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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCreekside (3) (., CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION —Y / FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT \ / as authorized by the State of North Carolina, 0 Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCACi Subchapter 7K .0203. licant Name e l(J t kSi A ( yC1(..k4 L.t U b CO "It rrn14 Y&Mkt Phone Number - I0, 3 5b.01 ress IS L 011 fl.ey' tr. State t. (_, Zip ,aSti ect Locatio (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) 6tn1 p tarn Y Cnurrk-)1 US V1WY } ) 633y l, - by' + -h �''ti:=,1li ►, , C Vv -V... e and Dimensions of Project Ex to v -1-f C ti �'A r tt rvd-rd 40 t L- --Pvt rn 1 CZ 4 ' tl ;�uri t ki.ti ,trtu Lir(il16Cii( fit II/ , 1 proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA pc ie is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following ex pi ament pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be nec IA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. ;ETCH (SCALE: in y Au _. --rj i I f ' t. , ' (� ? t V CX 1 S'11nZt 4 6k(ST AA 5. / 16 K I WI �f� 1. t \v I, % �-- 1 ___--_ Meal'i_--tip l.,{su YAC N-r-- C UJ -- i t i _ _..1..._�_ t _L. 12/29/2008 15:26 19197330059 PERCS PAGE 01/ vie: ev t'n www. nre. UScp. ni] Artn' Page 1 nr 3 litCL09Z0 NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER 1-000-424-8802 ***GOVERNMENT USE ONLY***GOVERNMENT USE ONLY*** Information released to a third party ehall comply with any applicable federal and/or state Freedom of Information and Privacy Laws Incident Report # 893574 INCIDENT DESCRIPTION 'Report taken by; CIV ANTONAY GREER at 14: 22 on 29-DEC-08 Incident Type; PIPELINE Incident Cause: UNKNOWN Affected Area: BRAOLEY CREEK Incident was discovered on 29-DEC-08 at 13: 45 local Incident time. Affected Medium: WATER /PRADLEY CREEK REPORTING PARTY Name: THOMAS VAN Organization: CREEK SIDE YACHT CLUB Address: 6334 OLEANDER DR. WILMINGTON, NC 28403 CREEK SIDE YACHT CLUB reported for the responsible party. PRIMARY Phone: (910) 3500023 Type of Organization: PRIVATE ENTERPRISE SUSPECTED RESPONSIBLE PARTY Name: THOMAS VAN Organization: CREEK SIDE YACHT CLUB Address: 8334 OLEANDER OR. WILMINGTON, NC 28403 PRIMARY Phone: (910) 3500023 INCIDENT LOCATION 6334 OLEANDER OR. County: NEW HANOVER City: WILMINGTON State: NC Zip: 28403 RELEASED MATERIAL (S) CHRIS Code: GAS Official Material Name; GASOLINE: AUTOMOTIVE (UNLEADED) Also Known As: Qty Released: 0 UNKNOWN AMOUNT City in Water: 0 UNKNOWN AMOUNT DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT CALLER IS REPORTING THAT GASOLINE IS RELEASING FROM A UNDERGROUND GAS LINE. THE CAUSE OF THE LEAK I5 UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME. SENSITIVE INFORMATION INCIDENT DETAILS Pipeline Type; SERVICE DOT Regulated: UNKNOWN D�....Y ..... A.-..