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CAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL bENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# tNew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued orized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources �1 Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC �/7 , /�d d Jl Rules attached. nt Name P • £i• rO)< Project Location: County/e'-I) fit✓z--zC s I g 2 5 ST. 11q 2 y$ Sr; Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) /y ,// 2 At C(6 ( . # o Stated( ZIP ;2'7o48' 72 7) #'(:, )tr;3 3 - ' k54 Fax#`(/f )957.- je Ze Subdivision C/6-a!deg il,'117" 7 ',i I ized Agent City 0/«A"//<Tc)/V ZIP Zg5 d ❑CW fii EW E PTA .N,ES El Phone# ( )5 �F r River Basin2/¢/ ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body4/(PPeF s01,//i(0 ;n ❑PWS: ❑FC: yes / no PNA yes / no Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body S 71-/4-TL<J ) / A Project/Activity_(>1./Si (C f ?'_2, Sae e/7) 61Dz..e),17el D /' , S L e116%Lt P (Scaler ock)length m s / / I pier(s) 1, t r I.'F Ic I I length SE i EC umber 1� V I 14+7 :ad/Riprap length cz/ b 4� ( I LL _ vg distance offshore �; t_ lax distance offshore 0• �// I , : channel I I , : ubic yards T)N t 7 A NGE". r"cl. i i — — — --- >use/Boatlift Ssj Bulldozing l — — 4- / G 6 D ___ _ t sus*4 `$1:-. '-'., ine LengthA /Gb ' /` i lAitio� not sure yes I NAG j igs: not sure yes n .g u L.lL Nf,p E 1 i ,rium: n/a yes j Yes i } /j//�D� f: �OuNJ Attached: yes l i Jing permit may be required by:/d(Gt/Wit/fk'/ Ce- . See note on back regarding River Basin • October 8,2008 To: Steve Everhart Fax: (910) 395-3964 Mr.Everhart, I am sending you a check for S200 by mail made out to DENR. I will await your CAMA permit so 1 can submit it to Figure 8 for approval. P.G. Fox 1825 St.Mary's St. Raleigh,NC 27608 Tel: (919) 833-9850 Fax: (919)954-3828 3 pages attached 10-03-02; '0:27AM; 4 STATEMENT FOR LAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to I • G ..d x 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at 1 7 R r e - 7 e k' t e/c c.I B I?) . eC ?i"1, is? i e ff Address,Lot, Block,Road,etc.) an ha9e$o l Bcaz !k5 Cjorne1,in I/ i# a $.�S41.1cl _,N.C. /(Waterbody) Gown and/or County) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(s),the development he is proposing at that location,and,I have no objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) 5 aL1//� Ljoi' ig ture icY0P P g°III) Tint or Type Name Telephone Number /el — L—o Date tn-n;-Cp; 'C:2?AM; STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to , • lam' X _. 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at 1 !/�J e r cJc. �O�i k B ?4'^e Address,Lot,Block,Road,etc.) on f+ald4 n to; Bgx Cl dy,, e1, in 1i rre S 414el ,N.C. (Waterbody) (flown and/or County) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(s),the development he is proposing at that location,and,I have no objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED/ -4/Cz--12???/' Si re ;Kt Or 11141e,r Print or Type Name 4N404.0g6 Teleph ne Number Date 10-09-0E; '0'.27AM; # 4, ... , ,Ittrifilitiiitil.. .. . ir.,. � , ;:k.t �r • V4��n • y �.tr „...,... : , , r 0 Irtt at • 1 r . , ... 1. ' i .,. r t . ,.., . ,a,4-ii. ,64,fri . : 4" LkY y. - .fir I.Y' „. 4,, vr'4Y1` 1 14 t • e• i 4 /5 ` ,. •,a 1 "M. ' :, .. y;A ; '5,, y 1k. ' "'..."ram,, 4 :w .i' ,.,,,1,01.,1 1:0,...4,6p.t,t. ' . ' wit.Pir----".''''!%,-".•'r:*-7%: i:5;0;?,..1',.6ii4 ....., •,'.$‘:i.'•*i.,1,'-t''"?'•'••.fr 4 4 • .. . r , 13 ,..7=';..,:;;..4*.4.-"::,0.2,,.;,-,,,, :,...,....k,i;. ;.,..-,s.N.:7,..70...,._,Le.A.,!,. ; ..i •i, irN" . Image it,2008 Nevi.Hanvvef County NC u i Oa4 Tele A'Idn (.. E 34•14'59 62^N 77 45'52 94'A' elev 0 m Eye all 106m 1 i.A. L.,1 �i�il �6' Alf vlf?(,lr"4'TLV 1/ /4p( 5I&z �- - .4.