HomeMy WebLinkAbout52037D - Greczyn 3CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL 3ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# Mew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued >rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC "7 y a /ZA9 / / / El Rules attached. 1t Name Z f-,h Cr e r` t/r, LO/11,9t'2 I LI() Project Location: County '.444 Yj /2? 1e$.,•, r 4- ph l/• Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Ale,,,-Isis Y//4.' Ike, State ask'' ZIP Z$ /./ge 5a.,, #( 9/p) 25{. .W2. Fax#( ) Subdivision r ized Agent .e. F-4,n, City SC st ZIP 7g ❑CW CAW LI PTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) se2 i River BasinrG/ d ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑ ❑UBA N/An • Adj.Wtr. Body /,'7 (41-ks tS (nat ❑PWS: ❑FC: yes /6 PNA yes / n0 Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body r'rt,/✓///€ .. . of Project/Activity ll Tks 1 114 "rtp,., .n �1 i• 640,r /'f f i / fl,if., m..,yy &/S 7`/y S'/�. ,/ r 4'/( -,k-, 1/ ) /9 47` (Scale: �/ dock)length / 'V i , I rm(s) *4-*- II, I piers) t;'i a.. -.e i' _ ..%. 1:I s'r4 iIi. �, length 14., /x1H,H.).,lp-1, number � -/ rd,- Lri di ead/Riprap length o i II . , ii ' i avg distance offshore max distance offshore I channel PFPF7 ii .. ` C 1 •O./ ji cubic yards l , I -amp ouse/ oatlift 1 13 r i/iet I Bulldozing 4 tile/5 /~J SS / t� C 1 1 l i r I I / tr7 � 4 #� line Length" J/ i not sure yes , o) 1? ? /�f(�J`C`f`M ti .,. P " f — ags: not sure yes I 1 -a— f—.. { j orium: n/a yes l ie 1 t I. s: yes I ! '/t/' r Attached: yes no t I dingpermit maybe required by: /j 9 (/I/Y �6 �"1'��f 1��� • I See note on back regarding River Basin -,e.,,..:..i r.,..a:«:,..,� 1) ,_/_. 1 /J rn.,.. — I 35981 F AND S MARINE CONTRACTORS, INC. P.O.BOX 868, TEL.256-3062 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH,NC 28480 �/J/y, � f� 66-85/531 i DATE3 /Y Ni U 0 del F mystic," itt °CYO — 1 RBC DOLLARS U r E 1 R Centura Ban 1 / Wrightsville Beach,NC 480 e%l/ 4. CILec77K/ i eleih, /6-p 507Vg i ,� 3 5 98 iv • : .�5 1,008 501.0 2 7 200 580 911 IP OU.°o F&S Marine Contractors, Inc. Complete Marine Construction Service For Over 27 Years pi L<y 1)/// &p Zl Ilk) CAPT. ED FLYNN ,' - DURWOOD C Piers, Floating Docks, Pilings, Bulkhead! ry�e Boat Lifts, House Pilings, Repairs P.O. Box 868 Phone/Fax: (910) 2! Wrightsville Beach,N.C.28480 email:eflyre?n 043 La 111?1)1 ti FAVit 13611 5Uf ft()Dss►ar 0'4°6 0 6 viicf,, . fo D b 0 P o O arisij 0 C t litg 0 'i 201 Buis b c b 0 0 • R41:01L ' .--1 (/) eoi''' ` i51N14 1 Pi DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY-OWNER NOTIFICATION&WAIVER Fmk Name of individual ' for gdi 4a � Lo14 a�P L C� - verrr� � � r Address of property, �070 l/ ' �[✓ Isu i Jf2 1 hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the-attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions should be provided with this letter of notification. Please initial helow.II you have no objections. Ave B GJ-Pr1 izz o. I have no objections to this proposal. r )9/144;u, If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal Management, 127 Cardinal Orive Extension, Wilmington, N. C. 28405 or call 910- within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the ?`i "7 same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. r i WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pifings, breakwater,boat house,ff or sandbags must be set back a minimum of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me.(If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate Wank below.) I DO wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I DO NOT wish to waive the 15' setback requirement Signature & Date DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION &WAIVER FORM Name of individual applying for rmit �U a 4Q-<<2 x1 �f U 1 Z L C PPIY n9,,QQ Pe Address of property /2(2 tL k £/11 %/, u 5 J / /16 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. Thy individual applying for this permit has described to me asshown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions should be provided with this letter of notification. Please initial below if you have no objections. Ave B `„ i I have no objections to this proposal. DCG p,st/Z, if you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coast Management, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N. C. 28405 or call 910- within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the 9' "7.26 same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater,boat house,iift or sandbags must be set back a minimum of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by rne.(If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) • I DO wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. C-> fAr I DO NOT wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. Cat. .4,24—:z2j1A44(71))9S gn;ure & Date f �� _. .._-- • NCfENR • North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources • • Division of Coastal_Manage ent Idlichae Easley Governor? Charles-S.Jones,Director -• Alliam G.floss Jr-;.eor Authorized Agent Consent Agreement - • ._.is.hP[P.hv"a,►tlSnri�prt to am a,n mA�t?ahn `(Pnnred Naive•o/AgenTy in::o f:40:14bta -aft cAMA permit(s)required for• thepr-operty:listed below.• �t a hor anon is�limited to : Ilittl S SL'Frtx i in the attachred sketch i t LOCAT N Off•PROJECt. . - • • _ =!+' • fga / ire+ VA,Licisatig Beal . . . ,_,.• _.___ _._ , ' ..;;! • • PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: U/gg I//J 23 - l I.I 2bliiu PHONE NO. IlD--aS( 3D6.2( ) AUTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS. 611 rlyo 0., Itsina 4/11:1)74rwl6A.) p, D,goygge • . . . 28YI PHONE NO. 916-� , '.�- - h Signature of Property Owner. �0/ /0- Signature of Authorized Agent: _ _ 0 14 08 08: 07p executive 919-481 -9099 p. 1 • AT7.ICA • • . . NCDENR • North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources . Divisionof Coasta!-Management - - • - Mchaer.F:Ea51ey'Governor' • . - Charles.S..Jones,Director . \Mlliarn G..f ss Jr.;Secretary.. Authorized Agent Consent Agreement C - l. . ....__;.....,.......,_• _ sbecebv arithfr pri tork•nr srnu i ohalf _ , .,.—( pled Name'oFAent) - •' .'. - in order to obtain any CAMA-permit(s) required for the propertsastecIbelowf The:authorization isaimited to the-;- specific',aotivitiess described in the attached sketch LOCATION;OF-PROJECT: : . •• • • • jot: . A big, . 444,2041-3Ehtg, gial iv.c, . . . - : , :;- ..7.. 1'. ;.,:: ; ..:.....:t.`.: :,. :!....-: PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: 01,-;: �, `ems.` it 011l % J LC / /{ ti2,-as -3D ) `) U����ISOI!' ,(�' J /� Z�y�'} PHONE NO. , AUTHORIZED}AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: 6-14/rZyfii st)( 1: PPS eilltitilir1116,<2...) fill Di6,4g 25(igo PHONE NO. __ 1, E'J '__ '' Signature of Property Owner. LO! c `-LC "R J Gizczq yreo Signature of Authorized Agent: 1 --._. nil (A°ri. 1-vo\P