� ir..1 .... n.. ,ter. ....... � 12/29/2008 15:26 19197330059 PERCS PAGE 02/ ig.CV,Via UC: Xy rn www. nrc. uccp. ■i.1 Attn: Page 2 at 5 *zZ2920 ---WATER INFORMATION--- Body of Water: BRADLEY CREEK Tributary of: ICW Nearest River Mile Marker; Water Supply Contaminated: UNKNOWN IMPACT Fire Involved: NO Fire Extinguished: UNKNOWN INJURIES: NO Hospitalized: Empl/Crew: Passenger: FATALITIES: ND Empi/Crew: Passenger: Occupant: EVACUATIONS: ND Who Evacuated: Radius/Area; Damages: NO Hours Direction of Closure Type Description of Closure Closed Closure N Air: N Major Road! Artery: N N Waterway: N Track: Environmental Impact: NO Media Interest: NONE Community Impact due to Material: REMEDIAL ACTIONS BOOMS APPLIED, ABSORBENTS APPLIED Release Secured: YES Release Rate! Estimated Release Duration: WEATHER Weather: OVERCAST, h�F ADDITIONAL AGENCIES NOTIFIED Federal: USCG State/Local: NONE State/Local On Scene: FIRE DEPT. State Agency Number: NO REPORT # NOTIFICATIONS BY NRC USCG HSOC AT OHS (USCG HSOC DESK) 29-DEC-08 14: 29 (202)2828114 USCG ICC (ICC ONI) 29-DEC-08 14; 29 (301)6593363 DOT CRISIS MANAGEMENT CENTER (MAIN OFFICE) 29-DEC-08 14: 29 (202) 3661883 U. S. EPA IV (NC/SC INCIDENTS) 29-DEC-08 14: 29 (404) 6504955 U. S. EPA IV (DUTY OSC) (404)5504955 ; 12/29/2008 15:26 19197330059 PERCS PAGE 03/ ad/CH/pH 02: 2? PH www. nrc. usrg. mil Attu? Page 3 of 3 #2259ZO PIPELINE & MAZMAT SAFETY ADMIN (OFFICE OF PIPELINE SAFETY (AUTO) ) 29-DEC-08 14; 29 (202) 5650568 SECTOR NORTH CAROLINA (COMMAND CENTER) (252) ^e474570 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DENR (MAIN OFFICE) 29-0EC-08 14; 29 (819) 7335083 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALLER HAD NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. *** ENO INCIDENT REPORT *893574 *** Report any problems by ca1JJng 1-800-424-8802 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT http; //www, nrc, uscg, mil P. TRANSACTION REPORT DEC-29-2008 MON 02:3 FOR: NCDENR 910 350 2004 RECEIVE DATE START SENDER RX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# )EC-29 02:31 PM 19197330059 53" 3 FAX RX OK I(*********************************************** ****K**************************K******)i 1 . aa, au,mwn..�n.c P , ,,, i his torm shQald na comploted and aubmlirea to the UST Section's regional office following a known or saspacWd release from an underground s:,t .r tank(UST)system, T^.Is form IS required lc be stlovlrted within 24 hours of dlseavery of a anawn cr P art NC suspected release >.�. ... _.� (DMA USE ONLY Suspected Contamination^ (YJN) y 1 Facility ID Number rctoent4 Risk(H,I,L,L:)_ Co-tinned GW Contamination?(YIN) Date Leak Discoverer! . Received On Receded By Corif'rtned Soli Contamination':(`r'iN) I Comm/Non—Commercials -_ P.e®crted bk./ (ciro?e ere):Phone.Fax or Report Samples Take i?(Y?N) Reg/Nutt•reguiaied' Reoton Free Product?(YIN) if Yes.Stale Greater: —H...............,_ Thickness _ _.___._. i INCIDENT DE CRIP/TI R Incident Mama. ' t I'''.Z-1-)� noress. U—e..- ty_ 1 R®gGnai Cnc6( rcre one• Ash idle,(dlooresiAis.�'ayette ripe, d Ci ,�,t„(Fon: ZIP Code:c,2 Raleigh.Washington, on, maton•Salem $ Latitude(aacI eigrees). Longitude(escr rearm!. 1 Obtuired by: pBriefly describe suspected or confirrriec release:(indudi,ig but not tinkled tC:nature of release,dated release,amount I j Gps Et of mfease,,arnount of free pioduct esorr anti cecn�✓/sflnefts,!ntt'al ra/rses cond tt .eo.impacts to receptors) s OA/ '<7 / v�©_ t �5-e 4cr--- r .