HomeMy WebLinkAbout51994D - Dunn JCAMA/ ElDREDGE & FILL NQ ;ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# I New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued >rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC 22-', Z G 6 D / T IIJ.Rates attached. it Name �f4" iii , Ye/.. ,✓ Project Location: County L n y,.,J w'c/c" t ' , /U Al 00 / C / Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) Q L QL 9,. •/t 11tofs.4,4o State Vc ZIP i y/S S— P(J3() 02.0 `/o 6 i Fax#( ) Subdivision zed Agent G1ie j / ,)o c kir City Or ' ,.,f /e go' 44 ZIP 2 T/i I ❑CW IIW l lE C• ❑ y TA ES PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin L//, /� ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A � 6+/Lv Adj.Wtr. Body /2,✓fi( / (nat ❑ PWS: ❑FC: yes -now. PNA yes Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body ��AA/ If Project/Activity Ge etel At G-e �x ,f, f/Gi ,J ,' )v% p` "2 ,9/1i (Scale: Dck)length E. -- ,S/,., ..S,C V ' /Z/2/'J�l "f ').7 ( i I I n(s) i i i pier(s) l i I ength I I imber I . Id/Riprap length -\� /1 4�./° C -'`- 'g distance offshore L lax distance offshore I j :hannel i l I ibic yards /- mp use/Boatlift i i u ,/f gr. 3ulldozing L a/�� �a ' p ' �8s' 1 , 7 ig f-_ .. . . ) 0' r ie Length _-) 4 r r a , + T — -} — -- ------ not sure yes (na i gs: not sure yes t rio� -- :-- ^ Hum: n/a yes <''si ' r(J (/ L.','� yes ..-_ _,Z 0 4(41N 5J Attached: yes . - i , ing permit may be required by: 71 O9,✓ 75 L.! 15,19e. 1 • n See note on back regarding River Basin r . . — .... n 1 1 i /, / / _ /) // . —— > & FABRICATION, INC. FIRST 1 BANK WN CREEK CIRCLE SW OCEAN ISLE BEACH,NORTH CAROLINA 28469 SLE BEACH,NC 28469 66-456-531 a I f LE I pal (910)575-5271 . H . NR $ yDt ® Yt / DOL �. ll 9v 1.evkAr2., I D kolli D 2073311' 1:0 5 3 /04 5681: 79100064011° Aar:A 7 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley,Governor Charles S.Jones,Director William G. Ross, Authorized Agent Consent Agreement 1(04 DCl,s �� ��, is hereby authorized to act on my (Printed Name of Agent) order to obtain any CAMA permit(s) required for the property listed below. The authorization is limite )ecific activities described in the attached sketch. DCATION OF PROJECT: CIO N c kg of ROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS: T ll0w&3c. c+. bl-eecisLavo NC D- 7yjS — PHONE NO. 03') ajS' I � JTHORIZED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: West Docks &Fabrication, Inc. 1595 Crown Creek Circle Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 PHONE NO. 411a S7S I - • ar 1; PLEASE .. CUM IIFR West Docks & Fabrication, Inc. 1595 Crown Creek Circle Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 910-575-5271 910-575-5250 - Fax 8 X 20 Dock a E CO CL 00 x M 50' Property Frontage '' DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AWACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Individual Applying For Permit: -0\,Wi,e )u1k,--1 . ^� Address of Property: (J kl Lk d S I^ (Lot or Street #, Street or Road) D 16 Q �....;4 0. . (City and County) �' I hereby certify that I own proerty adjacent to the above-reierenced.property. The indiN applying for this permit has c escri ed to me as shown on the attached drawing the developmen are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this lett _i _ I have no objections to this proposal. • If you have objections to what is being prop _ 1111, !4ana ement,. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, 'VF il' _DK�n ao Leik�.d Scree . g within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No respo: V 1, you have been notified by Certified Mail. came, g 3 :a{-S p,,,11. WAIVER SECTION understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat house or boat lift mu ;et bck a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access - unless waived by mi rou wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) • I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement, iC I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. ______ .,.. sign Name ..~ Date • -'' ..40-. , `/ AAA 4111. R7r :l_OVISE Fi-v, No. :+?04+t~$2+t 631 Fein. 12 20%c d1:59FM F 1 •4esr Da:),:-; D.c Name of Individual Applying For Permit: Pt, II 0 1>�,,—, (Let or£tract tM, , skeet car 1:CaEtc1) .•„•,.._... --- ti t'''1' I3v1A-...k.,.,_�.C. (City and County) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the abcve.retrrenced apply lag for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached draw nry g the de elopme tldual tl they al'I". p.opoQing. A description or drawing, with dinar,sitatts,should be provided with this letter. _.__ �.. i ;tr-we:no nhjec.tiona to this I.ropostii. if you! hove objections to what is being proposed, lease write Management,. 12? Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilt ingtou NC2 �'.5 Division' of or call 5.39ai within 10 dye of receipt of this notice. No response is 'considered the same n s no bjectionrif yciu have been notified by Certified Mail, VV"�(.XVE J understand that a pier, dock, k* ooriog pilings, breakwater, boat bonne or boat sift must be ret bco(a mitl.ftxkizni distaxtce u,-1 V frotri nay ua'eb of riparian aCCOM•- uulessi walvidl by sate. (If vc!tt wfeh to waive tilts sEthacsc i Y41f, III1+dSt 111.41,0 the anil2rnntlirtta lob„r„ ! t i .—__-_- I do wish t'waive the 1,5"setback requirement `�`t" C{`' . ct.. t{.".i 1 ) ,t h< ... __...__ T Arol .t wish to waive tbo 19 set:back.requirement. .�.W,,......., .. „�.-- i f 4..!i (It e kit eje,L, "In NameDate _ AfirisiClir, A Pr lilt Narns ——� �`� T NCDENR T r•':r,i.).,.(1nr:,Number with Are ode-- -- _ __.._ __,w w�,. . ,. c,.`.cttrraVibells\rspai•ianoi nett i.#i-au SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ ConVete iterr 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Si... re item 4 if Restrictedamen Delivery ddre is desired. X e�� ;a� L ❑Agent • Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Fri Name)-i/( 'C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the maiiplece, r5' or on the front if space permits. 2� 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from hem ? ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery address below, ❑ No Ervin Carroll 1112 S. Lakeside Dr. Spt4 Four Oaks, NC 27524 3. Service Type 0 Certified Mail 0 Express Mall ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) 7007 1490 0001 1789 5474 PS Form 3,811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540