HomeMy WebLinkAbout52040D - Cannon .,CAMA / DREDGE & FILL GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# Xlew El Modification ❑Complete Reissue El Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued ,rized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1 Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I 5A NCAC • Rules attached. it Name ; .,4'."-'Z ZL- 6.-4 N.-1- 1---) Project Location: County Irpv-J `SX Li Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) C.�H£.ca' C-i-1 State` 4- ZIP 2 5'5 ) 1_S 1 1-1 L.izik(rv' A &-'P\I V(75-2 b -1 c a 2 Fax# ( ) Subdivision L.p,c,..,„ A. ?,,,iy zed Agent &:=,G0£, q>PU S S City itkc ✓.2c L"g ZIP2$t{ j ❑CW ❑EW LPTA ❑.ES ElPTS Phone# ( ) River Basin V4rit OEA HHF ❑IH UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body {J,VW Q..-if ea-- na l ❑ PWS: ❑FC: - yes / no PNA yes / n� Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body 0 g%� R i Vt-� f Project/Activity 1-t S C Ilk I L, (i) X i � PS6(1 N 1 Li '"l.0 !L--35 )ck)length 'D X \�� J (Scale: i I I Dier(s) :ngth I hj 1E 1p/ �_ r_�`" "'`_ � N imber id/Riprap length f ,g distance offshore ax distance offshore s :hannel I • ibic yards I ' l mp use/Boatlift 3ulldozing _ _ 1-1\11 tl.tAS le Length not sure yes -.rip r1_ gs: not sure yes ^ D - rium: n/a yes yes lie)^ Attached: yes ing permit may be required by: _J P L 1LSJ V 1-LL'6 See note on back regarding River Basin I GUE BANKS MARINE CONSTRUCTION II Wachovia 1326 111-D TURNER'S DAIRY RD Wachovia Bank,N.A. MOREHEAD CITY,NC 28557 wachovia.com 66-21/530 .1C U ca /f. -c 0 ite;-----. .- l..l L .-c'/,,(C c-%-�4G'-__-_/ d. #1c/cCG DOLLARS 8 I A vyo /A/ ! V LL " 0 0 L 3 2 6 ii■ 1:0 53000 2 L 9': 20000 2 4 8 3 011.40 AUTHORIZED SIG URE I AVA 14ICDERI North Car olina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F.Easley,Governor Charles S.Jones, Director William G.foss Jr„ Secretary Date 30 p • Applicant Name leCon rt G 4 rat rr a,✓ Mailing Address 49 - I certify that I have authorized (agent) [. . S r- I � to act on my behalf,for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA Permits necessary to install or construct(activity)___,Lichdir /y 6 die?'cr' at(location)_ 1-014 ''-' e-siii.v Zile_ .. , RECEIVED CCM WILMINGTON This certification is v thrn(date) / FEB 2 2 20( Signature r pgcszvEri MRRINE CONSTRUCTION .4., DOCKS, SEAWALLS, BOAT LIFTS, & REPAIRS ) J=� 200 7G7_ ' J-v w wo'ses ,;,6 dt-A:,!i p l'‘,(1.L;/‘.'/ S.e4r.E: c.46N:;Is t)1 Mi-IP PAGE* 02 _ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STAMIENT (FOR A PIRRIMOONING PIIJNOZVEOATLIP7YROATROME) I hereby pity that I ovdo ta upon)* adjacent to . ,eirlece 4 f.'n DAV t Nam athwart,Gower or AftalAvog) livitliftng ashiross if tlitferattt f $ocatioas Wass t.,Q12114:' _ ' gig...2- .e„;) -• (tOwn,state and z n ,ip) 1.--' (424:c)__ . _ ------- pbont numbers you COI be reached al. ,,... 1 \.a.j ,.10 , - /.."- .!.. __:___ ...... .(ta . C. 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NC it • . :• ; FEB 2 2 2008 t:EB 1 8 2908 Morehead city pc '\ 3liiiw, 17 I ,-- • 1::: VL k e_ CaA tit( e) -Ir - ii 1-4,t ,"`"" 13(1. kswovale-, 0. G./ 1 ka W)a r,'vve Cam+Sivi-ictisiJ .0 TTrher$ 9 c-1 kcl t 557 z - -. 72rc - o SS 1 •BSc, /00 x 6,, � R . . fie p'l�s'I RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON NC !--c,t- 1 e pdeS FEB 2 2 2008 0 ei‘, ..,r, r alp • 10 at,6eli.d. I... .:_s.! � 1, . -ems h-- i: :i FEBr S 1notj Alin ro in,.-- _ . _.