$/ff�T�/C-- p ographic mac s ;I 1 3 Gal Address matching v_ Cl Other ¢/s. �o_s,,e..cls . jD Unknown r 1 - Describe Iocatioli: HOW RELEASE W DISCOVERED 4R41e4So Code) (Criecit one) F i Release psiectlon k-ufpm ert or tvierhos A VlaualiOcIor :� Groundwater Contamination Luring UST CloruteiRsmoval 3 ,Jatau In Tank 0 Surface•.Vatar ontarunaban Property i-smiler Water St ply We Gon aminetian a Other(specify; -------- SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION source of Reies Cause of Release of i�z.i��� r #t,ct Type sieaseu ,,,-;heck one to rind cite primary (Gnecic one to irtdIcafe p.^mary Chee anvi (Check one to indeaafe primary product type sctrl`sl cause) released) ( L Tana spillP9tr916�m �Gasolln Diesolr DlaSet eG.^I _ Kerosene £lend �Irfn:r '.-..1Oven l' Non Pe rolat m ID Heating 01 r . ✓egetakte Oil t U4°,• '.,d CIapenaer V Corrosion J Butt7the-Patroleuro 0 Etp-E2� •j Submersible T ine 1LII Physical o-Ivlechar cal Proruc� Damage Location Metn i E•1 -E@4 ..-3 Vetiver';Prob.arr 0 Install Prahlem r (C+lscx one) U Iiher limier-lies rganiea .e EFtf-Eye . Caftan i D Other Organics Z Elhancl tYJ% thef a �Ot F3ciflyc} K.ri,_. - a,.rimiown c /w tot - o4 Unknown U ftestdene 1740 1:?.rl:,7rB5r-t t 2o.1 eI-4tS/.7 o-i`o on .,,=rs0 a C3 other o alunicip4i 2. hlih:ary 3. UnKnor.n 4. Pnva'.' S.Federal B. :oW .nty ti= - .� i r,7,7ebretio t TIPP 11U1 1 1 ;bt.,. HP. NI,11LNK Hitc NU. :-.11 J .','30 c'.I.)l,L11 h-.. i --— VI PAC14 OPONKING IAN#1 ER SUPP'JES 1 'J, I 1Aits-O0 Supply Aiells Affth;tott? 1. Yes ! — li tNvribef of INetar Supply Weis Affectoo 1, Water Supply Weirs Conlainirlatecl: (inchie User$Name ,Addresses and Phone iViopbers.Attach additional 513£18I if necessary) 1 F ' 1 •: • 04 UST SYS7EM OWNER •,,,c;--Owner/Comper.y A, : 1 ..-_ _ _ Potri n•Contact 2 1 ss .....3. 4., 41,%.,,a,..i,.......4„, .. .. „...„., ar—v 15,3, t ,, , ,::;, zlr.3CPZie Vc. i T04001'18 Nurn0' ' eir j _ 1 UST SYSTEM, OPERATOR operato1:3pmeny : ActireAs _.--- 1-- , : 7-cimp,3r,one Nitrit4ir •r L ANDOW NER AT LOCATION OF UST iNCIDEN7 ----- , ----- 2-,."-?,-7' --------- slate .. I Zip Cone i i elepttone'lumber Jraw 4ket0 Area (showing twa_craj91-__LT-a,,,__-' ini'er.4,, c,:ti ot::Atiz.Eh 1!---- -._.-.1=----1----- — '' :' ... p,--- - - IV arl- /3 r-.3-el/ ir• ---------- /4/ 0,-, ti fedi; er' e ....__ .. ,------\, ----- ,-___c, )1Ir g c r e a,f5tc r , mmearcOomninnoo. .................. MIIIMILe.svemal Sueld ., Toe ,....„ , ( ' fe ,' • r‘afP ..• (E..2.- 2-3,1-F-07,61;02,08) Pe2e 2 1.1 Oittialtioni of Sew roes Tank meunf ate tank Ow sumo the produet:414 is part of the widerg7ound sturagc tank system Pi emg: IlliiallP the p:ping and connecters.wining from the'Atli:Ar nbrnersible turbine purnp to Eno dispemer ur other end-we-.:euipment(vera.,...;;:': ic:ovcry ilnel Ur tote lusted) Z...' hides ill.dispenser and etc nquipment uSoa to connect-ilie lispchner to'.11v ising(c,r,„.1 rd Mae irrrt.1 suctiett pump or:tom 4:011110”CrltE loc,lati tht•:hear valve) Fo., emible Ttotsire Pump:,STP)A lea in,iukieS the stihraersib:e turbine pump ite^art(tysiicany ii:i40.