„,,•. • --404,, **.. .. .... r—. : , , sy—tf I. ala . •$, 4 * ili i frItAill -Ck- a; tillii ,k, 0 lip . I raiski wa 04 Ill ‘44 -,,-- 1 •4 .41/ 0 fies ,, / ;114* t gth ' • ...., . 14.1.1* ‘, s7- .. 411Ir 1t t • .:404 ,,,,e' "r••• A. -• e .., . . , ..... * ' • — — — — f .•N .'014' 111 r 0,00.' i6t,110P9lin'' 1 '! iviiP , .' 4•064- .. . rir a 1 ja 0-- ' • - # _j', ,' .14 . -,... mi• w 6 Image 49 2008 Now Hanover County, NC . ...: t e'Or GOOg to 2008 Tete Atlas 500 Or N 77°45'52,74*VV elev 0 m Eye at 139 rn t . / gi?&S. 4/8-69) State of North Carolina • Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: 1O/CAS No. Of Pages: (excluding cover) E To: KG F°> From: 6-iie he_t 17 T CO: CO: Division of Coastal Management FAX# 9/9 9sy— 3 g"ZV FAX#: 910-395-3964 REMARKS: 'C C /(GA) /46417) k K 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,N.C.284053845 Telephone(910)796-7215 Fax(910)3953964 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer SCAMA/ Li DREDGE & FILL N•° t GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New LjModification El Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued Prized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC r7/7 , //6 0 , is4 Rules attached. ,,-. nt Name P - C.e—. re,:,X Project Location: County iiti ..) /-1--x-itie 1E i 12., S'T. iiikq 5 -r--, Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) /9 (6 t-f- ,&) i a 17/A State Ad(:.1 ZIP -- -440.,/ /2-p. 66( ) es -“z4,-3e Fax#v;.6,9) 9r,6- ---3, c?,Zi3 Subdivision 7fi zed Agent City te.)IL/1//4/670t1/ ZIP 01:; E CW X,EW APTA As El PTS Phone# ( )547f r River Basin d E OEA E HHF 0 IH O UBA 0 N/A Adj.Wtr. Body,477ppee III PWS I:FC: ,3 Closest Maj.Wtr. Body <"--,•45117.774-7-Li.Jtc), no PNA / no Crit.Hab. yes / no A Project/Activity (Scale:el / lock)length i INEORIMISIMIE i 1 E ! EEMINIESEIEENIIIE m(s) MIN06741111EliERE , I ME IIIMENIE i 1 pier(s) llillrnAlllEft. ?II( MEENWIEMIMMIE ' AllEENEMESIMEIRWAMEEENIEEENIEE , ' : length EIMEEIPRICAMENIENNISINEMINNINIMIIIENNIEEEEMEINIMIE lumber NE .1111M. 1•111111111MIKEIMIWAEIMINNIIIMIEE.11 P RiPraP length 420/ EIMIEUMWEINEENNIMMINIFIZIENENNIEMINEEINMEEMMEE111 mg distance offshore 0' .11=1111111ErlialliErillIM nax distance offshore 0, MIMI 11.0101.11111111111111b.. Ma UM Mill...111111111111EllEEINIENIEMEEEMEEEIMENEE1111111 channel , ill mlimuniama 1 ' it, . Aligingi=immommimmil ; - :ubic yards . ,--- I I AllitYMMEME11111NLIIIN am p ammotwiwamommommumerzmo IN IMEMME211111111 ouse/Boatlift InallikTAKIIMPIIIIIIIIIM Bulldozing IINFIF • IJIMEININEMMIll ii‘glitrillIMIIM • 111 F.7 rii=I ri:1111 fl"I.im Nim so i a ma il 1 -..... - ' iii'‘Itr-vr-Etzemr-__: ..wmia . i,k....v,d• - ---, 0. _.nommamilinININIIIIMIIIMINIM -A" 4, 111161VAlmesivi.- - .. ....... . line Length 0`.' /6-4', iiiairilli=1111117111111111 , i 7 not sure yes 6 Imo i ,ags: not sure yes r::)-, : .7.(. 711—1 EIMMNVIIIIIIIMI=111 :orium: n/a yes n ' 11111.11111111111MMINIMMENIMEMINNIMMINIMMINII is: yes r° ' ' 1 ' 9111111=1Easa'll==i-- n-Attached: yes 4 ii-.i,,,, [ding permit may be required by: Alz.c.,fri7ii,:t /CIL ce,', . El See note on back regarding River Basir State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F.Easley,Governor William G.Ross Jr.,Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: /4�'/O No.Of Pages:(excluding cover) To: r'6 Foy From: SIN CO: CO: Division of Coastal Management FAX#9/9 ?6-Y—3.z FAX#:910.395.3964 REMARKS: P( r/K-F (GAS X / C Ali j /1',z',, re) ee S 127 Cardinal Drive E:be.lon,WIhttlplon,N.C.MOMS TN.phone(910)795.7219 FIX(910)39.399/ An Naul Opportunity ANhnudhr•Mon Employer [ r•O l sq.Tn sal WOE ULS epoy ..t0,TO auTI pesdw[r f1H,L WdOS:TO 800Z-60—ZOO awT q.1 ! abE, 8Z8EVS66T6T6 J nN/awEt • awEN : JactwnN xE,3 AHZ Wd IS:I0 800z-60-ZD0 gaodaH uoT au,zT;uo3 abessee 10-10-002;09:27AM; 4 , DUKE RALEIGH HOSPITAL 3400 WAKE FOREST ROAD RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27609 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Confidentiality Notice: This fax message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the Intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply fax and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you. TO: NAME: 5.