ I I i :orium: n/a yes S i f s. yes C ...-._ � r a PA,�...ri y d - - r 1...--- :rAttached��� no ding permit may be required by: ('(Pe,- J L P Q/A9c ,4 • n See note on back regarding River Basin ,- . . _ .... c-r,a,,- - AI- -,-- _._ _/ - / - 1 - - —/ - i ate.iViIL,L jtjJ- V 0620007752 0 PH.754-9345 "' "' 5 NCDL 4319111 4299734 P.O.BOX 131,HWY.130 DATE `. ASH,NC 20 ,� E.N i- , PAY TO TI ORDER F -4-6 V.lh _,,_...,4_____________________________________1______-T z-.7-r r a, s 8 ..-÷::::4 c `I�-I,LLD1rI wc649.4 , Liectuy at.4..cowzt Shallotte C 28459 F / A rjvd, o: 253 L ? 1E130i: 06 2000 ? ? 211 500 5 06/14/2608 08:0) ylhrI:,4i.+4a ATFA �.-:- North Carolina Dint of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F,Eastey,Cavern" Chaise S.Arles,Director rbink:r„G.Ross Jr.,Sie ver Authorized Agent Consent Agreement Ladrcc 0_14i ,r is heneby authorized to act on my behslt (P ud Nam+iDl in order to obtain any LAMA perniit(s)required far the property listed below. The authorization is limited to the specific activities described in the attached sketch. LOCATION OF PROJECT. 4?)' \AWIL C)024,1%. 131_1(C1 e C PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: 42q , J\C-C727-ri-FI PHONE NO. q '-1 5- AUTHORIZED AGENT MAILItUO ADDRESS: ' PHONE NO. 5L4-- C13 Slgniture of Property Owner' Pro a ���� t (� � / e•t__r..-.•. ..s n�a>,n wwGu't Anent" ! 'l .'` ) .. _ ! r 1 L( th OF : RAYNERWEIR FAX NO. : 9125796941 Jul. :31 2008 08:18AN F1. I�M12 Ol+ CQ,STAL h'fANAG_ S Name of Ird:vidua! Applying For Permit! , Ci,�\iL _ �1`�L^-- .---� C� ._ :address of Pry e. SI Y �_ .� _ — .o:cr Street; ,Street or Road) bCtar\._115_,L_Eahir-10-N-C• Ltil c, (C:ty and County) '_ kcreb' certify that I owr; property addaerat to the above-referenced proeserr . 11',.is S.r,dividu4: spplyirit tor this permit es described to rrtz as shown on tie attached drawing tM e;ev&o a:rer.L they ere proposing. A des !piton or draw;og,with dimensions,should be pro%ideal with t€:;s ie!::!7 • �" 1 hats e no objecons to this propose. If you !hive cbjectiios io what is being, proposed, please write the Division of Coastui *en:Vement, 121 Cardinal Drive Extension, 1Vilmingtor,. NC 28.105 er car 9w0 395.3?Q.1 within 10 bays of receipt of this totic4. No response is Considered the some gs 54 objectio4 it you have been noified by Certified Mai:. WAIVER SECTION I uaderstiud that:a pier,dock.mYmorteg pilings,break-sitter,boat`' use or beat lift most be se', edk a minimum distaute of IS'from my area cf r p rion Ater unless waived by,roe. CU yot+ wish to waive tht sortack,you aru u e. yt IOU the appropriate his below.)RV V I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement. : . r.;). wish to'A z.ive the 15 seeoa:i; reoU.u.ement. i6kise_;... ile; iii:ei ; Nam!, Dote _ R lVf L la 41 .. titre', �. '? '. 11 Pint Name `1 " a 7V V.— r, 1 mi wit': ra Mt 1 attpho::e Number wi? re: Co%,kk. ...,..,.:.:+.<<:.uIPbotRu:+a,, S Aearr,s•,shel lslripariA'1property.ern JUL-30-08 13:53 FRCIA-LITAKER I'iSJRAtICE 704-375-5810 T-979 P.01/01 F-208 OVISTQp . . CQ IPrLMANAQ k:.1`I. AItcAS f'RQ` RTY+:-..:) f , iAT N( 6J Y Fmk?' Nute of Ittdiy44iwal,Appiyin4 For Pettit':i.i ...k v► . _ Add es& of Property: ...._a.d... .tea: 1 E 1 t(L We" , - ,Lot ear Street$, Street or Road) 000 ,.1T-OPC. fOIL,),) 1-'t1-t5k11 ' C:ry and Cctur,.y°) T 1 l creby certify tiv,t ; ovit, property sdjaccht to the abcve•refertn.ed pr,:verty, ,r.e ;ndiyt,1�t.1 a} saying for this pelrni:1'1;11 deseritaed to nit4%shown ort the attached drawing tt.0 4 e'ver':5rtr.er!t thM3' c.re prop sing. A deserinnori or d+ ‘vi,lg,with dimensions, should be pros ided with th 5 1e;:•r i Ole ii � l hove no objections to this proposui. T: you nave tabjewticeS a) :want is Heinz proposed, please write the nivisinri 4i Coasral Niaziagemernt. ;27 Carrlir:a, Drive ENT(=1110tI, Wilnzinytoo, NC 284O5 or c21; 91O»393.49 , within lO rays or receipt.s;i abis notica, Ne rexponse is cocsiderec °be same as no ob,jei•licci t,' :tot, ban been ,mil eci av (�rtiriere MIcl?. 1 .. WAIVER SECTION 1 underst5 ad that .. pier,ddek,rnc,oribg.pifin1s, L,rea�wtiter,boar:•,auhe•ar taaat yl.ft most ba ar; hai:a aw,,r,itrrL.tr di5.taHc4•c?IS'irt.sn m, ::rea of rip:rian 2Crci.-tit lea waived by ;ate, f1a wish to %vah4 tip., sactsack,rEo►I alum initial the appropriate bunt.` bel!iaw.) ve, 412_....w T.� .t do s ilh tt:Wuive tht 15' setback requirement. I. t;; rs%t .,viitt :,)vrive the 15 stibncic. requs;ement. , ezyz.„ 4,...„ s ( .., ,-- -# . ,.e ..____,3146), f Si 1 Ntrne He ': -11P19 . .a.... , r' 'tY'1C N 171t ,iti ker AVIA tepho:se N'u;rber wit'''. Ares, Ca_ .....--i*:RO......2-P-16--'::....P.±?t-7:::eGL-.w.....-." EN Itit ie 4..�.t NCO s. S:4c•arsyn,.she+i t slriptu•a:propi~:'ty,f n eXiC-(inch t e`11-i- ) =S40619 I it,s c 1- Q PUa rnilsu Pli-l-r 1J IN tst4A - J-Ivoi)0 c- -s-tirt ai 1 IN S I 1� Q Ii t :� Z D �Lz,�Z "'Pp5� 1 st- ,6zh )(c ) 9.� I '14/eti 8 ,itanf\ s.r=r, vojj. pa NipAirotty ; r YQ1) d, ,j,..rt—TiTc7- n, prola