%c in the tank( rip) :!--v. line itc.k it:tail-Of.any he 1:ipla a:hot k•OT,J).:10.9 the submetirhie iurbine pump us the tank r.):!!kv,:ry F1.4,,l)!Cfr, ,din IfiaL teletents lila pi:cum:ft:Ittrinis product-dclivery:0 the tank, Typiaali a9USCS iita;j0:2L,in th t.a O.ftX aft spills and olerfila-1 3;T....--. sovce ps te 4.;131 to use wher the,-ocase sp.=is known tud moors ant fit ir..o one of rlic preced:ag ca...gorics(1.g.:foi ItiCase3['Mtn vent lines %a por feenverN lines,and fill!Ines) L n inc vrn .clantiiiti,re: es for..i.h ch the 1:01.1fee has rot beei.determined Do'Ittlenrit of Cawies Ssi'.l. i...::Lou cause wean 2 Mall occur ke_a„when.the dell ee,y hose ia disnunocaed from tat papa or....hurt-lir norz.e o:-ernov,:n from:he dit,sscro.0 'i-v cr 11 j liar when on u0,11.1'.occurs(e.g..overt Ils ma/;natal front the fi!!tiipt w.the stink op.when 11=ntritcle tails to snui off st thu 4.14perucr; P vsicil or'iiitchartira Dainag,e:use fer all types af riiysical or Illezhatigal dstnage:except corrosion Ce.6 r puncture ar.....nit cr pipit,: taot,e fnring,.1]rokan citnix.w.) temp.:Aunts Out;have:longed OnnensiOni . .._... .............t.——,. ....1. -:-1-.. -..A.......-----,1..,,.....1,...,,...1,..t c.s eNsrn,I,N:II it 1:seol1e4 enenteiAn;Can;the frem if nisr; ro l-r�.-cure 1-, r r oin:r;G i IU4G:7Z..Z i i i 1 0:`il.JYib 1 AO Y.�• t . tea. = LineiLD Test Data Sheet _ PRFCI$I0N1:4,YKRf?7CE leIC COMPANY Creekslde Yacht Club, Inc. TEST NUMBER 090105A-12 LucA1on, CREEKSIDE YACHT CLUB, INC. 'ST°ATE 1/5/2009 f ADDRESS 6334 OLEANDER DRIVE' I TECH NLCIAN I Howard Davis crry/ STATE i WILMINGTON, NC CERTIFICATION 11433.LTN LINE TEST F Product Mid Grade 1 -�� I — — SIP MFG Red Jacket __.._� Isola i tion C-Valve +-- Test Pressure 45 1 Initial Level .0825 Final Level .0825 Leak Rate .0000 -- —� 4 Start Time -- 10:30 - --- — -- ^, End T,me 11:00 T- Test Time 30 -I- 1 -, Result Pass • .LO TXST •� - . ^Ld ModeiTT FX1 V . i Result Pass LD Model Result - 1. --- —._._ CumrrtnlS _.. 1 I 1 Post Office Box 10279 Wilmington, North Carolina 28404-0279 CATLIN Telephone: (910)452-5861 Engineers and Scientists Fax: (910)452-7563 January 21, 2009 Creekside Yacht Club 3ksj " r Attn: Tommy Vann 6334 Oleander Drive Wilmington, North Carolina Re: Creekside Yacht Club RECEIVED Fuel Line Abandonment Soil Sampling CATLIN Project No. 209-005 JAN 2 6 2009 Dear Mr. Vann: DCM 1NILMIYGTrr+J h,r.. CATLIN Engineers and Scientists (CATLIN) is pleased to present you with the following letter report to document soil sampling at the Creekside Yacht Club (Site) abandoned gas line and dispenser. The Site vicinity is illustrated on Figure 1 and the Site layout including the former dispenser location is shown on Figure 2. Aerial photographs obtained from MSN's "Bird's Eye View" online mapping are also attached. Background In general accordance with CATLIN Proposal 29004 dated January 7, 2009 and subsequent work authorization, CATLIN personnel mobilized to the Site on January 8, 2009. The scope of work as proposed and agreed upon included soil sampling at the former gasoline dispenser and along an abandoned supply line. Soil samples