---.1.6J G /tJ rY�G✓ FACILITY/OFFICE:--PL. ✓•S% O et D A.) 4 S+5 / inC4 H4 /i. 6.1±- Lif PHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: TI 0 395- 3y6 9 --- FROM: NAME Alice Hart /f ' roy DATE/TIME /0// 15/o DEPARTMENT Medical Staff Setvlces PHONE NUMBER 909 954-3106 FAX NUMBER 919 954-3828 NO. OF PAGES (including this cover letter) DOCUMENTS SENT: e"c, /7;./ p e. T `r - 10-10-0e;09:27AM; m ' 111VAMA/ ❑DREDGE &FILL N? 5 2 4, GENERAL. PERMIT Previous parmk# ow in Modification L�Coii pieta Reissue QPartlal Italasue Date previous permit Issued. authorized by the Stara or North Carolina,Department of envtronrno'It and Natural Resources ,.r, d the Coastal Resources Commis:ion In an aroa of environmental concern pursuant to I SA N AC ' /t . l>'C�Q Heant.Name•„P 4_0' g-f-Al tlattached, " p — __.__.:. _.__...., Project Location: County_N �� f{ e7 1/ C drou !g ZS. �T•,../ , �!S,Art Strout Address/Sate Road/Let#(s) ` ) y:�'° i4 (l - J . state► .„ZIP di._ 'IO A n. may .., otli. (1c )•A'2:3'.z Fast 0( )_-_'•f-. $ $ Subdlvlseon,rbCt r h e 'lei P .Z...C/�`/Z thoilzad A_ent -- --_- - City ed/&r7f t.4;jD/✓ , zip Z> f'// acted t7 cw Xew tlSPTA Kip Orr! Phone# (....�),,ar 9A_r Kiwi'eosin 0.471.cF, C s; ©°EA C MP IN 0U111.4 0NIA Q Pw9: OCC. MI.Wtr. Body m ��l/Dlft� n 1 qt+ A 1W:ei / no PNA CI no CAt.liab. yes I no Closest Maj.WV.Body_ „ 4eL pQ of project/AttIVIty _ tv,(dock)lent h — - - (Saks 44 �r z — -- +.. 1 Intform(l} - fngerpler(l) _— _-- I_ C �t.� _ � - w . . l , ,Iroln length _ _ �/ � ��, number_ /� *- . �. „ uNclwe Pimp'myth• 'rc„� �� _ v. -..� _ _.- W� ������. , art distanceeffJhere, ' - .- r---` . .._ _., nine dlymnco olfshorn-j/ _,,_ _^ --limb._N -.. .0•._ at1n,chrnnel - 141 - - cubic yards 57÷76-4 ,:a-'y..14—.__4-_ w_ _... act ramp �...__1— �_ S4� �G S' IST+ mahouts(Boatilfe _ Aj �* •T_ _� Y�_ ._ Tech Bulldozing . .... . . .. �.rnok _- .___�_ lbw' --.;•r i -...2..L.-—4;6 1-----':—jiliigtit ---''--— ;--"--—''- - -- "- 4---- --j_, 77— .14". kV: not sure yes o',f ` --- T c�Li • u.dt�tlgt: nature yet o __.•..�... ._ ..... l oratorlum: nit yet n ` -�!�!,�.14 ---_.- ..,-.�. _ _..._ .,._�_�-__— .....-.._. _._.•... - -_....� rotor: Mr._....-4__ Weir Attached: yet . _ _�.-•— I �.... .,- T I7 77 L . . permit m - building permit bo required by: �t.1rLCI ��1j/<r7e. ee. _ • ❑Sea noto on back regarding River Basle rules, DNS/Special Conditions Gtr GD/JD/r/D4) , rC 7.4f//QD V /. [.L.e ~, E ' e P—,5 Z...—1 - .0 4 r /yG fir: 4_ ti 10-10-09;09: 2741; m SECTION .1100-GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BULKHEADS AND THE PLACEMENT OF RIPRAI' F'OR SHORELINE PROTECTION IN ESTUARINE AND PUBLIC TRUST WATERS AND OCEAN HAZARD AZARJ)AREAS 15A NCAC V7H .1]01 PURPOSE A permit under thin Section shall allow the construction of bulkheads and the placement of riprap for shorel ine protection in the public trust waters and estuarine waters AECe according to authority provided in Subchapter 07J,I 100 and according to the Rules in this Section. This permit shall not apply to shoreline protection along the oceanfront or to waters and ahorelinc3 adjacent to the Oscan Hazard AEC with the exception of those shorelines that feature characteristics of the Estuarine Shoreline AEC. Such teaturee include the presence of wetland vegetation,lower wave onerby and lower erosion rates than the adjoining Ocean Erodible Area. Illstory Notd Authority G.S. 113A-I07(o);1 J3At-I07(b);113A-113(b);113A-1181; /13A•124,; E(f.March], 1984; Amended f,,/f.April 1,2003. • 1.5A-NGAG-071.