HomeMy WebLinkAbout52015D - Holding ���AMA / I DREDGE & FILL ��' GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued >rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources /, Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC rJ ,r s d Z / ❑Rules attached. it / �Name 4 /4,4 ' Project Location: County n1& ) 144 ki c. J_, /Q t 5-X- 49 s// ,� dr, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) 11/�in/43 r r A State 4e ZIP 21 y/ sl-ti.-sf rE( ) f Q Fax#( ) Subdivision S s,s/� 1‘.,, r zed-Agent _ q, qy6k @u,, L-t ,f', / City - .SCw►e • ZIP S j ❑CW D ES' DIPTA LLs-s S- ❑PTS Phone# ( ) ' .-,.i River Basin c'' ,arr Ot3A ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body f%_,/ At gM'A+<#1/w at 4 PWS: ❑FC: yes / no PNA yes / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body l4/1/�Ask74is 7' ,' ,f Project/Activity r f 7 4/0, r144", 4046,w,, i l>1,-4 P4-.1.7 4-/ ',Z:r, "/ f''-b7 .flip. (Scale: �( /I Dck)length t V n(s) IA7LL®EMINI®—. pier(s) �-1illOgaradi=ii MI i -_ engt mbehr ���� ! _4®,MEME, ad/Riprap length _ ' .`�/M► .Pr i rg distance offshore ��� lax distance offshore /O/ e." WAIII ' 2.111111111.11111111111111111 1 :hannel X/S X r2 M—■—fl t•;NIVAIIIIK® qiL 1-,ibicyards 30 ��— i -AUY _.-..1 / rnp use/Boatlift 14_ _ C111111 —■� I_MII E ' Bulldozing `g,�� M—� .AIMMIllidiffl. MIME rAGiMIE__ __.___��� 1 Luim.r .5.= 'f In - ,,....... ....7,...... _,_ _ , _IN INIMEMEi ni ne Length gt .... IIMM=Noffunaimr __.. not sure yes no • U= II gs: not sure yes no 1.11.111111111111 RIM >rium: n/a yes no IIIMME=ea1 -1111111—®_ yes no ffiilili=11MMIE ' Attached: yes no ling permit may be required by: ,v /9 17 See note on back regarding River Basin 13-3 0 W 2p.L. "t: 03 IC i o ` -s3 � v E 0 NET 0 • :K]M-WRTTERS FAX NO. :910-686-1170 Feb. 19 2028 04:07PM P1 i Coastal Earthworks, Inc. 1955 MIDDLE SOUND LOOP ROAD PHONE (910) 686-7555 W1LMit4GTOK , NC 28411 DATE 2- 1 TO a ,,..\Q-1 r 5 _ -- FAX # 5 FROM: TOM WATTERS FAX#(910)686-1170 PAGES WITH COVER 2- RE: A3_e.i..►f C.670,5 • PLEASE CALL IF ANY PROBLEMS OR ERRORS WITH RECEIVING THIS FAX_ ThANKS TOM WAITERS 7h1 :K]M-WATTERS FAX NO. :910-68E-1170 Feb. 19 2008 04:08PM P2 Fgb 19'C8 0311c Robert Holding 910.509-9460 Al FROM rK1`1-411111ERs Fox ►47. =91 -686-117e web. 19 28 0:3=41P1 P1. A NR _ North Carolina Department of Znvircntrent ono N3tvai Resources Division of coastal Management • Wiwi F.Easlry,Governer • - aweX GregeOn.Di-ector William G.Ras Jr.,Smellry. Authorized Agent Consent Agreement • tYI,Yl ,crs size-'sbyawed to act an my behalf in order to ot;fain ariy LAMA permst(s)re aired for 61e property;sled belcw. The authorization is limited :o the specific activities described in the attoch,3ct sketch. " • - LOCATION OF PROJECT: • s ,4 ;:. • • ' PROPERTY OWNER'MAILING ADDRESS. . kr/ er P •t o L 0 G • ;(3i�.i. ! PHONE No.• ? 6 � P U AUTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: • • • • I�/Inr 2..•#i U • 0 PF{ON NO. qt -65S-7S6-5 Signature of Property owner. ! G • Signature of AL-tnorized Agent _ • taste: - I 1Z7 caar x ems Exi_.`Nihting�,,,Mort Ci@e aa ZS45 Phone: Br0.7967215kf17t atn!tax1adi1, •. .ems ....____�.�__--- . FACSIMILE SHORE ACRES COMPANY 407 EAST PERRY STREET SAVANNAH, GEORGIA 31401 January 21, 2008 Coastal Earthworks, Inc • 1955 Middle Sound Loop Road Wilmington, NC 28411 ax Number: 910168C-1170 Re. Spoil Deposit Bob Hoiding Boa. Si.p Permission is grar ed for the abo.,e referer ;eo projec`_. See the attached letter regarding new procedures. Snc � y Lka rencl-3 t e President SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPI.fTt THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete ignature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. = 0 Agent • Print your name and address on the reverse �� / 0 Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) Cate o flivery • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, / y`�+ or on the front if space permits. CP 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No Cd0O-CAC.\ C�0.; \ t )e\cr€s Frcrn:910 256 0012 01/08!2008 10:47 #04 P.001 t0M =r:7M-1 1'TERS rR: Jar. 07 cPQF 11:56RM P1 DPSlON O_La 7AC T OW" NO FI ATI N/WA.I=EQ.EL Name of Individual Applying For Permit: aajkj �����,,, 'A T - TtiVri �aE ) Address of Property: i (Lct or Street#, Street or Ra<.. ; (City a::c county) I hereby cer f that I own property adjacent to the above-referenced property. The individual aGp k for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they uc proposing. A description or drawing,with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. /<CS' ,I-have no objections to this propnsai. if you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management, 121 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmiab op, NC 28405 or call 91.0-796-1115 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is aonsiderel the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Maii. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier,dock,mooring Pilings,breakwater,boat house or boat lift must be set bck a minimurn distance of 15' from cn) area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must inrial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to 'a:N; ;he I:' sct.'-ack rcquue:ncnt. I (IQ wish to viaiv a the 15' setback reouireme!:c.. gn Nerr,- Date 134.k204)S C• ..S""),41'744 Print Name Agrpli • C 5 111 eh O t 1 6- 4 —- f� 4 7, -- / , _ A Sri 1 , .., ____ p 3 i . -ri I 1 , 6- ip 1 7.2.- -0 i 0 , ,, i LP lie*/ 1 tf,‘ \ - -Art- Fe_ _s) \ aria J 1 I G \ • 0 • r F 'F's e q F-v S 'pock- \ _ _ MARINE DREDGING • PERMITTING • SITEWORK•' iselMS Viewer rage 1 or i -... • .. . ''..i,' ...:i. •,..,. *iii.,:•,;', _ .:•-, ._,. iii. - ...r., -_......, . le,tee , . . . . . , 1, . , . ...., . ad,„. , . ,.,_ ,..„. ...,. ...... _ .. ,. • • ..,, -•e- . - .rc1MS Viewer rage I or I • 411F L . .3 !- .‘: ittLa � Rr ..„, . . . . a �, - • + ,„ . . ..., s I • .. ' , ,�. w), ,may _ - ' t it t''' J.". -- , 4.,_.. ,. ..: . , _ . .... ..,.. ..., ,,,,, .., 3 -. , . .. r 1.c� _ $fit'dry. az m -. 1 ty Milli, { . , N. . .,-.11%, . . . .... ir . ,, .. „._-,-: t. , ---____.... , -,,,, - V t ii. r :t im r-a1r3:t 7.'1 i•ZO7 h