were to be collected for total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) laboratory analysis. According to personnel at the Site, the following information and actions were taken prior to CATLIN's site visit and described to Ben Ashba on January 8, 2009. o A sheen was noted on the water near the bulkhead at "Pump #3" on December 29, 2008 (see attachments for dispenser/pump location). o The underground storage tank system providing fuel to Pump #3 was turned off and sorbent boom was placed in the water surrounding the sheen. o The supply line was cut and a pressure fitting with an air line tap was added. The supply line was pressurized to approximately 150 pounds per square inch and then inspected. o A small crack in the seam of the supply line pipe was discovered beneath the former dispenser location. o The leaking portion of pipe was cut off and caps were added to each end of the abandoned supply line. o Approximately 25 feet of abandoned supply line piping remains in the ground. o The supply line pipe is about one to two feet below land surface. Methods The former dispenser location and abandoned portion of fuel supply line were identified. A hand auger boring was advanced at the end of the abandoned fuel line and a soil sample was collected from approximately three (3) feet below land surface (BLS). Hand auger boring photographs are attached. The hand auger was decontaminated with phosphate free soap, pesticide grade isopropyl alcohol and distilled water before boring advancement and soil sample collection. A soil sample was collected by hand from the hand auger bucket while wearing new, disposable nitrile gloves. Soil was packed directly into the appropriately labeled glassware provided by the laboratory and placed on ice in an insulated cooler. The soil sample was identified "Line (3)". The hand auger boring was backfilled with native soils from boring advancement cuttings. The hand auger was decontaminated as described above and a second hand auger boring was advanced at the former pump/dispenser location (see attached photographs). A soil sample was obtained following decontamination procedures and sample collection methods as previously described. The soil sample was collected from approximately two-and-a-half feet to three feet BLS and labeled "Dispenser (2.5- 3')". Two (2) soil samples were transported by CATLIN and submitted to SGS Environmental Services, Inc. (NC Certification #481) on January 8, 2009 following proper chain of custody (COC) procedures. The soil samples were submitted for TPH diesel and gasoline range organics (DRO and GRO) analysis per Method 8015 with 24-hour turnaround for results requested. The COC is attached following the complete Results Analytical results for DRO and GRO analysis are summarized on the table below and the complete analytical report is attached. Contaminant (1) of Concern —÷ ro Sample ID Sample cc 0c p c a) -c Collected DateDepth m a, c 6, (ft. BLS) oO OccO Line (3') 1/8/2009 3 <6.93 <5.37 Dispenser (2.5 - 3') 1/8/2009 2.5 - 3 <7.11 8.13 All results in milligrams per Kilogram (mg/Kg). ft. BLS=Feet Below Land Surface <=Less than reporting limit No DRO or GRO concentrations were revealed above the NCDENR Action Level of 10 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Conclusions The source of the sheen in the water adjacent to Pump #3 was identified by Creekside Yacht Club personnel as a leaking pipe beneath the dispenser/pump. Pump #3 was taken out of service, a portion of the supply line piping was removed and approximately 25 feet of piping was capped and abandoned in place. A soil sample was collected beneath the former dispenser/pump location and from beneath the end of the abandoned supply line piping. The two soil samples were analyzed for TPH DRO and GRO by SGS Environmental Services, Inc. No DRO or GRO concentrations were revealed in the soil samples above the NCDENR Action Level of 10 mg/kg. CATLIN recommends forwarding a copy of this letter and attachments to the US Coast Guard, the NCDENR DCM and NCDENR DWM UST Section. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (910) 452-5861. CATLIN appreciates the opportunity to assistance you with your environmental needs. Sincerely, iu` c ATTACHMENTS FIGURES ''; •1• , t - , y S 1 }: / ; ' Y i y,• , i. y s a Y .K �qy► y.. ` ---.,--J, a,.'y' 'yF f , "�'^.. -,bti•� .-- v r y t a .r f 'IW. y '+'a( ', +, 9' : .kr` t r• ' t mow: :.." tt q an QY.� � ✓�' - 4a 1 A Zif R t y c YI l -, , -: , i_ _ o,._,:.,. - -. : '•,-ei*.1,1,1!''',-2',„:,:r::::,,,...., -,,t,., -, ' , p., ,,,,...... ,t, I.,. -1,...- . . . -1,..., , ' Al.,"*„: C="It.,,. .„..,.,.. $06. stbe kf i I f,4 ''.r ' Y g, 1�, .: f' 3•s F' tP '. Y�#, liertv 10414,:::'-.11Si --- 10. ,',, ))1.4,., +. & '. 4y , SITE LOCATION �". 4, ivt. Ita rx � » • 'fir m7 10 !•ems -#.„,„ - ,,,,:.,,. :,_,:=. -, :,-tti.„. ,-- . tc--„,,L.s,- IT,- -,- -.. rft -r ,:. ,- tic '� { ,. ..aye ti'a ., r ,,....,,,, , : ;, , �t- -s'' x - ......;.....,t, „:„..„:...„ , 40 V sR 3 o f. erg,,_ �. � i?t�'" ° � v `� ` i BRADLEY 'R ' 4 .,, 470,00 .. 94 \ fe000.4114 ' 3 A. or '''',,',:^-.,;A,''"t \ICe „oleir A '4- a • '4 FORMER DISPENSER,, `� LOCATION 40 ' " , ' DISPENSER (2.5-3') 41. 4111 [<7.11/8.13] ' ABANDONED FUEL I e j0 LINE (3') SUPPLY LINE f , F,. [<6.93/<5 37]Aillik ie. :,. ' ,,,,... ,,4„. ... t rk, END and Auger Boring/Soil Sample 'fig *-,��4�o _x;fi, ?et Below Land Surface liesel Range Organics/ ' gasoline Range Organics it samples collected by CATLIN personnel on January 8,2009 y d analyzed by SGS Environmental Services per EPA Method 8015 PHOTOGRAPHS . , .. . vOill11111.11.1111.111P.- o- 1 , it:>00:00000000",,, . . , .- . .. , y • ,., .,,,,,,. ... ..... ., . . . . . . ....,..,_ ,,,..:.,..„."..;::,,,..... r ,...„..,.... ,„... . .. ..... ..A., , ' ..-„,„ ,.. . .. ,, .... . , ,,,,.....„ . • , 1 , , I . , . . .„ .,,.. .• .. .1 '•0441*•'' . , ;•• , '.'•'''' '..,•'\ . •', ,-, ,.,,.... „;„,,,,,.,,, . ,,, , I • . . , t' ' . . . . { ' 4y. • • 1 ' ., *.,,,- ., • \ ... Former Dispenser , .s.. . ,-•• -s% 1 ;rte. ' ./ i...../.{..411,61,011,•,..1 III I . . N Location , . ' .....• , -,..,:,„•-..',".:` ..:.--.4--'--,.--,,, . ,., . . , . .#. ,Ati •,-'1-.),.t,', . ..' '''''" ' '''' '..'14.$1- . '' t__,,,, ' 7,-, ,,,,..;,,.. .