HomeMy WebLinkAbout52010D - Council CAMA / ❑DREDGE & FILL IENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued zed by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC 211 /1Q Ci L3RGles attached. Name (I JIZ /,4 C 0 (a,' Ci L- Project Location: County Rfl cr^,..1 c-✓/C Ac f f a (' 1(9,Q ,,.✓d 6/V ,s7, " SGd Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) )/9 ..s0„// 9y e/71 irr//I- State, C ZIP 27305— ( /!/) 7 21-79 d7Fax#( ) Subdivision :dAgent 6 2 .e.,y Poic/Ps-, city I1aL[hr er9c A ZIP 2e/4 ❑CW ❑EW E PTA DES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) River Basin 6-1/m G ❑OEA ❑HHF D IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body(gr."4 1 04 9./6vl✓ (natj ❑ PWS: ❑FC: 'es _ PNA yes / n�6 Crit.Hab. yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body 0/14/11 Project/Activity if P LRee 1 <_i.S 4,-5 /-1Goa.0✓ fi,.,,,Z A--1,4#47,4 C/ (Scale: k)length / s) ---IH-- C/9 "1/i[ -^1 .r(s) 1 igth iber f _ /Riprap length 3 Q distance offshore 2 _-_- l-_ (distance offshore 2 annel I - ': N is yards 56i`�h pl v e/Boatliftfor _,.....- dldozing ®^� ' i — b 'dgobEkwgd 1 Length Q . not sure yes : not sure yes eS:/ 4.,- i i-- 4�'n _ /''I um: n/a yes ��/��'I d yes ttached: yes I 1 - ig permit may be required by: /h/dON aMc I 1 I See note on back regarding River Basin r 1 . ', / .0/ l - I I f - . —.rA / / I�.1 n ' - - J - . _/ _ n �4`��J.�J;.tis'S' �°?`3 �A;�o�T";'4 rv"rii w. g fir.MM - .K IULKHEADS 2953 iOTHY HOLDEN 4576438 HERS 5202642 ID SW /4/' Of 66-1215/531 Pfee / J 840 g ,/VR $ vvcit.,24 ports. IJ AlV240 ?1:8000L S 7 5 3000 295 3 O s ear,G(„�� WILDLIFE PORTRAIT$®WP ��V 3-2007 10:02 From' To:®429606 NOPYIVIR North Carolina Department of En *iiinerd and Natural Resources Iwe�F.,EIS*,doren,c,r Division of Coastal geneaement des It**sport.Director Meru G Rose Authorized Agent Consent Agreement 07t- 140 Uetok 10114611Ii.e.r y..n herebv authorized to act on•mf der to obtain en,r CAIMA pami s)Aagi ired lot the poverty Mimed below. The authorization is limit fIc activities described in the attached sketch. AT1ON OF PROJECT: IPERTY OWNER SWUNG ADDRESS: .. \ J \.\e No - k WORMED AGENT MAILING ADDRESS: o 2- 5 te ;4n t:y �. ;'v Jy 1C OS3Ve PHONE NO, 9/D al_' 25 z 02-14-08;01 :06 ; 191084298a ; C 49 ' e%) 001 ?‘"i) Id(' - 1 1 I I Ha 1 /Ct S4St 1 eb 13 08 12 : 19p Feb 13 08 08: 53a Greg Holden 8429806 I "W-t7J-<17br huge From: P' To:0429086 P,2 CV,I3TIFISD MAIL .R iCjP'1'svigIJE,$TED VIVlS19N OF COASTAL.MANAGEMENT ADJ CgNT RIP6tUANPR9O('IIJYJ)WNFI vOTIFIC4'IONIWA(VER FORM The purpose ot'this form is to provide proper nonce to you as en adjacem riparian property owner to the whim:u ei or individuals listed below. The CAMA General Pennir application procedures mount) applicants provide the Division of Cautal Management conlirmatlon that a wrinen stotoment has been obtained signed by the adjacent riparian property owners Indicnting that they have no objection to the proposed work pt that the adjacent;Virgin property owner,have been notified by certified moil Odle proposed work. Often These forms are submitted to the adjacent riparian properly owner,by a marine contactor or entice individuals acting as an authorized agent on behalf or the applicant. This form woo aunt to you by the followlnu Itedlvldtal or company designated by the applicant as an authorized