HomeMy WebLinkAbout52447D - Hughes 'iCAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued Dr-lied by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources '' ll Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC -4 1"[ . duce 1fl les attached. ntName_ __ ornas arid Luc la 1- U{kpS Project Location: County Nit't� ei►1LV(►� s 303 A✓i o✓ ?Gad j Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) IV Shn- Salim State Nit ZIP -4-1OH 14(1 PIlftvs Nf(k koact #(33() 74- 14 "4-Fax#( ) Subdivision FC Ur( CIcJ kr Is ia,,,a. izedAgent Piron( '%S/Liar)ty CUrtr.at -s) City \.,�JI1rii1(1C IA ZIP "Sy ❑CW DEW ,PTA ❑ES ❑PTS (9)0 )a5(i-3UVa River Basin CZ F d ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A C� � Adj.Wtr. Body M I A CI li SUh ct nat ❑ Pws: ❑Fc: Ua►�J(s C ha h 1 yes / no no PNA yes / Crit.Hab. yes / Closest Maj.Wtr. Body of Project/Activity k f I G(C+i- 41 5tl�l(.1 )(Ia.* I f+. } (Scale: I // dock)length ---_____ - I -pier(s) f guf t ( j MIDDLE 54.11) length WRAPS Al o '(�'\--'t'f--> number Pb` I1 i ead/Riprap length t avg distance offshore I\ nax distance offshore j !0 channel t 1 lil\ \\• :ubic yards amp — � 41 1 G Y1{� ouse/Boatlift f nfitQ�10 i tXun 1 - . boc,A41A, lb' -b 5outhr s4- Bulldozing — i -4b H1 yf`r hR 1 e Yil tct-it 1Z'x 13' , x.\ 1 toakt f+. ` ine Length 0� t t 11ti -it-- jnot sure yes no� � , 1 � 8�11,k ac t+�� ags: not s 1 yes no 9 — 1�� orium: n/a es no f Pry - s: ._/ no ' 1 ...or CiOgilAMAKI r Attached: yes (o) I ding permit may be required by: NQ14 Ha Y1tK✓ La Un+14 See note on back regarding River Basin V �a c 11 I o Li 1 r,fv\ J 37 F AND S MARINE CONTRACTORS, INC. P.O.BOX 868, TEL.256-3062 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH,NC 28480 d� �i �� 66- � DATE (t JI PAY jr TO THE • 12 I $c2�n� ORDER OF G et :j-W- "2 IC;17 1°41 -....". 11 It r!I DOLLARS E RBC Bank' � I Rltc'Rank(USA) / RBC. `AI V i FOR _� 5 'I - �' �y/ re '.").--.......,— j 114000 3 70 LLn' 1:0 5 3 LO08 501:0 2 7 200 5809ii' errA s'firevmwe rradaja d; fae, ICDENR P.0,Box868 of Environment and Natural Resources �c V4I^dhtMlleBeach,NC28480 Coastal Management �lo`2 n S.Jones,Director William G Ros L b/4 SikAM. - (�it) ite. !!!'�"���--- nt Consent Agreement z_.:—,/ __� O is'i is hPrPhv al ithnnwarf to nn m. in orc /� 't,,c", :he property If sted below The authorization is Itrn speci /n �'� �)LOC? �,>✓''�64S' ;filfidD �� giD / � fritm_ b,15o )14145"ft /i),, ZgY/ V PROPik4 RTY OWNER� MAILING ADDRESS: Oft, vitS jhes 303 ,M t 1 /2/t.Sftmr, 5iv1 " Ak a /!bY PHONE NO. 33 " 7I r - // 77 AUTHORIZED AG NT MAILING ADDRESS: EdF-2/$1A) 61—SM/Iltifid("<024,61445 -' -' /Qr (Ae itilaiisore LI)t.tx, J9C 28`/Bd PHONE NO qP)' a` ✓ 5tZ02- Signature of Property Owner tif,_, REC Ev El Signature of Authorized Aaent 4111AA_ rim- 1 17(111R F&S Marine Contractors, Inc. Complete Marine Construction Services For Over 32 years! CAPT.ED FLYNN f•,� DURWOC We /({�, 1 Piers,Floating Docks,Pilings,Bulkheads, "'777 h Boat Lifts,House Pilings,Repairs P.O.Box 868 Phone/Fax:(910) )oti/kit Wrightsville Beach,NC 28480 email:efly@ mil14 �3 J1 Ch5fi � LU7 I loaf F-v ,fILa4 11 �L bng y , Dar o Now,CX7in6 Boo ; PP-1, Ell _�8wck ia Oak) ` Nod VoA"lo ,'tPA(u 7 ji NI/ I y1 )01157-1114 \i} \i) N Y tii, R A N '. OCT 3 1 200: • DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION &WAIVER FORM - Name of individual applying for permit £)IL Aam"' o 5 q 4S46 Address of propey 1 i2 -f M1 i /2_e. 2' YJJ I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions should be provided with this letter of notification. Please initial below if you have no objections. gdie_ zg• 00.04, /47:-P- I have no objections to this proposal. Pr If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N. C. 28405 or call 910- 395 3900 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION iSi/g I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater,boat house,hft or sandbags must beset back a minimum of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me.(If you wish to waive the setback,you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive the 15' setback requirement ' I DO NOT wish to waive the 15' setback requirement E /e Signature &Date OCT 3 1 200 ���G O Print Name i0CM WILMiNG`( JAN-08-1988 05 08 P,81 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION &WAIVER FORM - Name of individual applying fFir permit Dit,1)100:a5 _ Address of property Lj9 Ml'tt+' . i hereby owsry that I awn property adiacent to the above referenced property. The individual espying for this pew has desalbed to ms as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing,with dimensions should be provided with this Mgr of natation- Pleaseinitial below If you have no objections. gehedeig 'is 11 Move no obteAions to this propose!. 130M La emits the Division of Coasts If you have objections to whet is beingproPa*�*pleaseM. C. or cat191ti- Management, 127 dal Drive Extension, 395:900 within 10 deys of receipt of this notice. No moonset is considered the stone NOD Oblectign2 you have been notified by Cerb8ed Mall. WAIVER SECTION A I understand that a plr. dock mooring Des,bresiwistecb0at house.lif or sandbags must beset bsdc s minimum.'�15'from my area of dpadin access the smock.you maunle Mrs#ved bymr-(E you do wish to appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive the 15 setback r'eatuilemerr - .l DO NOT wish to waive the 45 se c requirement. /0 27 a.' sigture a Data OCT 3 1 2008 p er_ 2.45.GP-,IC Pflflt Name p i , ; �u + P,i kv ' ICI _ „ _ I L I r Telephone Nub wi Area Code Map Output Page 1 c New Hanover Co., NC / F r y b 414: ' . .. it ..� ,_t 4.. •. 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