-,,• . -: 1.' ',. .= .‘.. 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Location11 Abandoned Line 4 ff ... , '''''2 .'"Ok.:' '.,:: ' . 1 -: '''.. , ., ... ,,,.- „,..,. .- ,,,,,,,:,..-2. _,.,,,,, „,,,,,,...,: w..4,4,,,,,i1)116., �. � a l� _ 4V ,,,,,k.,,, ,;„,.. ., ,..„ . ,„..,,,,,,„:„..,..,. Ii, a • .s ,. ift C �fr_ii $ rarl�t ,I . 1ia tt f drtri -„Li,a " � .. ,w Creekside Yacht Club 6334 Oleander Drive , c ,,. •11V., '.-' 44.4 ''--'" r'' 4'./ / iili, ..,,,,..,.,+°‘ - '. '''' ir 7' . A.r l''''"? '-' gCo't'' , - '..•:".,4. ' .,',$ , . , •.; ? Z.4 • ‘,ilitf.),'.4,,. a,.:i',. A.'#.'" 4 :$, ' 00 it, • •44:, TO , :101k Ayt" , •,,,4 I , s, , , 4 'vk. .. ., . ,- .41s.-4-Y4;04t,Ft - ...::,;: --r- ' "W •, ., , , •.0.,V,,,! ,ik,,,,,,' " ,. ' , ^ ' ''''').-it i 4b.,. -•• , -' .. , 44,,,.;,.., ,..., t .. '''',,S,,.. '','• „.:',,,-.::. 'i 4igetiroo°91111* Abandoned Line ('- :.,40.4*•• 4 \ Former Dispenser . 444 , ijor 1. ' Location .4. ,, ,.•--' qvp , ,, f.„';',.34,ffhtiftltoOttl'or'l l'Ir. , ''',..14:*-7t,,,7', ' ' ; :4',?Ak.' 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Creekside Yacht Club office building. xr„ . „. .. _ _ ._ ,_ _ , _ _____ _________ _ „......._____,... ......_,,_, ... , _ , , ___ _ _ , .. ..., ,.,, ..,,,.!:,,,- _ ,,, .,,,, --., ,,,,--- *0---„,--,,,,,,,,1 - ... _ . _i.-_,,,,, _ . ...._ - -:--k-'-' _____________ ____ _...... , Creeksicle Yacht Club 6334 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC January 8, 2009 7 ....7' ,;7 ' .1.""-* •.,s '4! .,; -- I i milimpope,,-;,-;- inn", '""1-1•16**., 1 'z. ; ' zie' ; `,..• -,,,::".Z•-1114L-.-. „=-_,..»..- ,,, ;" •"` ilt '. 1 - - •- -""--- "' ---- "' ,1.--'''''-',,,,,,,„;•';;-. .r—' ,.., IOW° - ..1Pr . 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J }{ _ Y OP"' . _ . .. r ,..,...o.„ ...: ,,*„, r t. ,„, ,,,,,, \,.... ,:'. ,, f' , , F.,-. ...40,00t. (t:,'„'s:,.-4...-...,-''',,,..41, , i 10.. - _,,,t,..4....i, .. - \+tom air w. 444 : - tom z N / -. x... C '.., '$79 5., ,.. ,. N4 4 se w f ''F ' n1✓. `.. � . � � - ue Y iy w 1 ..' �' Creekside Yacht Club 6334 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC January 8, 2009 . • • a` ,-. a-. �� *.«',qr4 Yyp 4 . y`" 5 ray, 'ti 4:-.,',,..C. ..:',.:.'?':--*';---,,,',.':;-*/*-"10);,;i:._-..: . w r. 8 Ems"r t•f . Zy_ a N At ;V. s • 1t$ MuaAvK'.3 Creekside Yacht Club 6334 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC January 8, 2009 n . Alai i . Looking North. Hand auger boring (approximately three feet deep) for soil sample collection at former dispenser location. s , A.,,,, „. , •S',7,,I.,.,,..' ;,.$61. .4.', ,e 41kt ,—...s Nr - ,,. ,.."'" /. 'W J LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION SGS Environmental Services, Inc. Ben Ashba Richard Catlin& Associates P.O. Box 10279 Wilmington, NC 28404-0279 Report Number: G128-2297 Client Project: Creekside Yacht Club Dear Ben Ashba, Enclosed are the results of the analytical services performed under the referenced project. The samples are certified to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Standards. Copies of this report and supporting data will be retained in our files for a period of five