agent: Authorized Agent's Signature pate Name of Individual Applying For Permit: l C '(1 - C Qj4C r Address or Property /f ! t$ 7C r ,s (Lot or Street M.Street or Hood) ,/70la�. (City and County) hereby certify that I own property adjOCent to the above-referenced property. The individual applying for rhi5 pertnr has described to me as shown art the attached drawing the development they ore proposing. A description or drawing with dimensions. should be provided with this loner. I have no objections to this proposal, tr ynv hovc objccriona ro what Is being proposed, please write the Division or Cnastnt Hanagemcni, t:1 Cardinal Urtvc Extension.Wilmington.NC 24+05 or colt 910-796-72IS within in days of receipt of this notice No respaose is considered the some as no objection if you hove bees notified by CrrItried Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that u pier, dock. mooring pilings. breakwater. boat house or bout 1111 must be act buck a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian recess.mom waived by me. (1f you wish to waive Ili setback you must initial the eppropritrec blank below.) I do wish to waive the IS'setback requirement l Wog wish to waive the 15"Setback requirement. AiT0 aiwiw h : TRILINK FAX NO. : 3368879343 Feb. 13 2008 03:06 .r 6b 1 08 1 1 : 31 a Gt+� • ~fit v-o-ciden .,,.vc _..wH 70 1 den c r t C't $`-i"a?qgtkp It -p C R F fge r • PLv.IS14N OF 00 SYA( �! - r.t r..T \ ♦ •/tip it.a,L . • The putpaao of this form id to prowl*or inoividuels limo below, The Wane to you ro•n a4laccnt dp�s ply�ma the iwirldwt Coastal Management confirmation tttA G ni Pe,m t es appheatlop proecaures rngwre tbwt oppiicena provide me Divisl ineieatiag that they have no objection to the pfo o ed vro* dtor dt oed i1/�Dy the adjacent Norm PI Sbeen property by certified nail of the proposed work. Often these wlz esc riparian ptopareY owner*nave been no consr cwr or other iudi•idwls act floats ate be aili*d e e adt:.e+tt tiPerion prap�,"mere by n I acting w an authorized agent ot,bcfisitof>be oppl3canc. This form ions sent ell you by the folkrwing btdivtdnol or mammy designated by the applicant as as aatbori=ad agent: Authorized Agent's Sigtutture Name of Individual Applying For Permit: 00C (Q 04C.r Address of Propeny: I! 544 4 f 5 34- I Le�a ffor Streee 0.Street or Road) (City and County) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the ebove.rt:ferenced property. The individual ppi;fng for this has described to me as shown on the attached thawing the development they ore p ropostag. A description or di with dimensions.should be provided with this letter, I have no objections to this proposal. If'yob have objections to wba: Is being proposed. pies*. write the °Melo. sr Cotntni rtsesteme+ Cnnlivat Drive Entbrtaioo,WitrniriKasw.,NC 21405 or coil 9t0-7116-'nttwithin 10days of receipt ottbie No response is considered the same as no objection ir you have brew notified by ermined Mail. WAIVER SECTION 1 understand that a pier. dock. mooring pslkrp. breakwater. boat home or boot lit must be sat minimutA diktaace of IV from my arse of riparian wefts-*rancor wgived tz' m. (If yam wish to wi setback,you atesc initial the opprmpricte 01swk Whew.} I da wish to waive the 15'setback requirement i (loot wish to waive the i S'setback requirement r.. -04.1PAZIA _ _20 �- _ -.