-.1-102--APPROVAL-PkOO>:DVRES-- — ..,., (a) An applicant for a General Permit under this Subchapter shall contact the Division of Coastal Management and request approval for development. The applicant shall provide intbamnion on site location,dimensions of the project area,and his name and address, (b) The applicant shall provide: (I) confirmation that a written statement has been obtained signed by the adjacent riparian property owners indicating that they have no objections to the proposed work;or (2) confirmation that the adjacent riparian property owners have been notified by certified mall of the proposed work. The notice shall instruct adjacent property owners to provide written comments on the proposed development to the Division of Coward Management within ten days of receipt of the nonce,and,indicate that no response shalt be interpreted us no objection. DCM staff shall review all conunente and determine,boned on their relevance to the potential impacts of the proposed project,if the proposed project can be approved by n General Permit. 11'1)CM stuff determines that the project exceeds the guidelines established by the General Permit Process,'OCM shail notify the applicant that he must submit an application for a major development permit. (c) No work shall begin until an on-site meeting is hold with the applicant and o Division of Coastal Management representative so that the proposed bulkhead alignment may be appropriately marked, Written authorization to proceed with the proposed development shah be issued lithe Division representative Muds that the application meets all the requl retreats of this Subchapter. Cnnin'uetion or the bulkhead or riprap structure shall be completed within l20 days or the issuance of rite general authorization or the authorization shall expire and it shall be necassury to rc-examine the alignment to determine if the general authorization may be reissued. IliskoryNorc,. Authority OS. 113A-107(a),1134.107(b); 113A-113(6);1134-118,1; II3A-124; Eff March 1, 1984; Amended Ziff. October 1, 2007;September 1, 2006;January 1, 1990;December 1,1987. 154 NCAC 0711.1103 PERMIT FEE The applicant shall pay a permit fee of two hundred dollars($200,00)for riprnp and bulkhead structures sited at or above normal high water or normal water level,or a perm it fee or four hundred dollars(5400.00)for bulkhead and riprap structures sited below normal high water or normal water level, Permit fees shall be paid by check or money order payable to the Department. Illsrory Note: Authority G.S. 113A-107;113A-113(b);1134-118.1;113A-119;113.119.1;113A-124; off.'March 1, 1984, Amended,Efjf September 1,2006;August 1,MO;March 1, 1991. 10-10-09;09:27AM; .; (o) Theta shall be no significant interference with navigation or use of the waters by the public by the existence of the bulkhead or the riprap authorized herein. (d) This permit will not be npplicablc to proposed construction where the Department has determined, based on an initial review of the. upplletttion, that notice and review pursuant to 0,S. I l3Ae119 is necessary because there are unresolved questions concerning the proposed activity's impact on adjoining properties or on water quality;air quality;coastal wodende; cultural or historic sites:wildlife;fisheries resource ;or public trier rights. (e) This permit loon not eliminate the need to obtain any other required state,local,or federal authurizurign, (f) Development curried out under this permit must be consistent with all local requirements,AEC rules,rind local land use plans current at the time of authorization, History More. Authority G.S. 113A•107(o); I13A•J07(b);113A413(b);113A-118.1;/134-124; Eff March 1,1984,. Amended C/f.Miry 1, 1990;Deceaither 1, 1967; RAC Objection due ro ambiguity E.g. Afay 19, 1994; nsondad-jiff,Augw'r-17-I-98;July-1,-1•99a, _— ••� ..:,_. 