HomeMy WebLinkAbout48325D - Henderson 3-CAMA/ DREDGE & FILL
3EN ERAL PERMIT Previous permit#
]New Modification [ Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued
rized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources
:oastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC /l) /2 O 0
l iatf es attached.
t Name 641/i✓,,..ri• d 1 P..•(/oZ s`,,/ Project Location: County 3j1 a,,,1 w,ek
v'• 0, �o x 3 ‘ 12 Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 53 G, 24
VI, I. M, } T„. �/ State J ZIP 2 kyo‘
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❑OEA I I HHF ❑IH L UBA F,N/A Adj.Wtr. Body ,9(. s /l c 4/ (nat ,y
❑PWS: ❑FC:
yes r�no PNA yes Ling,------ Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body Lt/Al
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not sure yes no — '` - - n2
um: n/a yes nn? I 0' t -L0 1 s 7'1 1
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attached: yes no
ig permit may be required by: i J e P,9,4 c Le. 0 P/9 A c . I See note on back regarding River Basin ri
LAKA K.MILLIGAN ,,,, ..,, os2000 ., 4 7 7 3
NCDL 4319111 4299734 "�
P.O.BOX 131„PH.754-9345 HWY.1307 t kQ DATE ( '...,OS
ASH,NC 28420 r '.
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Shallotte,NC 28459 r``
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Name of individual App►ying rot Permit: \AQ
Address of Property: 4' jTe-.c- -e' -
(Loc or Street , Street or Road).b(f_ah e
.qc/k Ef(Vr\ 11(4
!,City and County)
hereby certify that I ow property adjacent to the above-referenced property. TI-_a 'sndivid�::i
applying.for this permit has described to me as shown on the at .shed drawing the development they
are proposing. A description or drawing,whit dimensions, should be pros ided with this letter
have no obje bons to this propose. (prcS& (
p b j ex.+ a t ica1/4/8'
If voc have objections to wbec is being proposed, please write the Divlslon of Coastal
Management. 127 Cardinni Drive £Ytersion, \Viimlagrao, NC 2840$ cr toll 910-39S=390O
within 10 days or receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no ob,jecr err it
,ou have been notified by Ctirtlf:ed Mall,
I understand tbat y pier,dock. mooring pilings,breakwater,boat house or boat lift must be sat
bck a iinlroum distaste of 15' from rr„•area of ripurikn accestr=unless waived by trte. (f!vuu
wish to ' 1ve the setback. you must initlai the appropriate bi:rsk be'.ow.}
I do ish to waive the i 5 settrarx requirement.
ltautz wi to waive the 15' set'aa.k rega~s erncnt•
Sigt,Ntene Date
'IN_ C\19: .c.:_tik",1-14)
Fine Name , Ai,
121L" 3.1 3 4.14, -4.2Y2— SG (3 NCDENR
?'et•_phostt' Nu tvit Area Code
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Address drPtopary: ?L5 SL,6 6 r-LS:i_22CftL.,,,
(Lot or,$(gear A+, Street or Road)
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i t,:areby cert;fy thin 7 orir, p:-aaerty adjacent to the above-referenced property. The 1ndivieLai
ap?iytnis i er this oerrnit hat described to me as shown on the aClached dreiol"ing the devei:aproent the;:
ate proposLttg- A desoriptian or drawr►.ng,with dispersions, sheu.d be pr'o4 ided with th s letter
(CP..x. __ i hove no 5bje:tuon to this;pro�posa:. (p rgacc.., S. r�.,?ird ;
If you have nbjettioas to what IA being prepaid, please write the t) vi:Eon of Coastal
Nsatta#emeas, 117 Cardinal Drive £xtetsieD, Wit!Merge, NC 2840$ or Beall 910 39 .390a
ww;tuin 10 days oT ree1Sfst of this aottca, ?ta response is eoosidsred sae soma As act nbiectrcn U.
you trove been ootilled by Certified Melt,.
I and that a pier,dock.maorEng piling;,brrsimatrr.boat house cr bo zt ifrt must ire set
hcka aciolmum distnota of IS"from my area cf riparian acme unless waived by ma, (ifyeu
with to IvAive tilt setback.you al u.it loitill the appropriate blank below,)
1110. 1 do wish to waove :he eta. 1 S r< ck requirement.
1 , c wiet to%Naive he I Si setback tequirerrer
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SUN-29-2007 FRI 02:4E PM iINCFAIT & HENDERSON FAX NO 910 762 4470 P. 02
06/29/2007 11:14 41a7545345 MIL!IGANS DOCKS PAGE 09
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resource
Division of Coastal Iiilrtagement
Michael F.Easiey,Governor axles S. MI ,Nader WiWiiam G.Ross Jr,Sec)
Authorized Agent Consent Agreement
Lank, U (JJ hereby authorized to act on my Lelia;
in order to obtain any CAMA permit(s)requred for the property listed below. The authorization is limited to t
specific activities described in the attached sketch.
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