years in the event they are required for future reference. Any samples submitted to our laboratory will be retained for a maximum of thirty (30) days from the date of this report unless other arrangements are requested. If there are any questions about the report or the services performed during this project, please call SGS Environmental Services at(910) 350-1903. We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns which you may have. Thank you for using SGS Environmental Services for your analytical services. We look forward to working with you again on any additional analytical needs which you may have. Sincerely, SGS Environmental Services, Inc. Project Manager to /9/-- -- Ashley Nifong SGS Environmental Services, Inc. Results for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID 8015 Client Sample ID: Line (3') Analyzed By: DVG Client Project ID: Creekside Yacht Club Date Collected: 1/8/2009 10:00 Lab Sample ID: G128-2297-1B Date Received: 1/8/2009 Lab Project ID: G128-2297 Matrix: Soil Report Basis: Dry Weight Solids 87.63 Analyte Result RL Units Dilution Date Factor Analyzed Gasoline Range Organics SQL 5.37 mg/Kg 1 01/08/09 15:35 Surrogate Spike Results Added Result Recovery Flag Limits BFB 100 100 99.5 70-130 Comments: Batch Information Analytical Batch: VP010809 Prep Method: 5035 Analytical Method: 8015 Initial WWol: 6.37 g Instrument ID: GC4 Final Volume: 5 mL Analyst: DVG SGS Environmental Services, Inc. Results for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID 8015 Client Sample ID: Line(3') Date Collected: 1/8/2009 10:00 Client Project ID: Creekside Yacht Club Date Received: 1/8/2009 Lab Sample ID: G128-2297-1D Matrix: Soil Lab Project ID: G128-2297 Solids 87.63 Report Basis: Dry Weight Parameter Result RL Units Dilution Date Factor Analyzed Diesel Range Organics BQL 6.93 mg/Kg 1 01/08/09 22:16 Surrogate Spike Results Spike Control Spike Percent Added Limits Result Recovery OTP 40 40-140 34.5 86.2 Comments: Batch Information Analytical Batch: EP010809 Prep batch: 13393 Analytical Method: 8015 Prep Method: 3541 Instrument: GC6 Prep Date: 01/08/09 Analyst: EAW Initial Prep WWol: 32.94 G Prep Final Vol: 10 mL - - vc.� ■■■v■ •New Jersey •New York CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD •North Carolina •Ohio West Virginia SGS Reference#: G(Zk—Z2Y7 r (� page of / 1��(�1/4— PHONE NO:q(0 .(/S i �i l,(4 Preservatives r f / SITE/PWSIDit: AJe.. VI # SAMPLE Used •t. I(L � u s Analysis EMAIL:( amshkii,(2(<;t(rnuki� . (v 1 0 COMP Required I N R= O �V /1(y/� T IRAs QUOTE#: /VA A V I MI= n e P.O.#: Z`4O1 0 .�, NE Incremental Mugu '! (/7 MATRIX/ R Samples �\ REMARKS! DENTIFICATION DATE TIME MATRIX SCODE LOC ID IT 3) V Va/ "eq) Sc. / 3 6 v.-J r(i.5-3') i`Vcq I/cO 5C. f C (l I/ V 3 CD a CD F. tr . _ _ F. 0 Date Time 77 Received By: DOD Project? YES NO Special Deliverable Requirements: *4 //3.3 - Cooler ID _ Date Time ` ceived By: Requested TurnaroundTin a and-or Special Instructions: Date Time Received By: t ' 2i y--- / Samples Received Cold? YE NO Chain of Custody Seal: (Circle) Date Time Received For Laboratory By: �\ — _, TB INTACT BROKEN B\,4 SENT 5