15A NCAC 0711.1105 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS (a) This general'permit'Is applicable only along shorelines void of wetland vegetation including marsh grass and wooded swamp,or Where all construction is to be accomplished landward or such vegetation. (b) Bulkheads and riprap materiel shall be positioned us follows: (I) Stilkluvads shall be positioned so us riot to exceed more than an average distance of 2 feet waterwurd of the nonnnl high water murk,or the normal water level contour,whichever is applicable. In no case shall the bulkhead be positioned more than S fact watcrward of the normal high water or normal water level contour at any point along its alignment. (2) Riprup shall be positioned so as not to exceed a maximum of S feet waterwurd of the mean high water murk or nonnnl water level contour at any point along its alignment. Where them is an existing bulkhead structure,tiptop shall be allowed to extend a maximum of 10 feet offshore. This locution standard shall take into consideration the height of the area to be protected(i,c,bulkhead height,water depth)and the enguumat shell allow for a elope no flatter than 2 Nit horizontal par I Ibot vertical and no stcoper than 1 y/tact horizontal per 1 foot vorticul. (c) Along shorelines within upland basics,canals,and ditches,bulkheads or riprap material must bo positioned so us not to exceed more than an everts distance of 5,fret waterwerd or the normal high water murk or the normal writer loyal contour, w:nlehevcr is upplicable. in no ease shall the bulkhead or riprap be positioned more then 10 feet watcrward ache normal high water or normal water level contour at uny point ulong its alignment. For the purpose of these Rules,the Atlantic lutraaew tal Waterway(AIWW)is considered a natural shoreline and development shall occur as described in 71.1.1105(11). (d) Construction authorized by this general permit shall be limited to a maximum shoreline length at SOU feet. (a) All backfili material shall be obtained from art upland source. (t) The bulkhead shall be constructed,or the riprap shalt be in place prior to any bucktilling activitiee. (g) The bulkhead or ripntp shall be structurally tight so as to prevent seepage of beckfill materials through the structure, (h) Riprap material shall be free from loose dirt or any other pollutant. it shall be ofa size sufficient to prevent its movement from the site by wave or current action., (1) Riptvp material shall consist of clean rock or masonry materials such us but not limited to granite or broken concrete. Materials ouch as thee,cur bodies,scrap metal,paper products,tree limbs,wood debris,organic material or similar material, are not considered riprap. (j) The bulkhead shall be solid and constructed of treated wood,concrete slabs,metal sheet piles or other suitable materials approved by department personnel. 'No excavation is permitted except for that which may be required for the construction Of the bulkhead wall,riprap,deedmen cubler,etc. This penult does not authorize any excavation waterward of the approved alignment. (k) Bulkheads or riprap shall not extend beyond established alignments ner restrict the original widtlt of the canal or basin. (I) If one contiguous acre or more of property is to be excavated or FI?cd,an erosiotn and acdimentution control plan shall bo filers with the Division of Land_column; ]'.anti t'runliry Rootlet.. ,,. Du ke M e d i c i n e Duke Raleigh Hose Powell G. Fox, Jr., M.D. Chief Medical Officer Emeritus . z„Li !,i POWELL G FOX JR 2077 KNET 919-833-9850 s 66-112/531 i Js #19E PIPERSN H NECK—FIGURECHANCE 8 ISLANPH.D Date/G -/--_0� 13015 1,iI 1825 SAINT MARYS ST :I RALEIGH, NC 27608-2222 Pay to the ,1) /LJ ` /— __1 $ 00 Order of:— c �� 8 /L'D Dollars B�^ r ADVANTAGE i■�)l('�(VJi■ m /^ If, BRANCH BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA406 �� M' `I For . tii"7 /4 ` — r 1:053LOLL2L1: 52L72L249011'02077 Gh CUAROIANO SAFETY BLUE DEBL — J ';TL�i4tRF- QClavkr•Amer:rair